ADOR Chapter 11: Two Weeks To Live

Story by Vinyl_Wubs on SoFurry

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#11 of A Dash Of Recklessness


"Maybe you'll be one of the patients that get lucky?" Red said, being the first to break the long silence. I looked at him, hopelessness in my eyes.

"Red..." I said

"Come on Dash your a fighter! Nothing bad is going to happen okay?" He interrupted. I sat there on the bench with him, staring straight ahead. There was a long pause that lasted minutes, before I spoke up.

"The pain in my wing is back..."

Red looked at my wing, then back to me.

"It's probably just sore.. You have been flying a lot lately, you should take it easy." He said hesitantly.

"Red.. It's in both wings this time.." I muttered, making eye contact for the first time since we sat down.

"You just have to take a break is all! Give your wings a little rest you know? It'll be okay." He said.

"NO IT WON'T!" I screamed, jumping to my feet.

"Dash calm do-" He said before getting interrupted.

"Just shut up!" I yelled. "Stop being so.." I hit him in the chest, "GOD!" I hit him again, "DAMN!" I hit him again.. "OPTIMISTIC!" I tried to hit him again, but he grabbed my hand and stood up.

"Let me go!" I yelled, struggling to get out of his grip. He stood there, looking at me. "Let me... Let me...." I started to say, losing the will to speak. I burst in to tears, falling into him. His grip changed from my arms to my whole body, as he embraced me. We stood there, his arms locked around me as I wept into his shirt.

"I'm so sorry Red..." I said, muffled by his clothes.

"We'll get through this together." He said, lifting my chin up. His eyes were so beautiful.. More now than ever. He didn't look sad or scared, just a smile on his face.

"No tears now." He said, wiping them from my face. "So long as I am here, I won't let anything happen to you."

I stared up at him, getting closer and closer. My lips were drawn to his like a moth to a flame. I kissed him as my arms grew tighter around him, tears beginning to flow stronger than before. Our lips grew apart, as I stared up to him.

"Never give up hope... Never." He said as I rested my head on his chest again.


I was sitting at the bench in the park, thinking about everything that has happened. I looked down, putting a hand to my stomach. I'm pregnant, but I may never get to know what it's like to be a mother, and it's all my fault. My wings are my life, but I shouldn't have made such a brash decision with not just MY life on the line. If only I could go and take everything back. I would be happy living my life with Red. I could have accepted living without wings, but I wasn't thinking... I just wasn't thinking. It's been a week since Dr.Cross told me about the other patients. About a month after the surgery is when he said the patients died. Implying there is no difference between me and them, I should have about a week... The pain in my wings is getting worse, so I have stopped trying to move them entirely. But even then, I still get spasms... And even at random times I can feel a sting through my back. With a smile, I got up and started walking from the park to Twilight's house. It took a little longer than normal. For some reason, my legs just started getting sore, like I had been walking for miles. I finally got to her door and knocked. A few seconds later it opened, and I was greeted by Spike.

"Hey Rainbow Dash!" He said with a smile.

"Hey Spike, Is Twilight home?" I asked.

"Yeah I'll go get her, come in!" He said in happy tone. I walked to the couch and sat down, watching spike as he ran up stairs. A few seconds later I heard a muffled conversation start through the ceiling. After it ended I heard laughter, followed by loud footsteps. Twilight started hopping down the stairs, Spike clinging to her back, arms around her neck to hold on. They were both smiling and laughing as she carried him down the flight. She ran to the couch I was sitting on and flipped Spike's small body over her shoulder, slamming him onto the couch. I watched him bounce up as his momentum started to slow. He was giggling like a little kid. Spike might be a dragon, but he is pretty small, standing at only about 4 feet off the ground. After the laughter subsided, Twilight sat down, next to me, spike climbing into her lap.

"What's up?" Twilight asked.

"Nothing much, just wanted to stop by and say hello." I replied, looking down at spike, who let out the occasional giggle from the wrestling match they just had.

"How's Red been doing?" She asked, putting spike into a head lock.

"Pretty good. Why do you ask?" I said.

"Just curious is all. How have those books been?" She said, tilting her head.

"Books?" I asked quizzically.

"Yeah, Red stopped by the other day and picked up a quarter of my library... I hope you two are taking good care of them.." She said with a half worried expression, before bursting out into laughter as Spike began to tickle her sides. With that, he was released from the head lock.

"Spike stop!" She managed to get out, barely able to speak as she clenched her sides, attempting to grab him. He moved behind her, out of her reach and continued to mess around with her ticklish sides and abdomen. I couldn't help but smile. A devilish grin swept across my face as reached over and pulled Twilight to the ground, lying atop her.

"Dash what.." She said, still recuperating from Spikes torture. I held her arms down with my hands, and her legs with my legs. I looked back at Spike, who was just as surprised as Twilight. I motioned him over, as he realized what I was doing. His look of shock turned to the same evil grin I had.

"Dash get off m-" She stopped as she began to twitch. Spike had began to stroke the bottom of her feet softly. Twilight struggled to get free, but to no avail. She started laughing uncontrollably.

"NOT THE FEET PLEASE SPIKE!" She screamed before falling back into a haze of laughter. With her arms safely restrained by my hands, I moved them a little further up her arms. My thumbs began to rub her arm pits, her eyes went wide as her laughter escalated two fold, now beginning to tear up.


Her horn began to glow. I raised an eyebrow as she arched her back, thrusting her hips up, pressing her crotch against mine. I looked down and realized...Her clothes below the belt were soaked. Her eyes rolled back as she let out a scream. Spike immediately stopped and I jumped off her, surprised at what was happening. He laid there, back arched, toes curled, and twitching. I blushed as I realized she was having an orgasm, and a powerful one at that...

"Twilight! Are you okay?!" Spike asked in a worried tone. I shot my eyes to spike,

"Spike, up stairs, now!" I demanded.

"But Twilight.." He stuttered.

"NOW!" I screamed, causing him to jump back and bolt for the stairs. As soon as he disappeared into Twilight's room, I looked back down at her. She was fast asleep.

5 MINUTES LATER: Rainbow Dash's POV

"What...Happened?" Twilight said, opening her eyes. She looked around the room, noticing she was lying down on the couch, seeing me in a chair that I had moved to the couch, facing her. Her face lit up bright red as she remembered what happened.

"Did i.." She muttered.

"Yep." I said, smiling. She refused to make eye contact with me, now sitting up.

"Stop looking at me like that.." She said. All I could do was smirk.

"I told you to stop tickling me..." She said, looking up at the large smirk and squinted eyes. She turned away, growing a brighter shade of crimson.

"Shut up..." She said quickly.

I moved to the couch, now sitting beside her instead of infront of her. She refused to look me in the eyes, which only delighted me. I leaned in close to her ear and whispered,

"You know.. You sure made an awful mess." She looked at the spot she was lying at before, noticing the soaked floor. She looked down at herself, seeing her clothes were still wet below the belt. Her face turned brighter as her embarrassment grew. She turned to me,

"Dash please don't tell anyone! This is really embarrassing and I know I should have spoken up before but It felt so good and I tried to warn you and.." She said, before being interrupted by our lips meeting. The sudden osculation of our soft tender skin meeting made her eyes widen as she stared at my closed eyes. Her surprise turned to a tranquil acceptance as her eyes drifted closed. The kiss lasted for what seemed like forever, our tongues fighting for dominance as it got passionate. Our faces strayed apart as we gasped for air, panting, a single strand of saliva stretching between us. It was then that I realized our positions had changed in the excitement. She was lying down and I was on top of her.

"We got to stop meeting like this.." I giggled, remembering earlier. I sunk down, about to kiss her again. She put her hands up and stopped me.

"Wait...This is wrong.." She said nervously.

"Come on Twilight, it's just two friends having a little fun..." I said, licking my lips.

"What about Spike... He.." She said as I put a finger to hush her.

"I sent him to Mrs. Cake for a very special order..." I said, a grin returning to my face. Her eyes widened in astonishment.

"How did you kn-" She tried to say, before being silenced with a kiss. Our lips parted and I stared into her eyes.

"You talk too much." I said. "Let's get you out of those dirty clothes.."


"That's it!" I yelled. "I'm going home." I got up and walked towards the door, before being stopped by Mrs. Cake.

"W- Wait Spike! It's almost done really.." She said hesitantly

"That's what you said 30 minutes ago. I'm tired and I'm going home. Just have it delivered when it's done okay?" I said before walking outside and heading down the road.

"You can have a free cupcake!" I heard her yell, but continued walking. This is the last time I get talked in to waiting for this stupid cake! When I get back there I'm going to sleep. A little weird how Rainbow Dash sent me for a cake after Twilight passed out. I should have stayed.. I hope she'll be awake when I get there. I hope she's okay..


I moaned as her tongue flowed like silk across the smooth lips of my pussy. I dug my mouth into her soaked snatch, enticing a cry of pleasure. She placed her hands around my waist and pulled me down closer, her tongue sliding deeper inside me. The ecstasy of pleasure radiating through both of us send chills through me as our saliva mixed with the many juices flowing from our love canals. I gasped as I felt something penetrate me. I looked down and saw her pushing two fingers inside, rubbing sensually up and down my labia. With the same thing in mind, I slid my finger into her as well. We both sat there, lost in euphoria. I felt her clamp down, trapping my fingers inside. She yelled out, her scream muffled by my velvet pussy. Her shriek of rapture pushing me over the edge from the sheer vibration of her voice. We both went limp, lying there in a 69 position. After a minute I got up and laid down beside her. We turned our heads, looking at each other. A smile on both our faces, causing us to start giggling.

"We should do this more often.." I said, my heart rate beginning to slow down.

"Absolutely." She responded

"What was that thing you did earlier with your horn?" I asked curiously.

"Something I learned in a book.." She said coyly.

"You should get me a copy.. That was fucking AWESOME!" I yelled. She giggled.

"Maybe we should get dressed?" She said, motioning for their clothes.

"Yeah your right. Spike should be home any second now." I said, jumping up and grabbing our clothes. After we got dressed, we sat back down on the bed, sitting in front of the other.

"Hey Twilight, Speaking of books..." I asked.

"Yeah?" She said

"What did Red get specifically from your Library?" I asked curiously.

"Mostly books about our Anatomy. Thinks about nerves, the skeletal structure. Medical texts and such.." She said, her smile turning to a frown. We both knew at that moment why he asked for them. Our heads turned away from each. After a minute of silence, we looked back. I noticed tears starting to gather in her eyes. Everyone had heard the news the doctor told me. As hard as it was, I had accepted that I might not live for very long, wanting to forget about everything. I told my friends I didn't want to talk about it, and that if I didn't think about it. It wouldn't be so bad... But it was inevitable. I knew the subject would come up eventually.

"Does Spike know?" I asked, breaking the silence.

"No.. I haven't told him yet." She said hollowly.

"Are you going to?" I asked, feeling as though I was going to start crying as well.

"And tell him what!" She yelled, tears finally streaming down her face. "That you're going to die next week?"

"Twilight I.." I said, the first of many tears seeping down my face.

"How could I! He's so sweet.. Innocent. I can't... I just can't tell him." She hollered.

"Well he's going to find out eventually!" I said, raising my voice.

"Rainbow Dash wait.." She said quickly.

"No Twilight, Don't you get it? I have an expiration date now. I'm up all night, wondering when it's going to happen. I cry myself to sleep!" I screamed.

"Dash stop!" She said with an alert expression.

"Just accept that next week, I might not be alive anymore!" I shrieked. Then everything grew silent. I noticed the look on her face of genuine shock. But she wasn't looking at me... I turned around, Spike was peeking into the room, tears staining his face. He burst from the doorway and down the stairs.

"Spike!" I yelled. I jumped up and ran after him. I ran to the front door and swung it open. He was gone.. In the hurry I was in, I hadn't noticed Twilight didn't follow me. I listened, and heard her sobbing upstairs in her room. My head was spinning. I wanted to fall over and cry, but I knew there were more important things to do right now. I had to find Spike.


After asking around the town, going from person to person, I think I know where Spike may be. I headed down to the Cake shop. I opened the door, hearing the bell clink against it. I looked around, and sure enough, Spike was sitting in the far back corner, in one of the booths. As I got closer, I noticed Mr. and Mrs. Cake sitting with him. She caressed his head on her shoulder as he cried. I approached them, noticing that they had been crying too, but had run out of tears awhile ago. Spike however, didn't seem even close to done. Mr. and Mrs. Cake looked at me. We nodded to each other, and they got up and left. I sat down next to Spike, taking a seat beside him. He looked up at me, sniffling.

"Why is this happening..." He said with much sadness in his voice.

"I don't know Spike.. I really don't." I said, putting a hand on his shoulder. He smacked my hand away

"Stop it! Just stop trying to comfort me!" He sobbed.

"Spike..." I said

"No! It's not fair! You didn't do anything wrong. Why is this happening to you, WHY!" He yelled

"I know Spike... I'm scared.." I said with sympathy in my voice. "I know more than anyone Spike. But I know grieving about it isn't going to help."

He looked up at me, his expression growing sadder. "I'm... I'm sorry" He said, suddenly clinging to me. I hugged him, holding him close.

"I know Spike..." I said, wiping tears away from my face. "But there's someone that needs you right now. And she's waiting for you at home."

He looked up at me, sniffling, and nodded.


"Go on Spike, Twilight needs you more than ever." I said, gesturing to the door. He turned the handle and opened the door. He turned around, ran and hugged me, before going back inside. I closed the door and started to walk back home. After a minute or so I stopped and turned around, looking up to the second floor window of Twilight's house. I saw Spike in Twilight's lap, both of them crying in each others arms. I continued walking until I got home. I opened the door and noticed a trail of papers leading to the basement. I walked to the door and opened it. I headed down the stairs, hearing the bubbling of beakers and test tubes. When I got to the bottom, I noticed the place was a mess. There were books scattered everywhere, papers on the floor, random books opened to pages about the nervous system. I saw Red mixing chemicals together. He looked tired and frustrated. In a fit of rage he swept his arm across the table, knocking all the beakers and equipment off, shattering most of the glass made bottles. He put his head in his and began to sob. I approached him and put a hand on his shoulder. He looked up at me, bags under his bloodshot eyes. I hugged him, squeezing him tightly.

"I'm so sorry Dash..." He cried, tears rapidly sliding down his face. "I said I would protect you... But I don't know what to do."

"It's okay Red." I said

"No its not..." He said in a hopeless voice. "I have tried everything, read every book, and done every spell. I can't find anything. If only I had the answers to take it all away..."

I held him close, my tears pouring down into his hair, as his sobbing grew louder. I have never seen him like this before... He has gone through all these books, all this work.. For me?

"I love you so much Dash... Please don't leave me." He said, another round of tears riding down his face.

"I'm so scared Red!" I said, now sitting in his lap, head nuzzling his neck. Our tears stopped immediately when we heard a knock at the door. I looked at him, wiping my tears away. We both got up and walked upstairs. Hand held, we opened the door, and who was there shocked me.

"Princess Celestia?!" I said, nearly falling back.

"Hello Rainbow Dash." She said with a smile. "May I come in?"

"Of course! Take a seat on the couch" I said, motioning to it.

"I'll make some Tea, stay right there." Red said before bolting into the kitchen.

"There is no need for.." Celestia tried to say, but stopped after he disappeared from sight into the kitchen.

"What brings you here Princess?" I asked curiously.

"Well.." She said, "I heard about what happened... And what is going to happen."

My surprised faded and the sadness from earlier returned.

"So you came to grieve for me..." I said in a depressed tone.

"On the contrary." She said in a serious tone. "I came to tell you that I could care less."

I froze. What did she say? I...

"I don't... Did I do something wrong?" I said, confused.

"No Rainbow Dash. In fact, you haven't done anything. Which is why I came." She said.

"I... I don't understand?" I said, looking up at her.

"You shouldn't be sitting here waiting for it to come. You should be out having fun." She said with a smile.

"But... How can I have fun knowing I only have a week at minimum to live. I don't want to die.." I said

"I don't either. But neither do all who live through such times of fear. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us." She said, never losing eye contact.

I thought about it for a second and said, "So... What your saying is.."

"Have fun." She said, "You know, a great man once said, 'The fear of death follows from the fear of life. A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any time'."

She put a hand on my cheek and said, "So go live."

I thought about it for a minute. My frown turned into a smile, and I looked at her with a fire in my eyes.

"Thank you so much." I said, hugging her. She hugged me back, her body radiating with the heat of the sun.

"Now, I have something for you." She said, reaching into a pouch on her side. She pulled out a folded piece of paper and handed it to me. I grabbed it and unfolded it.

"What is it?" I asked,

"Read it" She said

"Dear Rainbow Dash, You, Red, and your friends are hereby invited to the Summer Sun Festival. I hope to see you there. This year's festival will be taking place in Canterlot. It would please me greatly to have you and your friends by my side when I lift the sun into the sky. Yours truly, Princess Celestia." I paused, looking confused.

"But Princess.. The festival isn't until next month?" I said

"Not anymore. Due to special circumstances, it has been changed to tomorrow." She said, giving me a wink. I smiled and jumped off the couch, hopping around the room in excitement.

"Oh my gosh! This is awesome!" I said, unable to contain my joy.

"You stay here and take it all in. I'm going to have a chat with Red if you don't mind." She said, moving toward the kitchen.

Red's POV:

I stood there over the stove, waiting for the kettle to boil. Tears beginning to drip from my eyes.

"Hello Red." I heard a voice say. I turned my head to see it was the Princess. I quickly wiped my tears on my sleeve.

"Sorry Princess. This kettle is just taking forever..." I said, hiding my face.

"Really?" She said, suddenly standing only a foot away from me, looking over my shoulder. "Well you know what helps with that?" She said, putting a hand on my shoulder. I turn to her,

"What?" I asked.

"Turning the stove on." She said, giggling. I looked at the stove and facepalmed.

"I'm sorry Princess... I just.." I said, flustered.

"Let me help with that." She said, picking up the cold tea kettle and dumping it all on my head. I stood there speechless and confused. She put her hand to her mouth and giggled.

"I suppose I deserved that?" I asked, shivering.

"Perhaps." She said, setting the kettle down. "If you did, then I guess I shouldn't feel bad. Should I feel bad?"

There was a short pause before I finally said, "No... You shouldn't feel bad."

"Oh? And why is that?" She asked, looking me in the eyes.

"I have been trying to find something to save Rainbow Dash, but no matter where I look I can't find an answer!" I said, sorrow filling my voice.

"We hear only those questions for which we are in a position to answer them. But the truth is, sometimes there aren't any answers. And we have to learn to live with that." She said.

"But it's not fair! She didn't deserve any of this.." I shouted at her.

"Expecting the world to treat you fairly because you're a good person is like expecting a bull not to attack you because you're a vegetarian." She said, keeping her calm tone. "Believe me, I know more than anyone that this world is unfair. People die, accidents happen. Things we lose have a way of coming back to us in the end, if not always in the way we expect."

"What do you mean?" I asked

"Love is how you stay alive, even after you are gone." She said.

I stopped and thought for a minute. "I know... I know Princess. I just..."

She pushed my chin up to face her and said, "In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on."

A tear slid down my face as I stared up at her.

"Never forget those words." She said in a kind and loving tone. "And she will never truly be gone."

I smiled, having the hope I had lost earlier, return to me. The Princess got up and began walking toward the other room.

"Don't keep us waiting, Rainbow Dash has something to tell you." She said.

"Oh! But what about the tea?" I asked curiously.

"I hate tea." She said casually, leaving the kitchen. I stood there, processing everything that just happened, and started to laugh. I turned around and headed back to the living room, only to be tackled by Dash at the doorway. I slammed into the ground as she sat on top of me.

"Princess Celestia changed the Summer Sun Festival from next month to tomorrow! Let's go together and mess around. Live a little! A day with you, me, and our friend and...Why are you wet?" She said, looking at my soaked clothes.

"Long story." I said with a chuckle, looking over at Celestia, who was just about to walk out the door.

"I'll see you two tomorrow." She said, giving me a wink. I looked back at Rainbow Dash, who was still lying on top of me.

"Hey Red..." Dash said.

"Yeah?" I replied.

"We're all alone now..." She said, giving me a fiendish smirk. Her eyes widened in surprise as she felt something poke her. She looked down,

"Great minds think alike!" She said before jumping to her feet and down the hall. "Don't keep me waiting." She shouted from the bedroom. Boy what a day this has been... Celestia is right, You can't stop the future, you can't rewind the past, the only way to live to press play.