The Simple Things. Chapter Sixteen.

Story by Roofles on SoFurry

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#16 of The Simple Things

The Simple Things

Chapter Sixteen

By Roofles

"You looove me," Richard teased. "You waaaant me." He nosed. "You neeeeed me." He rubbed up my sides with his hands now making me squirm in the embarrassment I was already suffering from. "And I'm willing to give it allll an more." Richard said almost sweetly but was far too smug. We both knew exactly what it was the horn dog wanted to give me.

"Enough already," I said trying to tap out as his legs stayed wrapped around me. I don't even know how we got into the position. One second we were standing up fighting. Next we were sitting down in front of each other, hugging with our legs around the others, groins grinding and chest nearly touching. "It was a slip of the tongue. That's all."

"I'll slip you the tongue." And I groaned at that one as Richard nosed at me. One misstep around this dog and you'd become pudding in his paws. Kneading at my sides and rubbing his whiskery chocolate brown fur muzzle against my cheek all I could do is sit there and take it. "I'll slip you more than just that." He growled playfully and I knew he wasn't kidding as he pressed against me, it was hard not to notice at this point.

"I'm sure you will." I could only reply with a roll of my eyes but didn't pull away. His fur was soft, luscious really and it was all I could do to not run my fingers through it. Richard was warm, musky and all too willing to show off his nearly naked body for me. And damn, he looked good.

"Have," Richard corrected what I had said and chuckled a bit pulling back to look at me, petting the side of my face with one of his hand-paw that could probably smother me if he so chose too. "I have slipped you one, the other and all of it. Above. Below. And from behind." The chocolate labrador growled a bit at that, wrinkling his nose and rocking his whiskers back and forth as if trying to contain a laugh at his own remark.

I laughed at that, a soft chuckle really and patted his chest. I kept running my hands up and over that chest of his and down, around his sides. Richard had good muscle tone, firm pecs, strong shoulders, trim sides. A body you could eat off of (if he wasn't covered in fur that is). He always protested about the belly he never had and that made me feel spiteful for the fit, healthy dog unaware of what he had to offer. Not to say I was bad looking or physically unhealthy just a couple pounds I'd rather drop. Pressed up against the dog only made me more aware of this fact however. That and Richard was currently rubbing my belly, or trying too.

"Lay back silly." Richard nosed my face with that bumpy, damp, black nose. It took me a moment and he gave me an encouraging nudge. The look on his face clearly told me I was missing something that should be extremely apparent. "Here," Richard rolled his eyes and gave me another nudge; with strong fingers he gripped my arms and slowly laid me back, my legs were still wrapped around his waist and from the angle we were in I was glad I still had (his) briefs on or he'd probably slip me one. I just ended up on my back with Richard's bare feet rubbing at my sides and slightly underarm.

"There." Richard said satisfied looking down, over me with eyes that devoured my body. There was that smug look on his face again as if he had finally won an argument and a victorious lust filled growl sounded in his throat. Strong, semi coarse, leathery paw padded fingers traced over my bare naked torso. Blunt claws followed behind as he turned his hands using the palms of both to knead and rub over my sides before dragging those claws down the front and to my belly. In which he began to scratch.

I don't think I ever received a proper belly rub before. And if it wasn't Richard doing it I doubt I would really enjoy it, he was good after all.

"I can't believe we haven't properly done this yet." Richard nearly growled at himself for not thinking of it sooner. "How is it?" Richard asked only after scratching over it several more times and watching with such soft eyes it made me melt.

Ok, so this was a good belly rub. Because Richard was giving it.

"It's good," I replied truthfully. I wouldn't ask for one in the future but wouldn't refute one either. Being pampered like this was a first for a change and all I had to do was lay back and just do...well nothing.

Richard kept his nails neatly trimmed and dulled down so they only grazed over my skin as they scratched. Sideways, up and down, clockwise and in ways and forms I didn't even think of. Richard gave my sides a squeeze with his bare feet bent down enough to kiss at my chest, the whole time just scratching over my stomach and lower chest. By then I had closed my eyes and just let the dog do as he pleased. He was enjoying it more than I after all.

I was sure Richard kept watching me as I muttered, groaned and enjoyed myself. He enjoyed the enjoyment of others; and the bulge in his pants was proof enough about that. Then again Richard always had a respectably decent size bulge in his pants, so it was kind of hard to tell when he was just happy to see you or if he was really happy to see you - as in the end of things Richard only seemed to have those two options.

That bulge, of course, was planted firmly between my legs and grinding up against my rear as my legs rested up and over his thighs and around his back.

"Comfy?" Richard asked and all I needed to do was giggle a bit as he tickled my sides to give him the answer he wanted. "Good." He growled nosing down to kiss at my belly and down to my briefs. In the same instance fingers looped into the waistband of the briefs I wore and gave them a tug down. Richard gladly pressed his black, damp bumpy nose against my groin. His nose was like an ice cube.

I gave a bit of a jump at that and only blushed further as Richard coaxed my legs up into the air, resting onto my back even further so he could angle my hips off the mattress and his thighs. With the weight off of them it only took another tug to strip the thin fabric off and down my legs to be snagged by Richard's teeth and pulled the rest of the way off. He tossed them aside, keeping his hands firm on my upper inner thighs and then looked back down at me with a growl of lust. My leg's were still up in the air.

"I think you're going to rape me." I muttered seeing the look in those eyes.

"I think I'm going to rape you now?" Richard came off at first intimidating and yet finished meekly with a question. His eyes lit up with hope and happiness at the very idea. It'd be rude to say no at this point anyways. An it was already hard to say no to Richard.

"I'm sort of surprised you haven't already," I half chuckled still trying to hide my blush. Ever since I misspoke those words Richard had been rather...physically expressive. Touching, nuzzling, licking, kissing, groping, hugging, groping, cuddling and more groping mostly. To the point, if we hadn't withdrawn, Max would've tossed us both outside and hosed us down like rutting pigs. His words, not mine.

Richard had practically tackled me to the couch kissing me deeply after our fight. Of course, seeing as how it was Richard, he had laid me gently down onto it without even letting a breath of air separate us after locking lips. From there, after being kicked out, we receded back to the bedroom where we ended up like this. I'm not even sure when Richard had taken his cloths off. To be fair covered in fur as he was he always had some kind of cover on.

"I'm surprised too." And, even butt naked, we exchanged a look and a laugh after. "I had planned on bringing you in here and just mounting you like a stallion." And Richard attempted to whinny. I laughed at that, lowering my legs back down to his sides and sat up a bit.

"Your kind of all sorts of adorable, you know that?" I teased with a smirk. He folded his ears.

"I'm not cute or nothin'." Richard mumbled scratching his cheek and looking away, guilty over the fact he loved hearing what I had said. His tail was wagging.

"You are so...beautiful, to me." I song and that made him look away even more embarassed and if he could, or if I could see it, I was sure Richard was blushing. "Can't you see, your everything thing I hoped for. Your everything I neeeeed." I squeaked a bit trying to go higher than my voice could and nearly fell back in the same moition. "You are so beautiful....and I forget the lyrics from here, something about happiness in my pants an joy you bring to me-he-heeee." I tried to go higher again and got only laugh in return from both of us.

I felt like an idiot being butt naked singing You Are So Beautiful by Joe Cocker - well he sung it anyways - in front of the chocolate labrador that was equally in his birthday suit.

"Well you are." I frowned looking at the dog, resting back a bit more on my arms and trying to ignore the fact his rather predominant groin was pushing against mine now. "You're a handsome son of a bitch." And I waited for him to continue smiling, not wanting to offend even though I had spoken before I thought about it. "And you're funny. An sweet. Holy hell, you're sweet. I've never been with someone so passionate before." I went on to rant practically just waiting for a response or a laugh from the man straddling my hips; Richard just smiled and wagged his tail at me.

"And fun. And handsome. And a good dog." I said at the end with a bit of a frown. "Are you happy now?"

"Very." Richard just smirked.

I giggled as Richard hugged himself against me and tried not to be too concern with the fact I was not only butt naked but we hadn't had the time to close the door exactly either. That rich chocolate fur muzzle brushed against the side of my face as he murred deeply, a sound I had only heard from him in deep affection. The groan that followed was from the fact he had gotten up on his knees to press down against me. I closed my eyes as that rich fur washed over me like a musky heavy blanket.

His lips brushed my cheek as he turned his head. I moved over to receive the kiss he was waiting to give. It was tender, sweet and short and it stole my breath away. He nosed down to kiss my chin, underneath to nip along my jawline. Slurping over the side of my neck before biting down softly where my shoulder and neck met, just under the leather collar I was still wearing. The very site of me wearing it seemed to arouse something in Richard that wasn't just in his pants.

I wrapped my arms around him and hugged the heavy, musky, warm dog against me as hard as I could and got a grunt in return. A hump. And then a "hold on a moment." And so I watched as the dog pulled back out of my embrace, panting open maw now and practically drooling with lust as he took a hand to adjust himself. And yes he needed a whole hand to do it.

A fatty sheath sagged low with a chocolate fur covered sack that dangled down between his legs; twin orbs rocking back and forth with his labored heavy pants. The very tip of Richard's black self wasn't even poking free of the fatty, unfilled sheath and yet it was already large enough. Richard was a show-er as well as a grow-er.

I muttered looking at it. It made the dog's perk an eyebrow.

"What? Is something wrong?" Richard asked trying to contain his concern and the possibility that I was about to deny him. This. And everything in between this.

I did look away. "I forgot just how...large you are." I cleared my throat a bit trying to not sound like it was as big of a deal as it was. Tt was.

"Oh," Richard said opening his legs up and looking down at himself. I couldn't help but smile at the semi-retarded way he did it. "I never really thought about it." He said in full truthfulness. I would've been an arrogant prick if I had a dick like that. Richard? He was as humble as a well hung boyscout. "It's not going to be a problem is it?" He asked looking up at me now and bumping his cold black nose against my chest, looking up with those warm uncooked brownie eyes of his.

"We have done this before." I frowned at him. He made it sound like I was a virgin or something. "It's just..." This was the first time I really looked at him before in the light of day. And before I had been seduced into a high lustful state of mind that no man could turn down. And now? In the morning, after hurling and confessing to Richard? It was just...different. "I got a headache," I lied through my teeth and winced after I said it. I could've just told him the truth, hell be far more believable than the lie.

Richard moved back a bit and I waited for him to get on me about it. To growl, yell or even leave due to me teasing him like this and then just flatly refusing. He didn't. As ever he only made me feel worse on the matter by being such a saint. "I'm sorry, you did drink a lot. I didn't even think to ask how you were." He said with such concern I felt nothing but guilt after. He pet the side of my face and kissed my forehead. "I didn't mean to force you into anything. Can I just...snuggle with you then?" He asked looking me over once as if to make sure I was ok with it.

"What? Well yeah of course you can." I moved over and he laid down beside me. I felt his hand on my face, his thumb rubbing over my cheek as I stared into those uncooked brownie eyes. I wanted to apologize but it wasn't like before. Richard had made it so romantic and caring before this was just a spontaneous urge to fuck based on words I weren't even sure were true. Plus hurling my guts out a half hour or less before didn't help either.

And of course that wouldn't be a problem at all, just a random fuck, not like I hadn't done that before or had it done to me before. This though.... It was different this time. It was different because it was with him. He wasn't just a random coworker anymore.

"Do you need me to get you anything?" Richard asked still petting the side of my face, turned towards me and just smiling so softly he'd put a newborn mother to shame.

"Max got me some already, thanks." And it was true. My headache was there but not enough to make me stop what was about to happen. I couldn't meet those earnest eyes after my lie.

Some would question it but the fact of the matter was it was easy to deny, lie and even tell myself otherwise. The truth of the matter was, Richard was in fact a dog-man. And as such his equipment was a bit...different from my own. One of these things is not like the other...

"Richard," I began turning onto my back and covering my eyes with an arm. I wanted to think this out, talk to someone about it. Just not with him. I wanted to bail. Be able to have my alone time just to mule over all of this. The past week. Of Richard. Of us. We had been together nearly since I met him. And I needed my space, just to think about it with a clear head. I had been so wrapped up so far in this "high" Richard brought on whenever I was with him.

His hand rested on my belly as he propped up his head with his other arm. He looked down at me with a smile and those warm soft caring eyes. It only worsened the guilt I felt making it a rather large pit in my stomach by now. I wondered how he felt then, in that moment. About all this. Of me. Of us. Of the fact his hand had roamed down to rub over my semi-hard self.

"You know," he spoke up before I could collect my train of thought. "I read somewhere that a Bj helps with headaches." His lip lifted up in a toothy grin. I gave him a look. "It was in a book. It has to be true!" He insisted not losing that smirk on his face. "Really." Richard just nudged his muzzle down towards my groin. "I only want to help," he whined and I chuckled a bit at that.

So I sat up, brushed the side of his face with my hand making him look up at me; held his hand still on my cheek and then kissed him. It was a simple thing really. But sometimes those were the best.

"Wow." Richard said as my lips parted with his. He took a shuddering breath and looked at me.

"May I, then?" I asked kissing the side of his face and then down his chest before stopping above his groin. I looked up at the dog who, subconsciously, opened his legs up at the action.

"I thought you had a headache." Richard said as if to refute what I asked and yet his eyes clearly told me how much he wanted me to do just that.

"You said it's good for headaches." I countered and he gave a silent nod in defeat.

"Are you sure about this?" Richard swallowed loudly as I stayed where I was but brought my hand down to traced the side of that chocolate sheath. It twitched in response and Richard sucked a breath in through his teeth, sucking in the gut he didn't have.

"I just want you to know how much I like you." I said rather cheesily, semi as a joke and mostly true as I wrapped my hand around his sheath, feeling him inside and gave it a good stroking jerk. To be honest I wasn't really sure what to do make his toes curl and so just as I felt like, thumbing the opening and grinding my palm against the base of it. Richard's whole body humped into my hand and when he came back down his sheath was already mostly filled. Impressive magic trick, I wondered what he'd pull out of it next.

I stroked my finger down that loose flesh and to his hefty sack. And, with a swallow, bowed my head down to give it a first taste that I planned to finish; rather than teasing him as before. Richard placed a hand on the back of my head and lazed back with a low satisfied groan that filled the whole room - keep in mind that was before I actually touched him.

The first thing I noticed was the warmth of him, no wonder why Richard was panting. He was sweltering and if dog's could sweat... well thankfully they couldn't as I took a taste. The second thing was the powerful male musk of the dog that I was oddly finding to be rather appealing. I thought it had been strong before, sticking my face first into his groin brought whole new levels to it. The third was the fact I could only fit one of his testicles into my mouth. Slurping it up and in, nomming over it and giving it a playful tug as my tongue danced over an around it - a bit worried I'd get a fur ball after I'll admit. Even giving it another tug, it had little effect on the dog that hung proudly low. Still Richard was enjoying the attention.

In the process I rubbed my nose amongst his curly fur and got an even stronger dose of his warm musky scent as Richard murred deeply, encouragingly pressing my head against him further. I brushed the side of my face against his thickening sheath and got reward with a low, almost whineful moan from the dog. And Richard rubbed his fatty, plump sheath back against me.

"Oh, oh babe." Richard huffed, panting louder and having to swallow. "You don't know how good this feels." Seeing as how his leg next to me was practically twitching with joy I could imagine. "I could stay like this for the rest of the day." And I think he was actually asking me too as he gently pushed my face further against him.

I figured I'd deal with only one thing at a time and seeing as how Richard's tip had emerged I focused on that. We'd deal with the whole sleeping face first in his groin another day.

I bit softly at the base of his sheath after letting his hefty orb slip free; the action made him squirm more and only aroused the dog further. I rubbing his inner thigh with a hand and rolled his sack with the other. Moving down I nuzzled at it, that hefty bean bag of his, before moving it aside to tease and bite right underneath it. Nosing and biting at his taint. It was then that Richard actually pushed my face against him with a low, deep growl of a groan he pushed back against me. Gripping the back of my head with his fingers he huffed loudly and relaxed, pulling back a bit with a soft whine at the action. At least I knew his sweet spot now.

He petted over my head leaving me there as I nosed and nipped at him a bit more before pulling back up and away, if only for some fresh air - he needed a shower. His other hand then reached down to hold my chin, guiding me up and to the opening of his tip. I just nodded with glazed eyes as I moved down to french kiss him, deeply shoving my tongue all the way inside that engorged sheath and tasted his bare naked flesh. Richard gladly slipped me one back.

His sleek rigid shaft slid up and over my tongue, using it as a red carpet to slide right into me. I wrapped my lips around it and gave my first suck over it, pressing my tongue on it's underside. I could make out the veins in it as I slurped up to the speared tip and teased it. I could already taste Richard's pre as it began to leak freely from it. Bitter, salty and I'd forever remember it as Richard's.

I gave a tug with a finger on his sheath, pulling it down and allowing his forming knot to breath freely. Richard clenched his teeth the whole time I was doing it and let out a low groaning sigh after. He rubbed the back of my head, behind my ears in thanks for that. I returned the favor by wrapping my hand around that forming knot and giving it a squeeze. An like a turkey baster the action caused a rather decent squirt of pre to shoot into my mouth. I rolled it around before swallowing it all. I winced a bit at the acridness of it. It was worth it to make that tail begin to wag once more.

It became rather methodical after that. Richard was big and took his sweet time reaching full mass. So I, in turn, did the same. Kissing, nuzzling and licking over him. Whispering sweet nothings to the dog as I stroked him with one hand and massaged his sack with the other; rubbing my cheek against the side over his obelisk. I wasn't in a rush, nor was Richard. So we took our time just enjoying this together.

Richard was vocal and not without pleasurable groans either. Helping me find that sweet spot to knead at and tease; guiding me around his groin to satisfy his aching needs. Where he wanted me and how he liked it. It wasn't a command only a request I was glad to full fill. His voice was like warm, sweet honey the whole time I was nibbling at that rock hard knot of his.

It was only as I teased Richard's tail hole with a finger that he clammed up. He nodded and bit his lip only whining when I stopped. I watched him the whole time, kissing over his now fatty length as I teased him further. Rubbing counter clockwise before using a finger to teased further inside.

Richard stretched out a leg, holding his breath before relaxing; coaxing me back to his groin as I slipped another finger inside him and began working them as I wrapped my lips around his shaft once more. He used that stretched leg to wrap around me and rested back a bit more, closing his eyes and giving himself fully into it now. And I was glad I could do this for him.

Forcing a third finger inside, I gave his knot a good jerking and began rocking up and down his slick, very fat member. It made my jaw ache. I quickened the pace not used to this kind of service. And Richard caught my cue and began rolling his hips, not that he needed much persuasion mind you. I help one of his firm muscular thighs for support as I went along for the ride.

His plump black rocket was ready to launch and all it needed was the final countdown.

It took my whole hand to wrap around him and I kept my mouth only over the end as I jerked him off, still teasing him with my other hand. Richard loved humping his knot into my closed fist wrapped around him and every time he tried to force my hand around it it made him groan, spraying more pre.

"Babe," Richard panted, easing up a bit. "Do you want me to continue or finish." I had to quirk an eyebrow at that. I normally didn't really have a choice in the matter. He must've caught the look I gave him as he rubbed a hand on the back of my head. "Ok." He just smiled at me. "Get ready then." And began to slowly roll his hips and shoving his length into me, down my throat. I had to fight my gag reflex. I really wasn't used to this.

As Richard warned it happened, much to my relief. My jaw ached, hand was tired and needed a good breath of fresh air. His tail hole clenched shut, his thighs tightened, if possible his musk was stronger as his sack clung tightly against him; his shaft standing tall, rigid before finally unloading.

Throbbing pulses made his sack jump, streams of white ribbons launched as Richard snapped his muzzle shut and gripped the bed with both hands pumping his load into me; Richard fought the urge to just jump wildly against me, it worked...somewhat. That rich, musky slightly salty broth filled my mouth quickly and even trying to chug it all down, it spilled out and over down my chin until I nearly gagged at the quantity of it; pulling back off of it...I got the rest of it right in my face, over my shoulders and down my chest.

I just let it happened and just kept my eyes tightly closed. It was sticky, warm and I knew I'd be smelly like Richard for a long long time.

Richard groaned low, deep and rested back as everything finally began to stop. He stroked over himself a bit, milking himself for all he was worth (which was a lot). He opened his eyes and said one word, as he had before.


Richard sat up and looked down at me and that smirk on his face would be glued to it for the rest of the day I was sure. He cooed softly nosing down at me. He licked over my cheek softly, slurping it over with that large tongue of his. Richard did much the same for the other cheek. And began cleaning up the mess he had made. Over my chin and neck, forehead and just slurping over my face several times for good measure. Lapping it all into his muzzle; using his hand he tipped my chin up and kissed me fully, deeply and began shoveling it back into me.

He held my shoulders firmly as he held the kiss not letting go until I swallowed every drop of him. Only after did he part, lick his lips and then kiss me once more. Pushing me onto my back and just pressing himself onto me. With one hand he began rubbing his release around on my chest, only smearing the mess further.

"That was wonderful." He breathed against me. Even his breath smelt like his release. I twitched my nose wondering if I could smell anything else ever again. "You need practice though."

"Practice?" I asked with a scoff.

"Yes. Lots and lots and lots and lots," Richard droned on as he rested onto his back. "Of practice." He finished looking at the hand he had used to rub my chest with. He brought it over to lick it clean then turned towards me, with a grin.

"I think I had enough Richard for one day." I groaned, rubbing my gut. "You cum too much."

"I didn't hear you complaining the other night." Richard continued to smile, clearly enjoying all this a little too much. He rolled a finger around in the air. "Every single drop. Right in your tail hole." He giggled a bit and I pushed his side before settling back down. He wrapped and arm over my head and pulled me against him so I was wresting in the crook of his arm.

"You need a shower." I muttered after a minute or so passed as we soaked in the bliss of his after math.

"You love it." Richard just replied as smug as ever. "You loooove me, you neeed me." He began against and I gave him a sharp nudge with my elbow. He winced, pulled back and then rolled over ontop of me, hugging me against his musky body. I tried to push him off. "But really." He stopped looking down at me, his arms on either side of my head. "You need a lot of practice. I'm willing to coach you. Don't worry. I'll only drill you every other day." And he gave a stupid, cocky grin at that.

"And the days you don't drill me?" I dared to ask with a roll of my eyes.

"I'll let you suck me off." He just shrugged.

"Oh, you'll let me? You're too kind." I just frowned.

"Yes. Yes I am." And he wagged his tail. He brought a hand down to rub my cheek before dropping a finger to tug on the collar still around my neck. "You got cum on your collar."

"You mean you got cum on your collar." I said rolling my eyes.

"It's yours now." Richard wagged his tail. "I gave it to you."

"Yeah. Only so I can go to that bar."

"Then why are you still wearing it?" He countered and I couldn't come up with a good reply for that one. "Don't worry. It's nice leather, it won't be ruined so easily." He wiped over it with a thumb. He offered his thumb to me after. I refused. "You know there are people starving in other countries..." He frowned.

"I don't think this is what they are starving from." I frowned looking at the black charcoal paw padded thumb still in my face. I licked it just to make him get it out of my face.

"Good boy. I knew I could train you." Richard smirked before laughing and apologizing seconds after. "I couldn't resist, give me a break. You're wearing my collar. And you do as your told. And well..." He scratched the side of his face. "I would like too...put a leash on you... and then..." He cleared his throat and didn't continue.

"What?" I asked with a frown.

And Richard replied tactfully. "Sack to the face." And then teabagged me...

"You really need a shower." I said only after he practically sat on my face.

"Oh." Richard looked down at me. "Only after your turns over." He grinned and then proceeded to sixty-nine me.