Lion King 2: Version 2 - Chapter 3: Of Royal Blood

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Morning had come over the Pride Lands. Kopa, however, was still in the process.

The young lion prince was almost fully grown, but still had some skin to fill. The brown patch of hair that merely rested on his head as a cub had flourished into thick, flowing mane that made him appear mature beyond his years. Beneath this regal image,however, lay the heart of a cub and Kopa's rambunctious tendencies betrayed his noble facade. He certainly wanted to be king one day and listened to every lesson his father gave him, but decided that until the day came when he succeeded Simba, he was going to enjoy his life to the fullest.

He was definitely enjoying this morning. The lionesses that had reached the age to hunt were out finding a fresh meal and in the meantime, Kopa had snuck around to the backside of Pride Rock and stood, looking out over his eventual kingdom. The lion mrrred as, underneath him, one of the younger lionesses was suckling his cock.

"That's it Kiara, suck Big Brother's dick," Kopa encouraged, closing his eyes as Kiara's head rubbed against his the fur on his stomach and her tongue danced around his shaft. "You can't wait until I can finally fill your pussy with my cock, can you?" Kopa could feel his sister emphatically nodding to his question. She didn't bother to release her jaw's grip and answer him, she just enjoyed the warm lionhood in her mouth.

Kiara was just a couple seasons away from her first hunt with the other lionesses. She was no longer a cub, but was still small compared to the matured females of the pride. Her petite, nubile body and light, fair fur made her the envy of the older lionesses and the desire males. Until she was old enough to hunt, however, Nala had made both Simba and Kopa promise that they wouldn't penetrate her virgin pussy. Nala enjoyed sex just as much as the rest of the pride, but having seen Scar fuck her mother and may of the other lionesses during his reign triggered a protective instinct in her where she didn't want her own daughter's chastity taken until the right age. Unfortunately, this plan slightly backfired and the princess Kiara grew an addiction to oral sex and for the taste of a lion's cum. Most of the blame lay on Twaana, who began pleasuring Kiara with her tongue at an early age. The two weren't that far apart in age and the older Twaana was excited to have another female cub to share her experiences with.

Of course, Simba and Kopa took advantage of the no-penetration loop-hole and hooked Kiara on the taste of their juices by giving her so much attention. For the princess, sucking off one the lions brought about so much praise that she continued doing it as a cub and eventually acquired a taste. Still, her hindquarters yearned for something to placed between them and at night, she fantasized about Simba and Kopa tag-teaming her on both ends. This way, her eager pussy would be satisfied and her belly would be filled with warm cum. Many of the lionesses said that a cock is overrated and that most pleasure came from the clit, but Kiara wasn't so sure this was her case as the remaining lionesses swore to having the red shaft of a lion shoved into their cunts.

Nevertheless, Kiara continued to caress her brother's barbs with her tongue, feeling the precum ooze from his cocktip and into the back of her throat. Getting bored with being gentle, she began to push Kopa's cock as far back as her mouth would allow. She felt his dick push against the back of her throat and she coughed slightly, sending her spit running down Kopa's member and dripping off his ballsack. This didn't deter her, though, as it was a process she had became used to. The extra saliva made the cock run more smoothly through her muzzle and the sound of her brother smacking the back of her mouth made her cunny wet for the sensation of it one day smacking against her legs.

"Oh God, I always forget you're as good as you are at this," Kopa said as he tried to savor to sensation and not lose his load. "When you're done with me, I don't think you'll need the food the hunting party's bringing back."

Kiara actually let go off her brother's cock, sending as glob of spit crashing to the ground, "I don't know, Kopa. Dad filled me up pretty well earlier this morning." She nuzzled his belly just to ensure him that she was teasing, "Of course, he had the pleasure of getting me off beforehand, as well."

"Well once I'm able to properly fuck you, you'll have a whole new meaning for the word full," Kopa said jokingly, but still feeling the pressure of being inadequate compared to his father.

Kiara had stopped deepthroating Kopa's dick and was merely licking it. She loved toying with her brother's competitive side since it only made him cum harder as if his balls knew to spew more than usual in an effort to live up to the competition. With this in mind, she said, "Well, you know Dad's still bigger than you right?"

Just then, she felt Kopa's body tense up. He wasn't going to let her get away with that, so he grabbed her neck with one paw and pushed her muzzle back over his cock. The lioness was only happy to oblige to the command of her brother and she went straight back to devouring his now harder liondick.

"Just remember I've still got room to grow." Kopa said.

However, even after Kiara's efforts, Kopa's attention went elsewhere. He began to smell the lionesses coming back from the hunt. His stomach growled as he realized he hadn't eaten yet. He sniffed, trying to get a better idea of what was for breakfast. Then it came to him and his face lit up, "They got zebra! I love zebra." His hips waggled in excitement making it difficult for Kiara to keep her hold.

"Come on, hurry up," he said to his sister, knowing full well that it was his fault that he hadn't blown his load yet.

"Get on your back then," Kiara said, pulling herself out from under him. Kopa did so and Kiara stepped over him and straddled him with her face at his crotch and her pussy hovering over his muzzle. He wanted to taste it, to suck in every taste and smell that she produced.

"Don't start what you can't finish. I just want to give you a little visual aid," Kiara said almost reading his thoughts.

The young lioness waved her cunny in Kopa's face sending it's heat and scent down to his nose. He wanted to claim her right then and there but, as always, had to constrain himself. She was definitely Twaana's apprentice as she took charge to get what she wanted. Normally, Kiara was quite innocent in demeanor, but when she wanted her belly full or her twat wet, she knew what she had to do. With his sister's virgin cunt just inches from his face, Kopa couldn't help but feel his groin constrict.

Kiara could feel he was getting close and moved her mouth momentarily to his furry balls. If he could just jack himself off with his paw, this would all be over, but Kiara knew how to draw it out and it always felt amazing. The lioness moved her focus back to Kopa's shaft, bobbing her head furiously over the now pounding cock. Kopa's hips jutted up, but Kiara held him down. Kiara's ass on his chest and her paws holding down his legs, Kopa was ready to explode.

"Holy fuck! I'm cumming!" Kopa growled.

His entire body was now locked in tension as it put its entire effort into shooting his juices. Kiara was prepared as Kopa's body finally let loose and her brother's cum shot through his shaft and into her muzzle. She was surprised by the amount that flowed down her throat as she swallowed several times and Kopa only supplied her with more.

The lion's hips were dropping as his body relaxed from such an effort, but Kiara kept sucking and making sure that every bit of semen made it to her mouth. For her, this extra time meant less of a mess and she knew that for the males, having a muzzle around your cock was never unwanted. She also knew from watching the boys with the rest of the pride that they liked seeing their work splashed across their mates' faces, so sometimes she'd let whatever cock she was blowing loose from her jaw. The mixture of relinquishing the red phallus and its natural tension from ejaculation made it move in unpredictable directions sending the cum flying all over her soft, panting face. She always licked her lips after she did this because it made the lions almost get hard again,and if she caught a drop of cum it only made it better. But that was only if she let it go.

Either way she finished, Kiara would most likely be serviced in return. She had learned quickly from her mother how the males ticked and, at an early age, she managed to take it to the next level. But today, Kopa was distracted and with his balls empty and his dick returning the blood back to his body, the mind in his head could momentarily think for itself. At that moment, he wanted food and the hunting party had just about returned with their prize. Kiara got off him, allowing the scent of zebra to replace the musk of his sister's cunny.

"You coming to eat?" Kopa asked as he jumped off the ground.

Kiara was sitting, wiping her mouth with her paw, "I'll be there in a minute. Come here really quickly, though."

Kopa stepped towards his little sister and she, in turn, grabbed his neck pulled him the rest of the way to her muzzle. She made sure to open her mouth wide as they kissed, making sure that he could get a taste of his own seed. Finally, she let go and they both smiled.

She knew he'd be back.

Kopa ran down the slopes of Pride Rock, leaping over the rocks and twigs that barred his path on his way to lunch. He came upon Timon and Pumbaa who sat next to an overturned boulder, arguing over which grub tasted better. Next to them was his half-brother Mheetu who turned his attention from the bickering friends to his oncoming brother. Kopa kept running hoping he could dodge the little cub.

"Kopa!" Mheetu called, scampering after him in an effort to catch up. "Wait up, Kopa!"

The prince slowed down with a sigh. He was really hoping see Twaana before the eating began, but he felt bad ignoring his half-brother.

Mheetu was the squat cub of the older lionesses and Simba, conceived during one of the pride's seasonal orgies. Kopa felt sorry for him and, yet, was slightly envious of the cub's situation: He wasn't in line for the throne, but that also meant that he had no royal aspirations, only the knowledge that he would one day have to start his own pride or find another in the surrounding plains when was old enough. Kopa knew he had it good as the successor to the throne, but sometimes daydreamed what it might be like to roam the savannah finding and fucking lionesses at his own accord.

"What do think's for lunch, Kopa?" Mheetu almost always insisted on saying everyone's name every time he addressed them.

"Well, I smell zebra," Kopa said as he started to head for the altar.

"Really, Kopa? I smell gazelle!" the cub licked his lips in an exaggerated manner in effort to make his older brother laugh.

Kopa grinned slightly, but kept walking. "I'm pretty sure it's zebra."

"Wanna make a bet?!" Mheetu asked confident in his sense of smell.

"No, Mheetu," the lion said, speeding up his pace. He just wanted to eat and to talk to Twaana.

Kopa loved his both Kiara and Mheetu, but they were both his younger siblings and he found it difficult to carry on a normal conversation with either of them. She might have been fantastic at blowjobs, but Kiara was still more of a sister than a friend like Twaana.

As he came around to the altar, he saw that Simba was making his way down to meet the party. Nala was the one who carrying the zebra carcass in her mouth and behind her was Tesma with a small gazelle. The little shit was right! Kopa thought as both lionesses dropped the meals at Simba's feet.

"Told ya," Mheetu smiled as he passed his older brother.

The pride started eating, taking apart the former animal's body. Kopa stared at Twaana as she devoured a piece of the equine's stomach. He had hoped to catch up with her before the eating began, but he was going to have to wait.

* * *

After the bones of the animals had been picked dry, Kopa walked with Twaana out into the savannah grass away from the rest of the pride. The two laughed and pushed each other about as they joked about their days.

"So how'd you score a gazelle?" Kopa asked.

"Well, not to brag or anything, but I thought I smelled it when we were taking the zebra back." Twaana sat with her chest pushed out in a confident fashion. "It looked like it was young one that died a little before we got there. I guess the rest of its herd knew we were nearby and left it."

"Oh, so you caught a dead one," Kopa teased.

"I said I smelled it. I didn't say anything about catching it," Twaana retorted.

"Not to brag or anything, but I'm pretty sure even I could catch something," Kopa leaned in close to the lioness. He was smug in the way he played with Twaana.

"Hah! I'd like to see you out on one the hunts. Asking your mom what to do next," Twaana wasn't about to let Kopa go down without a fight.

Kopa sat directly in front of the female with a big smile across his face, "I don't have to. I'm a prince."

"More like a queen if you ask me," Twaana said with a smirk, never breaking her stare with Kopa.

"Jealous we're not in the royal family are we?" Kopa knew this was a bit of a cheap shot.

"Oh, a father joke. Nice, Kopa," Twaana didn't seem fazed by the attack on her heritage. The jokes sounded harsh, but the two had done this most of their lives. Twaana even joked about her possible parents from time to time. "Try to keep it above the hips next time... Oh wait, that's where you're mind is most of the time, isn't it?"

"Hey, your dad could be a king. I'm not ruling that out entirely," The Prince said in an attempt to take back his statement. He knew Twaana could get harsh with her words if challenged enough.

Twaana placed her paw on Kopa's nose, "You're right, I could be a princess. And don't you ever forget that." The lioness often wondered who had abandoned her that night as an infant. She didn't let it show very often, instead she tried to keep her emotions close to her. With all Tesma had done for her as a mother, she didn't dare mention that she was interested in finding out who had given birth to her.

"Oh, you're far too rough to be a princess."

"Why? Because I don't suck your dick like Kiara?" Twaana pushed Kopa's head with her paw. The lion realized that he probably still smelled like his sister.

"If I recall, I had you yelling my name a couple nights ago," Kopa said as he got up and nudged the lioness with his shoulder and moving behind her. "Something to the tune of 'You're so big, Kopa! I want you to fill me, Kopa! I want to taste you, Kopa!'"

He said this all with his muzzle inches from her ear. A shiver went whizzing down Twaana's spine. "Did I say all that?" Twaana pressed.

Kopa gently clamped his teeth around her fuzzy ear as he growled, "That and more."

"Ooooh," she cooed, but just as Kopa thought he had won her, Twaana pulled her body under his and tossed the lion onto his back. There on the ground, Kopa saw Twaana in way he hadn't before. She was an animal. Her muzzle fur was red with blood from the meal and her eyes were staring at him with an intensity he had only seen glances of. She was a beast and the thought of her fucking him cased his cock to begin to rise from its sheath. Kopa saw the lioness lick her lips at the sight of his spiny, crimson organ.

"I told you you couldn't stand a hunt," Twaana said. She moved with such motivation, but her body was soft.

"You think because you're on your back, I'm going to suck you off?" the lioness grinned. "I told you I'm not Kiara."

"Fine," Kopa rolled up with his dick hanging half-staffed between his legs.

He tried to lunge at Twaana to try and get around to her tail, but the female deftly moved out the way. The two tussled for a minute, each getting the upper hand, but losing just as soon as they got it. Finally, Twaana jumped on Kopa's back from behind and wrapped her paw around his cock. Just the touch of her pads made it grow longer and harder.

"Not very often we're in a position like this, is it?" This time it was Twaana's turn to talk into The Prince's ear. She began to move her paw up and down Kopa's cock. Even with such little encouragement, the natural lube of precum began to seep out of the male's lionhood. "Oh, I think you like being under me," Twaana taunted.

"I think I like your paw," Kopa retorted.

"That's what's doing it for you?" she asked, tightening her grip on his cock. "It wouldn't be from the idea of having a female dominate you, would it?"

"I don't think it's dominating when it's she who's jerking me off."

"Really?" Twaana laughed. She had kept her paw movements at a slow pace, but after Kopa's comment her paw became a blur around his cock. The lion was surprised as he was moved that much closer to cumming. His legs buckled, but he caught himself as well as the lioness that laid on top of him. She moved back to ear, not slowing down her motions at all to do this. She said, "Because the way I see it is, when I'm jacking you off: I'm in complete control."

Kopa laughed, but he still wasn't going to give Twaana the satisfaction of mounting him. He rolled his body over onto the grass, pressing Twaana to ground on her back. Kopa was back on his feet and, seeing the lioness lying prone in the grass, he jumped on top of her. His face was directly in front of hers and he was staring at the blood-stained lips of the huntress again.

There was a moment's pause as the two just stared at each other, breathing heavily the hot stench of meat between them. The Lion Prince pressed his muzzle hard against hers, their tongues dancing as the two shared mouths. Twaana threw her paws up onto Kopa's shoulders and dug her claws into his fur. The lion let loose a thunderous roar from the ecstasy of the moment.

Just as Kopa had seen Twaana as the animal she was, the lioness saw her friend as the royal figure that he was to be. On top of her, he stood bigger than she had ever noticed him. His red eyes were filled the desire to ravish her. His paws on either side of her locked Twaana in place. She was smiling and her breathing intensified, her chest raised slowly and their warm bellies touched. Her pussy was moistening as she thought about it being filled with his swelling penis.

"Fuck me," she demanded. Kopa's mane hung down over his face as he said,

"As you wish." Twaana gasped as her body was penetrated by The Prince's cock. She could feel him inside her, she could feel him on her chest, she could only think of him. Kopa slowly thrust in and out of her, feeling her twat tighten around him and her claws pushing into his shoulders as she was packed with his lionhood.

As Kopa thrust, the lioness's pussy began to drip with her juices. His pace quickened as he was able to pull in and out of her more quickly. His balls slapped against her and the wet stream that ran from her cunt. The lions locked their muzzles again. Their bodies becoming one moving mass connected at both ends as Kopa continued his charge into Twaana's pussy. The lioness released herself from the kiss to breathe. Her breaths were mixed with her moans and she almost matched the rhythm of Kopa's humping. How could she focus enough to breathe as she felt Kopa's cock taking more room inside of her and his body pressed against hers?

"Oh god, I'm going to cum!" she yelled. She pressed her lips together, closed her eyes and began breathing through her nose.

"Oh god!" she cried again. Her body was getting close and Kopa showed no indications of relenting. He pressed into her and her body felt like it wanted to push something out. The splash of the lions' juices only made her mind focus more on her climax. Kopa felt Twaana's claws even more than ever. She was almost pulling him to her. His hips felt no fatigue as he fucked her brains out, knowing that he was giving her everything he had at that moment.

"Scream my name," he said.

Twaana was thinking so much about cumming that she could hardly hear him. "What?" she said.

"Scream my name!" he commanded. The lioness was about to respond when her body did it. Her insides gave way as she came over Kopa's still driving shaft.

"FUCK!" she yelled. Then, taking in one quick breath she roared, "KOPA!!" The orgasm flew through her body and suddenly, she could breathe. Her body momentarily relaxed, but this didn't last long because The Prince showed he was at his sexual prime. His barbs plucked at the walls of her cunt, making her screams of pleasure harder to hold back.

But then, Kopa ceased. His body slumped as his breathing became harder. Did he cum? Twaana wondered. Why hadn't she felt it? Was everything over? Kopa slowly lifted his head and smiled at her.

"Stand up," he said. Once he had moved off of her, Twaana did so. She looked at Kopa's cock and saw that it was dripping with his precum and her juices, but he was still hard.

The lion circled around her as if he was scoping out her body, but Kopa knew exactly what he wanted. He moved around to her haunches and slid one of his paws through her slit. He then grabbed her tail and spread his tongue starting from her clit, up her cunny, and finally he reached her tailhole. He began to move the tip of his tongue around the outside of her small opening. At points he would push some of the tip in and wiggle it around. Twaana shivered from the familiar sensation, and Kopa made sure to keep his tongue wet.

"Mmmmm. Oh, Kopa that feels so good," Twaana moaned. "You like the taste of my tail?"

But Kopa didn't answer. His mouth was too busy moving around between her pussy and her ass. It passed over her pussy's lips, over her taint, and back to her puckered tailhole. Finally, he spit and spread the saliva around with his tongue.

"Hold your tail up," he said. "I want to fuck you in the ass." Twaana obliged, but Kopa had already jumped up and put his paws on her back. Slowly, he guided his wet cock into her tailhole, pushing gently but with enough force to cram it in.

"Careful," she winced. "I'm still tight there."

"I know," Kopa acknowledged. "But I've seen what you do with you pawtoes. Admit it: you love it in the tail."

Before she could say anything, he pushed his shaft into her backside. It stung slightly, but it felt so good. Kopa slowly started moving his cock back out, but went right back in again. Twaana's cum had already dripped down to her tailhole earlier and made a good enough lube, but Kopa's tongue had spread it out and soon enough, he was moving his hips at a normal pace.

Twaana braced herself for Kopa's ass-fucking. She couldn't describe why she liked the mixture of pain and pleasure that having the lion's cock shoved up her tail did to her. All of a sudden, Kopa's cock seemed a lot bigger than it did in her pussy. She adjusted her stance once more enough so that she could reach back and play with her clit.

"Jeez, it's like fucking a cub!" Kopa exclaimed. His friend was already tight in the tail to begin with, but she was stimulating her cunny and her hips tightened even more.

"How do you know? You ever fuck one?" Twaana asked, both in effort to turn her on and in general interest.

"I fucked you," he said.

"Yeah, but that was when we were," she paused as she winced in pleasure. "That was when we were the same size." Twaana had now started pawing herself off as she felt Kopa's ballsack hitting the back of her paw.

"I remember that day by the waterhole as if it were yesterday," Kopa's voice sounded gentle as he recalled his fond cub memories, but his body stood in stark, ass-fucking contrast. His muscles were tight and his claws were latching onto Twaana's hindquarters to help brace himself.

"The way you spread your legs and looked at me with your tongue sticking out," Kopa's humping began to become harder at the thought of his memories. "I knew that was the day I was going to cream in your pussy."

"I'm surprised you were looking at my tongue," Twaana felt the same horny nostalgia as well, quickly pumping her pawtoe in and out of her cunt. She remembered the cub awkwardly, yet confidently, inserting himself into her then-virgin sex. The way her hymen broke and brought a similar mixture of pain and pleasure that Kopa's present endeavor was bringing.

"Ha! And remember how all the animals started watching us because you started screaming?" Kopa laughed.

"You mean like this?" Twaana started trying to imitate her cub voice. Her screeching orgasm cub-like squeals sent a surge through Kopa who pushed the lioness down onto her chest with his paws. Her tail still up in the air, Twaana couldn't help but let out a laugh in pleasure at Kopa's show of strength. She could no longer paw herself, but she still enjoyed the feeling of having the Prince's balls slap against her soaking pussy. The fur around her legs and his sack was dripping with their combined juices as the lion continued humping her anus.

"You thought I was so big back then," Kopa continued. "Of course your twat was so small and tight, who could blame you?" He started imagining that Twaana's tailhole was the little pink pussy that he violated so long ago.

"Well, I knew if Simba fucked me I'd be torn in half!" she said in all honesty. "I remember when you finally did cum, you didn't know what was happening," the lioness giggled which further reminded Kopa of the cub pussy he was imagining.

"So, you pulled out and covered me in your load," she sighed in fondness. "I had dried cub cum on me for two weeks after that.

"And you still haven't had enough," Twaana's tail was swinging in Kopa's face, so the grabbed it in his teeth and pulled. The lioness roared in an 'Ohh!' as her entire hindsection was growing numb from fucking.

"And then you thought for the longest time," she began, still giggling. "That because of the waterhole, you had to be wet to get off."Doesn't hurt the process." Just then Kopa pushed her hips down to the ground so that she was lying on her belly. His cock-tip slipped out during this maneuver allowing a string of cum to drop to the ground and Twaana's ass to breathe. The lion leaned forward and clamped his jaws around Twaana's neck as he pushed his cock back into her tail. Twaana's paws curled at the power of the Prince's maw. It didn't hurt, but the excitement helped make her even more wet.

"You want another two weeks of cum covered fur?" Kopa asked, releasing the neck skin from his grip. "Or do you want my load of cream inside your tailhole?" as Kopa said this, his lips formed a devious grin.

"Ooooh, cum in my tail you big stud," she over exaggerated sultriness. "I want to feel it drip down my leg."

Kopa didn't even need her permission, he was already on his way. His grunts grew deeper and his thrusts more deliberate.

"Scream like you did by the waterhole," he said, biting her neck once more. The lioness's fur brushing the roof of his mouth. Twaana didn't have to try too hard to make herself scream like a cub again, she had started cumming herself, as well.

Kopa could see the cub pussy before again. He imagined Twaana as she was on her back with all for paws curled up in the air as he fucked her with his cub-dick. Her tight pussy running with her cum as their hips made a blurry mix of pink cunny and red cock.

But back in Twaana's tail, he spewed his cream. The lioness's already filled tailhole was overflowing with hot, white lioncum. The thick mixture splatted to the earth as Kopa slowly withdrew his cock. He collapsed on his back next to Twaana, exhausted. The lioness rolled over to face him, a grin over her face and a resonant purring echoing from her chest. She was his cubhood friend and an animal.

She moved over more and started cleaning the cum off his receding shaft, looking at him with her eyes big and eager. She knew he couldn't give her anymore at that moment, but she wanted him to know that she was still open for more. When she was finished, she pushed herself onto his body, laying her head down on Kopa's rising chest and her own chest in the dip of his hips and genitals.

Kopa raised his head and looked at her as he said, "Still think I can't hunt?"

"I don't think any of that had to do with hunting," she smiled. "Of course, if we ever need someone to hump a gazelle before we take it, you'll be the first to know." Twaana felt her head shake when Kopa started chuckling.

The two lay there in satisfied silence for a few moments. The lion was looking at his friend and the lioness was staring up at the now visible stars.

"You're wondering if he's up there aren't you?" Kopa said breaking the quiet.

"I don't even know if he's dead or alive, let alone if he's a king," Twaana still hadn't stopped staring.

"Well, when I'm made king, I'll find him," the Prince said. "Or about him." He immediately regretting adding that since it implied that Twaana's father was dead, but Twaana didn't seem to notice.

"I don't know if I could ever wait that long," she whispered.

"Well," Kopa said, giving his chest one last heave. "Tell you what, we'll go back and ask my dad what he would do. My guess is talk to clouds."

Twaana smirked, "Okay, let's do that."The lioness rolled off of Kopa, who got to his feet as well. He took pride in the fact that she was now walking with a bit of a limp.

As they started heading back to Pride Rock, Kopa couldn't help himself, "Even if we do find him, I probably still have the bigger dick."