A Dragon's Tale-Chapter 26-A Vision From Hell

Story by Tyro619 on SoFurry

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#26 of A Dragon's Tale

The year is 1999. Retried Marines John Alex Mason,friend Hudson James Weaver and brother Issac Tyler Mason,have stepped back into the Corps to rescue their fellow Marine and brother in arms Wyatt Nolan Clarke. The friends are overjoyed to get the team back together. Little do they know that this is 30 year old John's last mission.....as a human anyway....

That night I had the worst nightmare I've ever had. It was around 3 in the morning when the gunfire started. Several humans carrying shotguns entered our barracks and dragged our friends out. They had come in for us. I sent Adelind and the kids behind me and tried to expel the shotgun carrying humans with a fire blast,but I was muzzled just as I opened my mouth. I tried to swipe at them,but I was chained. One of them threw a single punch to my chest,it knocked the wind right out of me and thanks to the muzzle,I coludn't catch my breath. They then chain Adelind and my kids and dragged us all outside into the grass.

Val,Ator,Vez,everyone,were in chains and muzzled,laying in the grass with looks of fear in their eyes. Val,Shadow and I were struggling with everything we had to escape our restraints. It seemed though,the more we struggled,the tighter the chains got. Adelind looked at me with fear in her eyes,it was a look I will never forget. The sound of a human racking a shotgun filled my very soul with terror. The humans started with Nina.

The man with the shotgun placed it to the joint of her right back leg and shattered it. Nina's blood went everywhere. I felt a chill come over me.

"NOOO",Shadow screamed.

I struggled all the harder against the chains,going absolutely nowhere. The human with the shotgun continued to shatter the joints in Nina's legs. When he was done with her,he moved to Shadow. Shadow's eyes grew huge as the human put the barrel of the gun to his knee. A second later,the gun went off. The slug ripped through Shadow's knee and sent his bone and flesh everywhere.

"LEAVE MY FRIENDS ALONE",somehow,I was able to shout even with the muzzle attached.

The humans worked through my friends,one by one. The smell of blood hung over the air like a thick blanket. I was fighting to get free of the chains. One of the humans laughed.

"Tyro,can you guess whose up next?"

My heart stopped as the man bent over Kayel,and shattered her head with a single shell. Everything seemed to slow down as the cocked the shotgun. The shell flying from the gun and landing right in front of my muzzle.

"NOOOO",I screamed. The human with the gun bent over Tyson,his eyes were huge and full of tears.

"Please don't kill my little brother,Ace cried,please don't kill him!!"

"Your wish is my command,the human laughed psychotically as he shattered the joints in Tyson's legs.

Tyson's scream sent a feeling through me that seemed to have come right from the darkest abyss in hell.


The humans ignored me. The man with the gun worked through my cubs,Helix,Dusk,Ace. When they got to Adelind,I felt everything in my body stop. The man placed the gun to her back left leg and fired. The sound of the slug tearing through my mate's flesh and bone rattled my brain,her scream made the life drain right out of me. Calling everything I had,I shattered the chains and ripped off the muzzle. I was tossed sideways,I looked down to see the kneecap on my front left leg was shattered. The flesh looked like it'd been cut with a pair of scissors. A second round ripped through my back right leg. I began to shake. A third round ripped my other back leg clean off. Now,I was throwing all of my two and a half tons on one leg. It wasn't enough. I collapsed. Tearing off my right front leg. I looked at Adelind,the tears coming.

"I love you",I said weakly as reality set in.

"I love you too"Adelind replied as the human put the shotgun to my neck and fired.

The slug tore my neck open and severed my spinal cord,but for some reason,I did not die. The sound of a machete being drawn from it's sheath filled me with terror. More humans showed up,taking our wings in their hands and stretching them out. I tried with everything I had to pull them back in,but failed. I started to choke as blood filled my throat and spill from the wound,I could taste it as it filled my throat.

The humans laughed hysterically,and started with Nina. Sawing through the bone and membrane on her wings. Shadow was sobbing and screaming at the humans to let her live,but they ignored him. I wanted,so badly,to get up and save my bloody friends and family,but,missing two legs and having had my spine severed,I was incapable of doing anything. It took less than a minute for them to cut off Nina's wings. Then,they started on Shadow. He struggled and fought the humans with everything he had. But he was powerless to stop them from taking his wings from him. They went down the line,sawing off our wings one by one. Then,they got to my cubs.

"I think I'll make an example of your little girl first,he said with an evil laugh.

He began to saw through the bone on Helix's wings. Helix screamed with the pain as blood spurted out.


The human ignored me. I cried as I watched the blood spill down her side. He did Tyson next. Tyson's eyes went wide a he tried to get away.

"Please don't kill me,he sobbed and begged the evil human,"please!"

The human ignored Tyson's pleas for mercy and sawed off his wings. Tyson screamed through it all. "Your turn little boy,he said pointing the bloody blade at Dusk,whose eyes went wide with terror.

"No,Dusk stammered trying to get away,please don't kill me!"

"What kind of man would I be to give your sister such a nice present and not give you one too?"

All the color left Dusk's scales as the human's hand closed on his wing. The yelp he let out when the blade landed on him,it filled me with the purest rage,it was so pure,I'm sure Satan himself had given it to me.

"Please don't kill my little brother,Ace cried,please."

My family,my friends, were being butchered by psychopaths and I was powerless to stop it. It took every bit of five minutes for him to cut through Dusk's wings,my little boy cried through all of it. The sound echoed in my ears and rattled my brain. The human looked at Ace,his dull machete dripping with blood from his brothers and sister.

"Your turn,he said with a voice that contained pure evil.

Ace literally went white as the human's hand closed around his wing.

"Oh look,he said as he brought the blade into my son's wing and started sawing,we have a scared dragon!"

I was so full of rage I could taste it,but all I could do was await my own fate. The men surrounded Adelind,and began sawing into her wings. She gritted her teeth and tears rolled down her muzzle. It took nearly ten minutes for them to cut through Adelind's wings.

Now,it was my turn. He had some of his men pry open my mouth and then he ran the bloody machete across my tongue so I could taste the blood of my cubs and mate,it was the most vile thing I'd ever experienced. The human drove the blade trough the membrane of my wing. I roared from the pain. He then began sawing through the thickest part,determined to make me suffer. It was an hour of sawing before he finished his task. But the worst,was yet to come.

More human's exited the barracks. Galzra,Inoith,and Ator eggs,as well as Shadow's,in their hands. They started with Shadow. They placed his egg just out of his reach,and crushed it in front of him. They did the same thing to Ator and Vanlith,placing their eggs just out of their reach,and then crushing them. Then,they laid Galzra and Inoith just out of their parents reach,and split their heads with the shotgun. Their blood flying into their father and mother's faces. Just when it seemed things could not get worse,the shotgun went off. Shadow screamed.

I looked,to see Nina,the left side of her head...was just gone. The gore was horrific. Shadow was covered in the blood and flesh of his mate. They killed Shadow next,in the same horrific matter. They once agian went down the line,first Rolland,then Ator,Vanlith,Val,Vez,when they killed her,her unborn cubs went with her,then Sozenn and Cora. Now Adelind and the kids,we were all that was left. Horror set in as a dragon arrived.

The human said something to the dragon and then pointed at Tyson. The dragon rolled Tyson on to his back,and ripped his throat out. My little boy then choked to death on his own blood. Next was Helix,then Dusk,then Ace. Now it was just me and Adelind. We looked at each other. We were both covered in our own blood,wingless and unable to do anything,except await our deaths. I did,however,take comfort in the fact that we would all be together again,very soon. The dragon that had arrived rolled Adelind on to her back,and ripped her to shreds. Her blood flying in my face as the humans held my head and my eyes open,forcing me to watch every bit of it. Finishing my mate,now,it was my turn. The dragon rolled me onto my back. I made no effort to resist,what would be the point?

Adelind,my kids,Shadow,Val,everyone I cared about,was dead,killed right in front of me. Why spend another six,seven thousand years on this Earth,with no one to love,or care for? The dragon sank his teeth into my neck and yanked,tearing my neck to shreds. The sound of my tearing flesh was like a ripping piece of paper. The pain was immense. The dragon released his grip and I went limp. With what little strength I had left,I turned to face my dying mate. She was looking at me,tears streaming down her face from the pain.

"I...love you",it took every ounce of what I had left to get the words out.

"I lov.."

Adelind was not allowed to finish her sentence,the human put his shotgun to her head,and pulled the trigger. I jumped awake with a scream. Startling Adelind,my cubs,and everyone in the barracks awake.

"Tyro,Adelind asked with a frightened voice,what's wrong."

My chest was heaving and I was sweating so much it was dripping off my snout and getting into my eyes.

"They killed you,i said panting,the kids,Shadow,everyone."

Adelind warped her wings around my heaving body as Shadow walked in,

"What happened,he asked a bit frightened,I heard Tyro scream."

"He had a nightmare,Adelind said,a bad one."

Shadow looked at me,"What about?"

"I don't wanna talk about it,i said panting,not right now."

"Let's go down to the wash room and get cleaned up,Adelind said,you and I need to talk for a while."

"Shadow,will you and Nina watch our kids?"

"Sure,Shadow said,come on guys."

Ace and his siblings yawned,stood up and left with Shadow. After I caught my breath,Adelind and I walked from the barracks to the wash room. When we entered,Adelind woke the humans who were asleep at their posts.

"Adelind,one said,it's three in the morning,under what conditions could the two of you possibly need baths?"

Adelind explained what had happened. The human put his hand on my snout,when he removed it,it dripped with my sweat.

"Oh wow",the human said shocked. 'Yeah come over here guys,we'll clean you up."

I felt a wave of relief as the cool water began to wash over me. It removed the hot,sweaty feeling I'd had since waking up. The humans did a better job of cleaning us than they normally do,and I was grateful for it. After drying off,Adelind and I walked up to our favorite place. It was a cliff,overlooking the ocean.

The lights from the Resistance ships sitting in the harbor reflected off the water and gave a beautiful night image. The waves crashing against the cliffs and the mist spraying on my face soothed me. The wind swept grass between my claws and on my abdomen gave me a feeling of freedom,reminding me of Tacoma,of home. I wrapped Adelind with my wing and pulled her as close as I could,wishing still that I could pull her closer. The light and the image of the water reflected off her beautiful blue eyes,I saw myself in them.

"Do you want to talk about it",Adelind asked. I took a deep breath,and slowly exhaled.

"It was around three when they came,I said softly,they threw us into chains,dragged us out into the grass,and tortured us to death." "All of us,Shadow,Nina,Val,the kids,everyone." 'Watching you die....."

"It was only a dream my love",Adelind said licking me just below my eye(that was my favorite place to be licked),"none of that is going to happen."

Adelind kept licking me as I continued.

"They killed our kids,crushed Ator and Shadow's eggs in front of them,tore Vez open in font of Val,and....splattered Sozenn and Cora with their...their..."

"Don't go on if you don't want to,Adelind said,"I won't force you."

I lay my head on Adelind's shoulder as I listen to the waves hitting the cliff and the ships out in the bay. The night was lit with thousands of stars,the moon was full and it illuminated the area.

"I love you Adelind,I said,I love you so much."

"I love you too Tyro",Adelind replied softly,"I love you too."

We lay together in the breezy night. The cool air rushing up and over my scales reminded me that spring was quickly on the approach. The lights of the ships reflecting on the water was easy on my strained eyes. I closed them,and listened to my mate breathing softly beside me. I could feel her body rise and relax with each breath she took. The slow,steady beat of her heart calmed me. Adelind had the ability to make me zone out like nothing else. When we were alone like this,when it was truly just us,a feeling would come over me. It was the feeling I had gotten when each of the kids were born,and when I had first met Adelind that snowy winter night all those long years ago. Adelind placed her head on my paws. I licked her just under her eye and then placed my head on her's. She wrapped her tail around mine. We lay like that for a few minutes,and then walked back to the barracks. Shadow greeted us at the door with our droopy eyed cubs. They were yawning and fighting to stay awake.

"Can we go back to the room and go to sleep,Tyson asked,I'm tired."

"Yes son,i said yawning myself,let's go."

Adelind thanked Shadow,and we then turned and went back to our room. We shoved all of our beds together to create one big one. We then lay down,Adelind and I resuming the position we had been in on the cliff and our kids curled up beside us and quickly fell asleep. I felt Adelind relax as sleep caught hold of her. Just as I was drifting off,Shadow poked his head in the door,smiled,mumbled something to himself and then left,shutting out our lights and our door behind him. I lay awake for a few more minutes before a deep sleep finally took a hold on me.

A Dragon's Tale-Chapter 27-Magnificence

Adelind's POV I woke the next morning to the light coming in the window. I gently nuzzled Tyro awake. "Good morning my love,I said softly,did you sleep okay" Tyro smiled and licked me just below my eye. "I didn't have another nightmare,so...

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An Anthro's Tale-Chapter 14-Arrival

The next morning I was awoken when Tristan stuck his head in the door. "Seth,Shelby",he said loudly,"wake up,time to go." "Give us a minute bro",I replied. Tristan smiled at me and shut the door behind him. I looked at Shelby,who was still...

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A Dragon's Tale-Chapter 25-The Informant

As was the MO for the morning,I woke to Adelind nuzzling me. "Good morning my love,she said softly. "Good morning to you too",I said licking her. I looked around,Dusk,Helix Tyson and Kayel were still asleep,but Ace was nowhere to be found. ...

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