
Story by Jizzal on SoFurry

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#3 of Obsession

Chapter III


"Edgar honey, you really have to get up, you're going to be late again."


What a thing to wake up to. Edgar couldn't deny that his mother had fairly good intentions, but she was waking him up for no reason. The rabbit wasn't going to attend school this morning, mostly due to the fact that if he did he would get in more trouble than he had gotten himself into the previous day.

"I don't have class...I got suspended," the bunny mrphed, but he didn't bother to get up from his pillow, or even open his eyes.

"Suspended? What happened?"

"Mom...I really don't want to talk about it right now...just tell dad I'm sick or I died or whatever," it was clear that Edgar wasn't a morning rabbit.

His mother sighed and she left his room, already her day was off to a great start as well it sounded like. As he heard her footsteps lead her upstairs, Edgar rolled over and tried to get comfortable. He was still rather tired; mostly due to the fact he didn't get to bed until the early AM, again. There was also a rather surprisingly vivid dream. The degree to how much it was enjoyed was lined along the rabbit's crotch and the inside of his underwear. His rest however was soon disturbed once again, but this time his father had decided to stop by.

"Get up Edgar, god damn it what are you doing?" His father asked, he sounded rather upset, even more so than usual.

"I'm sleeping, or well I was..." the smart assed bunny stopped himself from going too far, but he sat up and rubbed his face. "I'm not going to school today, I got suspended and I don't feel well anyway."

"Suspended? I just got off the phone with your principle, and according to what he said the dean had told him you were truant all last week. No wonder they suspended you, care to explain that? What the fuck were you thinking?" The black rabbit's voice grew.

This was news to Edgar, and even though he was still groggy he knew what his father just told him, in his usual and abrasive tone, wasn't true.

"I went to school last week. They're full of shit, I swear they're ou-" the young bunny was cut off however, not verbally though. His father had slapped him across the face.

"Stop lying and making excuses! What's the matter with you? I swear you and your mother are the fucking same, just sit around and destroy my house or piss away my money!" The chastising had grown stronger.

That slap had stunned Edgar slightly, and sure enough it hurt, he was too upset to really care. There was no way he missed class, he was sure that he went, that was the same week he made plans, which helped tire him out so that he overslept and woke up late yesterday. Whoever was behind this debacle had something against him; it was probably that dean who was so 'fond' of him, or his English teacher.

Whatever was going on, the brown rabbit's patience was gone.

"Shut the hell up! Just shut up! You don't know a fucking thing, I -went- to school you god damn idiot!" Edgar practically screamed at the top of his lungs. The pangs of pain in his cheek weren't important, he had to be heard.

"Don't you -dare- talk to me like that you ingrate!" His father started up again, but he was cut off.

"Don't you talk to me...-ever-," Edgar demanded while he got out of bed and picked up some clothes that looked clean off the floor and started to get dressed. His mother came downstairs once again and his dad just kept on shouting and shouting. He didn't let the words into his mind.

With both parents soon arguing in his room, the young rabbit simply walked out, ignoring anything that was directed his way and went upstairs. He opened the front door and all that was heard after that was a loud slam as he closed it behind himself.

What a way to start off the new day.

"Damn it..." Edgar whispered to himself. He didn't know what time it was, but it must have been before 8am, probably before 7:30. Whatever time it was it didn't matter. The morning winds were almost unforgiving and cold as his father, and the angry bunny only managed to put on a t-shirt and some jeans. He didn't even bother to put on shoes, he just wanted to get out of that war zone, and being the escapist he was, he left.

Almost to the point of screaming out in public, the rabbit walked along the sidewalk until he got to his favorite sulking space and sat down. Cars sped by before him as the speed limit was of course ignored, and his face fell into his palms. Now he just wanted to cry. It was so unfair.

As the minutes dragged on, he started to feel better slowly but surely. He didn't bother to get up from the cold, hard concrete as he just sat there and thought. He needed to talk to someone, anyone that was understanding and could lend an ear. Edgar had let himself burst free from his mental restraints, but he was lucky he didn't say anything too hurtful to his parents. He was glad he didn't strike his dad, that aging rabbit probably wouldn't have been able to take it.

"Heh...I could kick his ass..." Edgar muttered to himself. The slow process of making himself feel better had begun.

Of course it wasn't the first time the rabbit had to leave the house to get a moment alone, otherwise he wouldn't have found his own 'secret' sulking spot. Life was stressful, and the worst part about it was there didn't look to be any improvement. After high school there'd be college, and after college his life would 'really' begin and he'd see the 'real' world. If this 'fake' world he had been emerged into at the start of his life was a precursor for how his life was going to be once he was living on his own, there wasn't a damn thing for him to look forward to.

Study hard in college and it'll pay off...right, unless he knew someone powerful or got lucky he figured he wouldn't have found a decent job to support himself. He didn't even know what he wanted to do with his life, he wasn't good at anything was the mental mantra he developed shortly after a few of his superiors, aka teachers told him so. It was impossible to live by that day in and day out, though life wasn't -that- bad. Edgar knew he was lucky, very lucky.

He had a roof over his head, his country allowed freedom, or well certain freedoms, and he did have both his parents. His older brothers were always available to talk with him least that was what they both told him before they left. Even they knew that their young sibling was going to have a rough time. He didn't bother trying to talk to them however, they -must- have been busy being so successful and happy and...Edgar was really bad at trying to cheer up.

Just when he was thinking about his brothers he reached around inside of his pocket and pulled out his cell phone. Maybe it was sheer luck, or possibly fate that he had left it in those pants he was wearing. Even if it was a sign, he dismissed the idea of calling someone. Usually when he heard that anytime was a great time to talk, whoever said it meant the exact opposite. Still at war with himself, he flipped open his phone and discovered he had over half a dozen missed calls, that were made within the last half hour none the less.

"Lenny..." now Edgar wanted to cry again. With an exasperated sigh he put his phone away, and didn't bother to take it off of silent mode; he wasn't in a talkative mood anymore.

There was one person he could have probably spoken to...but that person was a long bike ride away. The fact that said individual had boldly claimed things that a normal person would have deemed psychotic didn't register in his mind. Edgar had sulked enough after nearly an hour of sitting and feeling sorry for himself. He tried to think of ways of how to get through the day, but it was going to be hard. First thing he had to do was head back home.

Once the bunny had opened the front door, he tried to sneak his way downstairs only to discover that his parents hadn't left his room, they were both sitting on his bed. At least there wasn't any shouting.

"Son, can you sit down please?" His father asked in an almost defeated tone.

Edgar gave a shrug and turned the chair around that was at his desk and faced his parents, not saying a word still. His foot paws felt rather sore and cold so feeling the warm carpet on them was a nice change of pace, and of course his sore backside enjoyed the cushioned chair as he looked to the rabbit and skunk that sat before him.

"I know I over reacted," his father started, though over reacted was one hell of an understatement. "I did get a phone call this morning from your English teacher, and he said you had missed his class for the past week. Now, why did you skip class?"

The young rabbit sighed and rolled his eyes, starting to feel anti-social again.

"I didn't skip class, Mr. Eings is just a douche bag. I had to stay late yesterday because I was disruptive in class after he coaxed me into fighting with him. I doubt he told you that, or how I had to write an apology letter. I was suspended for an unknown period of time because of my frequent ill behavior," Edgar sounded less than pleased as he explained the situation, but both parents gave a little nod.

"I know you have said you don't get along with that teacher, but you can't keep acting up in class. What happened? Lately you've felt like a completely different person. What's wrong?" His mother inquired, she looked rather worried.

"I really don't want to talk about it...things will be fine, I just need a break. Though all the times I said my school hated me, this is just more proof of that," the bunny replied, though he didn't look so angsty towards his parentals anymore.

"I'm sorry I hit you, I know I said I..." his father sighed and rubbed his forehead after removing his glasses. "There's no excuse...I'm sorry Edgar, I shouldn't have said all those things. It's just hard when I think I'm forgetting things; I've always blamed myself for why you acted out like this. The way you deal with your anger isn't that different from mine, I wish that wasn't the case," his dad sounded very sincere. It wasn't the first time he had given this speech though.

"I shouldn't have shouted either. I'm sorry Dad. Things are just really stressful," Edgar noted while he looked to his parents, they were actually hugging each other.

"If you need someone to talk to, you can always come to us, you know that," his mother stated while she wiped some errant tears from her face.

"I know..." Edgar lied through his teeth, he couldn't tell them -everything-. He was scared about how they'd react to all his secrets, especially the fact that he was gay. Not to mention there was that snake he was obsessed with.

"I'm going to call your school and find out how long they want you stay home," his father stood up and placed his glasses on his face before he looked to his youngest son. "I love you Edgar, and you know I'm always proud of you," the ebony rabbit said quietly before he left the room and headed upstairs.

His mother looked to him and nodded, "You know he loves you...he's just having a hard time as well. I love you too, and I always will. I just wish there was more I could do for you," she looked about ready to cry again, but Edgar shook his head and stood up.

"You guys do enough as it is, I just don't want to be a disappointment," and with that he hugged his mother before he pulled back. "I think I need some more time alone though, thanks for talking with me."

She hugged him back and smiled, "Alright, if you need anything I'll be upstairs," his mother released the hug and followed her husband up the stairs.

Such a roller coaster that morning was, and it was only 8:31. Edgar flumped onto his bed and closed his eyes, not feeling any better. The words his parents told him had already left his mind; repetition had that sort of effect on the rabbit. He rolled onto his side as he tried to think of what to do now. There was some homework he could do, but there was no motivation or urgency to get it done. He figured he could always play videogames to pass the time, but he wasn't in the mood to do so, he rarely was these days. His best course of action was to sleep, and he managed to fairly easily much to his surprise.

_"Ooooh, my sweet little bunny boy..."

"M...Master," Edgar whimpered out. His body was helplessly bound in Amar's powerful coils. His head and feet were free, as was his hips but they were busy servicing the snake's member. Each powerful thrust into the rabbit's tail hole caused a loud moan from the serpent and a whine from the bunny. His toes clenched and his body trembled as the grip around his body intensified as those coils held him so tightly.

That thick, moist length plunged along the snug depths harder and faster as the hisses got louder and the scaly grip that held the nude rabbit grew stronger and stronger. It was getting harder to breathe, and his vision was already blurry while the onslaught on his tight bowels continued and the bunny was completely at the mercy of the snake he had submitted to.

"Master..." he cried out again as the firm fucking felt wetter in his ass and his own erection was leaving pre cum along those smooth, soft, black scales. Once he tried to draw in breath it was cut off and only a gasp left the rabbit. His eyes closed and his head rolled back while Amar slid his hand underneath Edgar's chin and stroked at his neck, now thrusting in full force._

It was such a wonderful experience, even if he was at a loss of breath and his body was being compressed constantly. He felt a thick surge pump underneath his tail and into his rump, warming it up nicely as a shiver went down his spine. His eyes finally opened and adjusted just as Amar's maw came into view. All the bunny did was give up a needy moan as the darkness overtook him. Wet gulps were heard around his head while he was slowly drawn from those snug coils.

"Please...Master..." the bunny whimpered breathlessly into the quivering throat as his fur was soaked with saliva and those reptilian jaws glomped effortlessly around his chest.

He finally went limp as another swallow took him deeper into the rippling, fleshy corridor. Edgar knew he needed this, he needed to be taken away, he needed to fulfill his role in the world. He had to be eaten by this cobra that was trying to moan with his mouth filled with the lithe, tender, young form that was so eager to be assimilated to the greater form of the predator. Once he was completely gone, curled up in pitch darkness yet so warm as the walls squished over him from every direction.

"Shhh...that's it...good bunny..."

Amar's voice was so heavy all around him, yet still so soft. He was where he belonged.

"Guh..." Edgar groaned as he woke up at the end of what felt like an incredible dream. It left another mess in his boxers, now it was officially time to change those. He rubbed his face while he slipped off the stained under garments along with the pants he slept in and dug into his dresser, only finding a pair of tighty-whities, but they'd have to do. He pulled them on and gave his tail a little wiggle as it fit snugly through the small hole for his teardrop shaped appendage.

After he got dressed again, he noticed the time, it was already after 5pm. He winced and shook his head, how did he manage to stay asleep for so long? Must have been his body trying to make up for all the lost sleep over the past few days. Whatever the reason was, the rabbit was rather hungry, hadn't eaten anything all day. He got on his shoes and a long sleeved shirt and put a t-shirt over that before he found a pair of clean cargo pants. He filled his pockets with his wallet, keys, phone, ect. before he went up the stairs and noticed that both his parents were gone.

~I went out; I'll be back sooner or later. Love, Edgar.

After leaving that short note on the steps the bunny went out the door and got on his bike. He felt a little better finally; things weren't suffocating him to the point where he couldn't get out of bed. His body started to fully awaken as he traveled down the familiar route to Mr. Cao's Diner. They fixed that 'e' fairly quickly. He locked up his bike and headed in the doors, things were rather lively for this hour.

"Hey there Edgar! I didn't think you were scheduled to work today," Anton smiled and waved to the rabbit. Feeling sociable, Edgar wandered over and leaned against the counter next to the badger who was working with the register.

"I didn't have anything else to do, figured I could come by and see if you guys needed any help or something," the bunny said with a nod. "Things good so far?"

Anton nodded in response while he gave a wide grin, "Yep things are going great. Ask Matty he has all the numbers, but I think Eustace and Mitchell have got things covered delivery wise. Ask Mr. Tseng though, he could use an extra busser tonight I think."

"Alright thanks, I'll be sure to ask him after I get some food. Work hard now big guy," Edgar chuckled and nodded to his co-worker before he went on the search for the elderly tiger.

"Heh, don't I always?" The badger murmured as he looked over and saw the door open and another customer came in, though he was properly greeted.

Edgar ordered his usual and sat down at a secluded area of the restaurant. The bunny ate happily, thankful for his discount that allowed him to consume so much for a fair price. His stomach was also grateful for sustenance finally.

The door opened again and Anton quickly scurried over and gave a friendly smile to the twitchy looking fox in a trench coat. Something in the back of his mind told him that this guy was going to be trouble, but he tried his best to not judge by appearance.

"Welcome to Mr. Cao's, table for one or are you meeting someone here Sir?" The badger asked cheerfully, but the fox shot him the dirtiest look he had ever seen.

Just when he felt a pang run through his body and his heart skip a beat, the vulpine reached into his coat and pulled out a black pistol and pointed it at Anton.

Without warning, he fired.

The loud bang stopped everything; even Edgar who was in mid chew as he turned around just in time to see the large badger fall onto the floor with a loud thud. He stared up to the ceiling helplessly while he tried to hold onto his chest with one of his paws, and standing before him was any angry fox with a smoking gun.

"Oh shit..." Was all the rabbit could whisper before the entire restaurant went up in a panic. Customers started to hide underneath tables while others reached for their cell phones to call 911. Another bullet was fired, but this time it hit the ceiling rather than someone's torso.

"Nobody fucking move!" The fox demanded with a growl.

Edgar stopped eating and held his paws up in a pose he hoped didn't so any aggressiveness. Even though in the back of his mind he was thinking what could he do in this situation. From the looks of things Anton wasn't dead, he was still moving, but he was having hard time breathing. This fox must have been the culprit behind the recent string of violent robberies that had been going around town. Now he had his sights set on this quaint and welcoming Chinese restaurant.

"I said nobody fucking move!" The fox pointed his gun at Edgar, who certainly was doing his best not to move.

The rabbit's vision blurred for a moment and felt his heart sink, but he didn't do anything.

" where's the money? Get it to me now or else someone else is going to end up like this poor bastard," the vulpine sounded somewhat calm now, even as he delivered a swift, boot-clad kick to Anton's ribs.

No one said anything, but the door marked employees only opened and Mr. Tseng came through. He was able to analyze the situation easily enough and he raised his paws.

"Young man...I can show you where it is, just please don't harm anyone," the tiger spoke calmly.

Edgar gave a mental sigh, thankfully that kind old man knew how to handle this sort of thing, and so he kept his mouth shut.

"Get over here, and if you try anything I'll put a bullet between your eyes," the fox barked and gestured the feline over.

Mr. Tseng calmly walked around the counter and went to the cash register. He opened it up and started to pull out the bills, gathering only a little over $100 however since he had recently emptied it out prior to the invasion. The fox was less than amused.

"You're fucking kidding me," he frowned at the amount he had been offered, but he shook his head and aimed that shiny barrel at the tiger's face. "Where's the money? Don't mess with me old man!"

"The rest is in the vault, which I cannot open because it is set to a timer. Please do not shout, this is everything I can give you," just as the feline said he stood still as he watched the vulpine rear his paw back. He probably could have dodged it, but the tiger merely closed his eyes as he received a harsh pistol whip across the side of his face, it set him down to the ground hard.

"Mr. Tseng..." Edgar whimpered under his breath, but being the only person not under the desk or on the floor at the moment he was the next one on the fox's list.

"You! Rabbit, don't you say a damn work here don't you?" The fox asked.

The rabbit in question blinked...he was told to do be quiet and then asked a question, so he simply gave a nod.

"Where's the safe?"

Edgar paused and tried to think of how to answer, but his mind drew a blank. He didn't know where it was.

"I...I don't know..." he offered humbly to the vulpine. Another shot was fired, and the bullet whizzed right between the rabbit's erected ears and hit the wall behind him.

There was a ringing sensation in Edgar's head, but he didn't think he had been shot, though the loud bang had subdued him. He fell from his seat and hit his head against the floor with a groan. The fox stepped forward and the crowd of silent customers watched in horror as he closed in on the defenseless rabbit.

"Not what I wanted to hear, now answer me the right way."

Edgar gasped and ran his paws through his head, he hadn't been shot, but now he was looking to the smoking pistol as it was pointed on him. The world slowed down and body felt so weak and helpless...

"I...I don't know...I really don't..." was all he could say.

The fox frowned and pulled the trigger...that was it: Edgar was going to die.


Thankfully for the rabbit, he was wrong. There was a -very- loud and rather uncomfortable ringing in his ears, since the bullet did graze along the outside of his right ear and left a very painful sensation there, the fox had missed. How? He didn't know, but he must have wagered that Mr. Cao had silently crept up behind the deranged, armed aggressor and grabbed hold of his paw that held the gun with his own massive paw while the other slid up to grasp the fox's shoulder. The much, much bigger bear had the fox completely subdued.

"Hey! F-Fuckin' let me go!" the vulpine demanded and tried to point his gun at the panda who was trying to stop him. As more he struggled, the tighter Mr. Cao held onto him.

The black and white bear gave a quiet growl and with a quick flick snapped the fox's wrist like a twig, exciting a yell as he dropped the gun, leaving it to hit the floor, but it thankfully didn't fire again. Edgar watched as the fox whined out in pain and continued to struggle; he even started to reach inside of his coat in an effort to no doubt pull out another weapon of some sort. Mr. Cao's patience was gone. And he wasn't going to let his psycho hurt another person ever again.

The panda eased up in his grip only to slide his paws to the fox's head. He grasped it tightly and gave it a quick jerk. The snapping sound that occurred send a shiver down the vulpine's spine just as his life was ended. The red furred menace twitched in the bear's grasp before he went still. With a dissatisfied grunt, Mr. Cao tossed the lifeless form to the ground and bent down to look to Edgar. Those large, blue eyes looked to the shaken rabbit.

He reached out and hugged the poor boy to his soft, warm bulk as he gave a heavy sigh...the worst was over.

Edgar whimpered and closed his eyes as his boss held onto him protectively. The pain in his ear was still present, and fear still surged through his system. Though he had to admit...he was impressed, Mr. Cao, the quiet, docile bear had saved his life. The police sirens quickly filled the restaurant; someone must have called the cops, and hopefully an ambulance.

Thankfully things sped up once the cops had entered the restaurant turned crime scene and began to get testimonies from the witnesses.

"So then Mr. Denore, let me repeat what you just told me," a rather burly human noted as he brushed along his forehead, his hat was resting on his lap and across from him was the brown rabbit covered with a blanket.

"Alright," Edgar muttered in response while he tentatively rubbed his right ear, wincing as his fingertips touched the white bandages from where he had been grazed by the bullet.

"You say you had just walked in, said hello for a little while, and then began to eat here at approximately 5:20 to 5:30pm. As you were eating the suspect entered and shot..." the officer paused and double checked his notes, "Anton Hernandez, the host who was on duty. Afterwards he told no one to move and demanded the register be opened, however moments before one of the managers had already emptied most of today's profits, correct?"

Edgar simply nodded.

"Afterwards, the manager, a Mr...Tseng? He was assaulted, and then the suspected approached you and fired, hitting you in the ear before the owner, Mr. Cao tried to subdue him, there was a struggle, and Mr. Cao killed the suspect by snapping his neck."

The rabbit couldn't help but frown, the tone being used wasn't comforting in the least and the officer put emphasis on Mr. Cao -killing- the one no doubt responsible for several injuries, if not deaths as well as robberies at gun point.

"Yes that's what happened, is Mr. Cao going to be in trouble?" Edgar finally asked.

"No I don't think so, but the District Attorney might try and pull some bullshit," the policeman replied with a groan and shook his head. "Never mind the fact that I said that, though we're almost absolutely positive this suspect is the one responsible for a few of the other recent acts of crime and violence in this part of town."

Edgar sighed, but at least some good came from all of this.

"Anyway, the answer should come shortly...thank you for your time Mr. Denore, do you need a ride home? You said you rode your bike here and after tonight I can imagine you're tired and still quite shaken," the surprisingly considerate officer offered as he closed his hand held notepad and slipped it into his breast pocket.

The rabbit pondered to himself for just a moment, but he shook his head. "No thank you Officer...erm..."

"Officer Otis," the big guy responded with a chuckle.

"Officer Otis, though is Anton going to be ok? He's not...dead is he?" Edgar asked while he clutched the blanket with his paws tightly.

"I can't be completely sure, but I do know he was taken to the hospital swiftly. I think he's going to be ok."

"Thanks," the rabbit nodded with another sigh, but at least it was better than hearing his friend and co-worker was dead. "I should head home though, I'm free to go right?"

The officer nodded and the bunny didn't waste another single minute.

The flashing red and blue lights were still being reflected in the restaurant's windows, and with his other co-workers still speaking with cops or each other, the whole environment was rather uncomfortable. Edgar got on his bike and pedaled hard all the way home. The ride gave him a lot to think about unfortunately, so negativity began to set in once again as the night air made his body shiver as a response. He merely sat on his seat for a few minutes once he arrived and let his mind go blank as his eyes closed and he gave a defeated sigh.

After locking up his bike once again, he went upstairs and knocked on the door to room 322.

"Why hello there," Amar said cheerfully once the door was opened and standing there was a rather melancholy bunny. His cheerful tone was dealt a blow right there, but he offered his hand to Edgar, "Come on in, I'll help you get comfortable."

"Thank you," the rabbit answered and slowly took the scaled hand. He didn't look back once the door was closed; all he could do now was look ahead.

The naga guided his guest to the couch and sat him down. It was much different from last time, the feel of the room that is, it felt more comfortable and secure than before. Edgar slipped off his shoes and socks before he pulled his legs to his chest and lowered his ears. He barely looked to Amar as he worked in the kitchen and returned with a thoughtful mug of hot cocoa. He even included whipped cream at the top.

"Careful it's hot, but it should help put a smile on your face," the snake mused gently before he made himself comfortable against the couch.

"Thanks...I don't really feel like smiling though, today was..." Edgar sighed and took a careful sip. He wanted to grin right there, it was a fantastic collaboration of hot chocolate and cool, refreshing cream, but he didn't have the energy to do so.

"If you'd rather not talk about it, we could converse about something else," Amar offered helpfully.

"I don't know," the rabbit mrphed and his posture began to relax. "I think I almost died today. I was really scared, and it just all happened so fast," Edgar replied quietly.

"Does that explain the bandaging?" The snake looked rather concerned now, "Are you alright?"

"No, I don't feel alright. I still can't believe it...I was just sitting there, and I looked death right in the eyes. Even though my boss grabbed the guy with the gun, he still managed to shoot at me...I got so lucky," the rabbit curled his toes and took another sip before he shook his head.

"Worst part about it is afterwards, while the cops were talking with me, I thought about what would have happened if I had died? Who would have cared? How would the world have changed? It would have been in the news probably, especially since my co-worker was shot in the chest."

"Thinking like that can't be healthy, though I am glad that you weren't hurt more than what I see here. I'm sure it will heal shortly," Amar nodded. "I'm surprised you were shot at all, it sounded like you had a horrific evening. Is that why you came here to speak to me?"

Edgar shook his head, "No, even if things went fine today I still would have came here."

"Really? Why is that you think?" The snake inquired while he held back a smug 'I told you so' grin as best he could.

"I don't're so weird. Everything about what you do or say is just surreal. I barely even know you and I can't stop thinking about you," the rabbit admitted, sounding almost amused at the last point before he set down his mug on the coffee table.

"Sounds like a simple little boy crush," Amar chuckled and settled himself closer to the bunny so he could slide his arm around him in the form of a friendly hug. "I think it's really cute, especially when you get all flustered and nervous."

Edgar blushed at the touch, but he soon fell prey to the affectionate gesture and slid both of his arms around the naga's torso and sighed. "I don't get all nervous that I?"

"Oh you should have seen the look on your face when you walked in on me when I was eating the other day," the snake grinned and pulled the mammal into his arms. "Best part about it is that you looked about ready to explode in your must -really- like me."

This of course made the rabbit just blush more until he hid his face against Amar's chest. He mumbled something as the serpent continued to laugh and gave the warm cheeked bunny a nice big hug.

"That's good though, because I really like you too. You're such a sweet bunny, and you're so cute too," the snake gave a quiet murr and flicked his tongue against one of those brown ears, coaxing a giggle from his guest.

"Thanks...I guess, not used to hearing that. Not used to...well, any of this really," Edgar noted as he looked up, gazing into those golden eyes again.

"Any of what?"

The rabbit paused and tried to find the right words, but they never came. "I don't know...this? I've never been someone's prey before," he finally muttered out.

This brought a wide smile to the snake who was already in a good mood. "Oh? Does this mean I get to keep you all for myself?" Amar asked while he stroked one of his digits along the underside of the bunny's chin.

Edgar tilted his head upwards and gave a soft nod. He knew what he was doing; he knew exactly what he was doing. The reason to why however still evaded him, but that didn't matter. Even if he got to spend even two minutes being treated like this, he could die happy rather than face the harsh world. He wouldn't be shot and killed; he'd become a part of something greater than himself. It was so easy, so simplistic, not to mention the fact it made his pants tight just thinking about it.

It was giving up and going forward at the same time.

"Yes...I know what will happen. Even the idea of it is, christ I can't even explain it. Before yesterday I had never even thought of it. Now it's invading my dreams," Edgar whimpered softly, but he was silenced by a gentle kiss on his lips.

"I'll make your dreams come true, I'll give you just what your heart desires. And in return I get you, every last inch, every last bit forever and ever..." Amar spoke softly as he ran his hands down the rabbit's back.

" promise?"

"I promise."

"Forever?" The rabbit asked, almost teary eyed. Everything he'd ever want or need was right here with this predator.

"For eternity. My name means immortal after all," the snake gave another gentle squeeze and smiled.

A heavy weight was lifted from Edgar's shoulders and he let out a quiet sigh before he laid his head down to rest against Amar's chest again. He whispered up a very quiet 'thank you' while nearly on the verge of tears. At the same time his bunny instincts were shouting, pleading for him to get out of there, but he paid them no mind. He figured if more 'prey species' felt what he was feeling at that moment, even the ferals would give into the whims of their predators.

The moment lasted only a few minutes, but to Edgar it felt like an eternity. An eternity spent solely in the arms of the cobra as he was tenderly stroked and rubbed along the back of his head and down his shoulders. He breathed in lazily as his tail fluttered and his arms administered a light squeeze to his new master's form. The silence was finally broken by a soft hiss.

"Now then my boy, time get you cleaned up, how does that sound?"

Edgar almost giggled even though he felt like he was being treated like a child. A few years ago he would have gotten upset, but now he was growing fond of the gentle treatment, so he smiled.

"That sounds nice..." and with that, Amar eased himself off the couch and began to slither further into the apartment and to the bathroom. He carried his rabbit all the way there.

The bathroom fit perfectly with the rest of the snake's abode. Everything was clean, most things looked shiny, and the colors fit in perfectly with those black scales. Edgar was sat down on the toilet and given a pat on the head before the snake slipped over to the bathtub and turned on the water.

"Go ahead and get undressed," Amar said while he tested the temperature of the running water. Once it got to the proper degrees he let it fill the tub while he grabbed a nearby bottle resting in the corner and poured in a viscous substance into the rising waters.

Edgar watched curiously as his master prepared a bath for him and as he started to undress. He felt uneasy getting naked, but once he had his clothes neatly folded on his lap he was sure to keep his paws over his crotch. It made the snake grin.

"Come now, I'm going to see your penis sooner or later, now go ahead and get in the tub, I'll be right back," the naga hissed cheerfully and slithered back out of the bathroom. It took some while though due to how long his lower half was, but it gave the now once again flustered bunny a chance to admire the lengthy form. There was still a small bulge among the black coils. That caused a shiver to run down Edgar's back, a very nice shiver.

Once the snake was gone, the rabbit placed his clothes on the toilet and climbed into the tub. He blinked a few times and couldn't help but smile as he settled into the perfectly warmed waters. To make things even better, it was a bubble bath. A bit of nostalgia hit him while he sighed and relaxed as best he could. It had been so long since he had bathed like this.

"Must have been just a kid. Mom was probably there..." he paused after saying that and lowered his ears. His parents didn't know where he was, and he was probably never going to see them again. His mind soon started to wander...

What was going to happen to his parents? Would they look for him? What would they do?

Edgar's good mood had sunk. He had just abandoned his entire life after barely spending a few hours with this snake. People would probably miss him sure, he did have friends, he did have a family, a job, a school, a life why...did he just throw it all away? Why was he so eager to do so? What was there to gain other than some reptile getting a free meal? He got his answer once Amar returned, carrying a small bag. His mood changed and he sat up in the tub.

"Enjoying yourself my little bunny?"

The little bunny in question paused, but he gave a soft nod as his master slithered over and beckoned him to the edge of the bathtub. Edgar scooted over and gave a little smile.

"What's in the bag?"

"Oh this is going to help you with your ear, now turn around and let me fix you up," the naga smiled.

"R-Really?" This came as a surprise, but the bunny did as he was instructed and turned around. He winced as the bandages were pulled away from his sore ear, but he felt a strange substance rubbing against it, causing a warm tingle.

"Don't worry, I promise I'll be gentle," Amar mused and continued to coat the rabbit's ear in more of that strange gunk. Thankfully, it was already starting to work, repairing the flesh and fur that had been lost with that stray bullet that flew by.

Edgar thought back and almost whimpered, but he felt that nothing bad could happen to him now that he was in his new home. The pain dissipated and he sat still while he idly pushed at some of the collections of bubbles before him.

"Ok, you're going to feel two pinches for a slight second, but it'll be fine in a moment," Amar warned the rabbit.

"A-Alright, wh-ahh!" Edgar winced and shut his eyes tightly while he felt the tight pinches. They hurt, but thankfully the sensations started to fade away. "What was that?" He sighed and rubbed his cheek.

"You'll see soon enough, now lets get you cleaned up and out of this tub."

The rabbit nodded even though he was enjoying his little bathing session. It was made all the more interesting once the snake started to help, mostly since he wasn't shy around those 'sensitive' areas. Amar scrubbed every inch of bunny that was before him, being sure to make that soft fur nice and clean. Edgar giggled half of the time, really enjoying himself so he embraced his childishness and tried to enjoy it as much as he could. Eventually the drain was pulled, and the water burbled away, taking those bubbles with it. Once the washing was finished, the rabbit was pulled from the tub by his new master and placed on the bathroom mat only to be covered in a warm, thick towel.

"There, that wasn't so bad now was it? How do you feel?" Amar inquired while he rolled his sleeves back down and admired his handy work. He sure knew how to clean a rabbit.

"I feel...pretty good actually. Thank you...uhm, Master," Edgar replied feverishly even with his stumbling tone. Once he used the 'm' word he was rewarded by a nice big hug from the affectionate naga.

"Mmm, that's good to dry up and join me in the bedroom, it's getting late so I suppose I should show you to your place," the naga gave a quiet hmm to himself and smiled before he left to give his pet some privacy.

"Sounds nice..." The rabbit muttered while he clutched the towel around his body tightly with his paws and gazed into the mirror. He was actually smiling a little, even though his mind was telling him it was the last time he'd see his reflection. There was white gauze wrapped around the base of his right ear, and once he touched it the sensitive area made him wince. He felt two small lumps there however, but he didn't want to remove his new bandaging, especially not without permission.

After a series of deep breaths and the realization that he was being waited on hit him, Edgar slipped the towel onto a rack and looked around for some clothes. All he found sitting there on the toilet was a pair of tighty-whities, but he shrugged and slid them on. Better than nothing. He turned off the light in the bathroom and peeked down the hallway in the direction he knew was the master bedroom. After all he stumbled upon it by 'accident' in one of his previous visits. His large foot paws sank into the soft carpet as he reached forward and opened the door. Resting on the bed, devoid of his robe and with his hands resting behind his head was his master in all his glory.

The room was dimly lit; the only light came from the lamp positioned atop Amar's nightstand, he must have put those candles from last time away. The black cobra hissed once he saw the bunny, but he beckoned him closer with the tip of his tail. Such a sexy creature was impossible to ignore. Edgar of course crept closer until he climbed up on the bed, but only stayed at the foot of it. He could hear the naga chuckling before something thick and smooth curled around his waist and gave it a firm squeeze. The rabbit gasped and his paws gripped the dark binding, but he realized it was one of his master's many coils. Another one of them slid around his chest, trapping his arms while another firm squeeze was given, making the bunny almost breathless once again.

"Welcome back to my lair, my little bunny," Amar spoke with his deep, yet smooth and seductive tone. He began to effortlessly bring his catch closer to his upper portion, but not before he slid a portion of his lower half to rest in between the rabbit's thighs.

Edgar was mostly helpless in the coils of the snake, but he gave a weak squirm as the lengthy form pulled him close. As he did however the pressure got stronger around his chest, making him gasp out and cease what resistance he may have had. The smooth rippling continued even after the bunny gave into the power of the naga, but rather than eliciting more gasps, they turned into moans; he was starting to enjoy his new position, the erection he was sporting in the snug fabric was noticed by his master. It didn't matter the position was reserved for prey that had been snared by a hungry serpent.

"I do hope you'll enjoy your sssstay..." Amar hissed, flicking his tongue against the rabbit's cheek while he did so. It made his flustered pet blush deeply even as he continued. "It's time to make you mine..."

The bunny's ears went limp upon hearing this, but he gave a soft nod in response while he let his eyes close. Much to his surprise, he didn't feel a set of jaws closing around his head, but he felt something poking at his teardrop shaped tail and it perked him up. He soon noticed that his white briefs he had on had been slid down his legs until he felt the elastic strap on his toes before they were tossed aside completely. There was a warm, throbbing sensation against his tail hole while he looked up to his master who only gave a large grin down to the bunny. Those coils gave another hard squeeze, constricting Edgar further while his eyes closed as his face was pressed against the naga's black-scaled chest and he felt a pair of hands stroking along his body that wasn't bound to the snake like body. One was rubbing the back of his head while the other began to feel up his rump, kneading it softly. However once the pressure of the snake's body was relieved slightly, the rabbit gasped out while his master's cock penetrated him.

He couldn't see it, but it was very easy to feel while Amar sank his throbbing erection deeper into the rabbit's bowels. Edgar clenched his paws tightly while his arms were kept bound to his sides and he nuzzled into that slowly rising chest, this was all so new to him, but his penis twitched and his body trembled in pleasure as his bowels were spread apart by that thick length. The rabbit moaned again while he felt a whine seeking to escape his chest, but he could barely breathe with his body trying to adjust to the firm length invading his rear. He finally managed to whimper out, but he was given another hard squeeze by those wonderful coils and he was given a thankfully slow pounding. It made his heart race and his constitution waver.

Edgar grit his teeth tightly and he hissed through them while he felt the snake's 'hips' resting against his rump, making his legs spread out further as he was hilted for the first time. His anal walls were clenching down tightly around the invading penis, which of course left a content looking grin on his master's face while quiet, lustful hissings filled his ears and a heavy, musky scent filled the rabbit's nose. He felt dopey and incredibly relaxed, even as he felt that large cock start to slide out from his tight, tight hole. It did make him moan again, but he felt a bit of moisture soaking into his ball sac and along his thighs, probably natural lubricant from the snake's penis he figured. The warm tingling sensations grew as Amar began to thrust proudly into the bunny's rump, aiming the head of his erection right at the 'pleasure button' that was hidden deep in the fleshy bowels.

"Ooh!" Edgar cried out as his body convulsed within the snug coils and the fat shaft pushed into his prostate. The pressure swelling in his rump had been transferred into his scrotum and it forced out a heavy glob of pre cum to splash free from the head of the bunny's cock and against the black scales before him.

Whimpering out freely now, Edgar tried to keep himself from being overwhelmed, but it was clearly a losing battle. After each time his master's cock was pulled free most of the way, it was thrust back in with great force and eagerness which coaxed out various groans of bliss as the love making continued. Amar's stamina seemed almost endless while he ravished that stretched anus with his maleness, making it nice and slippery with his natural musk and his clear fluids that made such a tight fit all the more pleasurable. The rabbit couldn't tell how long it was going to last, but his penis felt like it was going to explode as the lewd, wet sounds of flesh sinking into his moist interior grew louder and his arousal quivered helplessly, begging to be touched. That was when he felt a large, scaled hand grasp onto his pink erection and administer a sudden squeeze. Edgar's eyes widened and his head reared backwards as he climaxed. He climaxed hard.

With ropes of sticky white leaving his penis, the rabbit gasped and left his mouth agape. Once the fluids had been drained from his member and his scrotum, he felt so weak and oh so good as wave after wave of euphoria wrapped itself around him; though he didn't notice it was another coil and it left his upper half. Amar grunted and his eyes closed for just a moment as he gave one final thrust into the bunny's bowels and injected him with nearly two quarts of snake semen. The hot, sticky substance made Edgar groan out again while it flooded through his intestines and tried to seep back out from his tail hole.

Completely breathless, cream filled, encased in coils, and spent, ah yes Edgar's first time was a spectacular one. It made him think back to that wonderful dream he had earlier...but the real thing was much more erotic than he ever could have hoped for.

"Ooooh...mmhmmmm, that wasss wonderful," Amar hissed out with a large grin as he rubbed the back of the rabbit's head. He only got a nod in return from his pet, but that was all he needed. His tongue flicked against that cute little nose and he gave a deep rumble of content.

"Are you ready...?" The serpent spoke softly into those large ears, but Edgar only gave a weak nod.

"No...I want you to ssssay it..." he demanded with a firm hiss.

The entangled bunny groaned and tried to find his voice while his eyes lazily opened. His body was lighter than air and all he could see before him was the large, hooded head of the snake whose coils he was trapped within. He was told almost a full day ago that he was going to give himself up willingly this natural predator, this serpent...and he was going to make that claim come to fruition. Nothing else mattered anymore.

It was his time to fulfill his destiny.

"Y-Yes...Master...make me yours...please," he managed to squeak out.

Amar just smiled at this while he leaned in close and shut those golden eyes of his while he gave his bunny a very, very passionate kiss. Edgar moaned again once those lips pressed against his own, but he gratefully accepted it while his mouth gently spread. A strong, forked tongue invaded his maw and it slipped around eagerly once inside, bulging out those cute, brown cheeks as the snake hissed into his pet's mouth. The rabbit just relaxed and he gave a little rumble as his cheeks were filled with his blush once again. His master was so adamant when it came to showing him such love and tenderness...but slowly the snake pulled free, leaving only strands of thick saliva connecting the two mouths together as his warm breath hit Edgar in the face.

"You're mine..." Amar spoke softly and spread his lips to reveal his moist, pink maw. His fangs stretched out as well, leaving the bunny in a state of awe and terror...mostly the former however.

The bunny's cock twitched, almost ready for round two at the sight. His ears flicked as last thing Edgar heard was a subtle hiss before the cobra's mouth clamped over his neck tightly. The bunny's eyes widened but he couldn't say a single word as those long fangs sank into his flesh like a hot knife through butter, almost vanishing completely into his tender neck. A silent gasp let his lips while his eyesight began to blur and he felt an odd, tingling warmth surge through his veins. Was it...venom? He knew of course that Amar was a rather dangerous species of snake, but he didn't expect to be snuffed out like this.

Amar slowly pulled free and licked the blood from his fangs while he let his venom run its course through the rabbit's body. He just kept a nice large grin while his tongue flicked out to taste the air once again.

Edgar's eye caught sight of those alluring, golden pupils once more before darkness overcame him and his body went limp. His head slumped forward and his digits began to relax while the snake turned him around in his coils and held him still so close and tenderly, caressing his form.

Amar reached over and turned off the lights now that the deed had been done, but he leaned down and kissed the silent rabbit on the cheek.

"Goodnight my little bunny..."