A New Dawn - Chapter 6 (All Work and No Play)

Story by Malakye on SoFurry

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#6 of Malakye's Story - Part 2 (A New Dawn)

A New Dawn is the sequel to my story 'A Place to Belong'. I hope you enjoy this part as much as the last (if not even more! :-)) and those of you who are late to the party, I recommend that you read the first part. Or don't, it's up to you.

The Encyclopedia I have written detailing places, races and various parts of history will come in handy if you come across a word or phrase with a * at the end of it. This symbol * depicts that there is an entry in the Encyclopedia so you can have a more indepth knowledge on the subject at a moments notice.

This story will have mature and adult rated chapters along the way, if you find yourself unable to find missing chapters please check that your age-rating (or your SFW settings) are set appropriatly so you can view them before notifying me. This happens a lot more than you'd think!

This time round I do not have a proof reader so please let me know via note if there are any glaring (or small) mistakes so that I can fix them. And as always, constructive cristisim is welcome!*******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************

Kassandra was a few feet away, slowly circling me, her fists raised ready to fight, her guard was low but she was just outside my range. I doubted I could move fast enough to close the distance and take advantage of her poor guard, but I had to try. I pulled back my right and threw myself towards her, she smirked before calmly sidestepping and delivering a swift kick to the back of my knee. I fell to one knee but caught myself before I fell completely. I couldn't see Kassandra, she was behind me. I could feel her anger and rage radiating against my back, it was like I could see her, she was on the move ready to deliver the final blow.

I could almost picture her movements in my mind leaping from one foot to another, spinning round, her leg raised to strike when she completed her spin; she was attacking from the right! I raised my arms into a cross in front of me and turned my body to the right, her kick came as I had expected, crashing into my guard with incredible force. Using my arms I diverted the force upwards, using her kick to give me the momentum to push me upwards and back onto my foot paws. I clumsily staggered back a few steps but managed to catch my balance.

I had done it, I had read her moves! Her expression told the whole story; she was in complete disbelief. The crowd around us couldn't believe it either, I was still standing, all of them including Kassandra had expected that to be the final blow. Her expression changed back to anger.

I slipped into a stance and readied myself, it wasn't until after I realised what stance I had entered, it was Striking Tiger. I hesitated and nearly switched back into Tigers Palm but once again Aceh's words echoed through my mind.

'Trust your instincts!'

My instincts had put he here, so now I would follow them! I readied myself, taking a deep breath as I prepared to end this fight. If I hesitated in anyway I would lose, falling on the double edged blade that was Striking Tiger, I would not let Aceh down; I would show him the fruits of his labour and win this fight!

The moment Kassandra began to throw herself at me I did the same, my target already picked out, my defence and thoughts for self preservation discarded to the wind, I would take down my opponent or they would take me down; this was the final few seconds of this fight!*******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************




My eyes were heavy, my whole body felt heavy. I groaned, the sharp pain resulting from the attempt to move made me stop immediately. I was surrounded by warmth, the air moist and warm, it slowly dawned on my that I was laying up to my chest in warm water.

"Try not to move." A kindly voice said from my right. I could feel some ones paw holding and then inserting something into my arm, the act was no more than a dulled sting, gone as soon as it had appeared.

"What... what happened?" I asked, trying desperately to remember. I tried to pry open my eyes, but they felt like lead weights.

"Don't worry about it Malakye, just rest of now."

Another voice said, this one I recognised, it was Kaldor. That's when the memories of my fight returned, I had fought against Kassandra. I had attempted one last stand... but I couldn't remember how the fight ended. Another sharp pain in my arm as something was inserted pulled me from my thoughts. My eyes now began to open, my vision blurred.

"What are you doing?"

"I am preforming acupuncture, an old and complicated art, you took a lot of damage during your fight, I'm trying to relieve some of the pain."

I blinked several times and looked at what he was doing. Several long needles protruded from my arm. I looked at my left arm to find nearly two dozen needles sticking from it. The dragon sticking needles into me was Kassandra's grandfather, just like his granddaughter he had smooth pale blue scales, now this close it barely looked like scales at all, but patterned flesh. His hair was silver, tied into a ponytail that came to his lower back. He also had a long silver moustache and a long, thin, wispy beard as well, the wrinkles round his eyes betrayed his age. He wore clothing like which I had never seen before. A dark blue skull cap, long baggy robes of the same dark blue with floral designs in lighter blues.

Looking round I could see everyone was here, Aceh, Eric, Cody, Michael, Jason and Kassius. Everyone stood round the pool of hot water I lay in watching me. I tried once again to remember what had happened.

I had used Striking Tiger out of desperation, a double edged sword that was as dangerous to the user as it was their opponents. I had thrown myself at Kassandra, who in a fit of rage thrown herself head first towards me. By sacrificing any attempts to protect myself I had managed to hit her, square in the temple with my fist, but she had struck me simultaneously; dead center of my chest. We both fell, I could remember looking into her eyes shortly before losing consciousness.

"The fight..."

"Don't worry about it."

"No! I lost, I'm sorry Aceh!" I apologised, I had done my best but I had failed to win, I had let him down.

"What are you talking about? You won!" Jason chuckled. I gave him a strange look and Kassius stepped forward.

"Well, that last attack knocked you both unconscious, so I ended the fight. But you had scored a knock down earlier in fight, so technically, you won." He smiled.

"And made a few fans as well!" Jason chuckled. "All the dragons cheered for you as we carried you here, apparently you're the first one to beat Kassandra in a straight up fight!"

I looked to Aceh who nodded and gave my a smile, I smiled to myself and lay my head back against the cool stone, I had won. With a deep sense of pride and relief I relaxed and let sleeps embrace take hold of me and let myself fall into a deep slumber.


Warm, soft... those were the first coherent thoughts I had as I began to rouse. My eyes fluttered open, I was in my bedroom, the one Kaldor had given me. A roaring fire burned proudly in the fireplace to the right illuminating the room with its warm light. Something moved next to me, snuggled up against my left hand side was Cody, the fox sleeping soundly with his head on my chest. He was the softness I had been aware of while I slept, his soft fur rubbing against me, I could feel that he was completely naked, his softness was uninterrupted all the way from his chest to his foot paws. I smiled and laid my head back against the pillow.

Cody was here with me in my bed, the first intimate moment we'd had since Rengilar Village*, the memory was not one I was proud of; I had preformed poorly. I had put it down to the alcohol but I couldn't be entirely sure of that, I still remember the disappointment on Cody's face, he would even let me help him finish. This was my chance to make things up to him. There was a gentle knock on the door.

"Yes?" I asked groggily. The door slowly opened with a slight creak and Jovani stepped into the room.

"Young Master is good to see that you are awake."

"Thanks... how long was I out?"

"Hmmm... around seven hours I think." I sighed in relief, at least I hadn't been out for more than a day. My body felt good, a little stiff in places but a lot better than I had expected after the beating I had taken, Kassandra's grandfather really knew how to use those needles of his. "Dinner will be served in a couple hours. And if I may make a suggestion?"

"What is it?"

"That fox, he cares deeply about you. He refused to leave your side after you fell unconscious."

Jovani's statement brought back memories of Rengilar, after I had managed to regain control of myself I had been out for a few days, Cody had refused to leave my side then as well, I must cause him a lot of worry.

"Take the time to show him your appreciation." His suggestion made me blush but then again, that's what I had been planning on doing before he entered, only now I knew how much I had to make it up to him.

"Thank you Jovani."

"I will return shortly before dinner, I will ensure that no one disturbs you." He said with a wink before silently closing the door.

I looked back down at Cody's sleeping form, his expression of innocence made me smile, I leant down and planted a kiss to his muzzle. First a brief peck, then a longer kiss, until he began to respond in kind; opening his maw and allowing me to slip my tongue into his maw. Our tongues met and I felt both his and my own arousal stir, slowly growing as our kiss grew more and more passionate. His eyes finally opened and he looked at me for the first time, and I saw that glint in his eye, that glint that told me he was up to no good. He broke our kiss and slipped beneath the blanket that covered us.

"What are you doing?" I giggled as I watched the blanket shift as he crawled between my legs.

I felt his hot breath wash over my arousal and spread my legs a little wider to give him better access. His paw gripped the base of my cock, around the base of my still inflating knot, I sucked in pleasure breath as I felt his tongue flick across the head of my cock.

"Cody..." I sighed, my paws gripping the bed sheet as I endured the foxes teasing, stopping my self from interfering, letting him have his way.

I felt his maw close round the head of my cock and watched as the bed sheet began to move up and down as he bobbed his head, Cody really knew what he was doing! His tongue flicked along the underside of my cock as he engulfed my length, sinking further and further down with each bob of his head, when he reached halfway I felt some resistance before it gave way and he sank further down, he had begun to deep throat me. His throat felt fantastic, it was all I could do not to cum, every ounce of my self restraint was focused on holding back; I couldn't do anything else.

"Co... Cody..." I panted breathlessly, I couldn't hold back much longer, his paw was still wrapped around the base of my knot; if he squeezed any tighter I would blow. I didn't want to cum so soon, I wanted to make this special for Cody, show him my appreciation for everything he's done for me and make it up to him for my poor performance last time. "Please..." I hissed through gritted teeth.

He eased up off my cock and crawled up my body, his head emerging from under the blanket and he was licking his lips. I grabbed the back of his head and pulled him into a sloppy passionate kiss, I could taste something new on his tongue, it didn't take me long to realise that I was tasting myself on his breath. I had to take control of the situation or it would end sooner rather than later.

"Get on all fours!" I commanded.

I didn't miss how Cody's eyes lit up at my commanding tone, and with a lustful smile he rolled off of me and presented himself on all fours, his tail raised to expose his taint beneath his furred cheeks. I pushed the bed sheet away and got to my knees behind him, leaning close and inhaling his scent before plunging in to lap at his taint.

He murred in pleasure and pushed back against my muzzle, my tongue running up and down between his cheeks tasting him. His taste was spicy, the saltiness of his sweat mixing to make a unique taste that could only belong to Cody. I ate out his ass with enthusiasm. I pushed deeper, my tongue pushing past his puckered entrance into the intense flavour that hid within, it was the same as before but only much more intense. I probed as deeply as I could with my tongue, I could hear Cody panting heavily as he continued to push back into my muzzle, it was time to give him what he really wanted.

I reluctantly stood up, I crawled off the bed and dragged Cody by his ankle to the edge of the bed, he giggled and rolled over onto his back looking up at me with lustful smile; he knew what was coming next. I pulled him in close and placed his legs over my shoulders and pressed my tip to his tail-hole. I saw him shudder in anticipation, his cock twitching as it pointed skyward, the pole of pink flesh glistening with a bead of pre that had formed on his tip. This was it, I would express my feeling of appreciation to Cody, an act I wasn't able to do properly last time.

I pushed my hips forward and groaned as I met with light resistance, my cock slipping into his tail-hole with little effort, Cody let out hiss of discomfort which turned into a pleasured moan. It was just how I remembered it, his hot tight tunnel almost sucking me in of it's own accord, I pushed further in; half my cock sinking into him.

I began to slowly thrust in and out of him, I felt Cody's fluffy tail rub the underside of my tail and balls, even now while I was fucking him he was teasing me. He looked up at me with half lidded eyes and a mischievous smile, so I responded by bucking my hips deeper and harder, his body rocked back and forth with each of my thrusts. He began to make cute yiffing noise and bit his wrist in an attempt to quiet himself.

In a surprise move Cody threw himself upwards and wrapped his arms round my neck before kissing me, his hips wrapped round my waist and hung off me, in this position he sank down further onto my cock all the way down to the knot. I kept pumping my hips, Cody's body juddering up and down as my cock slid in and out of him, he moaned uncontrollably into my maw as we continued to kiss passionately. Cody cried out and arched his back, his claws digging deep into my neck as he came, his tail-hole clamping down hard on my cock and his cock spraying like a fountain and covering both of us in his seed. Cody kissed me again with a breathless before whispering in my ear.

"Tie me!" He pleaded, my knot currently pressed hard between his cheeks.

I fell onto the bed with him beneath me and continued to drive my cock in and out of his stretched tail-hole, he moaned in desperate need, his tail-hole still so tight after his climax. I bucked my hips in a desperate attempt to tie with him, Cody making involuntary yiffing noises in time with each one of my trusts. After I tied with him stars exploded in my vision and I came immediately, each spurt filling Cody up deep inside, each spurt sending a surge of pleasure throughout my body. I continued to rock my hips back and forth, my knot not allowing for much separation, riding out my orgasm. Cody and I locked muzzles again in a slow, breathless kiss, my scales and his fur soaked in sweat and cum from our rigorous session

"That was amazing!" Cody said breathlessly. His statement made me happy, I had managed to show him what I felt for him.

"I'm glad..." I whispered back, only realising a few moments later that Cody had in fact passed out, I smiled to myself and closed my own eyes.