Chapter 1: Aliona's Initiation

Story by Tesslyn on SoFurry

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#1 of The Mating Season

The Mating Season: When Wolves Run Wild

Part One of a six part series.

Chapter 1: Aliona's Initiation

Aliona ran breathless through the trees, branches reaching down to slap her in the face, her mane and tail streaming out behind her. She was a young wolf, dark gray in color, with bright blue sapphire eyes. She was slender of build with plump buttocks and high breasts that were so large they fairly bounced in her face. And she was terrified. It was that time of year in the village -- it was the mating season.

As tradition decreed (reaching back from ancient times when wolves ran on all fours), young males chased the young females away from the village and into the forest in hot pursuit. Since the day she first started her moons, Aliona had been terrified of this time of year. In the distance, she could hear her sisters, her best friends, screaming as they were dragged down into the bushes, screaming as their legs were forced open wide, screaming as their breasts were groped and their bodies fondled. What more happened, Aliona could not say. She was ignorant of the mating rituals. She only knew that it hurt, that it caused one to be with pup, and that she must escape at all costs.

Of course, it wasn't totally un-enjoyable. There were a few loose females in the village who Aliona, grazing her sheep in the fields, had stumbled upon moaning in the grass in apparent ecstasy as their lovers kissed and fondled their breasts. They would giggle and their tails would flash as the horny male wolf nipped their neck. And Aliona, innocently appalled, would back slowly away and return to her sheep. Youths mating outside the season was taboo -- especially for wolf maidens who were supposed to save their first time for the prime young males who would hunt them. And females weren't allowed to even talk to the young warriors of the village, let alone wrestle with them in the grass.

But Aliona, shy and terrified as she was, had been tempted a few times to wrestle herself. There was one evening she caught a handsome young warrior watching her as she bent to lift a heavy pail. She had straightened up and there he was, standing very still, spear in paw. His glistening black fur had been rippling with muscles and his dark penis -- so large that it frightened her -- had been erect. She had smelled that musk, that salty scent from the sweat of his desire, and blushing, she had hurried away, knowing that her tail had been up, thus revealing her pink vagina and anus. And the male had kept standing there, quietly sniffing the air as he watched her go and thinking, no doubt, of dragging her down and doing whatever it was that males did to females.

That male had been utterly beautiful, and Aliona admitted to herself even in the midst of her terror that she would like to see that male again. Just once. Since that first time she saw him, she hadn't been able to stop thinking of him. His was an unusual beauty, and she wondered with a leap of her heart why she had never heard of him before. Certainly one so good looking as he had been with many of her friends in the fields? Aliona remembered with horror the day Kira first told her about her first experience out there in the pastures.

Well, Aliona was damned if that happened to her! And so she pressed on, her breasts heaving, trying to keep her gasping low as she forced herself through the trees. A distant scream making her jolt, she dove off the path and into the underbrush. Eventually, the ground became steep. Aliona shuffled down the incline toward open ground: a small clearing stood bathed in blue moonlight, the trees crowding around. There were large stones standing in the center, grouped in such a way that they formed a sort of dour prison. And atop the cluster of rocks, a great rock jutted out like a precipice -- Like a penis, Aliona thought miserably. But this place seemed as good as any other to hide: no one was likely to come looking for a female here as the ground was too hard for mating and without the concealment of bushes and trees.

Triumphant, Aliona moved toward the cluster of rocks, and it was then that she noticed him for the first time. She stopped in her tracks, her ears pricked forward, and she went stiff with horror. There, standing in the trees on the other side of the clearing, was the handsome black wolf who'd watched her fetching water. He was bent slightly behind a tree, peering at her and sniffing, his ears pricked forward as well. Aliona didn't know what to do. If she ran, she was certain to be captured: her hips and big breasts would only slow her down. But she couldn't just stand there staring back! So she turned toward the rocks again and started climbing desperately toward the penis-shaped precipice at the top. A moment later, and she heard the male lurching after her.

"No! No!" Aliona cried out in misery when she reached the top. There was no where to run now: jumping might possibly break something. And there he was, crouched behind her, blocking any escape.

But to Aliona's surprise, the handsome young wolf appeared . . . worried. He squatted some feet away, his great penis erect between his hard, muscular thighs.

"Please," he said, reaching out a paw, his brows rushing together, "don't be afraid of me."

Squatting before him, Aliona felt herself relax. It was amazing to her: her terror actually hurt his feelings! And looking back at him and those earnest green eyes, she suddenly realized that he wanted her to want him as much as he was so obviously craving her. He seemed so gentle in spite of everything, but still, the terror of the unknown welled up inside of her.

"Why shouldn't I be afraid?" she demanded. "You're going to hurt me!"

"Life is pain," he whispered, coming closer, and when he placed his heavy paw on her shoulder, Aliona felt her worries fade. His bright green eyes were so kind, so gentle. And she didn't understand why, but she suddenly wanted him to touch her. Trembling, she allowed him to lean close and kiss her, and his paws were urgent on her body, touching and caressing everywhere. The very tip of his nail passed over her anus, and then he slipped two fingers inside her vagina and slowly pushed them in and out.

Aliona quivered but stopped him. "Please," she whispered, her body tingling with pleasure as he showered her neck with kisses, "I don't even know your name!"

He smiled at her -- such a warm and sweet smile! -- and whispered, "Kel."

"Kel," repeated Aliona, closing her eyes happily. "I'm Aliona."

"Aliona," Kel moaned, closing his eyes as well. He opened them again, and cupping his paw over her sex, he whispered, "Aliona, you are very beautiful. I like your scent -- it's how I found you. Remember that day?"

Of course Aliona remembered: he had stood there watching her, sniffing her scent, hard with his passion for her. And now, to Aliona's dismay, he was hard again.

Kel pressed her down and started pawing her breasts, rotating them around in his paws, and licking the nipples every now and then, his tongue flickering. All the while, his fingers glided in and out of her vagina, urging its hot, trembling muscles into throbbing. Then Kel pressed his thumb to her clit, rotating it ever so gently, and Aliona was surprised to feel her body growing very hot, to hear moans escaping, shrilling out of her in gasps. It felt so good -- better than she'd ever imagined! And Kel was so gentle and careful with her, touching her tenderly, massaging her, stroking her breasts. But as his passion for her became unbearable, his paws became rough. He touched her now with an urgency that frightened her, kissing and caressing and even biting her breast, her nipples, her neck and all the while drawing shrill gasps and moans from her as she wriggled and squirmed. He fingered her desperately, deeply, until her juices were gushing over his paw, and then, as if this was what he'd been waiting for, his great paw closed on the base of her tail and he flipped her carefully onto her stomach.

Aliona felt overwhelmed by the strength of Kel's arms, the hard press of his chest as, thrusting her tail aside, he climbed on top of her and took her breasts into his fists. His rugged musk invaded her nostrils, powerful and arousing and overwhelming. Her body was rushing with a fire that she didn't understand -- the overwhelming sensation that she would burst -- and his fingers tweaking her nipples sent her into gasps of ecstasy that shocked and shamed her. She felt him nudge her legs wide apart and then it happened: he thrust himself inside of her, grunting and moaning as he did so, and she let out a shrill scream somewhere between ecstasy and agony. It hurt like nothing she'd ever felt before, and she was sobbing and shivering and gasping as he continued forcing his way inside. But he seemed to understand that she was in pain, for he leaned down and licked her lovingly on the neck, biting her at intervals and licking her again, his fingers still toying with her nipples as they rocked together, the sounds of their lovemaking a chorus for the sky.

Aliona was soon so overwhelmed by the sheer pleasure of his licking and caressing that she forgot she was in pain and felt herself growing juicier and wetter, until he was soon thrusting so deep inside of her that it seemed she could feel him -- thick, hot, and pumping -- ramming the base of her spine. She had never been touched like this before -- no, she realized with a little blush that she had never been touched! And now that it was happening, she didn't want it to end. She was so glad suddenly to have been claimed by one so sweet and handsome as Kel!

Aliona gasped shrilly, mouth open, as Kel eagerly rode her. That little knot of pleasure between her thighs was swollen and throbbing so hard that she knew very soon that it would happen -- she would burst, she would scream, and she would sag in the arms of this powerful warrior. As if he'd read her mind, Kel reached down between her thighs and gently rubbed at her clit -- and it happened. Aliona spilled her ecstasy, hot as it gushed over where they were so wetly joined. Kel straightened up, and taking Aliona's hips in his paws, he spurted his passion inside of her.