Area 84

Story by cursesha on SoFurry

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#1 of Helena's Origins

this short story is to give my role-play character a back ground I may do another story to add more detail and depth to her back ground but it maybe longer than this one. please rate and comment what you think about it and also if you have any problems with my grammar I apologize in advance however keep drama out of the comments please I cant stress that enough.

otherwise thank you and enjoy the story

{Crackling sound of recorded voice coming from speakers}

"Staff are reminded to keep hands clean and to wear their hazard suits in areas exposed to the DNA experiments. And as a extra precaution not to eat anything for two hours after being involved with these experiments"

Helena : I don't remember much about my previous life all i could gather about myself was from CCTV tapes and Diary's my former self left behind before the incident leading to my "birth" occurred conveniently on the day they finished work on a time time gate.

The DNA experiments that area 84 was working on was to find a way to make stable clones of staff members so that what ever happened on the other side of the time gate they could be replaced before their families even knew about their deaths.

The Gate it's self was Made to try as see if our species could gain any advantage against our enemies during wars meaning that even after a bomb went off in a heavily populated city or they cut our supply lines to force us to starve to death we could go back and put a stop to it before they could blink.

Both projects started on the first day of the new century in the year 4025 years after the last normal human left the planet in search for a more stable planet. The gate was to be made from the strongest metals on earth and would have enough Solar energy to power it for five whole years before the panels on the roof of the military base would be needed to keep it going.

Everything I learned and speak of about these projects I learned from the dairy's I read from the ruins of what remained of the base after the whole incident happened leading to my birth.

Diary of Curse entry 22/11/4025:

_Today was my first day on this particular base before this I was stationed over in Africa providing cover for escapes from the Socialist reptile empire. Which had already claimed the likes of Russia and China plus most of Asia had fallen under it's clutches but the source of where this empire's spawned from remains a mystery. _

My names Curse im a 20 year old male yellow Lynx from Liverpool England plus im one of the only lynx's of my species who came here on the crashed shuttle from a other world around the time animals evolved back in 2012 that day the FBI rounded us all up and kept us all a secret from the public till the government decided to let us out into the open world. To live our lives like normal people and also to earn a living in what the humans called the modern era of what seemed a couple of years from the future it is now before they left this world to us in search of a new world.

_Anyway here at area 84 I was tasked with delivering and taking samples of DNA from staff and test subjects then moving them in hazard freeze box's to the Science department for mutation and storage till they are needed. We knew the task of cloning our people would be difficult the strands they collected we're more complicated then a humans which men't more money was spent to get the free world's greatest minds on the project just to get it working. _

On my First shift I was taking approximately five freeze box's to the Science department through steam filled hallways hollowed out down under the ground to make connections to the lower levels of the base. The steam did not bother me much what bothered me was all the noises I heard coming from the experiment rooms with the test subjects never in my life did I hear so much screaming and crying.

Most of those people joined the experiment willingly while blindly not noticing that those who do so don't really show up at work or go home afterwards. Come to think of it my colleague Tim borrowed ten pounds off me and didn't give it back the swine he even has the never to call in sick and not turn up for days on end.

Oh well it all right I suppose I did find a nice place to get out of some hours of work in the stasis chamber taking naps and watching sports games while laying back with a couple of beers. It maybe the only part of the base I can find peace any more since most of my day consisted of the same tasks.

Diary of Curse entry 24/11/4025:

_The Marshal of the Base sent out a message over the speaker system today something about a flu outbreak in the shower rooms caused by someone spending too much time under a cold shower. No asked about why the man was leaned up against the wall under the shower head all we could guess was he drank too much apple cider and decided on falling asleep in the shower room after chasing what we call the fluffy bunny for a hour or so. _

In training we we're taught to hold our wits when drinking or just to stay sober while on base but it seemed this guy did not even pay attention at all during that one class stinking of booze as the guards dragged him off. While he was still out for the count I had to clean up the mess since it was my turn to do so on the shift router which meant putting on a hazard suit and getting down on my hands and knees cleaning up vomit.

_Like anyone else would do in my situation I just got on with the job before I felt like vomiting myself which in this case would be like taking your head putting a fish bowl over it. And just letting the vomit fly out inside it till your head is completely covered in the bowl it was a job I just did not want to stick around for hour on end for even though I wasn't missing much at this time of day all I'd be doing is watching Simmons do his silly joke to the women about the reptile in a bar it never worked and yet he still does it. _

_ While doing the cleaning of the shower room floor I noticed something odd the vomit wasn't even that normal looking there was not chunks of food in it just a oddly pink liquid on the floor. With the consistency of glass of water which made soaking it up with a sponge easy enough however as I put the sponge in the hazard bin the liquid slowly began to eat away at it almost as if it was alive without thinking I just threw the bin in the incinerator and went back to my bed in the sleeping quarters to forget the whole thing._

Dairy of Curse entry 28/11/4025:

_It's been four days since the flu out break in the shower room and things have seemed to have changed there's more security on the base than usual loads of CCTV cameras in every room apart from the sleeping quarters. Plus they started introducing rules and regulations just to make sure only people who were needed was in the base at certain times of each day. _

Rumours started to circulate around the lower levels of the base people saying that some more people started to fall unconscious from the same symptoms as the first guy had. The same pink liquid left behind from their bodies after the guards carried them off which me and about half the base staff spent all of the day cleaning up and throwing into the incinerator once done.

_It was like some of the staff were having a party in one of the staff rooms and no one else even knew about it till they were found laying out cold the next day. Other staff started to think that the reptiles poisoned our drink supply some how but that was mostly based on the fact we had two crocodiles for security guards by the marshals office and they didn't even speak or talk to anyone else other than the marshal himself. _

_Life in this base was starting to feel very strange especially since we all started to get put on the night shifts even after all these events happening they still wanted business as usual. Kind of what the human FBI started to enforce back in 2012 after our specie evolved from common animals following the same old excuse "you don't see anything or hear anything move along" which only left more of us more curious as to what they were hiding behind those screens in the science department. _

Dairy of Curse entry 30/11/4025:

OK now I am really suspicious as to what is going on due to the fact more of the staff has gone missing even Simmons has gone missing that loveable idiot and his stupid jokes him of all people suffered the same fate as the rest. What the hell was going on its been so long since the first guy got the "flu" and slowly the number of healthy staff dropped to only twenty-five of us meaning it must be something far worse than the flu going around.

Which lead to some of us doing some investigating of our own into the cause of this random virus or disease spreading these last few days meaning going behind the backs of the security put in place to protect us to find out the truth behind the whole thing. Looking through every case file on subject it just seemed the usual stuff put into words as to what happened and what the cause was it was not till we looked into the CCTV tapes that we saw the scientists for what they were "murderers" every staff member taken ill they experimented on.

Like lams to the slaughter they take them and tried to mutate their infections into some sort of bio weapon ready to use in case of invasion which they believe was essential to our national security when in fact it was just to see what the effects of this mysterious illness was. The last twenty-five of us started to gather weapons from the weapons sheds on the surface taking ammo and assault rifles till we we're eventually armed to the teeth ready to take over the base and rescue any living test subjects alive in there.

_Unfortunately this means my diary will have to be locked away to keep our plans secret from the Marshal and his goons of security guards as well as the science department its self to assure that we could take over without any hiccups. And so that we could get as many of our missing colleagues out of there to their homes as possible to be cured of their illness and live their lives with their families tomorrow we take a stand for them and we will succeed. _

Helena: the diary entry's stopped after that it was all that I could get from the remains of the base apart from the footage on the CCTV tapes with the audio completely removed from the footage. I could see that the base exploded after a confrontation between the marshal and one of the armed rebels when they assaulted the science department to free their colleagues.

The confrontation ended with the marshal being pushed onto the launch button of the bio weapon which launched just as the footage cut out around the time of twelve hundred hours. on the first of December but the launch of the bio weapon was set to target the base itself no one even knew this at the time I even scanned through all the footage itself to find out who set it to target the base but nothing at all.

All I remember from before looking at every bit of evidence I could find to my past life was waking up in the stasis chamber naked and alone with the door to the chamber cracked but holding firm from what looked like a massive explosion. When I sat up in the chamber I could see the same pink liquid in a puddle covered my fur and the floor I was like it changed me some how then it hit me like a ton of bricks as I looked down at my chest I jumped up scared and panicking looking at my D cup breast then I franticly checked my lower regions and felt my sheath was still there but was accompanied by a slit which felt wet and also freaked me out.

I moved out of the chamber after opening the door to find a mirror or some glass to look into but only found bits of shattered glass so I had no choice but to pick up the biggest piece I could find and look into it and what I saw was like reality hitting me with a white glove. I was still the same yellow Lynx I knew I'd remember what species I was I could even figure out I was a male before falling asleep in the stasis chamber from the musky smell but then came the biggest slap in the face which I kind of figured out after feeling my newly formed slit and breasts was that I am now female or what humans call a hermaphrodite which in retrospect didn't seem all that bad.

I felt quite at home in this body my new curvy figure felt very sexy along with my heart shaped ass even looking at my blue eyes in the shattered glass gave me a strange urge and hard on which I had to take care of by meditating. After about four hours of meditating I started to look around the remains of the base finding nothing but the dairy and security footage plus the time gate some how still partially in tact and able to work once but it was of no use yet till I could repair the arch way of the gate but before all that I looked at my blood under a microscope only to find the DNA gathered into the bio weapon had some how fused with mine causing my birth as a effect if the radiation leaking through the cracked stasis chamber door.

learning fragments of my past through footage and the dairy to patch together my lost memories and how my new self came to be was something that changed my perspective on life itself in this century I couldn't leave this area not without the military knowing about it since they probably detected that the base was gone by now. And I couldn't call anyone to help who would believe my story or even treat me with respect without looking at my body and completely tuning me out even I knew men in this country day dream at the first sign of a women with size D breast or bigger.

I had no choice after finding some suitable clothes I started to patch up the time gate as best I could so it would work at least once and long enough to get me to a time where I could start a new life where I could leave everything behind and make a name for myself. As I started putting the pieces together I started to see the other changes the DNA made to me such as increased intelligence and strength as we as some gain in height by about five inches which helped in making the repairs a lot quicker meaning by the time the military came to the crater which once was the base I was gone through the time gate.

I set the time gate to send me to the year 2014 back when humans were still on the planet and the fur races just came out from under the FBI thumb of oppression and into the public eye for all of them to see. I landed in a back alley from what seemed like was behind a restaurant called Pizza Hut looking around the streets and roads in view I could see that thing were slightly more civilized here and that finding my feet in this time was going to be something of a neat fit after arriving and looking around I wasted no time going to a B&B paying for a room and falling backwards onto a bed relaxing till I finally though to myself "I am home!!"

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