Harper's Home

Story by Kells on SoFurry

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I did another thing. Harper and Benjamin have more antics. Short and sweet.

A throaty grumble of thunder stirred the young dragon from his sleep. Answering with a grumble of his own, he groped about with one forelimb, trying to find the soft, warm body that he had fallen asleep with. Finding Harper absent forced him to open his eyes wake up in full. With one more grumble of protest Benjamin blinked blearily in the bland light. The shutters and drapes were open to allow gray light to filter in. Rain pattered against the glass panes. The sharp smell of the storm mixed in the air with the pervasive smell of Harper on the bedding.

Benjamin tossed in aggravation on the padded mattress and wished he could go back to sleep; his body was having none of that. A familiar tight pressure in his loins announced his ongoing rut. Harper's fragrance only served to frustrate him. With a silent snarl he clambered out of the bed and stretched dropping his chest to the marble tile and flexing his back like a cat. The enormously tall ceiling even gave him room to stretch his wings.

"Harper?" He murmured, seeing no sign of the ambassador in the bedroom. The faintest tinkling of musical notes gave the only hint of her direction. He fumbled for a moment with the door handle to the bedroom before swinging it open and following the sound.

After the hours he'd spent making love to the exotic woman on the sun-soaked hillside, He had carried Harper on his back to her home on the edge of the city. The villa was modest in size. It consisted of four rooms: a bedroom, a washroom, a kitchen, and a gallery for entertaining guests. Each of those rooms however, was built on a scale that even Benjamin found comfortable roomy. An expansive deck and a cold-cellar with a larder finished the property. It was the deck that was the source of the music.

"Harper?" He questioned quietly once more, stepping out onto the raised veranda.

The notes became crystal clear outside. She was seated on a bench facing out to the bay with her tail coiled at the base and her feet planted wide in front of her. Between her legs was a large standing instrument that Benjamin had never seen before, but recognized by description as a harp.

Resonant, mournful notes hummed from the instrument as Harper's hands moved with practiced precision, the rain providing a staccato beat on the wooden roof above her. The open-front silken gown she wore billowed behind her like a cape as her fingers leapt across the strings.

Stringed instruments were not common among dragons as the lacked the manual dexterity to work them, so Benjamin sat back on his haunches to enjoyed the uncommon experience. He was surprised by the force and depth of the sound that came from the wood and resin of the harp, and the power of the song settled the dragon with a peculiar melancholy.

Curtains around the deck had been drawn back to display the storm fully, and they danced in the wind while Harper lived up to her name-sake. Thunder occasionally split the sky, sometimes in interruption, something in timely accompaniment. After long minutes of play, the ambassador brought her song to its conclusion, the final notes shivering in the air long after her hands had stilled.

"I think you may be the most polite audience I've had for quite some time Benjamin." Harper didn't turn to face him yet, but he could hear the smile in her voice.

Benjamin smiled as well, his tail flicking in lively humor. "That was quite good. I have never heard a harp played before. Where did you learn?"

"My mother taught me many years ago. She was a harsh woman, but she loved music. Would you believe that the harp was actually how I first got my position as ambassador?"

"Oh? I had suspected you used other assets," the words were out of his mouth before he realized what he had insinuated. "Ah, I mean-"

Harper turned her head to face him, her smile twitching in restrained laughter. "Relax, Benjamin. I am not offended." She stood and stepped closer to him, making no effort to close the front of her gown. The silk-soft cream colored fur of her chest and belly shimmered faintly with water from her morning bath, and Benjamin couldn't help but rake his gaze down her form.

"To be perfectly honest I have slept with men for money before; and women. When the person appeals enough to me, I see no shame in it. Many will never see another of my kind besides me, it is a unique opportunity that some have paid me well for."

"I see." Benjamin replied quietly. Despite himself the admission bruised his pride.

Harper stepped forward with a throaty chuckle and reached out to cup one cheek; Benjamin tried not to lean into the touch. "Don't pout. Just because I admit to using my body for profit doesn't mean I do so lightly. I am quite discerning in my tastes, and take only the most remarkable individuals as lovers, profit or no." Holding his face in both hands she slowly pulled his head lower so that her exhalation tickled his ear. "Imagine then," she breathed almost inaudibly, "how handsome you must be that I practically threw myself upon your lap for free."

Benjamin wanted very much to pull her to him, to feel those soft breasts pool against the scales of his chest and feel her body conform to his once more. Instead he steeled himself and pulled away; there was a question that he deeply needed answered.

"You do want something though. You want me to come and live here, to work in the city."

"I do," she replied plainly, placing her hand on her hips. "The services you can provide are very valuable to the city. In return you would become well versed in the cultures here and generously rewarded with coin and prestige. However," she stepped closer again and her tail flicked forward between her legs to tickle at his belly, "what we shared yesterday is in no way dependent upon that choice."

"So if I told you right now that I have no interest in settling here?"

Harper smirked, "Then I would welcome you to break fast with me. After that, we can make love on those cushions and watch the rain." Benjamin's eyes flicked over to a sunken area filled with cushions at the center of the deck. "Do you have any interest in settling here?"

Benjamin swallowed as her tail stroked lower. "Yes", he admitted.

"Good," Harper growled. "Having you close gives me much more convenient...access." As the word escaped the soft fur of her tail stroked directly over his slowly emerging arousal. "But, yesterday took its toll and I do believe a good meal is in order. Don't worry; I have no intention of torturing you for long. Our meal was delivered shortly before you awoke."

She sidestepped him and disappeared around a corner only to emerge a moment later pushing a cart flush with fruits, savory breads, and creamed pudding. The aroma of food immediately drew his attention and the audible rolling of his stomach made him flinch.

Harper prepared two trays of food. She set one for him upon the stone floor and sat down on a small pad across from him with her own tray of food in her lap. They ate in silence, and though Benjamin enjoyed the food he could only pay it partial attention. The rest of his focus was glued onto the open front of Harper's gown. She seemed to be oblivious to the fact that the veranda was completely exposed, and though she was on the edge of the city, there were other homes near enough that it was hardly private. Still, the risk of being seen didn't bother him enough to drive out the sultry scenes playing in his mind.

In all the fantasies of his youth he'd never pictured his first partner as one as exotic as Harper. She was so different from the dragoness's he had imagined. And yet not entirely different. She was undeniably attractive in an unconventional way. It still made him reel that she had so casually instigated their intimacy the previous day, and it bothered him slightly that he knew so little about her.

"You know, my uncle spoke at length about a great many of the creatures and people he met during his travels, but never once did he mention someone like you. Tell me about your people; what are they called?"

Harper shrugged slightly and finished the last bite of a pastry. "It is a common misunderstanding that my people are called anything. In reality, we are simply dragons, manipulated by mages into a humanoid shape. In every way except for the immediately obvious, I am very much a dragon, and biologically compatible with dragons."

Dread and panic filled Benjamin as the words sank in and he nearly choked on his pudding in distress, "Wait, you can't get- you aren't in season? You won't bear children?"

"Easy, love", she cooed calmingly, holding one hand out in a stilling motion. "I am not going to make you a father. While I am certainly capable, I take precautions to control my estrus. I am months away from my time."

Benjamin sighed in relief and settled his wings down across his back, struggling to control his heartbeat. "I mean no offense to you Harper, but I am too young to be a father."

"I agree. To be frank, I am certainly not ready to raise a child." Her smile turned mischievous, "I don't think either of us have anything to worry about though. The way you licked me clean last night, I'm not sure there was anything left."

Benjamin was happy that he couldn't blush, but his blood still raced through his body in a strangely mortified lust and he hunched lower under his wings. He had been extremely energetic in slurping his own seed from her body and the vivid memories fueled the hormonal arousal of his rut. Benjamin attacked his breakfast with new determination in the hope that Harper would help alleviate his need.

The ambassador eyed him for a moment before baring her teeth in a worrying grin. As he watched, she set her tray aside and dropped one hand between her legs, rubbing lightly over the object of his fascination, splaying it open with her fingers to be sure that he could watch. Benjamin stopped and stared as she slowly fondled herself, all thoughts of food gone. With a groan he shifted his tray aside, ready to mount her right there.

"Not hungry? Or perhaps you have a more pressing need to fill." The way she purred out the last word deep in her throat sent a shiver down Benjamin's spine. "I have an idea how we can satiate both of your desires."

With deliberate slowness she picked up a bundle of grapes and stripped it of a small handful of its fruit. Once more she reached between her thighs, and again making sure he could see, began to rub the first grape over her lips. Those pale pink petals were flushed and glossy from her teasing, and they parted slightly from the pressure of the fruit. She teased him with that show for a long minute before lifting her hand away, leaving only one finger pressing the grape to herself. Careful not to prick the skin of the fruit with her claw, Harper pressed more firmly down, forcing the grape to slightly stretch her open as it eased into her.

Benjamin could only pant and watch with avid attention as Harper quickly readied another grape, and then that too was inside her. One followed another until the entire handful of fruit was vanished. With a soft moan she leaned back on her hands, her tail twitching behind her as she spread her legs invitingly wide.

Benjamin hesitated; the notion of such a casual overture of sex was still new to him, and he found himself nervous to make an advance, despite his experience yesterday Harper chuckled softly, "There's no need to be shy."

Given her vocal consent, the young male eagerly shimmied forward and shoved his snout between her legs. A belated thought of foreplay crossed his mind but it was too late to turn back. The enticing scent of her was too thick on his tongue; it was all he could do not to pull her under him and mash those grapes into wine.

He nuzzled the soft flesh and gave it a slow lick. The tiniest hint of himself lingered, testament to the thoroughness of their coupling. His vigorous cleaning had taught him a considerable about of pleasing his lover. Tender strokes of his tongue-tip caressed around the small bump at the top of her lips, not touching it directly. Not yet. He pressed the thicker broader section of his tongue firmly into her sex and momentarily appreciated that he was so well equipped for this task.

Harper moaned as he began to eat her out. She closed her thighs around his face and rested her feet on his shoulders, her fur tickling down his cheeks and long neck. Satisfaction rolled through him as she soon began to curl her toes against his scales, the claws pricking just slightly. Pressing the top of his nose against her clitoris, the dragon buried his tongue into the warm embrace of her sex. All the way to the back he probed without delay, past the grapes until his tongue was curled up against the barrier of her cervix.

"Ohm!" Harper gasped aloud as he ground his snout into her and flicked his tongue off the entrance to her womb at the same moment. Her thighs clenched more tightly, and she leaned forward to grip his horns. He worried that he had gone too deep and thought she might push him away for a moment, but instead she used his horns as handles to pull his face harder against her loins. Benjamin's mind was so awash in the heady experience of Harper thrusting onto his tongue that he didn't immediately register his hips bucking hungrily into nothing. With what remained of his will, he focused on the soft spheres of fruit resting in a cluster inside the woman.

Benjamin had no intention of digging them out yet. Instead he wriggled his tongue inside of her, using it to shuffle the grapes around. He pulled them back and forth, pressed them up against the top of her passage and down against the bottom. He shoved one all the way back to her cervix again as though he could force it through, and drew one almost all the way out. The entire time Harper's motions grew more frantic, until she was vigorously humping his snout. Benjamin watched the muscles dance and quake under the pale fur of her belly and her breasts heave with gasping breath as she fought for air.

Patiently he kept up this game, waiting for the moment when she couldn't hold back her oncoming climax anymore. With one last forceful jerk on his horns the ambassador came, her claws digging into his shoulders as her body seized. Finally the dragon looped his tongue around the first grape and dragged it out of her.

His timing too Harper by surprise; as the first grape popped out of her the normally decorous woman gave an uncharacteristic yelp of pleasure. The convulsions of her body seemed to drag on for an eternity. Prolonged, Benjamin hoped, by the skillful ministrations of his tongue. Eventually the dragoness came down from her high, collapsing atop of Benjamin and gasping for breath as he pulled the last few grapes from her depths. He gladly swallowed all but one.

As Harper collected herself Benjamin bumped his snout against hers, smearing some of her spilled juices over her lips. At the same time he used his tongue to push the last grape into her mouth. Harper chuckled tiredly as she chewed the gift of fruit. "That was quite an improvement from yesterday." She lifted her trembling legs from his shoulders hugged his head to her chest before slowly standing. With a couple of wobbling steps the woman made it to the bed.

Benjamin couldn't help but feel a little proud of the effects of his efforts. The normally composed ambassador was looking a little more frazzled than usual.

Crouched down on hands and knees, Harper crawled to the middle of the bed and lifted her tail so that it pulled back the nearly shear shift she wore. "I believe it's your turn." She looked over her shoulder and spoke to him.

Benjamin did not hesitate this time. In a flash he was huddled over her, his wings mantled wide and low to hide her completely under him. He planted one fore-paw on the bed next to her shoulder and played the other one across her breasts to pull her up tightly against his belly. His aching shaft throbbed in the cool air as he hunched forwards, seeking his prize. Harper shifted her tail aside and leaned back for a better angle, and a moment later he found her moist entrance. Groaning in pleasure he sheathed himself entirely in her, eliciting a shudder from her as he filled her.

Benjamin's need had been drawn out too long for him to exert much control at this point, and he mashed himself up against the toned muscles of her bottom. He ground the heavily textured tip of his shaft deep inside her, savoring the grip of her flesh around him. The young dragon tried to maintain some decorum for the sake of his lover, but given the position she had chosen and his lust it was a losing battle. In a matter of heartbeats he gave into his rut, pulling out just enough to ram forward with a wet clap of his hips against her rump.

Harper gasped and trembled in his grip from the animalistic pounding of his organ inside of her. He felt her wrap one hand around the wrist of his forepaw for support as he threatened to scoot her across the bed. Her tail lashed against his flanks as he gained even more speed and fervor. He bent to nip at her ears as he felt his climax approaching, but to his great surprise he felt her sex convulse vice-like around his cock as she reached that peak before him. He plowed through her orgasm a few more times before yanking her back and ramming his hips forward in a very final thrust.

The tip of his erection blossomed out into a spiny, ribbed bulb. It locked the two together as he erupted in her. Benjamin shuddered and whined as he seeded her, the hot fluid pooling up around the swollen crown of his shaft. Overwhelming satisfaction and _rightness_filled his mind behind the pleasure. This lovely female caught her breath as he did, filled with a small puddle of his spunk and pinned onto his manhood, just like his rut had been quietly demanding. With a blissful hum, Benjamin slowly rolled onto his side, cuddling Harper close as he did so.

Minutes of silence passed as the two of them recovered. Benjamin was sure he dozed a moment. "Do I get to stay here if I stay in the city?" He mumbled.

"For a time yes. In a couple of months you'll have enough money to purchase property. As a citizen you have land rights." Harper replied, sounding sleepy herself

Benjamin contemplated the response. "Do I still get to visit after that?"

"I would be insulted if you didn't." The ambassador finished the statement with a yawn, her long tongue curling in the air. "Later today we can discuss the local people and culture. Before you make your choice we need to discuss the laws of the city." She blinked slowly and snuggled her soft body back against his chest and belly, shifting him around inside of her with the motion. "Not now though. I'm too sleepy to go over policy right now."

Benjamin frowned as he watched her eyes droop lower, and then suddenly snap open as he twitched his hips up into her. "There is still the issue of my rut to deal with."

Harper erupted into a sudden bubbling outburst of laughter. "You are remarkable Benjamin." She wriggled down into his lap though, her hips rolling against his. "Heaven forbid we leave such a matter unattended. Rut away my dear dragon."