Lykos - Mat P "Halloween Night" pt 2

Story by disturbed01 on SoFurry

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#4 of Mat P.

Prequel of sorts to my Wolf story (wolf art and story- and the story that goes with this image ( )....this part is part two (part 1: )

A big thanks to Leo_Todrius, Trickster_D, Agouru and Sangheilinerd for all their hard work creating such a magnificent world in Lykos. Without them none of this would be possible.

And a big thank you to Leo_Todrius, Trickster_D, Agouru, Sangheilinerd, Nex_Canis, Minsc9, Aux Chiens, MrFox, Aqua Shinsu and Master Georgio without whom I would not have had the courage or drive to write this and feel like it was really worthy of being posted.

And thank you to Revenantnoir and benzy for their adopts as without those adopts I'm not sure Mat as a character would have ever gotten off the ground.

Hope everyone enjoys this story and don't be afraid to leave feedback ^^

Most of all hope this lives up to the expectations that come with being part of the Lykos universe. I may eventually continue this "halloween night" but that is still up in the air atm.

Part two of "Halloween Night"

The pair made it back to the house no problem as Bear made his way to the back woods Mat went inside to grab the sleeping bags. They had bought those months ago and wanted to use them but shortly after they had bought them Tom and Anthony borrowed them for one of their trips. While they had let them borrow them they had to have the bags cleaned as they had returned them a little well used. The bags had specially made screens that could be easily pulled over ones head to protect from bugs. With the bags under his arms and a cold six pack in his hand he headed out to meet his mate at the little clearing in the woods. The pair loved to spend their time there just staring out at the stars while holding each other.

Mat made his way through the woods on the path eventually seeing his mate sitting down in the clearing just watching the stars and woods around him. He had shed his clothing and went full wolf as it always felt more comfortable that way. His ears twitching as he just listened to the world around him and took everything in. "Gotta say you look amazing there in the moon light like that love. Anything interesting moving around tonight," Mat asked his mate as he approached the large wolf. Fully wolfed out Bear was easily eight foot tall and just a mountain of muscle. Mat often teased him about his coloring as big as he was with the coloring he had he looked like a huge Kodiak bear.

"It's a beautiful night tonight and the without a cloud in the sky the moon and stars look breathe taking. Sometimes I wonder if they are watching me and my sister from up there," Bear replied as he was a little lost in his own thoughts. It was a night just like this that he had gotten the news about his parents.

"I'm sure they are. Yah know they love you and I imagine they are still watching over you and your sister," Mat replied as he set everything down and started to strip off his clothes. As he stripped off his maid's outfit he felt a bit lighter as he no longer felt half as embarrassed as now he no longer looked like a cross dresser. Normally he had no problem with this but after getting hit on all night and all the lewd comments he was happy to be done with the outfit. Ever so slowly he started to change into his wolfen form. Starting with his facial features as they elongated and became more lupine in nature. His body started to lengthen and stretch bones shifting inside growing him to fit his more massive form. Muscle piling onto muscle as he changed as mat controlled what shifted and when saving both his tail and cock for last. He always found those too changes to be the most exhilarating for himself. He looked over to his mate seeing Bear watch him as he changed, seeing his mate watch made him all the more excited. Finally as his bones stopped shifting and his muscle mass finished its growth he let out a pleasure howl letting the final part of his transformation come in. First his tail started to form almost immediately starting to wag as he stood there his muscles tensed from the sheer pleasure his body was feeling. And then the most pleasurable part began and his cock started to shift to a more lupine cock. The shaft changed colors from base to tip and as the color changed so did the shape of the cock. Mat let out one last howl as his seed spurt from the tip a little dollop landing on his mate's muzzle.

Bear just gave Mat a sly smile before he licked the seed from his muzzle savoring the taste. "Man that never gets old. Love watching you change and how in control of it you are," Bear said as he enjoyed the taste of his mate's seed still lingering on his tongue.

"I told you I can teach you how to slow it down and increase the pleasure but you never want to wait for me," Mat replied with a light chuckle as he took a little dig at his mate.

"Nah not really my thing anyways. But it sure is fun watching you do that though," Bear replied as he got up and moved over to his mate. The larger wolf quickly engulfed his mate in a loving hug as he moved in for a passionate kiss.

Mat wrapped his arms as best he could around his larger mate as he gave him a quick nuzzle between his large pecs. Even giving him a quick lick between them tasting his mate before he moved his muzzle up for a kiss. The pairs muzzles meeting and then parting as they shared a very sloppy but loving kiss. Their long tongues dancing in each other's mouths playing games around and over their teeth. The embrace was long as was the kiss as they enjoyed the embrace and true love shared between them. Everything that was running through Bears brain worrying him seemed to disappear at that moment flooded away by the security of being in his mates arms.

Bears hands moved about his mates body gently taking it in and feeling each and every curve of his well-muscled form. While Mat was distinctly smaller he was no less well built as time and again in times of need Mat showed that even though he was among the smaller of the pack he was no less strong than the strongest member of the pack.

Mat let out a little pleasured growl as he felt his mate enjoying his body. The smaller wolf quickly wrestling his mate to the ground displaying his strength. He knew full well that little things like that drove his mate wild with lust. Also it would turn to more fun as Bear was reluctant to be outdone when it came to making love.

They began to wrestle around on the ground for dominance to assert who would dominate the fun that night. Mat was going to put up a good fight but he had recognized his mates need early in the night and was ready to take the fall. But he knew he had to put up a heck of a good fight for Bear to believe it. There was a lot of playful growls and light snapping of teeth on one another as they worked each other over. Mat was happy they had such a secluded home and the woods around their place was almost always abandoned at night. Their growls and snarls cleared out the area a long time ago just leaving them and not another soul anywhere near, human or other. Eventually Bear managed to get on top of Mat and get an advantageous position so Mat put his tail down and ears down even dropping his gaze submitting himself to his mate. He knew he would have a little bit of a time with his wolf about submitting like this but he would do whatever it took to make his mate happy and help him let go of whatever was plaguing his mind.

"Hmmm looks like I have the upper hand tonight," Bear said licking his chops a little of his mates blood on them from their teeth and claws raking some wounds. They quickly healed but both of them had some amount of their own blood or the others blood on them. The taste really got Bears blood a running as he positioned his mate below him quickly.

Mat was ready for it as he knew that his mate liked to play real rough. He playfully swayed his hips enticing his mate to take him and knot him.

Bear growled dominantly and gave his mate's ass a very firm smack before he positioned himself. The large wolf moved over his mate wrapping his arms around him as his teeth clamped down on Mat's shoulder. With one quick sudden movement he thrust forward spearing his mate on his wolfen cock. Not giving his mate the chance to adjust he started thrusting letting his mate know full well that Bear was in command now.

Mat growled lightly even giving a light bark to let his mate know full well that he understood his position on this night. He was in heaven enjoying both the pleasure and pain of it all as he knew his plan was making his mate happy. His arms although very strong gave out as the pleasure and the fury of his mates thrusts caused them to buckle. Each new thrust pushed him harder and harder into the ground. Mat stretched as best he could in order to lick his mates muzzle lovingly. Each growl he let out signified how much he enjoyed the pounding he was taking.

Bear let out a dominant howl as his knot started to swell quickly linking the pair. The large wolf had always been proud of his ability to control the one aspect of his wolfen form and that was how his cock changed. It hadn't been easy to learn to do but it was a necessity with his size and girth. Once the knot locked them together the large wolf went even harder dominating the smaller wolf his mate. In that moment all that Bear cared about was the pleasure and the time with his mate. Each thrust bringing new bliss and enjoyment to the larger wolf and a true sense of closeness to the mate he loved with all his heart.

Mat let out a pleasured moan as he gave all he had to hold his ground so that Bear could enjoy himself and he could feel more of his mate inside him. The pain was intense but the pleasure was immeasurable and the wolves tongue out of his mouth in a pleasured look. He let out a small howl as he came onto the ground enjoying the bond they shared. As his seed flowed he could feel his mate tense some knowing full well what was to come he pressed back against his bucking mate as best he could.

Bear let out a pleasured howl as he came hard into his mate. His claws digging deep into his mate as he shot his load into his mate. The sweaty and almost spent wolf slumped over on top of his mate as he remained knotted to him. "I love you," he said as he hugged Mat close gently licking the back of his mates neck. The large wolf becoming a very tender and compassionate lover after each mating.

The pair laid there for the night not even bothering with the sleeping bags as they fell asleep together. The knot holding till well after both large wolves had fallen asleep. The warmth of their bodies and fur keeping them warm for much of the night and protecting them some from the bugs. They were happy together and all Mat wished for was that happiness to go on forever.

Mat had only been a wolf for a few weeks but each day he would see Bear looking in on him and checking on him. He felt bad that no matter what he did the big guy just would not forgive himself for cursing Mat. But he found that even though Bear was a very gruff and rough guy when they first met he was actually a very sweet and compassionate guy underneath it all. Sure it took some getting used to as he did carry himself as a tough guy and never wanted anyone to look at him as soft in any way. After those first few weeks and all the bonding time he had with the pack Mat was really fitting in pretty well and was already contributing to the pack which was noticed quickly by his alpha.

On the night of Mats first full moon he had taken to it all very well and even managed to settle a few conflicts that pack members were having throughout the night. Often members of his pack fighting over some of the game in the area. Mat stepped in and settled the conflicts asserting his dominance over those members quickly. Sure he was a new wolf but he knew they needed to get along to survive and make things easier on their keepers. It wasn't easy by any means though or at least that's what the blood and quickly healing marks on his body said. Regardless of the pain or how beat up he got he never quit and his sheer determination alone often stopped the petty squabbles.

About a month after he moved into the house he hooked up with Bear the pair bonding quickly after a pack orgy. They just had something special together and truly loved each other with all of their hearts. Mat fell in love with the man and the wolf that Bear was the two loved each other on every level. So much so that they were rarely ever apart for long. After a while they managed to get a room in the house to themselves so that they could be away from the craziness that a few of the other wolves would get into.

Tarver had been on the net for about a week trying to work some of his contacts to see if any of them had any potential information on the location of some wolves. The hunter usually only used the net as a last resort as it wasn't his style but unfortunately his old methods were really not getting him anywhere. "So any new possibles Danielle," he had asked on the skype chat with the mysterious hooded contact. He never questioned why she wore the hood or who she was all he cared about was her information as she rarely ever gave him bad info.

"Well we have one possibility. Up in Wisconsin and by its remote location I'd think there might be a group of them involved here. I'll send you the link to the photo," she replied as she sent the hunter the link. "Now remember if my info here was good you will get me the thing I specified."

The hunter nodded and quickly opened the link. He quickly knew the picture was real and that it wasn't a costume. "By the looks of it you are correct. I'll have to send my friend up there to investigate and find out just how many there are."

"I'll send you all the info I managed to gather.....well gotta go good hunting my friend." With that the mysterious woman logged off.

"Hmmm a pack and by the looks of it if this is just a beta a strong pack. Might have to call in a few for this one. Don't want to leave any loose ends after all," he said with a snicker as he started to sharpen his silver knife. Once satisfied with his handiwork on his knife he put it down and picked up his burner cell phone. Making one quick call. "Gabriel I need you to investigate this area in Wisconsin we may have a pack up there. I'm sending you the information now. Could you possible get the clan together after I think it'll take the six of us to make sure there are no loose ends. I want to hit them on the full moon when their guards will be down."

"What are you sure we've never tried it on a full moon with a pack before," the man replied then sighed knowing full well there was no changing Tarver's mind. "I'll call them after I confirm and do some information gathering. We'll be there but make sure you have a plan ready I think we will need a good one. I'll send you all info I get as soon as I get it," the nervousness very evident in the man's voice. He normally wasn't in the field for hunts but he knew this time he would be and this time he would risk a lot.

"No worries there my friend we will be ready to take these abominations down just make sure you are ready with that gun of yours to back us up if we need it," he replied a sinister grin on his face. He had been itching for some action for some time. A veteran of many fights with wolves and many scars all over his body to prove it he was ready to take this fight to the wolves on their night.

"Did you get all of them and make sure the photo was deleted off the phone," Dan asked inquisitively.

Anna just nodded and smiled, "I'm sure we got them all but I've already alerted some of the head keepers of the area and they said they have someone on it. They are going to try and track down everyone who viewed it. But I wish I knew what caused him to partially wolf out at a party like that. Those two are irresponsible sometimes but never that negligent."

"Yeah Mat seemed worried too about it but I think he did the best he could considering how crazy the night got. As for the pack well Black said he would look into it himself so that's at least taken care of. I sure hope though that no hunters saw his picture," Dan said a worried tone in his voice.

"You worry too much Dan now calm down we have this under control," replied Terry the athletic man relaxing in the back.

"You are late enough for work now get out of here before I kick you out got that," Donny said as he left the room seemingly to have a meeting of his own with Black. At least that's what everyone thought he would do as he was often lead in matters like this and worked closely with the head keepers throughout the area.

Dan got up and smiled, "Well see you love after I get off of work. Hopefully I'm just over reacting but we will have to wait and see." He walked over and placed a quick peck on his loves cheek causing anna to blush before everyone. Their relationship was no secret as Dan and Anna had hit it off after they first met shortly before Mat had joined the pack. Dan left with a sigh as he wanted to stick around but knew full well they needed his income to help keep the place going.

To be continued......maybe?????

Hope you all enjoyed this latest romp in my little part of the lykos universe and the latest chapter in mat's life before that night.......

Please comment and tell me what you me you won't hurt my feelings at all I'm a new writer and want to get better. So please help. ^^

Lykos - Mat P "Halloween Night"

It was the night of the costume party and Mat let out a loud sigh. He stared at the maid's outfit his mate had bought him. It was not what he had wanted to dress up as but a bet was a bet and Bear had won fair and square. Still Mat did not like the...

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