Lykos - Mat P "Halloween Night" pt 2

Part two of "Halloween Night" The pair made it back to the house no problem as Bear made his way to the back woods Mat went inside to grab the sleeping bags. They had bought those months ago and wanted to use them but shortly after they had bought...

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Lykos - Mat P "Halloween Night"

It was the night of the costume party and Mat let out a loud sigh. He stared at the maid's outfit his mate had bought him. It was not what he had wanted to dress up as but a bet was a bet and Bear had won fair and square. Still Mat did not like the...

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The Pirate & the Dragon (story commission)

"What do you mean, we got _ANOTHER_ stowaway?!" The quartermaster bit his pierced lip as his captain berated him. "I'm sorry captain, we're not sure how this one snuck in. As soon as I find out though, you can bet your ass the ones responsible are...

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