New Beginnings part 14

Story by Crownedclown13 on SoFurry

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#14 of NB

So heres another part so soon. Only one more chapter of re-boot i believe and then its all new everything for everyone!

As always please comment, critique, etc etc. What you like, what im good at, what needs work whatever. I really do appreciate the constructive criticism as much or more than the general 'loved it'. :P tho those are nice too

without further adu.

Chapter 14

Pence turned over, trying to put off waking up by squeezing his eyes closed and pushing his face into the couch cushion. It wasn't working, but he didn't give up, he sat there, head birried and obviously awake, but not quite wanting to get up and start the day; he more so didn't want to have to face what a shit-storm Calper was guiding him through...he was such a good friend and Pence often times didn't recognize it as much as he should have.

But, even the laziest of Lions has to wake sooner or later. Reluctantly Pence let out a loud yawn and opened his eyes slowly, eye crusties impeding his process. At last he had his eyes open and he sat up slowly, stretching out his back, large muscular arms over his head, a satisfying crack being heard as the kinks were worked out. Only then getting up from the couch did he notice Ricky curled up on the floor.

Pence stepped over him, giving him a calm once-over before he panicked. He really did need to work on handling his emotions. Ricky was breathing, a pillow supported his neck and a blanket covered him. He wasn't shaking or seemingly having a bad dream, he was simply out of place.

Letting out a held breath Pence slowly and gently scooped up the little human and placed him neatly on the couch without waking him, but getting a little grumble and a few tosses and turns as anyone would expect. The lion smiled, noting how peaceful Ricky looked asleep; Pence wished he could make Ricky have that calm face all the time, he wished Ricky wasn't so terrified and uncomfortable.

"I'm here for you," Pence breathed, face inches from Ricky's, he could actually see Ricky's hair move a bit with his talking, that blue and red swash of hair that hung down just into Ricky's eyes. He continued lifting a paw hesitantly wanting so much to just run his paw pads through his humans hair...

'Dammit,' he thought to himself 'I thought MY human.'

A sudden rage filled Pence and he stood up, walking to the kitchen, for a moment he was reminded of Klain who had used that awful word. He knew he wasn't as bad as that foul mutt, but it still felt wrong of him to claim another life as his own without reciprication. Inside he knew he felt more for the human then he told anyone. He laughed a little weak laugh, it wasn't like it was a huge secret, and anyone could guess really... subtlety was not his strong suit.

Frustrated he got out a breakfast drink, which were common at The Heart, and took a long swig. They never really got the flavours down, but he knew he tasted some strawberry something. It was sweet, but his sensitive tongue could tell real flavours from artificial ones a mile away. He needed to get his mind off the moment, but it all seemed to flood into his mind at every opportunity. Every negative event, every corrupt moment, every obstacle in his way popped into his mind like a god damned bunny.

He took another drink, finishing the small portion, knowing from experience he would feel fuller in a moment. Why was everything so damn complicated?


"So what exactly did he say?" Miki asked Calper, "And I don't want to hear some suck up bullshit from you either." The dog stared the pig down. Miki knew something was up, he couldn't place it, but he realized that once Klain told him his version of the story something was up. In the moment, he was compelled to believe his old friend's story but the exact details of Klain explanation weren't the most founded.

"Or manipulative," Namy threw in quietly, "Don't play us for the 'greater good.' We want the truth."

Calper looked at the few people he could trust not to over react and ruin everything. Griffin was out, the cat was a good guy but he was a blabbermouth, Felix was out too, he couldn't be trusted to act out a part; Felix was always just one to watch and give a half assed effort instead of actual participation. Of course the Doberman was not present; it was him they were discussing.

That left Calper in the room with Miki, Namy, Desmond, and Walker the badger. Walker was like Calper, he was in everything he was interested in, and where Calper was into people, Walker was more...materialistic. In short he was a little smuggler; if you wanted it, odds were Walker could get it for you. He had a bit of an attitude, but he understood the name of the game very well, and Calper needed resources all over.

Personally, Calper had a bit of a crush on Walker, he was average with a bit of a belly, his commentary was welcome but he knew when to keep quiet and to be honest, Calper had a thing for his whiskers and the black circles around his eyes that made the brilliant blue of his pupils pop.

Truth to be told Miki and Namy didn't like Walker in the least, they thought he was stuck up and snobbish, but it was just Walker being Walker in Calper's eyes...But back to business...

"Pence claims Klain did provoke him, neither mentioned calling for the nurse, and the Klain totally deserved being smacked around," Calper said evenly.

"Details," Miki pressed calmly, "We didn't come here for back and forth." Calper had called them to his own home; it was the safest place he could think of.

Calper sighed, "Well if we get down to the nitty-gritty right away then I promise you chaos will strike, please trust me okay?"

Namy sighed loudly, "You aren't giving us much to go on aside from Klain's story seeming off. If we can't have a better explanation to fall on then...well, I for one feel I owe him the benefit of the doubt."

The others nodded their agreements. "Makes me really wonder what I've been missing," Walker stated, more to the Calper then the group. "You guys always had a habit of getting into trouble yeah?"

Calper shifted in his seat, than mentally nailed his feet to the floor. Shifting sitting was a sign of discomfort and would not help him take control of the conversation. "Okay, but before I tell you Pence's claim you all have to promise that it doesn't leave this room, Okay? To be honest it's a bit of a game changer." They all nodded, Calper inhaled. 'You had better be right' he thought to Pence. "Pence says Klain called Ricky 'Beta'."

Calper saw the shock on all of their faces; he could have heard a pin drop. Everyone knew the severity of such a claim and responded in turn.

Walker was the first to speak, "I see why I don't associate myself in THIS group often," he offered lightly, trying to break the tension.

Miki shot him an annoyed look, "Why the hell would Klain ever say that?" he demanded, as Calper predicted he would, sticking up for his friend, "He-he has his meds, he's in check...I don't even think he likes Ricky! At least not that way!"

"Miki I know how it looks, but please just..." Calper didn't want to say 'calm down' in fear that it would just start more yelling, "Think about it. Out of all of us Klain is unfortunately the most likely to do that."

"He wouldn't." Miki said flatly, meeting Calper's gaze, "He's taking his medicine." His face was firm, but the little signs hinted that he wasn't as certain as he claimed to be. The corner of his mouth played upward, his stance shifted to control all unnecessary motion. HE did not explain further or break eye contact showing strain put into his dedication as opposed to a relaxed, true confidence.

It was understandable though and not the least bit unexpected. The two dogs had helped each other through some pretty rough spots in both of their lives, and loyalty ran deep especially in the Canine Clans. Calper knew better culturally, but all he could see it as now, was stubborn.

Calper stayed quiet a moment longer, "Besides," Namy through in, "Can we even trust Pence? We owe Klain more trust then someone who doesn't care enough to even try and stay friends...With anyone. I can't think of many who would vouch for him."

"I am," Calper stated simply, "You wanted to know the truth, and you even said Klain's story was shit, why fall back on that?"

"Because the other option is falling onto someone's idea, whom is socially off." The Rottweiler said, looking at the floor, "I WANT to trust Pence, but to me, at least being around Klain so much, I see the lion saying 'Beta' as more likely." He stood up, "Pence is okay in my book, but at least Klain has been recorded as stable. You've seen how Pence looks at Ricky, he doesn't hide his feelings very well. Now if you don't mind I'm going to make sure neither one of them are within a hundred feet of Ricky."

Calper stood, as was customary when a guest was coming or going. "Thank you for at least trying to be impartial in the end. I'm sorry if this news disturbs you, but you asked."

The dog turned fast to the pig, paw up and pointing "Don't think for a moment I believe Klain is slipping. He's worked too hard for it to swing back around in two fucking days you hear?" he swallowed and looked to the remaining Varii on the couch, "What ever happened to clan loyalty huh? Damn deserters thats what, turn on him the first time it became more convenient." the door shut behind him as he stormed out in a whirlwind.

Namy stood with an eye-roll and a sigh as the rottie left, leading Desmond by the front of his shirt, "We'll go make sure he doesn't do anything stupid. But just to clarify I am neutral." the wolf said simply, "Klain isn't as stable as Miki would like to think, but that lion isn't exactly on any honor roll either."

Calper watched them leave, for the first time in a long time he wasn't sure what to say or do. Miki had always been reasonable, the pig could have sworn that Miki would have been swayed to believe him and in turn convinced Namy too. Calper turned to Walker, not even registering the face he was making.

"You okay?" the badger asked, standing, paws up trying to help however they could.

Calper snapped too, nodding vigorously, "I'll be fine, I just need to think this all through that's all. So can you get what I asked you for?"

Walker smiled a cocky smile, "Who do you think you're talking too, an amateur? When do you need it piggy?"

"ASAP," the pig breathed heavily.

"Done," Walker stated, stepping closer that strictly necessary, snapping Calpers attention away from his thoughts. "Might not be the best time for flirting, but I wish it could be." the Badger said simply, grin painted on his face expertly, his right paw glanced over Calpers stomach on his way out the door.

Calper blushed even under the stress of the moment, "Wha...?"

The badger just winked as the door shut, leaving the pig in more of an uncertain mess than when he had first walked in.


Kochi sat in her cabin, Ralf was on her couch with a mug of tea looking at the floor. The pink cup looked so silly in his large mitts. "But you promised," he repeated again, not looking up at her on the other side of the couch, "What the hell..." he muttered.

Kochi rolled her eyes and sipped her own tea, she looked like a hot mess, her head fur wasn't done up yet, she was in some sweats and she felt the mucky morning layer of her yet-to-be-brushed teeth, all in all she felt gross, but it was early when Ralf woke up. "I don't understand what you're complaining about."

"You broke your promise," he repeated. That was why she hated dealing with stupid young guys, they never had anything smart to say, "And you said we would date and know. And we didn't."

Kochi rolled her eyes, "You can still tell people we did, that's all you guys really want isn't it? To say you fucked so and so?" Ralf noticeable blushed when she said it, he was so damn young. Kochi blew out a puff of air, "You can't tell people anything slutty though," she added with venom. "You ARE only like, what...Fifteen?"

"Almost sixteen."

"So fifteen."

Ralf sighed, "You should go now, don't think I'm not grateful." She put a paw on his and gave him a practiced smile, "Maybe if you were older." A spark showed in his eyes. Hook, Line, And Sinker.

Ralf got up to leave and Kochi went to brush her teeth, she hated feeling so undone and there was a day to be had and people to mess with. Her mind lingered to the human under the care of that mess of a Pack. All the misfits put together into an almost functional social standing. In her eyes, they were tolerated until they tried to make something of themselves.

She would have rolled her eyes at the very notion if she didnt have a mascara to apply. That unfortunate Ricky had to go and ignore her. He wasn't that exciting or even that particularly attractive, but she had to make a point that she was head-bitch. She had only been afraid of Ralf ratting her out. In the whole plan, the conversation ending so well that morning took all uncertainty of her immediate well-being away.

Now she just had to get about the rest of the trip. Long expeditions like this so far into the outer rings were tiresome. She missed the feels and smells of her home world. One could only view a singular sun at MID DAY for so long before they felt homesick.

Ralf walked down the hall to his own cabin. He didn't feel like celebrating the fictitious loss of his virginity like he thought. In fact he felt terrible, he could be arrested! He broke into another person's cabin and assaulted them! "For a god damn fake too," he hissed to himself, thinking of that bitch. Why hadn't he listened to what everyone had said about her? He thought for a moment that she could be his later, but after a second he realized she was just playing with him more. He was young and shy, but he wasn't retarded.

His mother would be ashamed of him if he ever told her, the thought of her thinking her baby boy was a criminal broke his heart because it would break hers. His face squeezed together as he squeezed his eyes shut, why oh why did he EVER think that was a good idea?!


Klain sat still in his bed, tears welling in his eyes; he had fucked up so bad, 'Fucked up' didn't seem to cover it. He hadn't slept a wink but he was wide awake, he had heard his dad come home and had been so desperate for help he thought of asking his father for it. The voices cut that notion short. He felt the bottle in his right paw, he felt the weight, heard the sound, and knew what they did. He had read that bottle at least sixty times from the expiration date to the ingredients.

"Cedacorphil contains Binthof, Balder, Daive, Dolosive, hetortiv, igergolt, keptotorphilin, ports, quep, shive..." he recited from memory, "Cedacorphil can help with symptoms of Aneural Displacement Disorders, side effects include but are not limited to..." His voice was a perfect robotic monotone, reading facts helped centre his scattered mind.

How could he have been so stupid? Letting that slip was a stupid, stupid mistake!

"Take no more than two pills a day..."

He loved Ricky and that damned lion would stand in his way, but there was no way an antisocial freak like that would win out in a vote of trust...

He stopped reciting and smiled an evil smile, he thought the thought along with the voices in his head, "Pin it on the lion..."

He stood up walking towards the front door, formulating who would need to know what in order for this to be all Pence's fault for real. He just had to tell everyone Pence called Ricky a beta. That Klain had been too shocked to tell anyone until this moment. It could work...maybe.

He approached the door at the same time a knock came to it, he opened the door to Miki, "Expecting someone?" the Rottweiler asked.

Klain shook his head, "No, but uhh, it's perfect you are here actually," he smiled weakly, "I need to get something off my chest." By this point he was all in. He needed to either tell people the truth or start the lie.

"Perfect, I need to talk too," Miki said simply, a hint of frustration in his voice.

"You okay?" Klain asked, the two walking to his kitchen to sit at the table.

Miki stopped on the stairs a moment, and then pressed on, "I need you to tell me the truth Klain." The Doberman froze on the stairs, but continued on to the table, "I know that story about Pence and the nurses is complete and utter bullshit, and I want to hear your version of the truth, because stories are going to go around and I want to know what really happened."

Klain swallowed hard, a lump in his throat. He went to the fridge, "Okay, umm, anything to drink?"

"I'm fine," Miki stated with a cold edge, sitting at the table.

Klain sighed, sitting at the table, "So let's start with what you heard."

"Why would that matter? I just want the truth from you."

"Okay, okay, no need to get testy." Klain straightened up, letting out one last sigh; this was it, the moment of truth. "So Pence and I were waiting for Ricky to wake up right? You know nothing much, just chatting."

Klain felt a pang of guilt he hadn't before, could he really lie to Miki?

He shook the thought, taking a pause Miki didn't like, "Well?"

Klain produced one more sigh. He couldn't do it, not to Miki. Miki had helped him through a hell of a lot, and Klain had helped Miki in return, he was the closest thing Klain had to a brother, even if they fought it was never for long. This was different, they never lied. Miki had helped him conquer the voices before, and Klain had helped the Rottie in the rehab and the depression recently...

'But your beta...'

"Miki I did a bad thing," Klain whined, looking down at the table, "A bad, bad thing man, I fucked up big time."

"Did you say it?"

Klain nodded and Miki stared at him in pure shock, "What is it!" Miki shouted, not wanting to have been wrong about his friend, "What did you say because Pence says it was terrible!"

"I called him my BETA!" Klain cried out, "My god damn SLAVE! MINE!" he shouted, "I can't lie to you man, I really just can't do it." the Doberman whined, on the verge of tears, face aimed down at the table and not up at his friend. "I called him that; I've been thinking it the last two days, how beautiful his skin is..." He held up his paws as if to touch it, "The voices were in my head man and I just..."

"You weren't taking your pills..." Miki finally stated understanding and walking around to Klain's side; he had been around the Dobie only once before while he cried, as tough as he was, he was a wreck and needed attention. "It'll be okay dude; you just need to take your medicine again and maybe offer and apology or something." The Rottweiler held his friend close, "It's okay..."

"It really isn't..." Klain mumbled, "I still want him..."

Miki grimaced at the intentions, "We'll work something out. Where are your pills? We'll start there."


Ricky woke up suddenly top the sound of a heavy crash and mumbled cussing. In his sudden waking, he only began to register things piece by piece. He was in a couch not on a bed. He was in his room. His left arm was sitting under his head and felt like pins and needles. Then the rest of ones regular waking awareness', like a need to pee and an understanding of all of his less visual senses.

It smelled delicious for starters. He sat up awkwardly trying not to so much as move his sleeping left arm and failing. Ricky popped his head over the back of the couch and into the kitchen where he could see a familiar lion fumbling around with pans.

Pence looked down the short steps into the living room, "I didn't mean to wake you." he said sheepishly. "Sorry, the pans fell out at me."

He was wearing the same clothes as the day before so Ricky assumed he had spent the night. It wasn't that Ricky was against that, but it seemed odd that only one of the group would have stayed over after they had all been there after his shower situation.

He took his best shot at grinning and rubbed his hair. "No problem. You dont have to cook though you know, I can get it." His hair felt straggly. Thats what dye did to it in large doses. He grimaced and stood up, heading to the bathroom. He's be damned if he was afraid to pee in his own temporary living space.

After he finished up at the toilet he got a good look at his head with a clear mind. After the nights sleep he did feel better, but he still couldn't remember getting up and getting on the couch. For that matter where did Pence sleep? The chair?

Ricky was trying his best to think normally, but it was forced and hard to maintain with his current visual image.

His usually dirty red hair was blue in awkward uneven streaks along most of the right side of his head and over the top. It looked so foreign Ricky had a hard time registering that he was looking in a mirror. It didn't seem real. He tried to get a look at the back of his head with minimal success; though he was sure what he would find there.

The human sighed and washed his hands. It was surprisingly easy to ignore yesterdays trauma. With time to think about it the concept didn't seem as terrifying. Without the panic in the moment of the 'what if's', and a definitive outcome, the attack didn't seem as terrifying.

Though it was still off-putting. Ricky felt a little pull in his stomach and quickly went for the kitchen. Unsure how to help the lion, he sat down at the table. Pence turned to him with a little grin. "Morning."

"Good morning." Ricky returned with a little grin. He was starting to find the humor in telling a lion good morning and not so much the fear or anxiety. Joking might have been a coping mechanism, but he was starting to see he was coping and it was honestly a relief.

The had a silent moment before Ricky re-offered to make breakfast. "Nonsense, you made some for everyone yesterday. I might not be the best chef, but I can still return the favor with a Heart home favorite. Swell." he said as if it meant something to the human. "Kinda like a large flat piece of really tender chicken. Except its vegetarian."

Ricky made a face. "Thats an odd combination to be advertising."

The lion shrugged, "No other way to describe it honestly. It looks like a tree sized mushroom, but it has a hard bark and a soft middle." he paused, "Maybe that's worse." he said honestly. "Either way its delicious and good for you and i'm making it."

The human just shrugged and sat twiddling his thumbs. He was about to ask if he could help when a knock came to the door. Both guys turned to the living room; Ricky in curious confusion, wondering who would want to see him that didn't merit a call ahead, and Pence in a sort of anxiety. The lion could practically see Klain on the other side of the door.

Ricky was already out of the room when his voice snapped Pence from his thoughts. "Did anyone say they were coming over?" he asked, getting to the door. "How do I work the peephole?" he called.

Pence was at the door in a moment, pressing the green button in the center of the inner control pad. A screen popped up giving them live feed to the outside of the door at eye level where Miki stood with an officer.

Pence swallowed, but opened the door, an arm going between Ricky and the two guests before he even realized it. "Hello?" he answered the door for Ricky.

The Golden retriever with Miki gave a small salute, his right arm crossing his chest, fist over his heart and then snapping downward back to his side in a practiced precision. "Mr. Pace and Katorei." he began the official greetings of a Varii in uniform. "Officer Jud." he introduced himself. "Magisteriat Minor on this ship. Im here to deliver and invitation from the Captain to Mr. Pace." he looked down at Ricky whom was now out from behind Pence's large arm.

He did not give the customary nod.

Officer Jud went on anyway. "The Captain wishes to invite you to a dinner party this evening at 1700 hours in his Quarters. An officer will be at your residence at 1645 if you choose to except to see you there. I was told to tell you it will also be an informative meeting before meals concerning the immediate living situations at the Heart, a general Q&A and all other Human guests aboard will be invited as well." he was prompt, and spoke clearly. Pence had learned English in a few weeks but Officer Jud sounded like he had been speaking it since birth. Typical of a Magisteriat who's job was negotiation, communication and education.

Ricky looked taken aback, looking over to Miki as if he were waiting for input. Despite Ricky's obvious confusion and lack of knowledge about the rudeness of looking away from a ranking officers liaison whom was speaking to you, Jud waited patiently and didn't flinch.

"Umm...Yeah," Ricky said, obviously flustered, "1645 you said?" he asked, "5:45?" he clarified.


The human looked around again, Pence tried not to see the social disaster of the action.

"Yeah, that sounds good. Do I have to wear anything special?"

"It will be a semi-formal occasion seeing as some guests will not have uniform." the retriever spoke again, "Can I make the assumption you will be attending and in need of a guide to the Captains Quarters assigned to you this evening?"

"Yes sir." Ricky nodded. It was better, but Magisteriat would have been a more appropriate title. It was like calling a teacher who possessed a Doctorate MR. so-and-so as opposed to DR this-or-that.

"Excellent. Any other matters that need immediate attention from the crew? Are your pantries stocked? Luggage in order?" he asked. He seemed un-phased by any of the conversation. His face was smooth and emotionless, yet somehow not cold. Just reserved.

"Yes, everything I can think of is in order." Ricky looked behind him as if he might find something in a quick sweep that needed attention.

"Very good. The captain and myself look forward to seeing you this evening." he saluted again, "Veeton." he then saluted Mike and Pence at once and walked off in his military perfected step.

Both boys saluted back and held the salute for a moment after he walked off. Ricky noted his tail was docked as well. On Klain and Miki it had seemed natural but on a Retriever it caught his attention.

"Effing Magiseriat." Miki breathed out. "Scary." he shook his head and turned too his friends in the doorway. "I was on my way over when he was at the door." he explained.

"Veeton?" Ricky asked the two.

"Mean's uhh...'Gentlemen' or 'respected ones'." Pence explained, locking eyes with Miki. This couldn't be casual. Miki and Klain were too close for this meeting to be casual.

"Feeling better?" The rottweiler asked Ricky, who was already walking back inside, the invitation obvious. Pence followed behind Miki who didn't even seem upset.

"Loads, I slept like a log." Ricky said, sounding unconvincingly tired. IT was going to take more than a single nights sleep to work it all out it seemed. "I didn't mean to worry you guys."

"You got attacked." Miki said flatly, "You're in no condition to be concerned how that makes others feel."

The human shrugged, "Still."

Pence was right back to cooking, on edge but trying to just play it out. Maybe this wasn't going to be a real confrontation. He wouldn't put it passed Miki to calmly handle even such an emotional topic. To be honest, they were probably both thinking about the Captains dinner invitation and keeping it quiet from Ricky.

The Dinners happened every so often with upper ranking crew. There were feasts of the whole ship occasionally but personal dinners in his Quarters were special. Only the best of the best of his crew and their families were invited. It was a pretty well known list with the occasional surprises.

But they both knew that without a doubt, Kochi and her family would be present.

New Beginnings part 13

Sorry for the long wait! this has been mostly edited for a while now and im only just posting! ## Chapter 13 "I'm gunna kill her," Miki fumed; closing Ricky's door after one more glance in, "Why the hell would she go for Ricky though? That doesn't...

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GuyThreepwood Commission: Conflict pt.2

Hello, this is part 2 of the 2 part commission for [Guythreepwood](! Edited by [Arkarian]( Continuation of his other commissions so do read them and tell me what you think for improving...

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GuyThreepwood Commission: Conflict pt.1

hello, this is part one of a 2 part commission for [Guythreepwood](! Edited by [Arkarian]( Continuation of his other commissions so do read them and tell me what you think for improving...

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