A Sure-fire Raise

Story by ShaKaar on SoFurry

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Short Story (Still in Rough Draft phase) based off a commission I got from FurryRatchet.

He can be found here; http://www.furaffinity.net/user/furryratchet/

Nude Version of Pic can be found here; http://www.furaffinity.net/view/14122757/

A Sure-Fire Raise (Rough Draft)

By Sha'Kaar

The clock ticked slowly in the night, you glance at it and think to yourself how crappy it is that you're the only assistant that has to work late with the boss. While you sit there wondering what it was that made the boss pick on you at the end of the day a call comes from the intercom,

"I need your assistance, get your tight ass in here"

You groan to yourself quietly as you stand from your desk, heading to the large oak doors of the bosses office. You stand before the door, quietly preparing yourself for the grunt work he is about to dish out, some belittling, or whatever bullshit yelling he decides bellow out. You take a deep breath as you push open the door... your eyes shocked by the sight, you jaw drops and you stand there stunned.

The large deep purple furred panther stares at you, his paw beckoning you with a single finger, his chest fur visible through his unbuttoned shirt and loosened tie, pants unbuttoned showing the tease of whatever underwear he is wearing.

"How about you get that hot ass of yours over here, and do what I hired you for." He calls over with a grin.

Your mouth dry, not sure what to do or say... you tremble slightly not realising till now just how sexy your boss is. You, lost in impure thoughts, manage to take in enough air to softly ask, "Hu, uh,. Hired me for?"

"Yes, hired you for. A fine pretty thing like you, in a place like this with whatever qualifications you have... which I'll be honest I didn't even look at. Those revealing clothes were the only thing I saw last month." His grin ever widening shifting into a fang filled evilly seductive sneer.

Your legs almost powerless to any hesitation you may have step forward, the door closing softly behind you.

"What did you need me to do?"

You timidly ask, unsure why you even said it, because you know this is wrong, but deep down a primal urge is boiling up and moving you forward.

"How about you just keep that soft mouth of yours closed for now, and just help me remove my suit." He says as his paw, previously calling you forward, rests behind him on the table.

Your foot paws carrying you one step closer at a time, put you within reach of his strong legs. You lift your hand paws to them, and slowly run them along his upper thighs over his pants till the reach his waist. You stop, glancing up to his face, timidly looking him in the eyes.

He nods, flexing his chest slightly pushing it out towards you.

Your body, now still wedged between his thighs, shivers with anticipation. Your pas start to move up the soft fur of his smooth belly, over his chest and up to his shoulders. Slowly you slide them under the fabric pushing both his jacket and shirt over his shoulders and down his arms. The whole while you tremble in excitement and fear, unsure what is really happening.

He moves his body slightly; pulling his large paws loose from the clothing and firmly grips you by the shoulders, claws digging in just enough for you to notice them. Soon you find yourself in a passionate embrace, his textured tongue forcing its way between your lips. You suddenly realise your belly, still concealed behind your shirt, is now pressing up against a heavy bulge in his pants. Your own pants starting to get tighter the more you let your inhabitations go. Locked in the passionate kiss, you feel his paws run down your arms, guiding your paws to his waist again as you instinctively grasp at his belt and begin pulling them down.

Lost in the pleasure, you suddenly realise that his paws are no longer touching you and that he has lifted his body off the desk so you can keep removing his pants unhindered. This is when your curiosity gets the better of you and you break the kiss and look down to the bulge you have now uncovered. He simply grins, resting himself back on the desk once you finished sliding the pants past his hips. You now stare at the tight fabric, which leaves little to the imagination and seems to hug his bulge in a most alluring way, as if they calling out to be fondled by their mere presence alone.

Your paws begin to slide back along his firm legs having just discarded his pants to the floor. Soon they slip along the inner thigh and move closer to the tight fabric. You hesitate a second, looking up to him, suddenly unsure, but his closed eyes and subtle purring tell you its okay. Slowly you paw glided over the bulge while the other slides further up to the waist of his underwear. You feel yourself becoming bolder with your actions as you lean down placing your nose to the bulge, taking in the musky earthly aroma. The need to peel this final piece of fabric away starts growing within you as you place you first paw to the waist band and begin to slide it down.

Once again he shifts his hips for you as you start to discard the fabric, slowly revealing his sheath already plump and ready to reveal its tender treasure. His balls hanging a bit lower seem bigger, now that they had been set free from their confinement. You lean forward as you paws slip the final piece of clothing from his legs and you inhale his scent again. You move closer and closer, your nose just a short distance away and slowly you open your mouth letting your tongue move past your lips until it just touches the slit of his sheath. You dip the tip of your tongue inside slowly and can already taste the sweetness of his precum. His cock stiffens and slides out, exposing itself to the cool air and to your tongue.

Slowly you start licking at the tip as it moves closer, the smell of it sweet and intoxicating to your senses. You open up wider, allowing it to slowly pass through your lips at its own pace, all the while lapping up the sweet juices that have collected. You hear his purrs become louder as you begin to take all of him in, the feeling of his paws now rubbing your head softly only encouraging you further. You bend down further, his tip tapping the back of your mouth gently while your tongue slides back and forth along the bottom of his cock.

You begin to pick up the pace of your movements, sliding his ever enlarging cock in and out of your lips, your tongue working every inch of his cock it can reach. Your paws, having found a place to work simultaneously they caress his tender sack while rubbing at the base of his cock and sheath. Seconds turn into minutes which seem to turn into hours as you work his sweet fluids from his cock. Soon though his large paws grab at your shoulders again, pulling you up off his cock, his once steely eyes now filled with lust looks deeply into yours, and instinctively you know what he wants. Slowly you move your paws to your own pants and begin to unbutton them, finally letting them drop to the floor, quickly followed by your own underwear.

He grins purring deeper as he picks you up, seemingly with extreme ease, and rests you in his lap. His hard cock nestled between the cheeks of your ass while its tip pokes gently as the base of your tail. You place your paws squarely on his chest as he pulls you towards him, your whole body pulling up a little, his lips once again meet with yours and instantly your tongues meet again pushing back and forth against the other. You know where this is going, you knew the second you walked in the door, so you move one of your paws behind you to his cock and line it up to your tail hole.

You brace yourself quickly within the kiss as you move your hips down slowly, the tip of his cock slowly opening your ass as it slides in. The fluids on his cock, being a mix of his own and your tongue, make it easier for you to work your way down on him. His purrs deepen vibrating from him with certain clarity while you whimper softly half of his thick cock within you. Now with both paws on his chest again you pull away from the kiss and use that shift in movement to force yourself down on him, hilting yourself around the entirety of his cock. Letting out a soft whimper from the sudden shock, you discover his paw has moved to your cheek compassionately, you gaze back into his eyes becoming lost in the moment while you adjust.

His heavy paws slide down your body, unbuttoning your shirt as they go, caressing you softly. Quietly you rest there, your shirt open and chest bare, his paws resting on your hips. The feeling of him inside you fills you further with a passion and lust so slowly you move yourself up, assisted by his paws, and then slowly you slide back down. The feeling of it refilling your insides thrills you further causing you to slide up again instantly, as you begin to ride his cock.

Slowly you build up speed, and as you go faster, your own stiff cock starts to bounce up and down tapping against his waist. You close your eyes and tilt your head back, the sensations surging through your body, as you pound yourself back against his hips harder and harder. The sound of his purring and the soft moans that escape from you echo around the room. Your mind begins to go numb from the sheer pleasure as you suddenly feel a massive paw grip your own bouncing cock and begin stroking it in time with your movements. Your body starts to quiver already, the experience almost too much to handle as you start to feel him throb within you and a low heavy growl comes from his chest.

You feel his paw move quickly back to your hip as he starts to thrust you even harder against him, his hips now thrusting up to meet yours His loud purrs now being replaced but a feral and lustful growl tells you he is close. You grip his chest, your own claws digging into his fur, when you feel it. His cock throbs again, heavy and hard, with a final thrust deep within you. The heat eruption from his engorged cock, filling you up with shot after shot of his warmth. Your own cock now begins to twitch, soon to erupt as well, as he grunts hard one last time.

Suddenly he pulls your body off his still hard cock pulling you towards his muzzle; the quick shock sending you into a quick sensory overload and ignites your throbbing cock as it starts to shoot thick jets of cum. The first shot landing on his chest, the second on his chin, and the rest inside his muzzle and down his throat as he pulls your cock into his mouth sucking at it furiously to get all that you had to offer.

Once he was satisfied that he received ever drop he could from you he slides you slowly down his chest, resting you comfortably in his lap, his arms wrapped around you with a heavy purr once again vibrating from his strong chest. You slowly glance up at him and lick the underside of his chin softly.

You see him smile and then, feel his cheek rub against yours softly before he softly says, "How about you come back to my place, and finish you the rest of your work there." his eyes sparkling with a hint of mischief.

You smiles back, still looking up at him as simply say. "You're the Boss.