Missing You
I need you to hold i pray that you feel the same as i've told.
I Aim to Please
I owe you so much...
You And Me
Love you loverxlover you and me you and me, like two peas in a pod; two minds, but with a diff bod; so much alike, known you since i rode a trike; your name's not ike, but why not?
Furry Anniversary and Thank you!
So my fellow furs, what i want to say is...thank you...for everything. your support and kindness mean a lot and i hope i can entertain you with my work just like you entertain me with your awesome personalities.
A great big thank you!
So i just wanted to say thank you to all. i appreciate your comments and i take them all to heart. i'm currently working on part three, though i still have a bit of work to catch up on. all my best to you all. drait ^.=.^
An idea to improve tag system
Now let's supose that you want at least one of the characters to be feral but not specifying.
Concept for RP / RPG or game.
For example: you knocked your opponent down, so you decide to use his finger. its finger modifier is +4. so you roll d20 + 4 result: (6) + 4 = 10 note: if the target has weakness (by type) to the attacker, the attacker's modifier is doubled.
Idea for a twokinds fanfic
So i'm posting this idea here to anyone who want do use it how do you want. reasons why clovis would want to do body swap with zen: - clovis hate women, and so dont want to be one to rest of his life.
Uma Fanfic de Twokinds: Revelação
Era um dia nublado mas ainda assim quente nas Ilhas Basitin, mas Keith não estava com humor para aproveitar o clima. Sua mente estava focada em processar os recentes acontecimentos. Ele passou de um ninguém exilado para o Embaixador Basitin. Não era...
"Graditude" by Dean Shaw
#I want to show my gra-ditude #By doing things what I do #By singing this song #If it takes the night long #I will dance a-round #Your beautiful sound #You've got me going on #With writing this song #I am getting more wise #By...
Why Pinkie Pie Smiles
"but you want me to leave!" she growled. "i brought you ponopoly and everything! is this how you treat your friends?!" she demanded.
Crumbled Crane
"you don't stink like you usually do," i note when my nose presses on his chest fur. "i bathe, i don't need your help to do something so simple," he retorts, "if anything, i should be asking you why you were still in bed."