Missing You

I need you to hold i pray that you feel the same as i've told.


I Aim to Please

I owe you so much...

You And Me

Love you loverxlover you and me you and me, like two peas in a pod; two minds, but with a diff bod; so much alike, known you since i rode a trike; your name's not ike, but why not?

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Furry Anniversary and Thank you!

So my fellow furs, what i want to say is...thank you...for everything. your support and kindness mean a lot and i hope i can entertain you with my work just like you entertain me with your awesome personalities.


A great big thank you!

So i just wanted to say thank you to all. i appreciate your comments and i take them all to heart. i'm currently working on part three, though i still have a bit of work to catch up on. all my best to you all. drait ^.=.^


An idea to improve tag system

Now let's supose that you want at least one of the characters to be feral but not specifying.

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Concept for RP / RPG or game.

For example: you knocked your opponent down, so you decide to use his finger. its finger modifier is +4. so you roll d20 + 4 result: (6) + 4 = 10 note: if the target has weakness (by type) to the attacker, the attacker's modifier is doubled.

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Idea for a twokinds fanfic

So i'm posting this idea here to anyone who want do use it how do you want. reasons why clovis would want to do body swap with zen: - clovis hate women, and so dont want to be one to rest of his life.

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Uma Fanfic de Twokinds: Revelação

Era um dia nublado mas ainda assim quente nas Ilhas Basitin, mas Keith não estava com humor para aproveitar o clima. Sua mente estava focada em processar os recentes acontecimentos. Ele passou de um ninguém exilado para o Embaixador Basitin. Não era...

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"Graditude" by Dean Shaw

#I want to show my gra-ditude #By doing things what I do #By singing this song #If it takes the night long #I will dance a-round #Your beautiful sound #You've got me going on #With writing this song #I am getting more wise #By...


Why Pinkie Pie Smiles

"but you want me to leave!" she growled. "i brought you ponopoly and everything! is this how you treat your friends?!" she demanded.

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Crumbled Crane

"you don't stink like you usually do," i note when my nose presses on his chest fur. "i bathe, i don't need your help to do something so simple," he retorts, "if anything, i should be asking you why you were still in bed."

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