Now or never

Story by Runakei on SoFurry

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I immediately put the blindfold back on. Turning my head away from the door, I put my arms against the legs of the table, making them look like they were still tied up. I had just put my arms down when I heard the door open. I marveled at my luck.

A pair of feet were making their way over to me, testing my patientece. It was all I could do to lay there, helpless, while atleast my arms were free. I heard some muttering, in Racheal's voice, and felt something on the back of my ankles where the leg ties where. One loosened and fell to the floor. I was confused, why was she untieing me? Was she planning on moving me to the bed?

I decided that I didn't want to find out. I felt the second leg tie fall to the floor, and heard a footstep go around the table. Ok, time to go.

I suddenly sprang from the table, tearing off the blindfold in the process. I had a second to see the look of surprise on the wolfess' face as I turned around and sprinted out of the open door. It was daylight, kinda. It was bright outside but it was also cloudy. I was blinded by the sudden light, but wasn't willing to wait a few seconds for my vision to adjust. I just ran.

My vision cleared as my body crashed through some trees. The little shack was in the middle of the woods apparantly. Brushing through the trees, I was fueled by the fact that every step I took brought me farther away from the crazy bitch. I WAS FREE! NOTHING WOULD STOP ME FROM GETTING TO SAFETY!

I kept running until a sudden urge forced me to stop. I REALLY had to pee. I cursed myself for having to go now, of all times, but realized I hadn't gone since 8:00 p.m. last night. As I came to a stop, I walked over to a tree and stood there panting. Man that running had taken a lot out of me. I finally started to go when I heard something. I at first thought it was an animal, so I paid it no heed. Finishing my urination, I turned to start running back I the direction I was going when I saw the worst sight any boy could see. I saw a grey wolf with pink hair, stalking over to me, from the direction I had been going in. Though confused as to how she got ahead of me, I took no time to try to figure it out. I turned and took off in a different direction.

"Come back hun, you can't run forever! I am physically stronger and more capable of running long distances than you are!"

True, I thought, but maybe I could out-think her. It didn't sound like Racheal was sprinting after me, but I kept up my terrifed pace anyway, ignoring my exaustion. Fear was excellent motivation for distance running.

I ran until I figured I was a safe distance away. I came to a halt in a small clearing, this time truly out of breath. I had to find a place to hide. It would buy me valuable time if Racheal was to look for me in the wrong direction. I noticed a few suitable hiding spots, but hesitated. I had to think this through. No way was the bitch going to just run past here, hoping to catch me. I had just escaped inprisonment, in which she had raped me, and had no plan on just keeping that information to myself should I get away. Racheal was going to be using all of her wits and cunning to find me, so I couldn't report her to the police. This escape was no longer about who could run for so long, it was now a battle of wits.

I scanned my potential hiding spots, taking mental notes on which ones were obvious, and which ones might be good ones. I wanted to pick a spot that was fairly obvious, but not completely obvious. Like the hollow tree near one of the edges of the clearing. It was perfect. The tree had an opening near it's roots that looked big enough for me to crawl into.

Perfect as it was, I realized that it wouldn't work. The opening had only one entrance, and should Racheal find me, I would be trapped between her and some roots. But I did realized that the tree was just the kind of spot Racheal would look for me, so I hid behind some bushes a few yards away. Catching my breath, I realized that the clouds were turning really dark. It was probably going to rain soon. Perfect. Now in addition to being violated, lost, and in considerable danger, I was going to get sick too.

Sitting there sulking, I almost missed Racheal coming to a stop in the clearing. She hadn't been running, just kinda walking at a brisk pace, leaving her perfectly capable of grabbing me and forcing me back to the shack, or perhaps killing me. I didn't care which, both were equally bad.

The wolfess went straight over to the tree. I called that one right. Bending over to peer inside of the opening, I had a good view of her pink panties sticking up over her jeans. Even after all I had been through, I was starting to feel attracted to her again. Crazy as she was, evil as she was, Racheal was still the most beautiful woman I had ever seen.

The lulled state of mind I had been in thinking of this had cost me dearly. I lost sight of Racheal. I almost paniced, but was calmed by the knowledge that my ruse worked. Racheal was headed in a different direction than me, and I had plenty of time to get away. I decied that I was going to go back to the shack, that direction would be safest, no way she would ever think to look back there. Once I got back to the shack, I could find my remaining clothes, maybe find her car, or at least follow the road, and-

My thoughts were once again interupted by a flash of pink in the corner of my eye. Springing forward, I took off again looking behind me. Racheal was standing where I had been sitting a moment before, smiling at me, as though my bid for survival was amusing her. Yeah, forget what I said, I felt no more attraction to her.

I couldn't run back the way I came now, so I really had no plan as to what to do next. I was running blind through a dark forest, with various twigs and branches scratching my sore body. I stepped on an uncountable number of rocks, tripped and stumbled over what seemed like every root in the woods, and was dead tired. My arms and legs felt like they were made of lead. I hadn't been in the best of shape before my kidnapping, so all of this running now was probably killing me. My arms and legs felt like they were made of lead, and were becoming increasinly difficult to move. I almost couldn't breathe.

In addition to the exaustion, I had a severe pain coming from my lower body. After the thrashing my poor balls had endured, they had developed a searing pain that I felt whenever I took a step. With all of my running, my balls had been unmercifullh bounced around, helping wind me and slowing me down. I realized that in my current state, I was more likely to die running than at Racheal's hands, but was still not wanting to take that chance.

So, exausted as I was, I more fell into the river than stepped into. The freezing water quickly woke me up, but didnt' do anything for my heavy arms and legs. Fighting to stay above the surface of the water, I didn't care about how much noise I was making, I just wanted to get out of the river. I had reached the far bank of the river when I noticed two things. One was a cave in the water that might lead to a hiding spot. The other was the bridge crossing the river a short ways away.

Forgetting the cave, I started to make for the bridge. Where there was a bridge, there was road, and where there was a road, there was a town, and where there was a town, there was safety. I had started to climb out of the river when I looked back and saw Racheal. She was running full blast this time, a feral look of pure desperation upon her face. Though I should have been frightend, I was compelled to stare at her magnificent breasts, bouncing up and down, up and down, up and down...

My fucking distration cost me my chance to escape, so I had to act fast. I jumped back into the river, and swam as fast as I could for the cave. The mouth was just barely above the water. Taking a huge risk, I dived under and swam in. The cave had a few twists and turns, and I knew that if there was no air at the end, I was dead. At the end of the small tunnel, I came into a small chamber, just big enough to hold me. My lungs ready to burst from holding my breath, I broke through the surface of the water. I could breathe!

"You clever boy, you hid in a cave too small for me to get you. But don't worry, I can wait. You have to come out sometime. Just not right now, ok?"

What the hell, I thought. She didn't want me to come out of the cave? I knew she was right about the fact that I couldn't stay in here forever, but I was still confused as to what she meant. I thought for a moment, now having time to catch my breath and rest. Why would Racheal want me to stay in this cave? I came up with three reasons. The first reason was that there was someone out side who Racheal didn't want me to see. If this was the right answer, then I should exit the cave and show myself to the mystery person, probably ensuring my freedom.

The second reason was that I was standing chest deep in water. If the coming rain had promised me getting sick, then the water around me guarenteed it. In my sickened state, it would be no challenge for Racheal to pick me up and carry me back to the shack. The third reason showed itself without me having to wonder about it.

The tornado made itself apparant with a howling that I at first thought was a train passing by. A train wouldn't have been unreasonable, since I didn't know what kind of bridge was out there. But I came to the realization of what it was when it crossed over the river, sucking up water like a dying man in the desert at an oasis. This couldn't be happening! First a hot, crazy rapist and now a natural disaster! What the hell did I do to deserve that!

My thoughts were again interupted by the receding water level in the cave. The howling of the tornado was right above me, forcing me to clamp my hands over me ears. If I survived this with my hearing intact, I would be amazed. The water wasn't rushing out, probably because of all the twists and turns in the cave tunnel, so I wasn't being sucked out into certain death. I stood there, shaking, as the deafening roar came to a sudden halt, and the water started to fill the cave back up. I figured that the tornado had atleast passed, so I should get away from here before Racheal returned.

Upon leaving the cave, I enter a world of utter chaos. Trees were snapped and broken, lying practically everywhere, boulders where thrown here or there, rain was pouring down from the sky, with menacing fingers of lightning reaching across the clouds, and the bridge was gone. Horribe as this was, I saw a brightside to it. No Racheal.

Climbing out of the river, I made my way over to the ruined bridge. It was indeed connected to a road. Turning right and looking down the road a ways, I saw that the road was connected to a town. I took off down the road, jumping over fallen trees or circliing around rocks. I was going to make it!

As I made my way over to the town, I couldn't help but worry about Racheal. Did she get away in time? Evil as she was, noone deserved to die in a tornado. I felt guilty for wishing her a painful death. It looked like my wish came true.

As I came into the town, I was greeted with good news and bad news. The good news was that it completely escaped the destruction of the tornado. The bad news was that the town was completely deserted. Though the town probably had a name, I wasn't willing to spend the extra time to find it. I walked through the town, wondering where its residents could have gone to. The houses and buildings were all made of bricks, and were all one-story tall. I was willing to bet that this was an old town that didn't belive in basements, which would explain where the citizens had gone.They had probably evacuated for the tornado, which would mean that soon they would be back. I made me way over to the police station, taking note of the buildings around me and trying to peer down alleys. In my naked, exausted state, I didn't want to be jumped by another potentail rapist who decided that a tornado wasn't worth running from.

The police station was built like its neighbors. Red and brown bricks made up the walls, glass doors and large windows where placed on the side overlooking the street. I planned on breaking into the police station if it was locked, so that was I was sure to be found be someone when the people returned. Someone had beat me to it because one of the glass doors was lying in pieces on the ground. I cautiously made my way through the door, more to avoid broken glass than to avoid making noise. Upon entering, I noticed all of the places that someone could hide. There were desks and chairs everywhere, blocking a perfect view of the room. The center of the room was clear enough for someone to be brought to the back of the building, where the cells and bathrooms were apparantly kept. I sat down on a chair, and was promptly knocked down with a strong blow to the back of my head. Unlike before, instead of going unconcious, I was just dizzy. Me assailant kicked me over onto my back, giving me a perfect view of her face.

Racheal's face was twisted with rage, and her eyes reflected this the most. I was frozen with fear.

"See, I knew you were going to come back to me, what a good little bitch you are. So now that we are a long ways from home, and now that you've made me go and waste a good portion of the day hunting you down, I'm going to punish you."


The wolfess bent down and squeezed my balls between her fingers, with an unbelievably tight grip. I cried out in pain as I was lifted by my balls! This was the most painful thing they had went through yet! Racheal carried me to the back of building, jerking her arm up and down with each step, causing me to give a high pictched squeal each time. Racheal kick open the door of the women's bathroom, shaking me unmercifully, and then threw me in a corner. I cupped my hands over my balls and and curled myself into the fetal position. I couldn't breathe, I couldn't think, I couldn't do anything. The only thing I could do was feel the pain in my balls. Tears flooded my face and soon started to make a puddle on the floor as my cries of pain echoed around the room.

"Quiet!" Racheal yelled, kicking me, " Get on your hands and knees! You still have a whole punishment ahead of you, and believe me, if you don't cooperate, you will have a reason to cry."

I quickly got onto my hands and knees, trembling with fear and pain from the agony my poor balsl were in. I heard Racheal start to take off her belt, and closed my eyes. This was going to hurt.

But the beating never came. I looked up and saw Racheal quickly putting her belt back on. She glared at me as she spoke. "You just got lucky, you know that? There's someone outside now that I'm going to have to deal with now. You are going to stay here or else I'm going to squeeze those," she looked down at my balls, "Until they pop in my hands. Got it?"

"Y-y-y-yes mam" I said. Racheal exited the bathroom and walked away. I gave her a minute then quietly exited myself. I crept over to the hall next to the bathroom, keeping an eye on my captor. She was walking outside to greet a car. Walking with my legs spread wide to limit the bouncing of my throbbing sac, I found, to my relief, an emergency exit door. With a new burst of energy, I slammed through the door and found myself outside, behind the building. Quickly scuttling over to the front, I watched the wolfess head back to the front door. But Racheal wasn't what I was focusing on at that moment.

The car was a police car! All I had to do was get over to it and tell the officer inside what happened and then I was free! Taking a deep breath, I sprinted over to the car, wincing as my balls bounced against my legs. The police officer was a female black panther, who looked trustworthy enough.

"Officer! Officer! Please help me!" I called out, halfway there. "That woman is trying to kill me!"

"Settle down son. Now tell me what exactly happened." Her quiet voice was like an angel's whisper to me. I quickly started to tell her what happened to me, from the kidnapping all the way to being carried by my balls to the bathroom. The words just kept coming. Finally, as my story finished, the officer just sat there, her bright green eyes staring intently at my face. I realized once again that I was naked and started to feel nervous. Her lips barely opened as she spoke. "Ok, get in the back."

I needed no further invite as I eagerly opened the back door and jumped inside. As I closed the door, I heared it lock behind me. I was told that it was locked so the wolfess wouldn't be able to get to me when she was arrested, that Racheal was going to ride in the front. I leaned back and relaxed as the officer exited the car and quickly strode up to the building. She came back out a few seconds later with Racheal following her. I thought it was odd that Racheal didn't look scared at all, or that she didn't have any handcuffs on. I told myself that it was because she realized that she was done for, and she accepted that fact.

As Racheal and the officer entered the car, I smiled. Finally things were going to be-

I suddenly felt electricity coursing through my body. Was I just tazered? As I lay on the floor, twicting, the feeling of unconciousness creeping back into my body, I looked up in time to see Racheal and the cop kiss each other.