410 Tales Of The Cat Queen

Story by ziusuadra on SoFurry

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#6 of Sythkyllya 400-499 The Age Of Worn Bronze

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Save Point: Tales Of The Cat Queen

Age Of Worn Bronze

Out of some thoroughly misplaced sense of modesty, Cleo has shown up for her audience wearing a piece of transparent blue gauze held by elastic cloth bands just above and beneath her breasts, and a very short loincloth of the same material. It simply screams that she's just so damned important that no concession whatsoever to taste is required, and it goes without saying that lots of her is very clearly visible.

"Hello, your magistress," she purrs with insolent cheer to the self-proclaimed Cat Queen, and does a little bow that is barely a gesture and more of an excuse to show her cleavage.

"You are aware that I forbid all other women to go clothed in my throne room?" hints the Cat Queen in majestic tones.

"Oh, perfectly," grins Cleo in a show of fangs. "That's why I chose this. As you can see, there's still nowhere I could possibly be hiding a weapon, and even though I look splendid naked, I would never dream of trying to upstage you. Anyway, technically I'm a lioness."

The Cat Queen, to her very limited credit, merely makes a growling sound under her breath for several seconds.

"Very well," she concedes, glaring down at her near-naked and exclusively female bodyguard, with their surgically-inserted silver cats ears attached at the forehead. They are patently high on some reality-disjointing concoction that smoulders in a censer at the corners of the throne room. "I suppose I'll have to tell you from this lot somehow... come closer, we'll discuss the terms of your commission."

It's hard to tell whether this is an insult or not, since what the Cat Queen is seeing is probably based mostly on her expectations, and given the nature of the guard, these could be anywhere from fully human to completely leonine, or anywhere in between. Best guess is that she sees a foreign national deliberately imitating her courts' style in an act of shameless flattery, and succeeding quite well, because those ears, aren't they just marvelous? and her aspiration to the rank of lioness, to which she isn't entitled, oh-so-very daring!

Cleo takes a couple of steps forward and then veers off, purely on principal, to a half-length, shoddily upholstered couch placed on a diagonal adjacent to the throne. In keeping with her theme of daring disrespect, she lies down comfortably and snags a banana from a fruit bowl on a small table next to the throne, presumably to provide the Cat Queens supply of snacks.

When she notices the simply rapt attention that the Cat Queen is giving both her and the fruit as she peels back the skin and takes a bite, she decides to have a little fun and make a show of it, in the hope of catching her off-balance and gaining an advantage in her negotiations. But before she can wrap her long pink tongue around the banana, the Cat Queen simply skips the intervening proprieties by making a move of her own.

"Tell you what, humour me for just a second," she suggests. "Why don't you raise that shapely upper leg of yours, just for a moment, so I can see this famous pussy of yours?"

At this Cleo smiles quite openly, and then slowly raises said limb until one long pointy talon of a toenail is pointing vertically up into the air, and all her favourite goods are on display. There is excited murmuring from the guards and other notables present, who see this sort of thing all the time every day, but normally from a kneeling position before the throne, which when observed from behind is much less flattering. Plus there are clothes, which makes it positively kinky!

This being far too good an opportunity to miss, Cleo dips the peeled banana into her own very special hot caramel, unhindered by the small nibble she's taken out of the end, then closes her eyes in amused delight for a second before pushing it wetly back out of her vagina.

"Would you like some?" she asks, offering her new snack towards the throne.

"I can see we're going to get along just fine," condescends the Cat Queen.


"As powerful as we are, we could have become involved in the ruling of nations and games of politics, but we found that we didn't really like what we became when we went there, which is why we only did it once.

"There was a small country... well, it doesn't really matter where it was now, too much time has passed since then and there aren't even ruins, but it was ruled by a female leader who had taken as her symbol a lioness. Cleo was affronted by this, since she considers the lioness her personal inconography and not to be trifled with, and the would-be Cat Queen, as she called her, was a terrible leader.

"She had an all-female guard made up of girl-children taken from their families when young and trained up into the most vicious of child soldiers. They enforced her rule and what they did to everyone else, you don't want to know. Their reward and what kept them in her slavery was an addictive, mind-altering substance also lost to history, which I won't detail in case it gives young idiots yet another way to kill themselves. It was quite poisonous and they smoked it using censers, which is all you need to know.

"In accordance with her theme she dressed her guards in armor made with the skins and bones and teeth of lions, but then she went one step further and... well, you know the way some people into piercings and body modification put inserts under the skin of their forehead, to create the look of horns? She did on better and gave her bodyguard lions ears, fastened permanently into place by slicing the skin open above their brow-lines and then sewing it closed again over the silver frames the ears were mounted on. It was crude surgery done without anaesthetic, unless of course you count the promise of a larger share of the drugs afterward, just more training to enforce her will. It left terrible scars.

"We were both offended by all of this, so we decided to do something about it. The critical moment, as I recall, was at a public cunt-whipping with small bronze claws at the end of the lashes, more of her lion symbolism. The whipping was routine but turned out to include a special final event, the public execution of one of her own guards by being fucked to death by a specially-trained war elephant. The girl was held down on a stone slab by an iron collar for her neck and both her wrists, so she couldn't even look behind her to see what was happening. The way she flinched when its cock slapped down on her back and was so long it dangled over her shoulder... the way she screamed and then the crunching sounds as it used her... and then the way she started crying as it finally pulled out and she knew that she was already dead even though she hadn't quite finished bleeding out yet.. well, enough was enough.

"Taking over the country turned out to be appallingly simple. We tracked the shipments of the drug that she fed her guards, delayed or re-routed some of them, and then added a few extras to the one large shipment that finally arrived just as her guards were starting to get twitchy from withdrawal. Even our relatively basic knowledge of medicine and pharmaceuticals was vastly ahead of anything they could have imagined. We gave them a few hours to get utterly wasted, then wandered into the sprawling architectural embarrassment the Cat Queen called a castle and simply took over.

"Cleo wanted to give the Cat Queen her own exciting experience of death by war elephant, but I talked her down and so she compromised by giving her a dose of the drugs so large and so intense that it pretty much destroyed her mind and short term memory. The Cat Queen was permanently and irreversibly hooked from that moment onward and would do whatever we told her, which was really rather disturbing. Cleo would use her as a foot-stool when visiting delegations came by, and she loved it and would start licking her mistresses toes. She also found the cutter who did the operations on the guards, ensuring that they were properly circumcised and then installing the ears, and let her go to town on the woman with every experimental piercing she'd ever wanted to try. The Cat Queen had the most elaborate and fantastic lions ears ever seen, better than anything her guards had ever sported. I guess she was some sort of closet submissive who'd never met anyone bold enough to dominate her, and so having Cleo break her and lead her around on a leash was her wet dream.

"The special extras we'd given the guards made it impossible for them to continue getting wasted without being sick once the effects set in, and so they all went into withdrawal. Since we weren't completely merciless, we locked them in the holding cells and pushed in food, water and various medicines designed to ease the discomfort until the threats and snarling finally went quiet. Let's just say that it was a very messy week or two and we had no intention of cleaning any of it up.

"Most of them didn't die, and most of the ones who survived were different people after they'd been sobered up whether they liked it or not. A few of them suicided and a couple went irreversibly mad, so we killed them ourselves. There were also a few who'd done things so awful that we just had to hand them over to the people, they wouldn't have stood for anything else. We made it clear that we'd tolerate anything short of the elephant again, and let them use their imagination. The people really loved us, it goes without saying. They'd never been allowed to plan their own atrocities before.

"About three-quarters of the guards stayed. They had no lives, the brutal enforcement of order was all they knew. A few of them got the ears removed and went home to families that hadn't seen them since they were small children, but most of them kept their visible symbol of power. In less than a month, every young girl in the main city was vying to be one of the replacement guards and get themselves cut just like the bitches who'd been terrorizing them. The spare ears from the dead and the ones who'd left were reinstalled in no time, girl-children smiling proudly as blood dribbled down their temples and they celebrated the occasion with thick wine instead.

"Cleo was an excellent Cat Queen. I didn't want to get in the way of her fun power fantasy, so I insisted that I be her consort rather than ruling myself. She made good laws, kept order firmly, and retired the war elephant to pasture in case it might be needed for actual combat later on. We even found out how they'd trained it, which was equal parts bizarre and disturbing.

"But you will have noticed the theme by now... nothing ever changes. After a decade or so of ruling, we noticed that we were starting to become just like the rulers we'd replaced. Sure, we were never quite as terrible as they were, but all sorts of things start to seem expedient once you begin to view people collectively rather than as individuals, and see just how bad they can be to each other without any external help whatsoever. So, on the tenth anniversary party of our reign, after beating senseless a group of enthusiastic activists come to rid the nation of our tyranny, we surprised the ruling council we'd set up by abruptly handing over power to them and then leaving quickly before they could get any ideas. We took some of the gold, silver and jewels of course, no more than they'd have paid us if we were doing an actual job and definitely not enough to slow down our exit. We left the main treasury alone. By the time we hit the border, there were already rumours of infighting amongst the council and politicians wives bringing out the hidden smoke censers, angling to be the next Cat Queen and kill off or enslave all their enemies.

"We took the original Cat Queen with us. It would have been cruel to leave her behind, she was so very dependent on Cleo to love her and care for her, and besides she was very useful for carrying things and cooking food. Most servants don't actually enjoy serving, but she was the exception to the rule. Cleo made a point of giving her a firm spanking every once in a while and then kissing it better, and to the best of my knowledge her loyalty never faltered. Years later, when she was too worn down to travel with us anymore, we left her in a small village that she said reminded her of the one she'd been raised in as a child.

"So there you have it, our one misguided adventure into politics. Proof if you ever needed it that no-one who wants to be in charge should ever be allowed to be in charge."

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