467 Simple Pit Trap
Save Point: Simple Pit Trap Unnamed Barrow-Style Tomb The light gear is a simple suit of low-weight leather armour that always disconcerts her just a little when she wears it, because it reminds her of Kirstine N'marie and their oddly arousing...
240 A Placidity Of Kine
Save Point: A Placidity Of Kine Live Stock Pools, Nile River, Khem Sethkill is hanging out with the kine when they find him. The kine are large herd animals descended from what Terrowne has dubbed the 'gazelle' side of the strange sethura dual...
387 Variable Overclocking
Save Point: Variable Overclocking The House Of Life, Khem "What do you think you're doing?" exclaims Zair, not with shock but with genuine concern, as Sethkill starts taking apart his backup generator. It's not so much a process of engineering as of...
466 Snow and Wolves
Save Point: Snow and Wolves By the time she's done, there are dead wolves piled up in heaps around her ankles, and it's started snowing. She's so tired that, in the end, she simply stacks the wolf carcasses around her into a wall, pulling the stained...
468 The Last of the First Ones
Save Point: The Last Of The First Ones Northern Ice Fields It takes her eyes a while to adjust against the brightness, before she realizes that what she is seeing is not a tomb, unlike the rest of the ancient barrows spread across the wilderness....
906 The Fish His Brother
Save Point: The Fish His Brother Somewhere On Sethuramandraki No sooner have they made it out onto the encircling walkway, walled in on the outside by a surprisingly flimsy looking series of flat transparent panels, by walking along one of the raised...
388 The Terrible Thing
Quick Time Sequence: The Terrible Thing On the Cliffs Above Crescent Moon Bay The last bit shuffles itself into four segments, like something written on a piece of twice-folded paper, an origami snapper waiting to happen. Try as he might he can't...
380 Dark Places of the Earth
Save Point: Dark Places Of The Earth Crescent Moon Bay - The Wound In The World Inside the rock, the wind and weather is muted. The stone in here is less friable, less weathered, some sort of greywacke of fine sediments long-solidified that has...
619 Swan Dive
Save Point: Swan Dive Somewhere In Peru, 1983 ...as she sprints around the corner into a hanger, almost completely undamaged except for a few fractures in the roof, she is almost bought to a halt by the sight of an entire row of Jump Bikes lined up...
199 Who Walks by Herself In The Rain
Save Point: Who Walks by Herself In The Rain Once Cleos eye has healed and the button is discarded, she comes to visit Terrowne in the green garden, the fruiting apple orchard that is the third part of the City of Uruk, a shared space where all are...
685 Hobbes Stone Farm
Save Point: Hobbes Stone Farm The Dragon has gone kaiju and is smashing things. That's the first impression Cleo gets as she wanders hazily back into consciousness, only to realize on checking her internal clock that it's only been a couple of...
465 Campaign Notes
Save Point: Campaign Notes The women are remarkably free in these parts, thinks Cleo as she admires a cute miner girl, topless and dripping with sweat, working her hammer against the volcanic glass and shattering off huge chunks that are less...