Missi's Lessons in Adult Conversations

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Wahoo I've never made a series last this long, personally I'd like to thank the fans because it's you who have driven this story in the direction it will finish in I maybe see three or four more chapters in it all so hold on as the last set of choices become more and more defining to the story, enjoy

Missi's Lesson's in Adult Conversation

Missi held the key close to her heart and spun around randomly landing on door number three. With a click she turned the bright blue key until it snapped off in the lock, the door on a spring swung open like some kind of game show prop revealing a delightfully tan furred fox girl. "So here you are" Missi laughed finding this all so amusing but the face on Jacky was anything but happy or amused. "Er what's wrong you look like something bad has happened" Missi walked into the room and the door swung shut again a little do not disturb sign hung on the door. "..... okay" Missi rubbed her head now almost assured that the expression on Jacky's face was appropriate.

"Miss you should have run when you received your first warning now it might be too late" Jacky sounded sad as she sat up and walked over to Missi hugging her and burying her face into Missi's chest. "The one you know as Kalie is a deceiver she trapped all of us here and now you might be next" Jacky looked up to the slightly taller Missi and ran her hands up Missi's sides, under her simple T shirt and to her breast, gripping them in her palms and undulating her fingers on them. "You will not be the last neither, the mistress has a hole in her heart that no amount of wealth nor possession can satisfy" Jacky looked down and with the agility her species was credited for stuck her head under Missi's T and pressed her cold nose against Miss's cleavage. "Please listen to this last warning..." Jacky moved her head and ruffled it through the neck hole wrapping her legs around Missi's waist and staring the human directly eye to eye. "Do not fall for her tricks, remember who you are and don't lose yourself to this wicked manor" Jacky pressed her lips against Missi's in a soft shy kiss her face turning red, her hips rubbing gently against Missi's stomach.

Missi was a bit taken back by this odd warning, it was semi hard to take anyone seriously when they were dry humping you. But Missi did listen walking awkwardly over to the bed at the end of the locked room and removing her shirt so she was now bare chested Jacky dropped off of Missi and laid on the bed spread out like a wanting woman would. "You say Kalie is a deceiver but she seems sweet, what has she done to give you this opinion of her" Missi tilted her head to the side and knelt over the spread out Jacky leaning down and softly licking her muzzle, receiving a lick back.

"Kalie was once like us, a slave to the house mistress but the mistress grew tired of the images she saw on the television, mothers and daughters happy, together, the mistress has always been alone because of her domination nature no man would dare lay with her, and any that did eventually vanished into the house" Jacky's tail swished back and forth as she was kissed in the manner she was accustomed to. "Kalie was our leader she kept us strong in the hard times, but one day the mistress called her into her chambers and after a long conversation..." Jacky trailed off and shook, it was too horrible to speak of.

"She betrayed you and accepted Jessie's offer, yeah I kinda noticed she's a hard woman to say no too... what with the fangs and the eating you part" Missi's left hand wandered up Jacky's side figuring the do not disturb sign meant that she was supposed to have sex with Jacky, or whatever slave she would have picked, but this all lead Missi to wonder exactly how much control Jessie had of her. "So you don't like Kalie?" Missi asked rubbing up Jacky's side and to her stomach resting her hand on the vixen's warm belly.

"No, not like that" Jacky shivered she loved to be touched, when Jessie tired of them they were put to work no longer caressed and loved, it was like being an object, a toy. "Jacky and Miss Kalie were friends, at first but then Jacky began to notice that Kalie was not happy with having a home and work, she wanted more, she wanted to be like Mistress Jessie she wanted power and control... and she got it.. over us" Jacky's ears lowered she missed Kalie when she was a slave but she seemed to have forgotten that she was ever a servant and worker. Jacky's hand moved to Missi's and she churred softly her tail ceasing and bending in and upwards fashion.

"Has Jessie been watching me the entire time?" Missi took this chance to pump Jacky for all the information she could find, it all went back to her weird dream, how much of it was fact and how much was fiction? Missi held Jacky down by her stomach and rubbed at Jacky's cunt with her free hand, spreading her lips out with her fingers and rubbing the entrance slowly rocking her fingertips into Jacky and making her squeal out hotly.

"OH NO!" Jacky moaned and raised her hips holding onto Missi's hand more. "The mistress is not the one who is dangerous she is open and upfront with her tactics, the miss is sneaky and will convert you if you are not aware of her" Jacky panted softly it had been so long since she was touched there, she ached and starved for attention like Kalie got. Whimpering Jacky spread her legs out and laid flat her cunt raised in the air and becoming wet from Missi's gentle attention. Missi's rocking began a sliding motion as now three fingers sunk into Jacky's entrance, happily taken as they were slurped up loudly.

A loud clack could be heard behind Missi but she did not pay attention to it, literally absorbed in pumping Jacky for information. She did not sense the presence of the stealthy male that got behind her wearing a collar and a pair of crotchless leggings he was swift taking hold of her outstretched rear and pulling it back, Jacky fell victim too as the second intruder grabbed her and forced her onto her stomach taking his length and pressing it to her tail hole, the first ripping Missi away and holding her against the wall. The male growled and rubbed his cock between Missi's cheeks licking the back of her neck and pinning her with his chest.

"NO LEAVE HER BE!" Jacky screamed and thrashed against the male confusing him as he fell backwards with a yelp, hard cock bouncing as it hit the floor leaving him to sit and whimper. Jacky grabbed the second male and ripped him from Missi kneeling down and taking his cock into her mouth, sucking on it and pacifying the beast. "This... is a breeder" Jacky mumbled around the cock taking it as if it was nothing. The second male grew interested and pandered over cautious of Jacky, he stood on his hind legs and presented his cock, to which Jacky took with her paw and began to slowly masturbate. "It's part of our duties as a slave!" Jacky whimpered she felt the strong male cock slide down her throat and then back out.

".. Terrible, If I had my way... I'd.... I'd" Missi turned her head wondering what she would do if she did have her own way. The sounds of the male's furious humping echoed through the room as they continued to fuck Jacky. Soon Missi heard sounds of distress Jacky was quickly turning blue. "JACKY!" Missi panicked thinking quickly she slammed her butt on the ground and spread her legs out spreading out her cunt and giving a whistle. "Hey, this is what you want right.. come on stick that long dick inside here and I promise it will feel good" Missi spoke as seductively as she could but she had no need too.

The sight of a fresh exposed pussy drove the oral male wild as he ripped his cock from Jacky's maw and left her gasping for breath, he lunged onto Missi and began randomly stabbing at her until he finally hit the spot, sinking in deeper he began to lean inwards flexing his muscles and savoring the warmth of the female vagina. The second male grew interested too and left Jacky's hand wandering over and watching, making curious growling he positioned himself between the first male, sticking his tongue out and licking his counterpart's sack.

"Miss" Jacky coughed and looked up, never seeing that kind of sacrifice for someone like her, definitely not from Kalie. Jacky crawled over and laid her head next to Missi's body as she was holding the wall trying not to be pressed back by the zealous male. She lay on her stomach and thrust her hips into the air spreading her stance and raising her tail, a sweet scent wafting through the room grabbing the licking male's attention. Jacky reached back and spread her rear open allowing the second male to dock there as he rushed and plunged into her recklessly making Jacky scream in pain. Jacky's hand flew to Missi's taking her fingers and squeezing them.

Missi reveled in it, the feel of a cock inside her it was so much different than Jessie's tongue or a toy it was warm, and soft yet hard and pulsating, it was the best thing she had ever experienced down there. Feeling Jacky squeeze her hand she closed her eyes pulling Jacky on top of her by her stomach and the male along with her, resting Jacky on her stomach and allowing the male to straddle her waist while the first one continued to pump into her finding his way to the second male's tail hole and begging to lick sexually.

"Breeders are young males at the PEAK!" Jacky squeaked when the breeder inside her increased his thrusting tongue hanging out like the horny wolf he was banging into her gentle frame repeatedly sending shivers through her skeleton. "Of their sexuality they are trained to have sex, and only do that with whatever female presents themselves... and that way MISTRESS has an endless supply of help, KALIE and Jacky were born here" Jacky explained trying to keep from having an orgasm.

"Is this really the right time?" Missi moaned now feeling the pup all the way inside her, while Jacky was being taken by a thin wolf Missi found herself under a very bulky boxer male. His cock almost her entire vaginal length he brushed against her cervix many times making Missi squirm and gasp. Jacky suddenly yelped and Missi felt the wolf stop the warm feeling of cum dribbling onto her belly as he went limp body and privates allowing the boxer's licking to keep him standing, then quickly falling to the wayside.

The boxer whimpered at the loss of his anal companion but smelled his seed pushing in further and lapping at the open and dripping Jacky he began to clean her out sucking away the seed like a probe. Guzzling his companions cum he began to spurt pre into Missi who feared nothing because she was a human, and thus she couldn't be impregnated by a dog. The warm ropes shot into her and coated her cervix, then with a final thrust and a howl the boxer punctured her womb filling it streams of steaming hot spunk shaking as he climaxed the dog began to tongue thrust Jacky making her shiver and hit orgasm painting Missi with cum on her crotch and belly.

The breeders pandered back to their lair using an open exit in the wall the door now unlocking and allowing them to leave. Missi however laid there with Jacky stroking her ears and back. "Are you okay Jacky?" Missi asked rubbing her softly in a loving manner. "Did they hurt you?" She really did care about all of the slaves there, she didn't know who to blame but she would find someone soon enough for now she was more concerned about Jacky, that wolf was twice her size.

"I'm okay Miss, a little sore but okay" Jacky giggled and moved down onto Missi's belly licking up her and the wolf's cum. "Jacky is sorry you got caught up in that she forgot to lock the door on that side" Jacky murred softly and Missi giggled because her tongue tickled.

"So you had control of the door the entire time?" Missi asked suspiciously

"Yes Jacky is sorry Miss, but she needed to warn you... she wanted to save you" Jacky began to cry softly feeling terrible but Missi just shook her head taking Jacky and depositing her on her bed laying with her pressed in a spooning position. "Are you not mad?"

"No I've come to expect stuff like this, the only real question is what am I going to do now?" Missi wondered what would be the best course of action having learned all this

A. Take Jacky with her and quit the job before she becomes a slave

B. Take All the slaves with her and quit leaving Jessie to find out later

C. Make Kalie release the slaves and blame her

D. Ignore everything and take Jacky as her own personal slave