A Passion for the Unspoken

Story by Felinix on SoFurry

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#3 of The World Over


And so, here's the next story. Like I said to a few, this one's got weird freaky sex in it. So if that's not your thing, go away. Actually, it was more or less me and my odd mind having fun with my characters, so again, if you don't like... don't bother.

Anywho, I've actually drawn an outline of where the story is going to go. Well, not the story per se, just the characters. Lots of places to visit and things to see and do, so there'll be plenty of stuff happening.

Well, without further adieu, here's chapter three of The World Over. A Passion for the Unspoken.


A Passion for the Unspoken

After a week of travelling in the desert, both Sara and the now boy-turned-wolf Varian were bored out of their skulls. More so on Sara's side, as she had submitted to recounting the seams of threads in her canopy, convinced that she had miscounted. Varian kept to himself that there were exactly 34,729 threads from one side to the other, convinced that she had miscounted as well. After all, with her attention span, he was surprised she made it to the count of twenty.

Then came the times where they tried playing games. Eye-spy only worked when he was the one doing the spying, which Sara soon learned was because he could read all stray thoughts as though they hovered over her head like word balloons. Geography only worked in his favour, because Sara always thought ahead of what to say. Then, frustrated and over heated from the games and sun respectively, Sara gave up, and collapsed backwards onto her pillow.

Going south was no fun. Another 3 days would get them to the next city. Hopefully they would be more welcoming there. Three cities and not one where either of them were at all helped politely or without grumbling.

It had been well established early on that Varian was a psychic, which probably explained why he had been tortured, (psychics were considered possessed by evil spirits and often "purged" of those spirits through torture practices) and it wasn't long at all before he started using that fact as amusement.

When Sara lay down on her pillow Varian said: "No, I won't have sex with you."

To which Sara's reply was to sit straight up, glare at him and then yell sharply, "I wasn't even thinking it!"

"I know. But it got your blood going didn't it?"

She grumbled and lay down again. "When did you develop a sense of humour anyway? You were all sulks when I brought you aboard... now you're all smiles."

"Perhaps it's the company I'm keeping," he said thoughtfully.

She laughed monotonously and then added, "Maybe..."

Adding to her ill humour, winding the spring was becoming a total nuisance. She gave the job to Varian, who was pleased to help.

When it died again, he was quick to take hold of the wheel and begin spinning it in the direction of tension. They were off again and soon Sara felt herself, despite her will to stay awake, falling asleep.

Her dreams were often happy ones, of family, friends, her favourite places, village parties and huge dances that were held annually for all the tribes surrounding her village. Recently however they had turned dark, and dreadful, often filled with dark tunnels and giant furres coming down on her as prey, as food. Sometimes she could even see herself falling, falling so far that she began in real life to have spells of light-headedness associated, Varian said, with freefall. Sometimes she felt sick, and other times she wanted to cry or scream or panic. But every time, just as she was about to snap, she woke up, as though some cosmic force had pulled her from sleep and into the waking world.

Every time she would find Varian sitting straight up, facing away from her. She couldn't directly tell if he was awake or sleeping, but she knew in her gut that he was awake. He was awake all but a few hours every night, and when he did sleep, her nightmares got worse. She suspected that it was he pulling her out of her nightmares. She really ought to thank him for it, but knew not how. She didn't even know for sure if it was him or just her imagination.

She wished she knew, but she couldn't even begin to guess.

When morning came though, he was all smiles once more, and it cheered her up to know that even if he could sense and feel all her nightmares, that he put on a good face for her.

And so went the three-day journey to the south. They soon arrived in the town of Beraag.

When they whisked into town, a town full of furres, Sara took out her map and with a bit of ink, drew a line of her travels, which already looked quite significant, from where she started to where she currently was. She couldn't help but keep thinking ahead though, because the next town was supposed to be in the southern mountains; something she had never seen before.

When the hover stopped, Varian hopped down, cane in hand and dragged as best he could the hover into a relatively enclosed area where he tied it to the nearest post for safety, locking a tight wedge around the knot to prevent stealing.

Sara nodded to him when he had finished and then led the way down the crowded streets to a relatively hospitable looking tavern.

The inside was tacky. Purple walls with even worse shades up higher and chandeliers that hung from the ceiling far too low for some of the guests made up the main decorum. Tables and chairs, all wood, were all that the tavern had to offer for seating, and behind the long bar the only drink they served was water. Sara supposed that they were just disguising alcohol in cases that made the drinks look like water. The two of them took a seat at the bar and ordered. Varian, a simple water, just like the rest of the bar intended, Sara, the adventurous one, had the thickest and strongest alcohol that the bartender could muster up. It took no time at all, and she was presented with "special water." The bartender bent over and whispered its contents to her before going back to business. Sara licked her lips in anticipation while Varian, taking a sip of water, neglected to mention that it was actually bought and paid for by a very large and rather intimidating lioness sitting in the far corner, who had watched the pair since they walked inside.

Varian drank his slowly, and in contrast, Sara took one big gulp and downed the whole mug at once.

"You shouldn't have done that," said Varian.

"And why" (hic) "not? I can" (hic) "drink whatever I damn well... want..." and without further warning, Sara was on the table face first, sleeping like a baby.

Varian sighed and walked over to pick her up when the huge lioness came and offered to help.

"Allow me sir," she said sweetly, with a hint of what Varian would call "feminine seductiveness."

"Actually, I'd much prefer to hold her myself thank you," he replied to the woman.

She easily towered over even the greatest of the furres in the tavern. She stood an enormous 11 feet tall, and weighed what looked like a gargantuan amount. She didn't wear make-up, or perfumes or any paraphernalia of any kind, much to Varian's surprise. She was dressed however in a long, thinning robe, and thin she was, for such a large creature, and sandals that might have held half of Varian's leg at once.

The lioness was disappointed in Varian's decision not to let her carry the little panthress, but not wanting to stir up a fight about it, she relented and laid Sara on Varian's back.

Varian however only relented because of the thoughts coming from this enormous creature. They made him blush right away, despite himself, and picking up on this, the lioness continued with: "Mm, I see that look. You like what you see?" and she twirled around, showing off her ample bosom and her supple behind. She waved her long tail and rubbed it against Varian's nose, but still he would not relent.

He noticed now that the only reason he wasn't being affected by her like everyone else was because of his sense of smell. She was wearing a copious amount of pheromones, designed to drive even the most hardened furre into madness at her feet. It was working, as he saw at least three males and four females behind her, staring with loving and glazed over gazes.

This lioness, in her thoughts wanted Sara for things best left unsaid, and that drink wasn't really a drug of sorts, it was just water diluted with a huge dose of the same pheromones. Really strong pheromones. When Sara woke up, she would be as randy as jackrabbits at a strip parlour. Varian quickly proceeded to the door when the lioness, with her superior speed, blocked the exit and invited both of them up to her room.

"It's on the second floor. I could even carry you if you want," she smiled capriciously.

"No thanks. We have to get going," replied Varian again, his responses agitating the lioness.

"Look, I can make it worth your while," she said, bending down and stroking Varian's muzzle with her huge hand, sliding her fingers around his snout delicately.

"Can you say 'not interested'?" asked Varian.

At this the lioness took him up by the haunches and carried him quickly upstairs, Sara and all. When she was in her room, one decorated far nicer than downstairs, she threw the two of them on her bed and shut and locked the door.

"Now, little ones, and you, Mr. Rude, are going to entertain me for a while. Oh, don't worry, I'm insatiable, you'll learn to love it, I promise."

Varian took his cane and stood in defiance.

"I should warn you, I am not as weak as you presume. You will not do what you're planning with us."

"Hm, maybe not with you. I don't think you'd taste very nice. But her, what can you do to protect her?"

"Come at me and I will show you."

At that moment Sara became roused by shouting, and looking around, saw the object she wished for. Before the lioness could strike Varian on a down blow, which in all likelihood would have killed him, Sara lunged at the lioness and grappled herself around those enormous breasts that made a point of shaking and bouncing with every move the giant made.

The lioness cooed when her breasts were squeezed so tightly and, looking down, saw the "randy" panthress she had been discussing downstairs, at least in her mind. The lioness smiled and then glared at Varian.

"Looks like she wants me more than I want her. Isn't that grand?" and with that she swiped at Varian and sent him across the room. He slammed against the wall and fell. He couldn't move, his legs being too weak and his missing his cane made him a sitting duck for anything he would have wanted to do. And so he resigned himself to watching. Because the lioness didn't have the ability to block her thoughts from him; he could say with some certainty that Sara wouldn't be hurt, but she would get quite a scare.

The lioness began working on Sara, lathering the little panthress up in saliva, licking everywhere. Sara's clothes were removed before the lioness had a chance to touch her, and the lioness took little time deliberating over her own clothing articles, letting them slip to the floor quickly before kicking them away. The lioness came to her bed and laid the little panthress down, pinning her was more accurate though, as left alone, Sara would have jumped at her "captor" with a ravenous taste for sex. Those pheromones were working wonders, thought the lioness.

Sara grabbed onto the lioness's hand and began licking at the fingers. She wasn't even awake, in technical terms. Then the lioness spread her out and used her long, thick tongue to probe deep inside Sara's groin, tasting her and savouring every moment. Sara was wet, soaking even, and never tried to hide it. She spread her legs wide for her new sexual friend and welcomed the lioness with open loins.

Sara gasped as she felt the huge tongue slip into her folds, stretching them as far as she could go. Had she been really awake, it probably would have hurt her to go so far, but because of the aphrodisiac inside her drink previously, she urged her to go deeper and deeper. After a little while though, the lioness took her tongue away and instead rolled onto her back and welcomed the little panthress at her pussy as well. Sara eagerly accepted, seeing the huge, glistening part in the lioness's nether region and pounced head first at it.

Sara took off with her mouth, suckling and licking at every part she could get at, rubbing her whole face at the giant's groin at once, trying desperately to rub all of it. Then Sara had an idea, and turned around, sticking her lengthy tail into her lioness friend's pussy inch after inch. Even Sara, in her drunken stupor was surprised when she was able to hilt right up to her own rear, so that she was literally sitting atop the giant lioness's cunt, riding it up and down with her tail.

This elicited a moan of pleasure from the lioness and she rolled her breasts in her palms to increase the stimulation. She was almost ready to finish up and start her plans. The lioness took Sara away from her pussy and held her strongly in front of her face, sucking on the panthress's tail before licking over the tiny body with her tongue once more. Then, without further ado she moved the little creature to her giant pussy once more, and stuffed the horny creature headfirst inside.

Sara didn't even realize what was being done to her for several minutes, and all the while the lioness stuffed Sara's sex driven body deeper and deeper into her own cunt, until only the panthress's legs and tail were showing. Sara began to wriggle back and forth in drunken bliss; creating a drenching of juices inside the pussy she was being dragged... and pushed, into. With a final pull, the lioness's muscles contracted and slurped the little panthress into the giant's pussy wetly.

Then the lioness sighed and watched as her engorged belly squirmed and kicked and writhed about. Each moment she could feel the little creature inside her moving and with each move her pleasure rose higher and higher, before finally climaxing all over the bed and her upper legs.

And with that she was spent, the kicking and squirming within her now only minor feelings within her belly.

"See, my little friend, that wasn't so bad, was it? I bet you liked the show." She said this referring to Varian, who was still collapsed on the floor, in a daze of sorts.

He was muttering something to himself, but from where the lioness was, it was inaudible.

"What's wrong little one?" she said sweetly.

No response. The only thing she could see was Varian's lips moving.

With that the lioness got up, her belly sticking out in front of her, the panthress submitting to her fleshy room for now and falling asleep, still licking the walls of the lioness's pussy from where she was. It tickled, but that was all it was at this point.

The lioness stooped over in front of Varian, still naked and asked again, "What's wrong? If you're worried, don't be. I don't harm my toys. I play with them." And she flashed a toothy grin at the boy.

Varian was still muttering to himself.

"Now, what is it you're saying little one?" and she bent down farther, listening closely with one huge ear in front of Varian's muzzle.

"Gone. I can't use them. Nothing I can do. Gone. Gone. Gone..."

"Hm? What's gone little one? I can't hear."

But that's all she could get from him. He was incoherent, and only spouting the same phrases over and over. Something he couldn't do. Something was gone. Something like that.

The lioness was confused, but left him alone and lay down on her bed to wait until she could release the one in her belly. She felt so wonderfully full that she didn't ever want to have to let the panthress go. But, everything good comes to an end sometime, and this good time would wear off in a little over an hour.

In little time at all, the lioness was asleep just like the little on inside her.

But, just as she thought, in just over an hour, there was a horrible screaming coming from inside her pussy. A cursing and muttering of yet more curses and even harsh kicking and punching. Not that it didn't feel good at first, but after a while there was clawing and biting and scratching. And that was as uncomfortable, if not more so, on the inside than on the outside. Quickly, reassured the lioness to her captive, she would be free and out of there.

The panthress Sara couldn't contain herself, cursing the lioness for putting her in there in the first place. Not that it wasn't comfortable and arousing in its own right, but it was nowhere that Sara wanted to be... ever!

After a short while, and many inner claw marks later, Sara was free and aching for a bath. Or maybe four. Either way, she was about ready to kill the lioness, who conversely, was apologizing and trying to defend herself. She explained that she couldn't defend herself unless the opponent was drunk or crippled like Sara's friend, which brought Varian back to mind for the panthress, who leapt off the body of the giant lioness and across the room in two bounds.

"Varian! Varian, are you alright? She didn't hurt you did she?"

Varian however made no response, only the mutterings of before.

Sara then looked at the naked lioness with a glare that would have frightened a grown man (her eyes not helping) and sent the giant into the corner in a ball.

"What did you do to him? Did you put him in your disgusting body with me? Is that it? Did you do something to him? Tell me! Or I'll--"

"Oh! I didn't do anything, honest! He was trying to protect you so I slapped him! That's all!"

"That's all is it? Is it your practice to hit defenceless furres like him? I'll rip your guts out through your mouth and force feed them up your ass you... you..."

Then the lioness screamed a high pitch scream that made the room shake and Sara to stumble backwards. "Please don't! I'm a coward, really! I'll never do it to you again! I swear on this green earth and all its beings! Never again!"

"Apologies later, killing first!"

The lioness broke down in tears as Sara charged the larger mammal, but then she froze just inches away from the lioness's face, her claws well out of her finger tips and was pulled away to sit on the other side of the room.

Varian, she then realized was holding his arm outstretched in front of him, his bad eye open, revealing nothing but white. This made the lioness scream in terror and curl up into a yet more pathetic mass of flesh.

Varian spoke first, "Sara, are you alright?"

Sara responded coolly, more in surprise than in anger, "Y-yes, I am, but she--"

"Take a bath. She's already sworn on her life that it won't happen again."

"But that's not the point! She hit you! I'll kill her! Leave me alone for two minutes and there won't be enough left of her to make pants out of!"

"Mr. Little One! Don't let her do it! I don't wanna be pants!"

"You. What's your name?" asked Varian, ignoring her plea.

"I'm Miria Sir! Don't let her hurt me!"

Then Varian reached out with another arm and opened his eye wide, sending a shockwave of power against Miria's cheek, sending her sprawling to the floor.

"Woo! Varian, hit her again! For me, will you?" cheered Sara, from her spot on the other side of the room.

"My name is Varian, this is Sara. Now we're even," and he turned to Sara, "Aren't we Sara?"

Sara turned to Varian with the same look of defiance she gave Miria, but, seeing Varian's eye, that god damn unflinching, unfeeling eye, she conceded, sighed and replied, "Fine. Fucking lion."

With that everyone was free to move again. Varian's eye closed and he lay on the floor, again waking as if from a dream. Sara rushed over to Varian first, picking him up and shaking him to wakefulness.

"Varian! Hey, Varian, wake up. Come on!"

He groaned, "I'm here Sara. I'm here. What happened?"

"You don't remember at all? Even your big hit?"

"What? Did I hurt someone? I'm sorry..."

"Don't be sorry idiot! She played with me like a frigging dildo!"

"But, she said sorry right?"

"So you do remember!"

"I know that she's Miria, and that we're all friends now right?"

"Oh yes! Absolutely!" cried Miria, now just pleased there wasn't going to be any more hitting. Or biting, clawing or scratching, but she didn't mention that.

"No way! She can go to hell! No way am I going to be friends with that nympho!"

"Nympho! I'm offended!"

"So what?" yelled Sara, staring angrily at the lioness.

That shut her up, and she worked busily collecting her clothes and slipping back into her dress. She collected Sara's things too and handed them to her. Sara snatched them away and put them on, not wanting to show off anymore. Even though they had all seen her fully naked now.

Then Sara noticed that nothing about Varian had changed. He didn't even get hard at the sight. The bastard. The least he could do is go to attention when I'm naked, she thought.

Several hours later, they were ready to get going. Sara had taken a very long and very arduous bath, and now smelled like soaps from as far away as she could imagine. Now the two of them walked out separately, as Varian had his cane back, and exited the tavern. Varian sat atop the hover and Sara unhitched it from the side of the building and then wound up the spring to take off. But just as they were coming out to the main road, the lioness, Miria walked out in front of them. The 11 foot lioness looked down at them and bowed, apologizing once and then hopped aboard.

Sara, at this, was flabbergasted and told Miria to get off the hover immediately lest she want to become pants again.

"No way sweetie. I'm staying with Varian. Wherever he goes, I go."

"I think not fatso! Varian's coming with me!"

"Fatso! Not on your life! And if Varian's coming with you, so am I. No one's ever called me a friend before. So I'm sticking with him!"

She hugged Varian close to her breasts tightly. Varian didn't put up a fuss, but that was mostly because there was nothing he could do against such a gargantuan creature.

"Look, he doesn't mind."

"Varian! You can't seriously be letting that whore come with us? I won't allow it! This is my hover and I say who gets on or off. And Varian is coming with me!"

"Why? You love him?"

Sara blushed and turned away. "Ha! Love him! Never! I mean look at him! No. No way! Of course not."

"Well then I'm going to take him from you. He's going to be my little sweetie. It's obvious you like him. Otherwise you wouldn't mind me taking him from you." At that Miria bent down and breathed in Sara's ear something about competition and then kicked the hover off the ground, sending it into flight.

But the hover wouldn't run. It sunk right back to the ground without going so much as a meter. Sara turned angrily to Miria, who looked around confused.

"What's wrong? Why aren't we moving?"

"Off," said Sara.

"I already told you didn't I? I'm not going anywhere without my little sweet Varian."

"Little sweet Varian," mocked Sara. "I mean you're too god damn heavy! This hover doesn't hold so much weight! So get your ass off!"

Miria snorted at the rude behaviour of her little friend, then got off the hover, petting Varian's muzzle and arm a little before letting go.

"Don't worry Varian, I'll come for you!" but without warning, the hover took off and Miria was left alone in the alley, standing, waiting for several minutes before going back inside.

"Finally! I thought she'd never leave! I thought she said she was a coward, so why was she so friendly and buddy-buddy to us there? Especially you, you little chick magnet. Oh, my mistake, big chick magnet. Ha! I've never seen a macro before."

They exited the city and came back out in the desert once more. Before Varian could ask, Sara spoke up.

"I'm not staying in that village, no matter how friendly it is. I'm not going to run into Miria again. Not in this lifetime."

"She wasn't that bad. She was friendly," said Varian, feeling something approaching from behind them.

"Friendly nothing. She stuck me up her... It makes me so mad I want to kill something."

"When we get out far enough, you can kill something for dinner, how does that sound?"

"Not good enough. I want to kill something large. Something that resembles Miria."

"Do you know why I was able to use the powers back in the tavern only when you leapt at Miria?"

"Yeah! Why'd you do that? I would have taken revenge on her for you! Though your big power slap was cool too I guess."

"It was because I was protecting something. I can't use them unless I'm protecting something other than myself. I tried to use them when she slapped me. But the hit connected because I can't use them to protect me. And since you weren't in immediate danger, I couldn't use them at all. That's what I've figured out. Even though I can't remember using them."

"You just don't want to remember Varian. You can remember fine, otherwise you wouldn't be able to say something like that," retorted Sara.

There was still something approaching from behind. Something gaining fast, but Varian didn't say anything.

"I suppose. But still. You didn't come to any physical harm..."

"Hello! I got drugged, fucked, and stuck into another woman's privates! What part of that isn't physical?"

"That's emotional baggage. You'll get over it."

"Not with you talking about it. And speaking nakedness, why didn't you get hard at the show? You were watching the whole time and yet you--"

"Yoo-hoo! Snuggle-buddy and cutie-pie! I've found you! And I have a way for all of us to travel together now! Isn't that great?" It was Miria! But how? Sara turned to see a gigantic hover coming at them. Much larger than her own, perhaps 20 times bigger, at least! It looked like its own house! In fact, it very well could be, with the enormity of it.

"It's my own personal hover! Isn't it great! Now you can both come aboard and we can all be friends!"

"Never! I told you Varian's coming with me!" yelled Sara at the top of her lungs.

"And that means we're all going together! Now let's all kiss and make up."

"Why won't you leave us alone? Go away! I don't want a perverted macro with me!"

"So leave Varian with me and you can go sweetie."

"In your hands? You'd probably stuff him up your behind too!"

"The thought had crossed my mind, but I like him much better on the outside. You on the other hand were a pleasure to have in there. If you ever want back you're more than welcome!"

This was lunacy! Sara was going to go nuts! How did she manage to pick up yet another oddball on her adventure? It was supposed to be just her travelling alone! Not like this!

"Well, we're certainly the motley crew aren't we? Angry panthress, psychic and a macro lioness," joked Varian.

And Varian wasn't helping either!

"No! I didn't ask for this! I don't want to travel with this pervert! I want to go alone with Varian!"

"Because you like him!" chimed Miria.

"No!" screamed Sara into the air, as a giant crane took hold of her smaller craft and dragged it up into the larger one.