Stories from Lockwell 4. The Brownstone Brothers

Story by Zion_Ortella on SoFurry

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Warning: This story contains rape,forced sexual activities and abuse both verbal and physical. If any or all of these things repulse or offend you in any such way I suggest you not read this piece of fiction otherwise enjoy yourselves. Zion,


The Walled town of Lochwell on the eastern fringe, In the day it was like a furnace as the sun beat down relentlessly forcing the populace to stay indoors for most of the daylight hours. Now it was night and the moon had traded places with the sun bringing with it a blanket of purplish navy-blue covering the sky and shrouding the terrain in darkness making the small amount of illumination coming from the town the only sanctuary in the dark, barren landscape. The town was busier than most were at this time due to the temperature change allowing people to walk around outside more freely as well as the town's two biggest businesses, the saloon and the House of Eden, being open twenty-four hours a day to cater to those who happen to pass through and to those unfortunate enough to live here at least that would be the answer you would get if you asked some of the locals. One such person was a young otter girl named Rika who at this moment was working at the bar cleaning some glasses, she shivered as a small breeze blew through the front door "I hate this place" she thought to herself "sweltering hot during the day and damn cold during the night,how did i end up in this hole?" she wondered as she remembered her life before lockwell.

She was born in Sideenis 19 summers ago and had ten siblings to which she was directly in the middle with five older and five younger with an even set of both sexes leaving on the outside and alone. On her fifteenth birthday she became sick and tired of being invisible, yeah sure eventually she would get married off to someone just to keep the bloodline pure her family had a traditional way of thinking but she didn't want that. Rika took all the money she had saved and packed most of her things before leaving her family's home and getting transport away from there towards one of the cities but misjudged how much she needed and that is how.... Rika! A voice snapped the otter from her thoughts, she turned to see a grey wolf standing beside her "I know this may not be where you wanted to end up and you may hate it here but could you at least wait until your off duty before retreating into your thoughts" he said gently. The otter gave a slight salute and replied "sorry, won't happen again" "I hope not" he said as he placed a paw on her head and ruffled her shoulder-length hair a bit before going to serve a customer.

Even though he was a kind man he was unintentionally intimidating with his sturdy built frame towering over her five foot eight at six foot four and the rigid way he carried himself which could only come from military training. She fixed her brown hair to the way it was before and smiled, Niikos Lockheart and his wife owned this saloon and took her in when she ran out of money and was begging on the harsh, sandy streets. Rika loved them like family well that was until one night two years ago when she went to grab a drink of water and saw them bent over the bench with Niikos on top of his wife and biting her neck like the predator he was born to be and her beneath him and moaning in submissive pleasure like the smaller animal she was. Needless to say Rika didn't get her drink of water instead she slipped back into the shadows and watched them finish, now she loved both of them more than any family member would or should,her cheeks went bright red at the thought and she turned away hoping the wolf didn't see her blush which he didn't as he was serving another customer.

"Oh shudd up" came a gruff voice from one of the tables his words slurring slightly due to his level of intoxication "you don't know wha'ya talking about" "you cheated that hand" another, more sober voice replied suddenly a bear covered in brown fur stood up knocking over the chair and slamming his hands on the table "the hell I did" he said angrily, his voice rising. Two of the other patrons stood up as well, one of them, a bovine male shifted his jacket and placed his hand on the holster while the other, an equine male pulled out a switch-blade. "Hahaha" laughed the bear "you want to start something i will gut you like some prized catch then I will.. he stopped talking as he felt a hand grip the shoulder of his shirt, turning he saw Niikos standing there "Brownstone, starting trouble again" said the wolf in a tone that suggested this was a regular occurrence. "It wasn't me" the bear pleaded "they started it, the standing two in particular" he gestured towards the others at the table, "yeah i am sure they did" replied the wolf as he started leading him away from the table and towards the door. Stopping just before the door the bear looked at the one leading him out curiously "you look familiar, do i know you?" he asked "nope" said the canine quickly and pushed him out into the night.

The bear tripped over the wooden steps and fell face first into the sand he grunted and slowly pushed himself up before sitting on the wooden deck "damn" he thought "if I don't a way to gain enough money then my brother hang me by my intestines" the bear shook the last of the drunk fuzziness from his head before getting to his feet and walking down the dimly lit street. A clang was heard in a small dark alley "you got kicked out again i see" came a voice from the shadow of the alley, the bear turned toward the voice, his eyes wide "Trevor, what are you doing here? you know they have a warrant to arrest you on sight". Trevor just laughed "Little brother, they haven't caught me yet and i doubt they will don't worry Barry nothing will change". "What if they bring in.." Barry never finished that sentence as a fist came out of the shadows and collided with his stomach causing him to double over before collapsing to the ground and throwing up. "Be quiet, you failed me, I gave you the simple job of swindling money from a poker game and you still managed to screw that up" Barry coughed and spluttered as he tried to get back up "give me another chance brother, I swear I won't fail again" he said hoarsely. Trevor laughed harder "look at you so pitiful, so pathetic" a foot came out of the dark and kicked him in the nose making him go down again "very well then I shall be kind and give you one more chance" Barry managed to clamber up to his knees "oh thank you, thank you your so kind" he said joyfully "your going to help me pull a job little brother" Trevor said coldly "your going to help me rob the saloon"

Rika was handed a rack full of glasses to clean and started to do so as someone started to play a little tune on the piano she smiled and swayed her hips gently in time with the music as she continued to clean and look around at what was happening. Tonight was just your average bunch of rabble, most of the tables closest to the bar were filled with locals spending their hard earned coin on drink and tail, towards the stage she saw who was playing the tune she liked. It was a male tiger and judging by his crisp,clean appearance and fine tailored clothing Rika guessed he was either a merchant on a trading mission or an upperclassman stuck here on a layover. He was looking towards a girl, a hyena and Rika laughed slightly at him trying to impress a prostitute who was happy just getting paid, looking towards the staircase the otter saw three other girls waiting to turn tricks. A customer walked up to the bar and ordered a pint Rika grabbed the glass she had just cleaned and filled it with alcohol before placing it down on the bar as the male gecko fumbled around in his pockets before placing the money onto the counter, taking the drink and walked away, slightly unsteadily and slumped down into his seat "if he wasn't known to be such a softy we probably wouldn't serve him so much liquor" thought Rika as she finished cleaning the glasses she was given and put them away. Niikos tapped her on the shoulder causing her to jump slightly "we are out of beer and bourbon can you go out the back and get some more". Rika turned around and looked into his silvery eyes "sure" she said as she went towards the back door that led to the alley that housed the storeroom "don't get scared now" he said with a smile as the otter grasped the door handle she turned and gave him an annoyed look before disappearing out the door.

Barry and Trevor brownstone were walking back toward the building Barry had originally been thrown out of keeping to the darker areas of the street so Trevor would not be spotted when Barry spoke "are you sure about this brother? there is a lot of people in there with guns or knives or guns and knives" he asked timidly."How stupid can you be" Trevor said, his voice dripping with annoyance at his brother's dumb question "we aren't going to walk through the front door even you should know that is suicide, no little brother, we are going to hit it sideways" "oohhh" was all Barry replied seemingly in awe of his brother's words as they stopped just across the road from the saloon. Trevor looked at the building it was a three-story high building made from parchment coloured sandstone with a timber deck that connected to the balconies on the second and third stories, he decided to turn his attention to the coming and goings of the people.Nothing unusual here, mainly the intoxicated going to the House of Eden to get their shafts wet or those coming from there, after having their full, to get drunk "this place would be easier to shake down if i had my boys" he thought but after what happened to the blue bastard he told them to lay low "no one to exploit here" said Barry making his brother look at him angrily for being disrupted from his thinking. Trevor smiled deviously as he spotted the small alley next to the saloon "perfect" he said "I found our way inside".

Rika walked out into the alley before taking the key and opening the door to the storeroom, coughing slightly as the musty smell of the windowless room hit her. She reached her hand into the dark as she tried to find the pull-cord for the light, her hand wrapped around what she was looking for and pulling it ended with a click as the bulb burst into life coating the room in false light that almost blinded the otter girl. Once her eyes had readjusted she stepped inside and glanced around the shelves full of various bottles and cases of alcohol "gin, no, wine, no, rum, no, vodka, no" she listed off in her head as she searched for what she was sent to find "ah there it is" Rika said to no one in particular as the otter spied a couple of crates of filled beer bottles. Reaching down and grabbing one she placed it upon the small table that the store room housed before grabbing the other and placing it onto the first and picking both up with a heave, when she turned around to take the crates inside she saw a shadow move at the end of the alley.

"Nice night isn't it?" said Barry stepping into the light. Rika put the crates down and shut the door to the storeroom as a precaution in case his intention was to steal alcohol "uhh... Sure i guess" she said hoping he would leave but he didn't instead he took a couple of steps closer "the stars are beautiful don't you think?" he asked "don't know, not really into looking at the sky" replied the otter as she tensed up "he may be drunk but he could still be dangerous" she thought as she watched the bear who was looking at the sky. "You know you shouldn't be here" she said in a tone that made her sound stronger than she was feeling Barry turned his gaze towards Rika and in the small amount of illumination that this town had, she thought she saw a glint of sadness in his eyes before it disappeared and now he stared blankly at the bar worker "but i must" the bear insisted. "No! You must leave now" Rika replied getting impatient with this drunken fool before her "girl" he growled suddenly angry as he took a few strides closing the distance between them "don't make me hit you" he threatened as he rose his hand slightly "leave!" replied Rika sternly as the bear brought down is palm. Luckily for her, the years of dance her parents put her through to entice: the right sort of family had left her body lithe and agile, she ducked just in time to see the hand sail passed her head before shoving her leg straight up, her heeled boot colliding with the bear's chin sending him stumbling back. Standing up she smiled sure that she got her point across but her smile dropped as she felt pressure on the back of her head as a voice whispered in her ear, "stupid harlot" and with that she was thrown into the wall and everything went black.

As the otter started to come to, she heard muffled noises that became clearer and clearer as her mind refocused ".....need the coin, shouldn't we get in before someone notices her" "don't be ridiculous little brother no one will find us here unless they are actually looking". Rika groaned and she tried to sit up which sent a throbbing through her head making her clutch the source of the pain where she felt a hot stickiness against her hand "bleeding" she thought. "Ah it looks as though the little bitch has awakened"said a voice, still slightly dazed from the concussion she looked towards the sound and saw two bears standing in the alley looking down at her for a moment Rika thought her concussion was the reason for this but no, something was not quite right with this picture. On her left the bear was by rough estimate not much taller than her and fat enough to be unhealthy but not so fat to be obese who wore a vest and a long sleeve shirt which was rolled up to the middle of his forearms, he was also looking around nervously. By her recollection it was the same bear that Niikos threw out earlier that night. On her right the bear that stood there was a different story, he was taller and leaner, he wore a shirt but instead of a vest the bear had on a rawhide jacket and part of his face was shrouded by the stetson hat he wore. This bear was staring at her intently, his eyes were visible and they were filled with malicious intentions. Rika became worried now as the unease started to settle in, gripping the wall she managed to pull herself up to a standing position before quickly glancing at the door "damn" she thought "they closed the side door, looks like the only way back inside is through the front door". Looking from one bear to the other calculating in her head the odds of making it out of the alley "Trevor, we should do this soon, the longer we are out the more likely we will be caught" said Barry in a surprising timid tone for a man of his size and build as he looked at his brother. "NOW!" thought Rika as she made a bolt for the end of the alley "stop her, you useless sod" growled Trevor and Barry did just that moving with surprising speed for a male his size, she bit his arm in a bid to escape making him growl in pain before throwing her back onto the ground.

She landed with a thud before scrambling to her feet, the otter tried to struggle as her wrists were pulled behind her back. "Brother" said Trevor sounding far too happy with himself as he grinned "I have decided not to rob the place instead we are going to partake in this little treat". Rika's eyes went wide as she realized what he meant "w-what? No! Now let me go you prick" she squealed as her terror began to rise making her heart beat quickly "oh come now" the bear holding her wrists said coldly " I bet a slut like you has a different male mount you like a bitch in heat every night while they all fight for your affections". "No! Never!" she huffed as she tried to struggle again only to get nowhere as the grip that held her was like iron and in turn was rewarded by a palm colliding with the side of her face making her whimper and cringe, looking towards Barry she saw he had undergone a complete change, gone was his nervousness replaced by a sadistic smile and his eyes that once held sadness now held a predatory hunger. Barry grabbed the underside of her face "good whores speak only when spoken to, okay poppet" he said in a menacing tone that made him sound a lot more like his older brother, that was when she realized Trevor may have been the brains behind the operations but Barry was dangerous criminal in his own right. One who got off on the thought of taking advantage of helpless females, she gave him a dirty look while trying to hide the fear in her eyes. "No, stop" she cried out as she was forcefully bent over by Trevor "oh now, don't be like that" he cooed as he grinded his crotch against her "I bet you secretly want it" "get off!" She squealed as she slammed her foot into Trevor's shin, he grunted in pain before giving her a back-hand smack knocking her to the ground, Rika spat out some blood before the iron grip of the brothers hands pulled her to her feet, Trevor grabbed the bottom of her red dress and began to pull it up while the otter resisted his attempts "hold her steady you useless sod" he yelled at his brother to which Barry happily obliged and grabbed her arms and shoulders keeping her in this bent over and exposed position, Trevor smiled as he grabbed her dress again and ripped it up the middle giving him access to what she was wearing underneath

Trevor began to rub the girl's hips slowly causing her to gasp in horror and begin to struggle again, this time managing to break Barry's hold on her arms, Rika quickly proceeded to shove an elbow back into the male form behind her only for it to be stopped an inch from the target.The bear's fingers gripped her elbow like a vice "that will not work twice, stupid girl" said Trevor who was trying to keep his voice even despite the rage he was feeling "dearest brother, would you mind teaching this little bitch some manners?" He said in mock kindness "of course Trev, I would love to" replied Barry sounding too happy in this request as he gripped her bottom jaw and pulled his right hand back. She screamed as the pain shot through her body, the eye that Barry punched burned as the swelling from the hit forced the eye closed. Rika whimpered in fear as she felt the bear behind her grab the red lace panties she was wearing and pull them down to her knees, the shock from a quick spank to her rump was enough to stop her feinting from the pain "mmmm very nice" the bear said as casually as if viewing art before undoing his pants just enough so he could get his meat out comfortably but not so much as to prevent a quick getaway if needed. He ran his fingers over her pert rear before sliding a finger down between her buttocks and across her tailhole "please don't do this" the otter cried out as he slid the finger down the length of her slit "grab hold of her and shut her up" ordered Trevor. "yes brother" replied Barry as he ripped off a piece of material from the top of her dress, leaving her right breast exposed, before shoving the material into her mouth and grabbing hold of both her arms once more, this time making sure their prize would not escape. "Ah, listen to the beautiful sound of quiet" the bear with his hand on her hip teased her as he took his erect member and exposed it to the night air then his smile stretched across his face before he pressed the top of his member against the otter's slit. Rika moaned in horror as she felt the bear's meat between her legs, the otter tried to resist and struggle against the paws that held her but the blows she had sustained to her head were starting to take their toll and her body just didn't want to move. Trevor got a good grip on her hips and began to slowly push into the otter, inch by inch he worked his into her warm passage before hilting himself deep in her making her scream in pain against the gag in her mouth. The taller of the brownstone brothers looked at her curiously before pulling out of her and noticing the blood on his erection "well look at that, it seems she was telling the truth about not having the boys mount her. Oh well tight virgin tail is always better" Trevor said and both brothers laughed.

The bear slid his member back into the otter's virgin passage before pulling out all the way to the tip then thrusting back into her causing another muffled scream to come out of the girl. Trevor thought he heard a few profanities as well but the material in her mouth garbled her words beyond recognition, the bear repeated his previous action once, twice, three more times before he fell into a steady thrusting rhythm. With renewed vigor Rika started screaming again, this time a lot louder despite the makeshift gag "you don't learn do you?" Trevor asked rhetorically as he punched the otter in the side of the gut winding her "obviously the gag is not enough to keep her quiet so find something else to shut her up" demanded the bear that was already using the girl. Barry grinned "of course brother" he said sadistically as he undid his pants exposing his hard member to the girl before grabbing a firm and rough hold on her brown hair and removing the gag from her mouth only to replace it with his own throbbing meat. He fell into an alternating rhythm with his brother each time one thrusted in the other pulled out and vice-versa, the iron grip pulling her head backward prevented Rika from closing her jaws on the thing that had violated her face and the gods knew she wanted to, not only that it was taking all her energy to stay conscious during this ordeal. The otter felt a slap on the side of her rump as the one behind her began thrusting into her faster and it wasn't long before his brother starting doing the same thing and she ended up being shoved against his groin as she was forced to deepthroat him, the sickening stench of his scent invaded her nostrils "this is horrible" she thought as her eyes burned and her vision blurred as tears welled up in her eyes before they finally pushed through and streamed down her cheek.

The Brownstone brothers pumped their hips harder into each end of the otter they had chosen to get their fun from while she was bent over and forced to take it, with the tears now flooding down her face, hoping it would be over soon. Barry cupped her head as he plowed into her maw and moaned slightly "despite not having any experience her struggling is making her tongue all sorts to my shaft, it feels....." he sighed in semi-content pleasure "wonderful". His brother gripped Rika's hip in anger making her whimper as pain shot through her body "silence! You moron" he growled at Barry "do you want to find where we are or what we are doing?" "n-no" he said quietly, the bear's meekness returning for a few seconds before he looked at the otter, her mouth forced open by his member and went back to his happy thrusting. Trevor smirked and looked down at the still whimpering otter before releasing his grip and smacking her rump again but this time with more force "be quiet you" he said in a commanding tone however unlike Niikos's commanding voice, Trevor's carried an edge with it, the kind of edge that says: do what i say or you could meet with a terrible fate. He lifted her tail and began to thrust harder into Rika's beaten body. When all of a sudden an arm wrapped around Barry's neck and another slipped under his left arm as the grey paw locked around the arm against the bear's neck before the person pulled Barry back away from Rika, while whispering in his ear "don't you DARE touch her" in a tone that would bring even the most staunch men to their knees, her crying became vocalized as her mouth was finally free at last.

Niikos threw Barry to the ground with a heavy thud "what the hell!" was all Trevor managed to say before he pulled the otter-girl against himself and placed his hand around her throat making Rika's eyes go wide as she realized she just became a hostage. Just then the side door back into the saloon swung open and a rifle barrel poked out followed by a female fox no bigger than five foot ten, she cocked the gun "don't even think about it" the fox said her voice dripping with venom.Trevor laughed heartily and dropped the girl onto the ground " you think even with a gun i find you the least bit intimidating, i bet you've never even fired that gun in your life" he said in a arrogant tone as he step towards the gun wielding fox whose gaze never left the bear. "I wouldn't be so cocky if i were you" said the wolf as he stepped further into the small alleyway. A smile spread across Trevor's face as he turned towards the voice "ah colonel Niikos Lockheart of the famed crimson fang commandos, why am I not surprised to see your ugly face in this hole of the town." The wolf stared at the bear intently and he stared back at the wolf just as intently, the atmosphere became tense and it felt as if time had slowed to a snail's pace making it seem like an eternity before Niikos took a deep breath. "My how the mighty have fallen" he said calmly "during the battle of shrikul you became a hero, then two years later you were dishonorably discharged for extortion and trafficking and now look at you nothing more than a common criminal". The bear smirked "fun times those were but we will have to reminisce another time, I have things to do and places to be" Trevor moved quickly and shoved the fox with the gun to the floor knocking the rifle from her hands before taking the bottle of bourbon and quickly scrambled up and over the storeroom. Niikos went to give chase but stopped as he heard Rika groaning on the ground, he really wanted to give chase but the otter needed his help more, Niikos bent down and scooped up the broken otter off the ground who clinged to him like he was a rock in a violent storm "Nari" the wolf said to the fox who had clambered back to her feet "tell your brother to fetch the doctor and fetch the first aid kit if you can" she nodded as she grabbed the gun and vanished back into the building. The wolf carried Rika into the saloon allowing the door to swing shut behind him as the otter girl looked up at him through the eye that wasn't swollen " I love you" she said weakly her savior then looked down at her "I know" he said " I know".