Wereness 8. The Visitor

Story by Woulfe Maelstorme on SoFurry

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It occurred to me that the reader has likely deemed me a tease, for leaving the emergence of the taur till the very end and not really doing anything sexual with the form. Some things a worth waiting for and thus seem that much sweeter when enjoyed. With this story the reader will finally get full exposure to the aforementioned Botans. In addition I am also recognizing TheTiger's own request to add big cats, with some modifications the reader will find most interesting. Rejoice readers these things are here or coming. As an added bonus, this story picks up right where the other one left off and thus adding the last paragraph from the previous one seemed fitting. Shall we begin? I thought so.

The following story contains strong sexual content and may even contain elements that dare to brutally smash right through societies little barriers known as taboos. Taboos are usually things society dare not do, but have proved many times to be much less threatening than these sheltered individuals would lead you to believe. Thus this ideal metaphor for such a situation: What is the point of living if one is simply too scared to even go out of their house? Possibly this and future stories will deal with just about every sexual taboo known to human kind. It also includes an element some strict Christians might declare evil even. So if this is not your sort of story, please move on and kindly don't send any hate mail my way.

Woulfe Maelstorme

<< The Visitor >>

The sensation rises to full strength and the feeling of someone else's massive arms cradling you is felt. You mind recognizes this touch and reaches out for it, leaving the other place and creature to fade away.

"Hey, you Ok there stallion?" A faint and even more familiar voice says.

You reach further and soon your eyes open, looking up at a familiar shire horse head looking down at you and displaying that grin that can only be managed in his Hani form. You briefly look down over your elbow and sure enough, you see human feet with shire fur and coloring. Only the hoof nails resembled anything equine there as usual.

"I'm fine and yet...so happy." You assure him and wipe the tears from your eyes.

"You slept for quite a while. I got a bit concerned, once we arrived at your old campsite and requested help from Custodian. Then ye proceeded to explain what was happening and said to expect a Botan...what is the term?" He trails off and looks up past your head.

" Percou." A new voice says behind you.

"Yes Percou." He corrects himself.

"Very good horse." The new voice replies. "You say it just like person, but with 'c' instead of 's' and no 'n'."

"Botan Percou?" You inquire and you rise up out of your lover's lap.

You then turn completely to your left, while resting into a squatting postion, just inches forward of your equine mate, and avoid the fire ten feet to your left. You then take a firm look at your visitor and find he is not alone, but has a companion as well. Quick look downwards confirms he is a male weretiger in Hani form and his companion is simply a male tiger. However both seem a tad stocky and have rather thick necks. What the fires illumination reveals and catches your eye though is the color of their matching furs. Both have the white underside and black strip treatment, but the rest is clearly a bit darker and definitely not orange. The fur itself appears to be quite short and extremely dense as well.

"Please explain this Percou and how it relates to you." You poignantly ask.

"Stud..." Your lover starts to interject.

"Its OK. He has been through a lot lately and is about to go through a lot more. He has a right to know things he will eventually find out from Custodian anyway. In fact it is essential he learns this in particular, among many other things." The Tiger finishes.

I quick glance down at his feet confirms his Hani form, along with his speaking agility.

"Besides what you read was only recently added, as a prep, and is only a piece of the whole puzzle that is Botan. Lets start with your question and then inform you of the rest."

"Sounds good to me. The dream itself was quite the experience. I have a feeling this should be just as interesting." You comment right back at him.

"That it will." He assures you. "Percou is used to describe the current relationship between the two Botans you see sitting before you."

"Wait a minute." You interrupt and point at the tiger. "Granted he has your fur color, but how is he also Botan? He isn't even a werecreature."

"But, he is one of our five essential sexes."

"Something like size differences seen in some fish and such?"

"Yes...something like that. I will explain this along with the Percou."

He smiles at you warmly and finally you relax and smile back.

"By all means...procced."

"My companion and I are Percou because we were conceived and placed together in the same exowomb. By doing this it not only encouraged the forming of an empathic bond, but also a telepathic one as well. The bonded Percou can use this telelpathic link to anonymously converse with each, without bothering anyone else within listening range. The term means 'One person from two'. In other words what you saw happen to your friends in your dream will eventually happen to my companion and I, once our bodies mature enough. Now do you understand Percou?"

"Yes that makes sense now. How does having five sexes figure into a Botan's life?"

"Well this is where it gets interesting and we essentially due away with what is currently known as male and female. Earth as a whole is evolving to a point where such specialized divisions are no longer necessary for survival of the species. The new structure also makes for more flexible coexistence with the current evolving plant life here."

You look and sniff around the perimeter darkness and sense subtle changes already.

"So if you two are not males, then what are you? You definitely have a penis and balls."

"True...but their biological function is quite different from yours. Lets finish up with the five sexes now. Botan actually have four functional sexes and one psuedo sex. The psuedo sex is what all immature Botans are. We call this Manfe. Simply pronounce it like man and add the 'f' at the end. The 'e' goes silent. In this immature form a Botan has total freedom to experience the full range of sexual interaction, just like any typical hermaphrodite would. Manfes don't have either an anal or vaginal cavity. Instead where there is normally just an anal cavity is actually a hybrid version of both. This will become clearer when visting the city tomorrow. Although immature and completely incapable of any sexual potency, manfe botans possess the highest nutrient levels within their semen essiential for successful conception of a mating proma and profe botan. My botan companion is proma, while the botan he concives another proma or profe botan with is profe. Proma is pronounced like promo, but the 'a' is short 'u'. It means an enhanced but refined version of the existing male sex found in the evolving animal kingdom. Profe is pronounced with long 'o' and silent 'e'. It is simply a female version of Proma if you will. With me so far?"

"You furrow your eyebrows and then nod."

"The final two sexes are fully mature Botan and do their biological part by conceiving a Manfe. Their sexes are a more evolved and functional version of existing hermaphrodites. We call these two sexes Malher and Malfem. Both are endowed with dual phalices, which vary drastically in proportion. The primary or forward phallus is sheathed but not attached to the belly. Its proportions and knot are completely canine, yet it there is no bone inside. The front half is completely feline in structure and does indeed have the barbs. Another feline feature is it can be bent and flexed inside the one receiving it in them. The secondary phallus also possesses a knot, but the canine similarities end there. The rest of its structure, proportions and appearance are completely equine."

"But my friend doesn't have these phallic features and certainly isn't a hermaphrodite. He simply has too very large canine cocks attached." You challenge.

"But he isn't Botan yet."


"Yet." The Botan continues. "Although both sexes are technically hermaphrodites, they possess a hybrid cavity just like their manfe offspring. The difference only being their cavities is functional. Malfem carry manfe cubs for a mere month. The cub is then transferred to a Malher and is carried to half term alongside a chosen proma or profe also transferred over to the Malher." He finishes.

"OK. This is getting a bit confusing and a bit complicated with the malhers and malfems." You graciously surrender with a headshake and grin.

"Let me explain that part and the reason that not even a malher can not carry to full term." He suggests. "You see, unlike conventional plant and animal symbiosis, The relationship between botan and the evolving plantlife is more intertwined and allows both to mutually benefit a great deal. To help solidify this evolved sybiosis, the last half of the term is spent in an exowomb. This telepathically links the unborn botan percou, on a telepathic sublevel just like the existing Custodian network, to the entire evolved and telepathically active plant life. The link can't be established if the botan percou are not in physical contact with the plant network."

"Go on." You encourage the botan.

"In addition a mature botan's body would find it too taxing biochemically, to add full term carrying of developing percou and manage the existing multiple biological tasks a botan performs in its daily routine within this new and evolving ecosystem. Again you will understand this more after visiting the city. Any other questions on your mind?"

"Hmm...can't think of any at the moment." You admit and yawn.

"Looks like you could do with a bit of sleep, just like the rest of us." Your mate observes.

"Shouldn't I be rested up after that dream?"

"What you experienced was a dreaming state, but not true rest or sleep at all." The botan explains. "Your mind was completely aware in that dream and thus consciously active."

"Makes sense." You admit yawning again and then lay back into your mate's lap.

"Lets all get some rest now." You finally hear from the botan, as you close your eyes and drift into sleep, while your mate shifts under your head to lie on his back. You finally loose complete consciousness with your head now resting on his belly.

When you wake up the next mourning. You find the belly, you rested your head against last night, covered with fur and seemingly not quite as firm as before. You open your eyes, looking up at the forest canopy and thin roll to your right and meet a familiar face that is clearly not the Shire's.

"Mourning. Sleep well?" The familiar weretiger face says with a grin.

You then suddenly find yourself frozen in place, the moment you focus on his eyes. You then shake your head and look again. It hasn't gone away. Something about the eyes seems so subtle and yet so strange and alluring.

"I see you immediately noticed the same thing your mate did." He comments.

His eyes are completely devoid of the usual white, at the edge of the iris, and instead see iridescent waves of color. Then when his head moves upwards briefly, the iridescent effect animates into a frenzied dance of colors. Fortunately the eyes don't have too much white beyond the iris or looking at the eyes alone would make you dizzy.

"Yes. Why are they doing that?"

"Ah. You noticed the shimmering when I moved my head. That is a side effect of the light bouncing back from inside the facets. Go ahead. Take a closer look."

You get up and crane your face within an inch of his and finally see them. Its like his eyes are a hybrid of insect and animal. The pupil area is normal enough. But beyond the iris are thousands of tiny facets like what is seen on a dragonfly's eyes.

"Wow. Do you get a headache from this? How does the world look with eyes like these?"

"Actually the world through my eyes doesn't look too different from yours. Some colors may appear more vibrant or comprised of normally invisible shades. This is due to the fact they can detect ultrahigh radiation. As a bonus they make for excellent motion detection as well."

"From what I have studied about insects, I imagine they would be handy for that."

"So do you approve?"

"Very much." You comment and move back into a cross-legged sitting position. "So where did my mate and the mare go?" You ask after looking around and seeing all that remains of your old campsite is the fire pit and wagon. Everything else must have been packed away into the crates on the wagon itself.

"They left early this mourning to assist another botan percou with a lost stallion."

"Lost?" You inquire after meeting his gaze again.

"Yes. He wandered off into the forest here and can't find his way back to the city."

"How is that even possible?"

"Not sure if this is the right time to mention this...but the plant life within the cities are reclaiming those areas for the growing and transforming forest around us. Somehow, unknown to us botans, essence of the evolution within the deep wilderness found its way into the cities."

"So now the cities will soon become what you will eventually show me later?" You ask.

"Something like that. Remember, we are still learning and relearning about the transforming plant life. So there is likely to be more new developments that we simply won't know about yet. The entire planet is intent on changing that fast. We like to think of it as catching up on centuries of delayed evolution."

"What will become of the animal and human..." You trail off and stop yourself.

"I think you just got the answer, to that unfinished question the moment you spoke those words, via memory of the lucid dream you had yesterday." He says with a broad grin.

"But there will be those who will fear this and react violently."

"We suspected that something like this might happen and feared that the remaining human race would turn militant and try to destroy everything that takes on the guise of this threat. Strange enough, something already exists to take care of those few with equal decisiveness. A select few of us manfes were modified to be more plant than animal, thus making them ideal for their function and suitably called Infestors."


"Under the guidance of the one you call Custodian, They seek out the resistant humans and strategically redirect them away from their fears. Then it is assessed if that human has sufficient genetic resource to be compatible with changes such as your friend in the dream. If they are not, The Infestor then offers the human total and complete mergence. Again this part is down strategically, so not to give the human reason to be afraid."

"It still sounds so strange and agressive."

"Yes, I imagine it would. It is just that the new transformed world simply won't be fit for normal human or animal habitation. Any living creature that is not hybridized of both plant and animal tissue will very quickly perish here."

"I see." You assess with furrowed eyebrows and then get up to walk around. "Give me a moment to go over what you just told me."

At the moment you didn't need any new information. So when your own pacing brought you anywhere near to looking at his body as a whole, you would simply look down at your boots. For some reason much of what the tiger just told you doesn't seem that strange. Your friend from the dream had an intense love for biology and loved toying around with controversial subjects such as this. It is just that now something like one of those theories is actually happening. You sigh and finally turn towards the tiger.

You look him over and see that the campfire lighting from last night did nothing to illuminate his full presence. As of this mourning he has assumed the more massive Evo form. Overall he did indeed look like a weretiger. There simply were some features on him that are subtle and yet very profound:

His entire body had the muscular stockiness of a bear...

The neck was much thicker and had a collar like feature seen on grizzly bears...

The skull was a bears...but had a tiger's face and muzzle...

At least the ears weren't rounded off...and yet lengthened like a canine's

He also didn't possess the feline whiskers...come to think of it...

His speech has unusual emphasize on the 's'...needs explaining.

"OK. Lets start with something simple...you."

"I saw you checking my body out. " He accuses. "What about me?"

"Well its clear that you're a modified weretiger or manfe as your call yourself."

"True...true. I'm a hybridization of plant and three predator animal types: Canine, Feline and Ursine. Before you even think that the other half is forgotten, don't. There is Herbiv Botan just like there is Predat Botan. And instead of the worn out predator/prey relationship, there is now milker/feeder to replace it. It is more communal, mutually beneficial and balanced than the old way." He yawns and reveals dual fangs on his upper jaw. "So. Do I meet with your approval?" He bellows with open arms after getting up.

"Never said I didn't approve." You say with a grin. "I just wanted to make sure I understand everything, I see and hear, correctly."

"I think you do." He puts a hand on your shoulder. "Come...the other tiger is waiting for us at the edge of the deep wilderness."

"From what you described." You look around and beyond him and see nothing but a rather thick mist barrier within the trees. "I don't see anything different in the distance."

"But you do see a fog bank don't you?"


"That is the barrier of the deep wilderness." He walks around behind you and rests both his hands on your shoulders. "Just beyond it is where the other tiger is and waiting for the both of us. He is currently regenerating in a pod. Don't ask about that yet and simply follow me now." He walks back to your front and gestures with his hand.

"I thought you two were always together."

"We usually are, but a pod isn't capable of generating two botan at once. The distance was simply too far to go and find another one for me. So we took turns watching you and regenerating this mourning. I went first. Brace yourself for the change. When we exit the fog, you will be seeing a completely transformed forest on the other side. In fact I imagine the same fog is currently forming around the city. So to answer that question, no more need to wrap up your human affairs there." He looks back briefly with a warm grin.

Does he know that you are currently staring at his stubbed tail? And why shouldn't you stare? After all he simply looks like a big burly tiger. You keep thinking he should thus have a normal tiger's tail attached. The other thing that bugs you is his burliness even gives him a slight enough belly to conceal the muscles that obviously exist underneath.

The fog is indeed just that. Everything is so quiet and subdued inside it. The visibility is also dropping rapidly. You get a bit concerned and decide to close the distance, between you and the tiger a bit, by jogging up beside him and then assuming a quicker pace. He slows his pace down to accommodate yours. The fog also seems to have something suspended within its own mist. A vague and subtle smell, that registers as sweet and alluring. Every so often movement on the ground is seen at the edge of your peripheral vision and then stops. You look up with that question on your mind and meet his gaze. He seems to know what your thinking and gives you the same warm grin as before.

"The movement you occasionally see is just the forest being changed. We are in no danger and should be coming upon the other side of the barrier soon. Does that make you feel more at ease?"

"A bit...thanks." You return the grin and chance leaning into his side.

"Getting a bit affectionate are we?" He puts his arm around your shoulders.

He then looks straight ahead and you follow his gaze. Sure enough the fog bank is thinning ahead, to reveal what looks like a normal enough forest. That scent is now gaining more potency and yet the fragrance remains just as mild as earlier. You glance down and notice your shorts are straining a great deal against the pressure inside and completely wet in front. You had your attention so focused on what might be lurking in the fog you obviously noticed little else beyond your botan companion on this walk. You look sideways at his crotch and notice half of his pink shaft sticking out of the sheath already and flexing around a bit. The big knot still inside the skin is now thoroughly stretching it. You begin to wonder how good that massive knot would feel inside of you. Then as if reading your mind, the botan stops walking and moves his hand behind your head, while pushing it forward closer towards his crouch. This catches you slightly off guard, but soon you are reassured it is actually happening and okay with him.

"I picked up on your thoughts. It was actually hard not to. To be honest I have always wandered the same about an equine cock myself."

"Really?" You look up into his downward grinning gaze at your face.

"Really. I was born a botan and this is actually my first time beyond the deep wilderness. I remember Custodian, and the others who had been transformed, tell me about such magnificent beasts. I was also told it wasn't that much different than a botan's existing secondary penis. I wanted to find out for myself and jumped at the opportunity to be the transformation companion for you and your mate. Don't get me wrong...I have more than just sexual interest in equines. After all, your genetic code has contributed a lot to existing mature botans."

"That's a bit flattering." You comment while starting to stroke his sheath.

"You'll get a lot more than flattery if you keep that up."

"I certainly hope so." You say with a smirk, then face and inhale his exposed organ.

"Mmmm." He responds with a rumble resonating through his whole body.

You respond to this by turning completely in front of him and begin stroking his massive tiger balls. He keeps his hand on your head and begins stroking it. You then get a prickling sensation against your tongue and carefully pull off his shaft.

"Knew that wouldn't last for too long." He chuckles.

"Whoah." You look at his shaft and see the feline barbs extending.

"Its OK. I enjoyed that very much. What I would enjoy even more is to feel that massive cock, every draft horse is so proud of, inside me now. Think you can manage that?"

"I'll see what I can do." You say and pull back away from him for some space to change.

The change was easier this time and hardly any pain was noticed. The clothes came off as quickly and easily as the shire said they would. Feeling the warming sensation all over the body, as hormones surged throughout it, always helps. Now when your head and legs reshape themselves, it feels more like stretching than painful warping. Plus this time around you get a surprise, once your massive equine shaft reshapes itself. Your body's ability to properly process the sensations of transforming, is now allowing you to truly feel the raw sensation of your shaft growing rapidly. This coupled with the hormone levels causes you to squirt precum through the whole change. You observe through the haze of the sensations that you didn't step back far enough and soaked your visitor's whole front side with it. Both of you burst out laughing, once you finished changing into your Evo form. He then settles into a chuckle and starts licking his muzzle.

[I wouldn't mind seeing if there is more where that came from.]

[Come closer and find out.] You suggest and point at your hardened stallionhood.

[Your about to get the best blow job of your life and no tongue barbs to stop it either.]

[Sounds good enough. Now how about showing me.] You smirk and point again.

He walks forward and lowers to his haunches, then opens his mouth and inhales your shaft all the way to the ring on the first try. You gasp and almost fall backwards, while grabbing onto his head for purchase. He immediately grabs you buttocks and holds you up, while bringing his warm muzzle up to the head and then plunge back down to the ring again. He then lifts completely off your cock and gets a status update.

[Mmm...how was that for a deep throat sexy pony?] He asks.

[That was great.] You chest heaves briefly. [I didn't even feel your teeth. How?]

[We can completely retract our teeth if need be.] He opens his mouth to show you. [We can do other neat oral tricks...if your willing to let me show you.]

[We don't seem to be busy with anything else.] Your chest returns to normal. [What about your companion? Will he be OK?]

[He will let me know when he is done regenerating. Let us focus on you and me.]

[If it is OK.] You check with him.

[It is.] He grins back. [Now how about you lay down and get comfortable.]

[If what you are going to do next is as intense, that is not a bad idea.] You comment.

[I didn't think you would argue.] He then gives you a quick hand down. [Now just lay completely on your back and let me do everything. If you like, while I am sucking on you, feel free to rim me out. Trust me, this is going to be intense.]

[Oh I can't wait.] You wicker softly back.

You lie completely on your back and eagerly watch your sex partner move himself right over your body, until his face is level with yours. Then he gives you a single long firm lick from your nose all the way up to your mane. He then grins and turns himself completely around into a sixty nine position. He then lowers his arse towards your muzzle, stubbed tail raised, right into your raised hands.

[I'll let you start this and see what you think.]

[Hmm?] You shrug and stick your tongue under his raised . [Strawberries.]

[You like?]

[Never expected your hole to taste like a fruit though.] You admit to him.

[Another botan thing.]

[All of your areses taste like strawberries?]

[No just fruit. Its part of our hybrid biology. Nothing is going to happen. I can read that thought creeping up in your mind. Trust me and give a good rimming already.]

You shrug and resume what you started under his tail. Once you get over the strangeness of him tasting this way, it actually starts becoming very enjoyable. Before you know it, your eyes are closed and you push your tongue as far up him as you can get it. He seems to be experienced at this and loosens up very nicely. What happens next starts out just like when you were standing up but soon gets very intense.

He completely inhales your shaft to the ring once more...

Then pulls up to the head, while gliding his tongue along the way...

Your shaft gets very slick ...

He then begins bobbing up and down, while stroking with his tongue...

Each time he goes down, he begins applying slightly more pressure with it...

Your ears soon pick up on a firm sucking sound, whenever he pulls up...

You begin receiving sensations of him discreetly working his way further down...

At the same time, you are finding his sweet hole very intoxicating...

In fact your could swear his hole is actually opening wider for easier access...

You then begin to feel an occasional wetness squirt against your neck...

The smell is familiar and is simply his precum soaking your neck...

His whole oral cavity seems to be acquiring more flexibility and softness inside now...

Then the sensation of him taking more cock inside becomes more obvious...

Now when he goes down, he actually sucks you down his convulsing throat...

He begins to gradually move his head around your shaft while doing this...

He also begins bucking against your muzzle...

Each time he bucks back, you swear your muzzle slides in a fraction more each time...

The scent of his hole and arousal start to make your head swim...

The only thoughts you have now is pleasuring his sweet tasting hole...

Soon you don't bother with noticing his bucking sensation...

You reach up and try to push your muzzle as firmly as possible right into his hole...

He begins to profusely drool, as it also trails down to coat your scrotum thoroughly...

Your balls begin to acquire an ambient warm feeling inside...

Then the sensation of them somehow slowly expanding swiftly sets in...

Your only thought now is release of that building pressure inside them.

[More?] You hear him ask.

[More.] You demand lustfully. [Suck me down to your stomach. Suck me dry.]

[As you wish.]

What happens next is beyond anything a normal animal or werecreature could do:

The feel of his mouth get very soft and seal around your throbbing shaft...

Then you feel that same mouth begin to move further down it...

All along the tongue lengthening, wrapping around and massaging every inch of it...

His throat muscles begin convulsing with a milking rhythm...

Then his mouth stops at the base, while the massaging and sucking doubles in intensity...

This causes your neck to flex forward...

Your stunned to find this shoves your muzzle halfway into his anal cavity...

His muscle ring then clamps down hard and seals around it...

He then pushes back, pinning your head to the ground...

A brief moment of panic burst into your mind.

[Easy there. I can pick up on you thoughts and emotions. Relax and breathe. Really...breathe.] He councils you. [Part of being botan is we use and produce oxygen. Just simply breathe and you will see I am right. Trust me.] He reassures you.

Feeling he clearly is much stronger, you resign to try as he suggests and sure enough...you are able to still breathe inside of him. Your skin then detects the presence of the normal clear anal lubrication. The scent inside intensifies and your arousal peaks even higher. As if reading your mind, his anal ring relaxes a bit more and you begin to muzzle fuck this overwhelmingly intoxicating source of arousal.

[Yes. Very good. Use that muzzle like your own cock stallion. Soon enough you will get the reward worthy of giving such pleasure to me at both ends.] He encourages on.

Another unreal pleasure then begins to assault your massive horse balls:

The saliva coating begins warming them up, while soaking into them...

You then feel them begin to slowly expand and move down your legs...

The churning sensation actually becomes more noticeable ...

Their density is now increasing and pressing them more against the ground...

You now feel quite a bit of the ground under them, as they increase more in size...

An almost liquid sensation begins to settle over them...

With them being halfway down, your thighs gauge their size to be immense...

Then they stop expanding and begin to churn inside harder.

[I believe stallion is ready for his release now] you barely hear through your intense fog of sexual bliss. [This is going to be unlike any orgasm you have ever had. I will be in control and decide how much of your cum leaves your balls in a shot. It will feel like the cum is being sucked right out of your those sweet swollen globes of yours. You will literally cum yourself unconscious stud.] He says the last with gentle strokes across your excessively swollen scrotum.

You blink your eyes open and wonder if that last fragment was worded the way you think you just heard it. Then you feel it hit you with the intensity of that first change.

His throat and oral muscles begin contracting in tandom...

He is literally going to milk it right out of you...

The cum immediately starts flowing out of your balls...

The flow then increases in intensity...

The sensation feels just like taking that mourning piss but harder and better...

Your head begins to furiously buck in reflex, muzzle fucking him harder than before...

Your ears pick up on a rumbling sound from within him...

This somehow adds to your arousal and your eyes clench shut...

The rumbling stimulates you to shove harder...

His anal ring opens wider and your entire head goes in...

The sudden sensation causes your neck to then spasm widely...

His rumbling increases just as you let out a deafening whinny inside his anal cavity...

The combined stuffing and vibrations from you, sends him over the edge...

His member flexes wildly and begins spraying cum, while his ring clamps down hard...

This sensation causes you to wrap your arms around his rump very roughly...

His milking then increases your squirting into a steady stream of cum...

Your whole body begins rocking wildly with sexual overload...

The arousing scent intensifies...

Your whinnies continue...

His milking sucks you harder...

The cum flows faster...

Your entire world begins fading away...



Another whinny...



All of your thoughts fuse into single signal to cum harder...



Your on the edge of unconsciousness now...

You vaguely feel your balls begin to finally shrink back down...




You completely loose consciousness and feel as if your whole self just flowed out of that cock and into his waiting hungry belly. Your feel as if your slowly floating downward endlessly. I sensation of total contentment and peace falls over you. Warmth then begins to embrace you and your direction now shifts upwards.

[So this is what it feels like to experience ultimate cumming bliss.] You say to yourself.


For those who want or require only the best of reading and viewing pleasure for this story, you can email me and request the original format version in native MS Word 2000 format. To my knowledge, the document can even be opened by the latest version of MS Word, MS Works Word Processor, Lotus Word or OppenOffice programs.

Simply email me: [email protected]

Now feel free to post any comments you may have,

Woulfe Maelstorme