Russian Affair Ch.2 - Punishment

Story by tiger17 on SoFurry

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#2 of Russian Affair

Here is Chapter 2 of Russian Affair

Characters © Yoshihiro Takahashi

Art © gangstaguru

Story © Johnxgin3

Victor looked out at Hokkaido and admired the mountains. "Those mountains look amazing. Sometimes I want to run around and sing." The thought of him singing on the hills with a dress was hilarious but silly. "Victor-san!" Yelled a soldier as he ran through the brush. "What is it?" Asked Victor.

The solider told him what happened. "Why those sluggish bastards! Why can't they hold their sexual lusts until we took over!?" yelled Victor as he stomped to where Lev and Touly are, furious and angrier than he had been in a while.

"WHAT THE FUCK WERE YOU TWO THINKING!? I NEVER GAVE EITHER ONE OF YOU PERMISSION TO FUCK ANYONE! AND YOU GO AND DO IT ANYWAY!? I SHOULD KILL YOU TWO RIGHT NOW!" screamed Victor at the top of his lungs as he stared at Lev and Touly who had both pissed themselves out of sheer fear. He turned his rage to the two females who were cowering in fear and crying in fear, "AND YOU BOTH JUST TOOK IT LIKE A WHORE IN HEAT, DIDN'T YOU TWO!?" he snapped, biting Miki in the leg and clamping down harder. She cried out in pain and shed a few tears. Satomi tried to bite Lev or Touly, but her fangs were out of reach as she tried to reach either one of the two.

"Please...stop hurting me...Let me go, please. Just let me go." she said in-between sobs. She had a look of fear in her eyes as she stared at her captor in fear. Miki let out a cry of pain as Victor leaned right into her face, so close that she could feel his breath. He quickly bared his teeth as he growled with hate and rage,

"Your punishment...shall be used by those two over there for their own pleasure. I'll make sure they make you both feel pain that cuts so deep you'll never want to walk again." he quickly glanced at Iwanov and Igor, both frozen to the spots they were standing at, afraid to move a single inch. Each one had a look of uncertainty mixed with a bit of fear and disgust at Victor. They may follow Victor, but neither one of them wanted to violate another dog the way Victor was suggesting. Both anted this hell to end.

They watched with disgust as Victor drag Lev and Touly away, closely listening to their screams of pain and agony.

The air was heavy with angst and distrust as Iwanov and Igor took the traumatized with fear...

And it grew worse when Victor came back and said,

"I changed my mind, I think I'll have a little fun with that little female. Bozlev, take that other one. You two, take them to 'that' spot I told you about earlier."

' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '

"Sorry we have to do this to you two after what those two bastards did to you..." said Iwanov as they led Miki and Satomi to a secret spot where Victor and Bozlev were waiting. Miki stared at the male, and then looked away towards where Satomi was being led by Igor, both of them looking nervous as hell. No one said anything after they arrived at the location. Victor was standing up and his face looked a little flushed. All four of them forced back a shudder as they took a glance at Victor's manhood.

The scarred German shepherd chuckled and ordered the two to leave so the four could have some 'privacy'. But he also ordered them to stay within earshot. As Igor and Iwanov walked a short distance away, neither of them could stomach what they heard next...

' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '

"Those fools may have taken your innocence, but I will still have my fun with you, my little female." Victor said as he circled around Miki like he was stalking prey. He laughed as Bozlev did the same to Satomi, though the other female was putting up some resistance to Bozlev, attempting to bite the other male in her futile efforts to get away from him. Miki tried to see her friend but Victor blocked her path as he finally moved right up to her, cornering Miki and began to touch her against her will.

"Hey Boss..." teased Bozlev as he finally managed to pin Satomi down, "Why don't youse try her 'other entrance'? Sure she hasn't been fucked there yet. Might be fun for you. And why not let them have a little fun with each other too? I'll make this bitch eat out her dear friend there" he said, as he quickly shoved his manhood inside Satomi, letting out a grunt as he did so. "It'll feel good, trust me Boss! Nothing else like it on Earth!"

"N-no!" was all Satomi could say before Victor shoved Miki's hind end right up to her nose, her wet crotch clenching in protest. Miki let out a whimper as Victor shoved his manhood into her ass, crying out in pain as he got a steady pace going right away, not caring about the wounds he left on her hips. Victor let out a few grunts of ecstasy, "Oh, Bozlev, your idea was great; she's so tight now! Hmmm, feels really good. I'll have to try this again sometime. I might even have those two join in for some fun."

Satomi quickly found her mouth licking Miki's wet pussy, crying as Bozlev got rougher with his thrusts and his moans grew louder in volume.

"Sat-tomi..." Miki breathed out her friend's name as she felt herself being licked in a spot that had just been violated hours earlier. Victor laughed as he shoved Miki down and pinned her jaws shut, growling as he got rougher with his toy, relishing her muffled screams.

"The only name you'll be saying is mine." said Victor as he sped up. He had his eyes closed from the pleasure and pain he was feeling. It only took another three minutes before he pulled out of Miki, his lustful hunger sated for now. Miki fell to the ground in pain, too weak to even cry. All she could do was close her eyes and pretend she was somewhere else, far away from here.

He wobbled over to a nearby rock and lay down. Bozlev whined, "Damnit Boss, I ain't done yet!"

"Just keep going until you're finished." snapped Victor as he laid his head down on the ground, not caring whether his fur got dirty or not. Bozlev finally pulled out after he was finished...

' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '

*HURL* Igor thought he was honestly done vomiting up the contents of his stomach, but his cowardice proved wrong. He couldn't even listen to the first few minutes of this disgusting act before he ran off in disgust. Iwanov tried to comfort his friend while talking to Maxim in secret.

The three of them no longer wanted to follow Victor and hoped to free the females from this nightmare. They looked at one another, unsure of what to say about the situation. Finally, Maxim spoke up,

"This has to stop, Victor's gone too far with his antics." he paused to look at the other two, "Iwanov, Igor, I need your help to get the females outta here and into the safety of the Ohu army. Their numbers are big enough so that Victor can't touch them very easily."

"But how will even be able to-!" Igor sputtered.

"In an hour from now, Victor will recover from his sexual exhaustion and move on to go and kill Lev and Touly for some reason. That's your chance. Get to it." and with that, the three went out on their new mission. They secretly made their way to where the females were and snuck them out through the bottom of Gajou. Miki and Satomi were the last two to get outside Gajou and began to make their way down the snow-encrusted river.

Miki stayed near Igor and Satomi followed Iwanov, feeling safer with both of them. They could finally rest easy for now as the group made their way to the forest. When night fell, the groups hid in some underground dens left by the wolves many years ago. Maxim took a quick look-around and then covered the entrance with some muddy leaves to mask the group's scent.

"We can rest easy for now, but Victor's most likely on the lookout for us now. We leave at first light if it's safe and split up. I will be the decoy with some of my men to distract them for as long as I can. I'll stand watch at the entrance." he said as he lay down on the dirt. With that, the four left for their dens and lay down themselves.