Russian Affair Ch.3 (Part One) - Love and New Life

Story by tiger17 on SoFurry

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#3 of Russian Affair

Here is the first part of Part 3 of Russian Affair

Artwork © gangstaguru

Story © Johnxgin3 (Once again, check out his stories. They're pretty good)


"I see you like watching the stars, Satomi. May I join you? I'd like some company for the night." asked Iwanov as he moved a little closer to her, watching her smile. He couldn't help but smile back at her, her smile was infectious. "Even though she's been through so much hell in the past day or two, she still finds enough strength to smile. Ohu soldiers are something else. really brave. More brave then I've been in the past few months, that's for sure." he thought as the pair watched the stars twinkle in the dark night sky. The only sounds that could be heard was the breathing of the two and the gentle night breeze. A few leaves fell inside the cave.

"Sure, go right ahead. I'd love some company. I've been getting lonely myself." Satomi replied as Iwanov shifted closer to her, watching him settle down. She smiled at him warmly, "Thanks for what you and...what was your friend's name again? I've forgotten already. I'm rather bad with remembering names of others." she asked, tilting her head in confusion as she tried to remember the name of Iwanov's friend. She yawned as she listened to Iwanov's answer,

"It's Igor. Odd name, I know" replied Iwanov as he cracked his neck and rolled his eyes. "Everyone teased him about when he was young."

"Getting stiff Satomi? I'm getting rather stiff myself." teased Satomi as she did the same, sighing in relief when got a few painful kinks out of her neck.

"Yeah. You? Feeling pain anywhere?" she giggled when Iwanov made a funny pained expression on his face when a loud crack filled the air. She couldn't help but laugh at his misery. He smirked and gently pinned her on the ground with a sly grin on his muzzle,

"Teasing me, eh? You naughty girl..." he said as she slowly stopped laughing and looked up at him and the stars behind his head. She smiled and pulled him closer, making Iwanov flustered and he began to sputter in embarrassment.

"You know..." she ran her paw down Iwanov's chest, admiring the many scars that lay on it. Iwanov said nothing as he watched Satomi move her paw on his chest, "...I'm feeling a bit frisky now..." she said, giving Iwanov a lick on the cheek.

But before she could do more, Maxim came in. "We're moving now, it's getting too dangerous to stay here for much longer. Everyone's out." he said leaving the den. Iwanov and Satomi looked at each before getting up and following Maxim. She gave him a playful nudge to the shoulder. She winked at him.

A few hours later after sunrise, Maxim stopped the group and gathered his followers, "My group's going to be the decoy for you guys so you can all escape to safety into the nearby human town." he said calmly, pointing his head towards the direction of the human town, just past a large dual-pointed hill and cliff.

"Be careful of the cliffs however, falling off them means death. Just head through the middle of Futago Pass." He said as he ran away, his soldiers right behind him kicking up fresh fallen snow behind them. After a few seconds, the group made their way to a large abandoned house hidden away by large plant life. The group settled in for the night and soon set up some scouts to alert the group if anyone came by to attack them. As soon as everyone found a place to sleep and rest up for the journey tomorrow, sleep came quickly.

Satomi and Iwanov had chosen a more private location to continue what they had started in the cave early morning. Iwanov gently licked his new lover's chest, pausing every now and then to breathe in her scent. Satomi sighed in pleasure; Iwanov certainly knew how to treat a lady right, she thought. He cared about her sexual pleasure more than those two who had forcibly mated with her. She pulled his head down and hugged him tightly, licking his ears and face.

"I smell that good?" he chuckled as she met his eyes, touching her forehead to his forehead. All Iwanov had done was do Victor's dirty work with little rest or sleep. He smelled like bear crap in his own opinion, but Satomi disagreed with him, "No, you smell fine to me. Besides, Gin and the old Ohu army got rid of those bears a decade ago! You just smell sweaty to me...I like that. It's a turn-on for me." she said, licking his face.

He shivered as he moved away to look at her pussy, all wet...and soon to be his. He couldn't help but let out a moan, even though he tried to silence himself, some noise still escaped. Satomi smiled as she moved down to Iwanov's manhood and began to lick. She continued this action for a few minutes before she pulled away and lay down on her back, exposing herself to him fully. The male grinned and gently and kissed her before he pushed in.

"Ah Iwanov, you feel so good! So big and warm!" Satomi let out a shaky sigh of mixed pleasure and pain; her eyes were barely open and clouded with lust. Iwanov was the ideal male in her eyes: big and strong, kind and protective, loving and warm.

Who wouldn't want such a handsome stud like him?

She sighed as he picked up the pace of his thrusts, grunting as loud as he could while biting his lip to keep quiet. Eventually, he came with a grunt and fell on top of Satomi, his fur sticking to his body. Satomi let out a contented sigh.

A few minutes later after they cleaned themselves, the leader of the group, a friend of Iwanov's named Lydia lead the group down the river path under the cover of pitch black night. Several covered their scents with mud and anything else that was strong-smelling to them.

The group slowly made their way to the base of the river and hid in a underground cave like the one the pack had stayed in last night...