Road Rovers Cherry Pickings

Story by Wolverine on SoFurry

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Colleen plucked her first cherry five years ago, and a quality cherry it was, too, that was her boyfriend Hunter when they were in High School. One September morning, she decided to get some air, to take a short walk to clear her head. She knew she wouldn't be long, so she left her computer on and the fan still set to cool the room. Colleen hit the street and turned left, downhill. She like to go anywhere but, the sea front living there. She caught a glance of herself in a passing shop window and thought 'not bad'. Some days she grab her coat and she look like an unmade bed, other days she look windswept in just the right way. The belt of her raincoat bit her waist in a pleasing way that emphasised the shape of her ass and hips, and her long brown and white hair fanned out smoothly over her shoulders. She loved her coat. She knew exactly what dirty old men see in them,now. They're about hiding things, about keeping secrets, about touching herself. The other thing about her lovely old raincoat is that it naturally hung down to about an inch below the drop of her average skirt, making her look like she was wearing nothing under it-how cool it that? Colleen hit the promenade in five minutes flat and crossed the road. There was a thick front of dark cloudspiralling in over the horizon and she figured she'd watch it come in till she was wet enough to want to go home again. She leant on the rusty railing and watched the waves batter the sea wall for a spell. Then she turned landward and looked back at the town, happy to make herself part of the view for anyone else out there who might have been watching old Mother Nature do her baddest. Hunter was walking along the sea front on the other side of the road. AT first, his gaze was turned mostly toward the horizon, but as he neared Colleen, this changed. Little glances become longer stares. He was cute, so Colleen shifted her balance for him. Gave him a hip, a smile, and a profile. And then he smiled back. He wasn't just cute, he was gorgeous! Now they were just blantly looking at each other. Then he had to pass by, so he couldn't keep looking at her without craning his neck, without looking over his shoulder. Hunter kept looking at Colleen and not where he was going. Who wouldn't have He was lost in his Girlfiend's beauty. And then he walked straight into a lampost. Boink! Over he went,poor dear. Colleen was there in seconds, helping him to his feet, mopping at the little dribble of blood on hs brow with her tissue. Hunter assured Colleen he was okay and made a joke about walking into more lamposts if this was the treatment he'd get from his beautiful girlfriend. So she promptly swooned at him and he seized the moment admirably, kissing her delicately but with real passion. The storm broke over thier heads and she invited him back to her flat-he needed a sticky plaster for his cut and it was wet out there, anyway. As they walked back up the hill and Hunter took Colleen's arm in a slightly xlumsy, almost Victorian way, she glanced at him sideways, seeing him in profile. He was the same age as her 18 years of age. She knew he was a virgin, and she was shocked to feel a little thrill fun from her belly down into her sex. Colleen spent the rest of that short walk thinking about her last boyfriend Exile, who took her cherry, how he acted on that day, how he'd been unshakably firm yet deeply considerate; like he was giving the performance of his life and anything less than perfect would have been a wasted opportunity. At last, Colleenthought she knew what his smile meant, and maybe she did. It was then that she decided she was going to make Exile's day that day. Perhaps even his year. Biological need seized them soon as the were through the door. Wet clothes were sloghed in their wake - a pile of raincoat there, a ribbon of t-shirt here, a balled sock. Hunter's hands weighed her 40 triple D's tits with wonder and reverence, his touch quivering her skin to goose bumps. They were in the front room before the windows, all the shadow and outline. A good moment. A great moment. Colleen reached down and took hold of the bulge in his pants through the soft black cotton of his briefs. He took a deep breath. Colleen kissed the blood from the little bump on his browas his hands continued their soft examinations. From thigh to nipple or waist to neck his long fingers roamed until, at long and aching last, his fingertips found her clitoris. Colleen gasped as he delicately worked the little nub of pleasure through the fabric of her panties. " Why don't you try doing that with your tongue?" Colleen said. Hunter looked up, flashing her that smile again. " Okay.' He said, and eagerly went to his task. Colleen lay back on the soft carpet and took hold of his hair in her hand. What he lacked in technique he easily made in energy! At first, he roved across all of her genitalia with his lips and tongue, which, through very stimulating, frankly laked the presision she required. Colleen instructed Hunter to keep his mouth firmly planted on her clit, with one hand as a guide to keep her wide. Then, she said, " use your other hand to finger my vagina and anus." He took to that like a duck to water, and soon Colleen was arching her back, squirming and panting, to his delight. Hunter was a fucking natural. It was Colleen't turn. She laid him back and took him by the root of his foot long cock with her hand and, with the index finger of the other hand, she began circling the little squrts of pre-cum that smeared his hungry purple helmet. Hunter gasped appreciatively and obligingly pumped more blood into the object of her affections. A tentative little lick for her soft tongue to his uretha gave them both the shiver she'd hoped for. And then Colleen took him into his mouth. At first she worked only the tip of his dick, sucking at it and tracing its perimeters whilst pumping his shaft by hand. Eventually she took hold of his balls and drew him throat deep, there to pleasure him as long as she felt wise. Which wasn't that long, as they were yet to actually fuck, and Colleen was damned if Hunter fist salty load was going anywhere other than inside her. So Colleen straddled him,kneeling over his waist, and took his member in hand. Slowly, she slid his length into her as she put a full weight onto his groin as the gasped as one as they joined. Hunter's helmet brushed Colleen's G-spot and she groaned as she started to grind atop of him. She could see from his eyes that he was in some kind of seventh heaven as she took his hands and guided them to her breats. Colleen then leaned back into a gentle arch with her arms either side of his thighs, and in that position they began to rut. At first they were they were slow and gentle with long, luxuriating thrusts, but inevitably they began to pick up the pace. Before long whey were pushing hard into one another with a sweaty feverd abandon that could end one way. They were pounding one another like goats when he finally came. Great gushing gouts accompained by a full-throated roar were her reward for seeing to him so thoughly. Colleen pulled Hunter's knot from him and immediately went down on him again, sucking it for all her worth, making her mouth the softest warmest placce in the know universe. Spunk dangled in delicious strands from her chin onto his tightly contracting scrotum as Colleen guided his pleasure down to the realms of reality again. Colleen felt every little spasm and twitch that Hunter ganve amplified through the taut calumn of muscle that was his penis, and she love every last seconds of it. Hunter didn't say a word for a full 10 minutes afterwards, just lay there with a big grin plastered over his face. Colleen was glad that she had found Hunter to be her mate for life. And Hunter was gald he found Colleen, he wouldn't know what he do if he didn't find her to be his soulmate for life. They kiss each other good night and fell asleep in each others arms. THE END