The Wolf king Ch. 5

Story by Kendrick on SoFurry

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#5 of the wolf king

Please comment below! Weather be good or bad I would like to here it.

Sorry it took so long! I don't have as much time as I use to. Which brings me to ask if anyone would like to be an editor. Just comment below. This is my first sex scene so please give me a little slack. Well Enjoy!

Cedric stood in front of the mirror, combing his fur. He had been trying to get it right for the last ten minutes! Letting out a sigh of frustration Cedric put the comb down and gave himself a once over. He was still presentable, but he liked the way Aiden had combed his fur earlier. It seemed the taller wolf was more talented with a comb. 'Or just knows how I like to look', he thought.

Slowly he took a few steps back from the mirror so he could see his whole body. He liked the way the clothes fit him. They tailored so that they would fit his frame, and show off the muscles beneath; but at the same time they provided enough room for him to move comfortably. Even the trench coat was a great fit. The coat came down to his paws, and had an opening in the back from his hips, all the way to the floor. This allowed his tail to come through the coat, but not disturb the way the coat bellowed out behind him when he walked.

He looked at his own eyes. Despite having the appearance of a king, Cedric still felt like the 17 year old who was abused by his stepfather. He sighed not wanting to bring those memories to light. He had managed to avoid them since he came to the castle, and he did not want the first few months of piece in his life to be disrupted by that man. Even as a werewolf some of the wounds the man had left on him still hurt.

He sighed. He could tell that he was going to lose this battle, a d that the memories began to flood into his mind. He cringed at the most recent most recent memory the night before he had changed for the first time. His stepfather had beaten him. Told he was a faggot and had rapped him.

The memories brought the pain back and Cedric let loose a small whimper. Cedric didn't want to recognize it, but he knew this would become a problem between he and Aiden. Every time he thought something sexual about Aiden his step fathers voice would echo in his mind the day after. It had been why he was so frightened when he had stuck his finger inside his own tail hole. His stepfather had plagued his dreams that night. Making him want to curl up against Aiden, but these thoughts only lead to more nightmares.

In the private of night Cedric would allow his mind to go back to the past and wonder what he had done to deserve his stepfathers abuse. Every day he had wanted to run from his stepfather but never had the guts to do it. It was not until that night many months ago that he had gotten away. He had not even gotten himself out of his old life. It was all because he had stared at the moon and fallen under its sway.

There was only one thing Cedric was at least somewhat pleased about. In one respect he was still a virgin. His stepfather had indeed raped him almost every night, but he never tried to put himself inside of Cedric. He had raped his mouth, shoved large items up his anal cavity, but never had he put his own penis inside of Cedric.

Cedric let the memory of himself masturbating to the thought of Aiden come forward. It had been the first time in his life that Cedric had actually gained pleasure from something being in his anus. The pleasure had been unlike anything Cedric had ever experienced before. He wanted to feel that again but at the same time he wanted it to be Aiden who caused that pleasure. Looking back on it when Aiden had kissed him it was like the world was nothing. All he wanted was the wolf holding him. He also realized that Aiden had freed him from his memories for the short time that they kissed.

Looking up in the mirror at himself Cedric saw tears in his eyes. He quickly brushed them away and made himself a promise. That he would be with Aiden no matter how much torment it caused him. Just as he brushed the last tear from his eye there was a knock at the door.

"You may enter." Cedric said, in a gruff voice. He turned around just as the door opened, and Auron stepped through. He seemed a little surprised that the room was lit, but the expression was gone from his face faster than it appeared.

He bowed than said, "My lord, the party will be starting soon. If you don't leave know then you will be late."

With a nod Cedric strode to the door. "Thank you Auron, and please stop calling me my lord." The guard gave a rather sheepish smile.

"Sorry my... I mean sorry si... sorry." Cedric just shook his head. Auron stepped outside the room and Cedric followed. Guard looked back at Cedric to make sure he was following, then took off down the corridor. Cedric new where they were going, he just didn't now how to get there.

Looking behind him Cedric saw another two guards flanking him. One was Skijorn, the other was an unfamiliar face. He looked young, and seemed like what he was doing was the most important thing in the world. That made Cedric's stomach sick. Why did everyone have to act different just because he was around! The thought made him agitated, but actually seeing it made him want to throw up. For the first time, Cedric seriously contemplated just turning around and telling one of guards to inform Aiden he was not coming. Before he could think on it, Auron came to a halt just outside a door.

Cedric could already hear the sounds of the party, the music, the talking. He was shocked that the walls did not shake from the sound. As Auron opened the door Cedric felt the urge to cover his ears. This was short lived, as the door opened and standing on the other side, was Kilyne.

She was in a green dress, which complemented her brown fur. She had what looked like a golden necklace, with a white tooth on.

"Well it's about time you got here." She said a small smile spreading across her features. Cedric just looked at heard. What was she even doing here? After a few moments without a reply Kilyne just rolled her eyes. "Don't worry, I am just here so that I can give you the names of the people who try to talk to you." Cedric continued to stare he was partially relived, but at the same time he annoyed that she could guess his thoughts. "Well?"

"Well what?" Cedric said in a rather agitated voice.

"Aren't you going to get in here so we can get this night over with?" Kilyne replied in an equally annoyed tone. With a growl Cedric walked through the door. He admitted to himself that she was right. The sooner the party was over with, the sooner he could get back to his room. He didn't want to admit that the reason he wanted to go back, was so he could spend some more time with Aiden.

As soon as he was by her side Kilyne started to walk toward a another doorway, only this was more of an arch without a door. As they passed through Cedric saw an enormous ballroom. It must have been at least a half mile long, with marble columns lining each side of the room. The ceiling was arched slightly, and had beautiful art work going from one end of the room all the way to the other. Torches lined the walls, and chandeliers hung from the ceiling. The room was surprisingly well lit. Looking to his right Cedric saw a great throne. It appeared to be made out of marble, gold, and obsidian.

Following his line of sight Kilyne spoke, "The servants moved the throne so that you could sit of you so wished." Cedric's eyes widened. How many servants had it taken to move the throne. It looked like it weighed several thousand pounds.

Then realization hit Cedric. The servants had moved it for him. The thought made him want to run. "They could have left it were it was." he growled.

Kilyne looked at him slightly agitated. "You may not like it, but you are a king. Stop acting like a selfish child, and realize that everyone here." She gestured to the crowed in front of them, which spanned form one end of the room to the other. "Is here because they _need_you. You are the alpha, the only one capable of keeping them safe. When you are weak, they are weak. So just except it and move on, stop this pathetic self pity."

Cedric felt his fur bristle. She had no idea what it was like to be in his position. She grew up like this. She understood everything that happened, he... he didn't even know how to handle a room that was to brightly lit. He could not change forms, he could not understand anything about himself. He only knew a few things, and all of them confused him. Know she was here preaching to him how is being selfish!

His thoughts were cut off short though as their appearance in the room was noticed. The crowd slowly began to fall silent. Cedric stared, unsure of what to do.

"Simply say hello, and wish them a good time." Kilyne whispered. Cedric looked down at her, careful to keep his face neutral.

"What do you mean, I have never said anything to them before." Cedric's mind was racing. Everyone in the room had their eyes on him. It felt like a hole was being bore through him with their stares.

"Just said what I told you to say." She said back in a flat tone. "It's easy. simply say, 'Hello, and thank you for coming. I hope you will enjoy yourselves, and I look forward to serving you." With that she stepped away from his side, leaving him alone to stare out over the crowd.

Great he thought. Just when he would actually need her help she leaves him. He looked out over the crowd once more taking a deep breath as he did. As he did so, his eyes fell upon a familiar face in the crowd. Seeing Aiden standing there with a smile on his face gave Cedric the small spark of confidence he needed. "Hello..." His voice sounded louder than he expected, but decided that was good; so that the people on the other side of the room could hear him. "Thank you for coming..." He was having trouble thinking of the words Kilyne had used. Panicking Cedric decided to say the first thing that came to mind. "I know I have yet to address you, and for that I apologize." That was a good start right? Cedric suddenly had a vision of the crowd telling him to stop, and just leave; but he pushed that from his mind and continued. "I know that I have much to live up to. Having to take my father's place as alpha, but I swear to you I will try my best. Please enjoy the rest of the night."

As his speech finished the rooms silence was broken by applause. Scanning the audience Cedric's eyes fell upon Aiden, and he could see just how proud the taller wolf was. For a brief moment Cedric suddenly wondered just how old Aiden was, If he Knew his father he had to be much older than him. He quickly dismissed the thoughts though. He could ask Aiden later.

Focusing back onto Aiden, Cedric was surprised to find the wolf was standing right in front of him. The smile still there, but when he looked into Aiden's eyes. Cedric saw pride, happiness, and two other things he could not explain. Although one of them looked a little like he was sad.

"That was great Cedric..." For a moment Aiden's smile vanished. "You sounded like your father." His smile returned he looked behind him at the crowd, and then glanced behind Cedric. He then leaned forward and whispered, "I'll show you just how proud I am of you later." He then stepped back a looked at Kilyne. His smile disappearing again. "Care to explain why you didn't help him when he needed it."

Rolling her eyes she said, "Well as you can see he already said something note worthy. Besides I told he to say something and he completely ignored me." She then made a move to turn around.

"Where do you think you're going? You still need to help Cedric." She just cast him a glance over her shoulder.

"Why can't you do it? Why should I be the one stuck with the pup?" Cedric tried to say something, he didn't like how Kilyne thought of him as nothing more than an annoyance.

But Aiden beat him to the punch. "First of he is you king, and I suggest you treat him as such. As for why I can't help Cedric." His tone was similar to the one he used when talking about his father. Cedric actually had to stop himself from taking a step back. "There are other matters that need my attention. So I suggest you suck it up, and do your job." He then turned his eyes on me. They were so filled with anger that Cedric took a step back, mentally cursing himself for losing his inner battle. Upon seeing this Aiden's eyes softened. He stepped forward and put his arms around Cedric. Then in a whisper he said, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare." He rubbed Cedric's back. He then pulled back and smiled at Cedric. Cedric could tell that Aiden wanted to say more but he didn't. Instead he said I a normal tone. "I'm just annoyed with her." He then took his paw away from Cedric and walked away. Leaving Cedric to deal with Kilyne for the rest of the night. When Cedric turned he saw that Kilyne was gone, and only his guards remained. Looking around Cedric sighed, he would have to make it through the night on his own.


Cedric sighed as Auron closed the door, and they began the journey back to Cedric's room. The party had been great, but very taxing. It was a struggle without Kilyne. She did not come back to help Cedric, as Aiden had ordered her to do. Auron, and Skijorn new the majority of the attending guests, but there were the occasional ones that they did not know. Cedric had to meet with all the lords, and ladies. Then he had to give another speech to announce the parties end. He was also rather hungry. While everyone else ate Cedric was talking, and greeting other wolves. He didn't even get a chance to have a glass of water. Aiden had shown back up only for a split second, but only to tell Cedric that he would be able to eat later. Then he vanished again, leaving Cedric alone to finish meeting the party guests.

Know that the party was finally over Cedric could only think of one thing, food. As Skijorn lead them through the halls, Cedric caught the scent of food wafting from down one of the halls. He made a move to turn, but Auron quickly blocked his path. "Sorry my lord, but we have specific orders to bring you back to your room."

Cedric just gave a grumbling growl, and said, "First don't call me my lord, second I'm starving!" Auron just gave him a sympathetic smile. Seeing that Auron wasn't going to budge, Cedric just turned and continued to follow Skijorn. Soon they arrived at his room. Cedric reached for the door handle but Auron quickly stopped him.

"Sorry si... sorry but I have orders to go in ahead of you." He then have a quick smile and opened the door slightly and stuck his head in. After a moment he pulled his head back and closed the door. "You may go in." Auron then stepped aside and took up his normal place outside Cedrics room.

Cedric just stood there. _'What was that about?'_Cedric thought, then Cedric's stomach growled. With a sigh Cedric opened his door. Cedric's eyes widened, His room was dimly lit by candles on either side of his bed. The candles were placed in just the right way to show the rose petals placed on a trail leading from the door all the way to the bed. The light showed only the top of the red pedals, the shadows then slowly seeped down to the floor until the pedals were black. Following the pedals with his eyes Cedric saw a small turn heading toward the table by his bed. On the table were plates of food, ranging from small dessert treats, to plates of venison, and bowls of soup. There was a click behind him, which made Cedric jump and turn around. Auron was smiling and closing the door. Once the door was fully closed Cedric turned back around, only for his breath to catch in his throat.

Aiden was standing in front of Cedric's bed holding a rose in one paw, and in the other he was holding a small bag no bigger than Cedric's paw. He was wearing a tight fitting pair of pants, and no shirt showing off his muscular body. Even through his thick fur Cedric could still make out each and every contour of Aiden's muscles. Aiden laid the rose, and bag on the bag on the bed, and slowly walked toward Cedric. With every step Aiden took, Cedric could feel his heart race faster, and faster.

To Cedric it felt like a year had passed before Aiden was standing in front of him. His heart was beating so fast it felt like it might burst out of his chest. Aiden was so close that he had to look up slightly to see Aiden's face. It was so different from the one he had gotten before the party. His face was soft, and his eyes were filled with something familiar, but Cedric couldn't remember were he had seen it.

"Hey sweets." Aiden said in an almost whisper. His arms slowly moved around Cedric, and brought him even closer to Aiden then he already was. Cedric's head was pressed against Aiden chest. Cedric had to look straight up to keep his eyes on Aiden.

Cedric suddenly let out a small yelp, as Aiden swept him off his feet. Aiden looked down at Cedric. He then bent his head down and began to lick Cedric's muzzle. After a moment he straightened out, and began to carry Cedric over to the table full of food. "Are you hungry my little pup." Cedric blushed and just nodded. Aiden then looked up and continued his walk toward the table. Cedric laid his head on Aidens chest. God why did Aiden have to bring out the submissive side in him?

Before he could think on it Aiden used his foot paws and pulled out a chair. He then placed Cedric in the chair, and moved over to were all the food was. "So what do you want to eat, There is steak, venison, chicken, and a variety of soups. Then for desert There are some cookies, cake, and some pastries."

Cedric just looked at Aiden dumb struck. He didn't know where to start let alone what some of the stuff even was. "Could you choose for me?" He asked Aiden hoping he didn't sound to meek. Aiden smiled and grabbed the plate in front of Cedric. He then began grabbing an assortment of food. He then placed the plate in front of Cedric.

As Cedric reached for his fork and knife. Aiden grabbed the plate next to Cedric and began placing food on it. After a moment he walked back around the table and sat down next to Cedric. He turned to Cedric and said, "So what do you think of the room pup?" Cedric felt a shiver run down his spine at being called a pup. It was different then when Kilyne used it. Aiden seemed to see this. "Do you not want me to call you pup?"

Cedric quickly shook his head, "No its ok I don't mind, and I love the room. Is this where you were the whole night?" Aiden nodded, then he leaned forward and kissed Cedric. It was not like the one they had earlier, it was only a quick peck but it still sent tingles down his spine.

"Know eat up, I don't want you starving to death." Cedric just smiled and took a bite of what looked like steak. He gave a small moan at the taste, and quickly began to devour the rest of the food on his plate. This brought a small chuckle from Aiden.

Cedric just looked at him with his muzzle stuffed with, what he assumed was duck. "Whaaahaah?" Cedric said, a bit of food falling out of his mouth as he tried to talk. Which he quickly tried to catch, only for more food to fall out. Aiden stared for a moment before bursting into laughter. Cedric swallowed what was in his mouth and glared at Aiden. The taller wolf was bent over in his chair a paw on his chest gasping for air, only to let it back out in laughter. For some reason Cedric found this offensive, and his scowl deepened.

When Aiden kept laughing Cedric stood up from the table and started walking to the door. He knew that he wouldn't be able to get far, but he found Aiden laughing at him hurtful. As soon as he was a few feet away from the table Aiden stopped laughing, and quickly got out of his seat.

"Cedric?" Aiden said, but Cedric just kept walking. "Cedric?" Aiden said in a louder voice, but again Cedric just kept walking. He was only a few steps away from the door when Aiden's paw landed on his shoulder. "Cedric wait, what going on?" For some reason Cedric felt tears begin to well up in his eyes. He stopped walking but did not turn around.

When he didn't answer Aiden forcibly turned him around. Cedric quickly closed his eyes in an attempt to hide his tears. 'Why am I getting so upset over this?' He thought. Closing his eyes was a bad idea though, it only made a tear fall from his right eye. When nothing happened Cedric opened his eyes to see Aiden staring at him. His face was sad, but his eyes were angry.

Upon seeing this Cedric quickly tried to get out of Aiden's arms. He didn't want to be the attention of Aiden's anger again. His struggles were in vane though, as Aiden quickly brought him into a hug and began rubbing licking his head and rubbing this back. "I'm not mad at you Cedric." Aiden whispered. "I'm angry with myself for hurting you. I was just laughing at how silly you were being. I didn't mean to hurt you. I'm so sorry, can you please forgive me?" As way of an answer Cedric nuzzled closer to Aiden and tilted his head up to catch Aiden in a kiss. Aiden kissed Cedric back but after a moment pulled back. He then began to lick the tears off of Cedric's face.

Once the tears were out of Cedric's fur, Aiden brought Cedric as close as possible, and just held him against his chest. After a few minutes of just holding each other Aiden spoke up. "I wanted tonight to be perfect to be the night were I told you just how much I cared about you. Now I have just gone and ruined it." Cedric looked up at Aiden's sad face. He then stood on His toes and kissed him.

After he broke the kiss Cedric said, "Aiden tonight is perfect, while I am still confused about my strong feeling for you I do know two things. One..." He held up a finger. "I know I don't just like you I really, really like." He paused for a moment shocked by what he just said, and by what he was about to say; but as usual his tongue had a mind of its own. "And two tonight is perfect, because I get to spend it with you." With that he leaned and Kissed Aiden once more, but this time he held. He opened his muzzle and as soon as he did Aiden's tongue plunged in.

For the second time that night Aiden lifted Cedric off his feet bridal style. Still holding the kiss, Aiden carried Cedric over to the bed were he then laid himself, and Cedric upon it. He then broke the kiss. Before Cedric could ask what he was doing Aiden reached for the little cloth bag, and brought it over. Aiden looked down at Cedric and smiled. He then turned the bag upside down, and tow brown and black necklaces fell out. Aiden then picked one up out of his paw and held it in the air to see. The necklace was mostly black, but turned a brown the same color as Aiden's fur. Hanging from the necklace was a brown claw. Aiden then held up the other necklace. It was the same except it was mostly brown but had a black the same color as his fur. Hanging off the necklace was a black claw.

Cedric stared at them then asked, "What are they?" The necklaces seemed to be important but he just didn't know why.

Aiden only smiled though and place the mostly black one on Cedric's chest. "These necklaces represent a couple." Aiden said. When Cedric just looked at him with a confused expression he continued to explain. "When a werewolf wants to claim his mate he gives the one he chooses something that he thinks will have great meaning to not only himself, but the mate he chooses." He pointed at the necklace he was still holding. "The thing he chooses is called a Banlu." Cedric's eyes widened in surprise. Was Aiden asking him to be his mate?! Aiden noticed this and quickly grabbed the necklace that was on Cedric's chest. "Do you not want to be my mate?" Cedric could see the worry etched into Aiden's face.

Cedric starred at the necklaces. What should he do? His brain said that he wasn't sure if he wanted to be with Aiden. That these emotions could just be a quick faze, and that he might still be straight and was just curious. His wanted something else though. It wanted him to be with Aiden, to take the necklace and let Aiden claim him. It was obvious that Aiden wanted to be with him, but what if it didn't work out, what if Aiden ended up being just like his step father? Always wanting pleasure not really caring about anything else; but when he looked at Aiden's face, that thought was completely wiped away. Aiden looked like someone was ripping his heart out of his chest. At that moment his heart overwhelmed his mind. Cedric reached out and took back the necklace that Aiden had placed on his chest. Aiden's face quickly changed from one of sorrow, to one of happiness. He had that expression that Cedric couldn't explain, all he knew was that it was directed at him.

Aiden then took the necklace from Cedric again and leaned forward to kiss him. At the same moment that their lips touched Cedric heard a click as Aiden secured the necklace in place. Aiden then broke the kiss and put his own necklace on. Cedric looked at Aiden then asked, "So what happens know?"

Aiden licked his cheek then said. "Well first I have to explain why these have such great meaning." He then pointed at his own necklace. "The mostly brown on mine represents mean, and the bit of black you. The claw is really some of your fur dipped in glass that way I will always have you close. Cedric then looked down at his a realized that the brown claw on his was really Aiden's fur dipped in glass. He looked at Aiden to see a questioning look on his face. Cedric just smiled and kissed Aiden again.

"I love them Aiden."He said, meaning every word. Aiden smiled and tugged Cedric closer to him.

"As for what we do know." Aiden said and devilish smile creeping across his face. "Know I mate you." Cedric looked at Aiden in surprise. "What? Did you think I was going to let you go through the night and not claim you?" Cedric wanted to say something but he couldn't, the realization that he was going to have a few wet dreams come true was over powering.

Before he knew it Cedric was on his back with Aiden leaning over him. "When I mate you." He said in a low yet gentle voice. "I will not only mark you with my scent, but mark you with a bond between us." He stopped to kiss Cedric on the nose. "When a werewolf claims his mate for the first and only time, he creates a bond between them. A bond that can only be broken by death. It is hard to explain but all you will need to know is that the way we feel toward each other. The love we have, can only grow. You can't love another, even if one of us dies." Cedric eyes widened as he suddenly realized that his fears of Aiden leaving him after this would not come true. "This is your last chance to back out Cedric."

At that moment Cedric felt the worm feeling he had grow. He leaned up and kissed Aiden then said. "I want to be with you... I... I love you Aiden." The look of joy on Aiden's face brought a smile to Cedric's lips.

"I love you too Cedric." He leaned down and kissed him. "I love you with all my heart." With that said Aiden leaned in and began to pepper Cedric's muzzle with kisses. At the same time his hands moved up to Cedric's coat. With a swift tug he had the coat off Cedric and laying in the floor. With another swift move Aiden had the vest off Cedric.

Aiden then broke the kiss and began to untie Cedric's shirt. Cedric moved his hands down to Aiden's tight pants; but before he could Aiden gave a tug, which put Cedric's arms above his head. With another tug Aiden had Cedric's shirt in his paw. He then threw the shirt off to the side. Before Cedric got a chance to reach for Aiden's pants again; Aiden captured him in another deep and passionate kiss.

Cedric closed his eyes. It felt like his whole world was melting away leaving just himself and Aiden. He wanted to stay like this forever, but soon he felt Aiden's paws on his pants trying to pull them off. Blushing Cedric lifted his legs slightly to let Aiden have better access. His blush only deepened when Aiden broke the kiss and turned him onto his stomach. Before he could ask what was happening Aiden began to slowly remove his pants.

Once Aiden had pulled Cedric pants down far enough that he could see Cedric's but, he stopped pulling and let the pants go. Cedric turned his head to find out why Aiden's paws had left only to let out a moan, as Aiden began to need his cheeks. As Aiden continued to need his but, Cedric suddenly felt one of Aiden's fingers brush against his tailhole. He instantly froze up and tucked his tail between his legs.

Aidens needing stopped, and his hands moved to Cedric's hips. Cedric felt a slight pressure as Aiden leaned over his back. "It's okay Cedric." He whispered tickling the fur around his ears. "You will enjoy it." He felt Aiden run his tongue from between his shoulder blades all the way to his right ear. Cedric shivered at the lick. "trust me." He said, and began to massage Cedric's back. With a groan Cedric felt himself sink into the bed and relax. He let out a sigh, as Aiden began slowly move his paws back down to Cedric's but. "That's it Cedric." Aiden said in a husky voice that made Cedric relax even more.

As the paws reach his rump, Cedric felt Aiden's paws run over his rump and back to his pants. With a lusty growl Aiden began to Pull Cedric's pants down the rest of the way. Once his pants were off Cedric realized that he was completely naked, with Aiden right behind him.

After a few moments of Aiden's paws not on him, Cedric slowly turned himself on his back. Expecting Aiden to push him back in place, but as he finished turning he saw Aiden sitting just behind him, smiling down at him. His pants were undone but were being held up by what Cedric could only assume was a rather large package. Cedric blushed as he looked up at Aiden, who only smiled back at him.

After a minute of the two just starring Aiden moved forward and grabbed Cedric's package. Cedric gasped as sparks of pleasure shot up his spine. Aiden began to rub his sheath, it only took a few moments before he was hard, knot and all. "Well, well, well, look at what we have here." He said massaging Cedric's 14 inch member. Cedric moaned and reached up to try and put his paws around Aiden, but he moved away. "Sorry pup, but before the fun can begin I've got to take these off." He gestures toward his pants. With a whimper Cedric reached for Aiden's pants, but before his paws could reach though Aiden squeezed his knot. Cedric moaned and flopped back down onto the bed. "Not so fast." Aiden said lessening the pressure on Cedric's knot.

Cedric then watched as Aiden began slowly remove his pants. Cedric became transfixed as he watched Aiden slowly expose his large member. Even soft and in its sheath the sight of such a large member made Cedric's penis twitch. Cedric began to breath faster as Aiden's balls came into view. Each one was enough to fill Cedric's paw.

Once he had his pants off, Aiden moved forward so that he was once again sitting right in front of Cedric. Aiden then grabbed Cedric's paws and moved them to his package. Cedric felt his heart racing in his chest. He began to run his paws along the smooth fur of Aiden's sheath. Which brought a happy groan from Aiden's lips. Cedric watched as the red tip of Aiden's penis emerged. Cedric starred at the red tip, even not fully hard he thought it looked bigger than his own. His mouth began to water and he unknowingly moved his paws down to fondle Aiden's balls. Which brought another groan from Aiden. More of the red penis began to emerge from its sheath, a dollop of pre emerged from the tip. Cedric felt an overwhelming urge to wrap his lips around the tip.

As his mind went blank, Cedric slowly leaned forward and kissed the tip of Aiden's penis. Aiden shivered as a few more inches of his penis slid out of his sheath. Cedric, without thinking, sunk his lips around the large member and bobbed his head up and down, drawing out the rest of the large length.

After a few minutes of licking, sucking, and bobbing Aiden pushed Cedric off his know fully grown length. As he hit back on the bed Cedric's mind cleared and he realized what he had just done. The only other person he had done that to was his step father. The only difference was that Aiden had not raped him. Cedric shook his head trying to get the thoughts out of his head. The last thing he needed was for his first time to be ruined by the man he no longer had to deal with.

Cedric focused back on Aiden. His eyes almost budged out of his head as he saw the monster he had just taken in his muzzle. Granted it was only about 4 inches he had in his muzzle but that was nothing compared to what it would take to fully take Aiden. Aiden was 18 and a half inches long, at least 8 inches thick, and his knot was 11 inches thick. Cedric shivered as he realized that the tall muscular wolf in front of him was going to stuff that large penis inside of him.

Before he realized what was happening, Cedric found himself pined to the bed under Aiden. A deep growl emanated from deep within Aiden's chest, as he leaned his hips down and rubbed his member along Cedric's taint. Cedric wanted to moan but the thought of Aiden shoving that monster inside of him made him pull away.

Aiden's smile softened, he could understand what Cedric must be feeling. Here he was a wolf that even when standing was a foot taller than the other, and know he was going to mate him with his monster cock. "It's ok Cedric." He said in a gentle voice, trying to sooth his mate to be. "It's not like I was just going to take you without loosening you up; and I am still going to be gentle even after your loose. I don't care if it takes the whole night to fit inside of you, I will be as gentle as possible."

Cedric looked up at Aiden and gave a small whimper as a reply. He believed Aiden, he remembered that when he had fooled around and stuck his finger inside his tailhole he enjoyed it a lot. So if Aiden was bigger then he should enjoy it even more.

Aiden moved his muzzle down and gave Cedric's length a lick. Cedric moaned and laid his head back down on the bed. Smiling Aiden licked Cedric a few more times before moving his muzzle under Cedric's balls.

Cedric jumped as he felt a cold wet nose press against his tailhole, but let out a moan as Aiden's tongue ran across his taint, and then circled around his pucker.

Aiden smiled and licked his lips, as he pulled back slightly seeing the only pink in the sea of black fur glistening with his saliva. He moved his head back down and continued to rim Cedric, making the other wolf moan. He then gave a slow long lick all the way from Cedric pucker up to his balls. Causing Cedric to moan even louder as Aiden moved his tongue back and began to press his tongue against his tight hole, trying to gain entrance. Cedric tried to relax and let the stronger wolf in.

With a dominant growl Aiden redoubled his efforts. Cedric felt the pressure increase, and gave a sudden yelp of pleasure as his tongue slipped in.

Aiden's growl increased as he pushed his tongue in even further searching for Cedric's point of pleasure. After a few moments of wiggling his tongue inside of Cedric, making his love squirm, he found it. Making Cedric let out a happy bark.

'What was that?' He thought only to give another bark as Aiden touched it again, sending shivers up his spine, and made him shoot pre from his tip. Aiden pressed his tongue against it again, getting the same reaction. He continued to do this until he thought it was time to loosen his mate up even more.

Cedric whined as he felt Aiden's tongue leave his pucker. He looked at the taller wolf who was seated between his legs rubbing his monster of a length. Winking Aiden gave a few more strokes he shot a bit of pre, which he then collected on his fingers.

"Relax love your going to enjoy this." Before Cedric could ask what he meant, Aiden shoved one of his fingers between Cedric's cheeks; and right into his tailhole. Which made Cedric open his maw in a soundless moan. Aiden had shoved his finger in and right to his prostate. He then began pumping his finger in and out of Cedric. Every time he pushed back in, he jabbed his finger right against Cedric's prostate.

Smiling Aiden added a second finger and continued to jab his mates prostate. Cedric moaned even louder as Aiden added the second, then third finger. He could feel his orgasm building. He tried to hold it back not wanting to cum. He looked down only to realize that Aiden was not stroking him, in fact no one was touching him. His penis was laying on his stomach twitching and spewing out pre every time Aiden pushed his fingers back in. Was he really getting off on just Aiden's fingers? Another push and the pleasure made Cedric forget about his worry and let out a moan.

Aiden pulled his fingers out and positioned himself into position, shooting some pre on Cedric's tight tailhole. "This may hurt a little love." Aiden said, licking the side of Cedric's muzzle. "Just try to relax, and I promise you will enjoy it."

Cedric felt Aiden's hips begin to sink down and his hot tip push up against his pucker. "Here we go." Aiden said in a low husky voice. He then applied some slight pressure. With a groan Cedric felt taller wolf slowly spread him open. His tip was larger than his fingers! How was he going to take the whole thing? Cedric suddenly let out a yelp of pain as the head of Aiden's monster popped in.

Looking down Aiden saw the look of pain etched out on Cedric's face. He opened his mouth to tell Cedric to relax, but all that came out was a long groan as the tight walls of muscle around his tip constricted.

Cedric felt tears begin to run down the side of his muzzle, it felt like he was being ripped in half! He heard Aiden groan above him and he looked up, but with the tears in his eyes he only saw a blurry image of the large brown wolf.

The shaft inside him suddenly shifted bringing a fresh bout of pain with it. As even more tears fell down his muzzle Cedric felt a wet, warm tongue lick the tears off his muzzle. As the tears cleared Cedric was able to make out Aiden's face, it was a mixture of pleasure and worry. He then kissed Cedric and pulled back so that Cedric had a full view of his muscular body."It's ok love." He said in a low comforting voice. "It will pass."

After a few minutes of licking Cedric felt the pain began to lessen, just as Aiden had said it would. Lifting his paws, Cedric began to move them along Aiden's sculpted chest. The muscles were firm, and all he could think about was resting his head against them. He then moved his paws down to feel Aiden's washboard abs, letting out a small moan at the feeling.

Aiden smiled down at Cedric, he could feel the walls of Cedric's tight tunnel begin to loosen. He then carefully watched Cedric's face, and began to slowly push in further. As he moved further inside the tight tunnel Aiden shot a large dollop of pre into Cedric, allowing him to glide into the tight tunnel more smoothly.

Cedric felt himself spread further, the pain was still there but it lessened as Aiden pushed farther into him. As the pain faded pleasure began to take its place. He suddenly gasped as Aiden touched that spot inside him.

Aiden immediately stopped thrusting. "Are you alright? I didn't hurt you did I?" Aiden asked. Cedric smiled at the concern in Aiden's voice.

Reaching his paws up Cedric wrapped his arms around Aiden's neck. "No you didn't hurt me." He blushed not sure if he should say the next part, but when Aiden bent down and kissed him; he decided to go for it. "A... Actually you... you fe..." He took a deep breath then blurted out. "You feel amazing inside of me." He then closed his eyes as his ears turned a dark shade of red. He let out a shaky breath as Aiden began to rub their muzzles together.

"Cedric you shouldn't be embarrassed about that. I'm happy you enjoy it." He bent down and kissed Cedric pushing his tongue into his mouth. After a few seconds he broke the kiss.

"Aiden how... how much farther?" Cedric asked blushing profusely. He hoped Aiden didn't make fun of him for asking.

With a soft smile Aiden bent down and licked Cedric between the eyes. "There's still another 7 inches including the knot." Cedric looked up at Aiden in shock, before he stared down at his stomach. Were his abs were normally was instead a small bulge, which began to grow as Aiden began to push himself further into Cedric.

Cedric let out a long moan as Aiden's length continued to rub against his prostate. After a few more minutes of kissing, pushing, and moaning Aiden felt his knot kiss the rim of Cedric's pucker. Both let out a simultaneous sigh of pleasure. "You ready love?" Aiden asked, "This is where it gets good."

Cedric moaned as Aiden pulled out all the way to the tip before pushing back in. This was better than the tongue and the fingers, he never wanted it to stop.

Once Aiden bottomed out he pulled out and pushed back in faster, growling and nipping Cedric. He slowly began to work up a rhythm, watching as Cedric's ears pinned to his head; and his penis gave a squirt of pre-cum every time Aiden pushed back in.

To Cedric this was the best thing he had ever felt, he was lost in a haze of pleasure as Aiden thrust in and out of him. "Faster." Cedric moaned, "H... harder!" Aiden gave a dominant growl, more than happy to oblige his mate.

Cedric barked as Aiden shoved himself in hard enough, that he felt his tailhole spread slightly around the melon sized knot. Cedric pined his ears against his head even further as Aiden's pace began to pick up. With each new thrust Cedric felt himself being spread wider, and get brought closer and closer to his orgasm.

"A... Aiden I.. I don't think..." His words were drowned out in a moan as Aiden thrust in harder than he had before. The whole room being filled by the wet sounds of their mating. He could feel Aiden's copious amounts of pre begin to leak from his tight hole. "Aiden I... I'm getting close."

"I know Cedric... I'm close to." With a growl Aiden gave a sharp thrust aimed at Cedric's prostate. Cedric was so tight, even after all of this time he was just as tight as when he entered him. "I'm going to tie you love." He said.

Cedric braced himself as he felt Aiden pick up the pace even further. His hips nothing more than a blur, as they shoved the monster cock inside of him. With every thrust Aiden maid, his knot slipped in even further.

With every thrust Aiden made Cedric felt his orgasm come closer, and closer. Just as he thought he was going to blow his load without Aiden knoting him, he felt sharp teeth dig into his shoulder in a mating bite. At the same time a loud and loud 'pop' echoed throughout out the room.

Cedric howled in a mixture of pleasure and pain as Aiden shoved his full 18 inch penis inside of him. 11 inch knot and all. Aiden's teeth pricked Cedric's skin and he howled again as he came between himself and Aiden. Painting Aiden's stomach white.

As he came Cedric's tunnel tightened around Aidens knot. Barring his teeth Aiden gave a few short humps. Then howled as he shot his own load into the hot depth of Cedric's bowls.

Cedric slumped down into his bed as his orgasm abated. He panted as Aiden continued to fire his hot sticky cum into him. Looking down Cedric watched in shock as his stomach ballooned from the amount of cum Aiden was pumping into him.

After another minute Aiden felt his orgasm begin to die down. Giving a sigh of satisfaction Aiden laid himself down on the bed. Turning Cedric on his side and drawing his mate close to him.

Cedric closed his eyes as he rested his head on Aiden's chest. "I love you Cedric." Aiden whispered, licking the spot that he had bitten. Cedric was too tired to reply and fell asleep listening to the sound of Aidens heart beat.