Going Down Deeper 2

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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#2 of Going Down Deeper

Amy and Andrew continue to try and figure out what's happening into their dreams, only to find that their experiences were starting to seep into their reality...

Commission for dorsal

A beach... a moonlit beach as the waves gently cascaded against the shore. Andrew walked through the sand with Amy by his side, the two of them looking up at the full moon as the water rhythmically washed up against their feet. As they reached a small outcropping the two hugged and embraced in the pale silvery light, the setting casting a romantic hue over them as they felt each other's every caress and touch...

Andrew suddenly pulled away however as he seemed to gain a moment of lucidity, looking around the beach. He suddenly realized where he was he knew that he was dreaming. His girlfriend looked up at him with a note of concern as she asked him what was wrong, but his gaze was focused squarely on the water in front of him. As bubbles began to come up from the gentle waters his first instinct was to run, but as he watched something shiny and black slowly rise up from the water his entire body felt paralyzed. He felt a pressure against his arm and he realized that Amy was still holding onto him, her face also showed both anxiety and fear as the two figures rose up from the waves.

"Hello there Amy." The familiar voice of the muscle-bound male orca from last night said as he approached her, his tail wagging in the air as he came up to her and kissed her with his blunt muzzle. It was just like the night before, the hulking creature pulled her gently away from him and began to lie her down on the sand, still kissing her deeply with his tongue clearly inserted in her mouth. Normally had Andrew been in the proper state of mind he would have said something about a strange aquatic anthro about to violate his girlfriend, but his widened eyes were fixated on the creature in front of him.

Unlike the night before what stood before him was not the female orca with a shapely figure and large breasts, but a male orca with a very athletic body and huge, throbbing cock. "Hey Andrew." He said as he stepped towards him, Andrew unable to do anything but stare at the rubbery member as it jutted out mere centimeters from his stomach. "Are you ready to have some fun?"

"But..." Andrew stammered, his body shuddering as the orca male came up and wrapped his slick, synthetic arms around him and drew him in close. The human could feel the creature's thick tool throb against his groin and abs, the nearly foot long, inhuman rubber penis dwarfing his own. "The female... where..."

"There's no need for her anymore." The orca said with a smirk as he put a finger against his mouth. "I don't think girls interest you as much anymore, what you need is a man to show you how things are done. Don't worry, I'll be more than happy to show you the ropes and by the end of this I think you'll feel the same way. Just look at your 'girlfriend', it looks like she's enjoying herself with a male, hm?"

Andrew couldn't help but glance over to his side, where Amy had already had her swimsuit off and her legs straddled around the strange creature as the orca's thick tongue licked down her chest and abs. Amy's back was arched in pleasure as she felt the mysterious male's unnaturally smooth hands caress her body, teasing all her sensitive areas as she felt his groin begin to line up with her own. She had realized as soon as she saw the orca come up from the water that it was going to be the same dream as they had last night, though she found herself far more lucid than before. In the back of her mind she knew she could have ran from the scene, or tried to wake herself before she found herself in the position she was, but in that same dark recess of her mind she once more desired the studly male between her legs more than anything.

"I'm glad to see you're enjoying yourself." The orca whispered in her ear with a devilish grin as his own girthy cock began to rub against her groin. "I'm thinking tonight we push the envelope a little farther..."

Amy was unsure what he meant until she felt something prod between her butt cheeks, something that caused her entire body to jump slightly from the unusual sensation. "I've never..." she started to say, her words interrupted by a shiver of pleasure as the invading tool slid in between the soft mounds of flesh, "never done anything back there before, not even with Andrew...

"But don't you want to experience the same joys as your boyfriend?" The orca asked as she tilted her head towards the other two, her mouth open in surprise as the two males had begun to kiss and one of the other aquatic male's rubber digits had found its way into her boyfriend's backside as he moaned loudly. "It's so much better experiencing this pleasure like a male, males can have so much more fun together then a male and a female, don't you think?"

"Two males..." Amy muttered as she felt the tip of her lover's cock press against her tight anal entrance. Even though she knew the concept should be both disturbing and impossible her heart seemed to flutter slightly as her mind was filled with the images of males together, especially anthro orcas with the same rubbery skin as the one that was with her right now. "I... want that... more pleasure as a male..."

"You'll get all the pleasure you can handle, and then some..." the male orca replied with a wicked grin as he slowly began to push inside her ass. At first she thought there would be pain, but as the large organ continued to relentlessly slide inside her the slick nature and tapered tip of the rubbery tool continued to spread her open. Her head thrashed from side to side as the muscular man on top of her kept pushing, causing waves of pleasure to radiate through her body. When the sensations finally ceased enough for her to take a breath he found that he had already hilted himself inside her, his groin flush against her cheeks as she looked back towards her boyfriend.

Andrew was in a similar situation himself, he had been laid down on the sand on all fours facing towards the ocean, his orca male stepping in front of him and presenting his erect, rubber cock right in front of him. "You're a bit new to this, so why don't we start with the basics." He said with a grin as his thick fingers ran through Andrew's hair.

"But I'm not..." Andrew tried to reply, though his words felt thick and heavy in his mouth as he tried to speak them. "I have a girlfriend."

"Yes, I am aware of that." The orca replied with a laugh. "But just think for a second, how much pleasure does your own cock bring when you're having sexy time, either by yourself or your 'girlfriend'? Probably pretty good, right? Now imagine the pleasure you see her when you do have sex, that's the pleasure that you're giving her. Don't you think that males could receive the same pleasure as females from such a member, especially one as tantalizing as this?"

Andrew tried to follow the orca's logic, but all he could do was stare at the massive rubber cock in front of him, swaying gently as it continued to inch its way forward. The words that were said did ring a certain truth to them, though his mind was distracted by the throbbing appendage in front of him. Soon the orca's speech became nothing more than a pleasant buzzing in his ears, though he was able to comprehend 'male' and 'pleasure' was said quite a few times as his hand slowly went up and curled around the thick tool. It felt like he had grabbed something covered with rubber but could still feel the pulse of the thick veins as he slowly began to stroke back and forth along the shaft, the entire time his lips grew closer and closer to the strange, exoticly tapered head of the creature's member.

As soon as his lips touched the slick, synthetic-textured skin of the cock in front of him Andrew's mind exploded into a powerful burst of pleasure. His eyes nearly went crossed as his tongue swirled around the strange new object inside his maw as it continued to push itself inside him. His free hand went down to his own groin as he began to suck and rubbed his own member and his euphoria fell slightly when he realized it was not nearly as big. His reservations were quickly squashed however as a meaty hand grabbed him by the back of the head and increased his pace for him.

"Not bad for a first timer." The orca male above him joked as he watched the inexperienced human begin to bob up and down on his maleness, Andrew's eyes closing as he began to move more and more of his own free will. Any initial reservations he had were quickly dispelled by the pleasure that came from the aquatic creature's cock in his mouth, which seemed to stretch his mouth out in ways he had never thought possible. With each pass his lips made over the rubbery skin the more he started to appreciate the beauty of the male standing before him as well. He realized that perhaps he had never experienced the lustful embrace of another male because he had never taken the time to really look at one, especially one with perfect, chiseled muscles like in front of him as his hands moved down those sculpted rubber calves...

A sudden pop could be heard as he was pulled away from the thick cock, a momentary pang of disappointment pervading his blissed out brain before the orca began to move him onto all fours. "Just mimic your girlfriend there." The other male said as Andrew's hands hit the sand. The human looked to his side to see that the other orca had already adjusted the female onto her own knees as her breasts and shoulders were pushed into the sand. "You're going to be a bitch like her anyway."

Andrew's body shuddered at such a comment, but it wasn't in displeasure like he thought it would be. Instead it caused an unnatural thrill to go through his form as he positioned himself, feeling the rubber of the orca male's body caress against him. "Don't worry, I'll be gentle for your first time." The male whispered into his ear. "Though I guarantee it won't be your last..."


Andrew awoke with a start, his sweat-soaked chest heaved as he bolted upright in his bed. As he waited for his breathing to normalize he quickly began to realize that he was the only one that was awake at the moment. "Did you... did you just have the same dream I did?" Amy asked as her own wet skin glistened in the light of the moon that streamed through their window.

"I don't know... did it involve two orca men on a romantic beach spot?" Andrew replied. Both of them laughed a little, but that laughter quickly died down as they looked away from each other awkwardly. "Did you have the same dream last night too?"

"Yeah... except if I remember correctly last night there was a woman on your side that made love to you." Amy commented which caused Andrew to become flush with embarrassment. "I see that I am right on that observation. What is causing these?"

The young couple looked at the clock and saw that they only had a few hours left until they would have gotten up anyway, so they decided to feign any more sleep and just stay up for the rest of the night. Amy opted for the shower first, which was fine for Andrew since it gave him a chance to hide the erection that was still rock-hard from the dream he had just awoken from. Even though he wanted to quickly tug one out while he laid there and knew that his girlfriend would still be in the shower every time he touched himself there he got flashbacks of the male orca that made him suck that huge, throbbing, latex-covered cock. He tried to think of other things, of his girlfriend's naked body or the pictures that he would sometimes surf for when Amy was on a night shift, but not only did it not serve to entice him it seemed to make it harder for him to masturbate.

"I can't believe this." Andrew said as he flopped down on the bed and closed his eyes after the futile struggle. "What is wrong with me..."

As he sat there in a state of confusion he suddenly felt something cause the bed to shake. "That was quick." He said as he rolled over onto his other side, only to see the grinning face of the well-muscled orca man that laid there next to him.

"Oh, I promise I won't be quick with you." The rubbery male said as he stroked down his naked chest. Andrew rolled backwards off the bed with such force that he fell off of the bed in a tangle of sheets. When he was able to regain his composure he hoisted himself back up enough to see over the bed, though it appeared that the dream creature had vanished as suddenly as it had appeared.

"What the hell is wrong with me..." he muttered to himself as he stood up and moved to the dresser to get something to dress himself with. As he started to slip his underwear on though he suddenly heard a scream come from the shower and Andrew immediately bolted into the bathroom. When he got there he saw his girlfriend with her back against the shower, one hand against her groin while the other was around her mouth. "Was it them?"

"Yeah, I just turned around and... and there he was." Amy replied as her breathing slowed. "He asked if there was 'room for one more' and pinned me against the shower wall. I swear it was so real... I could feel his... his skin press against mine as he leaned in for a kiss. I screamed and closed my eyes, and when I opened them again you were standing there."

Amy's gaze went further down as she noticed her boyfriend's completely erect maleness pointed right at her, and when Andrew followed her eyes he felt his entire body flush in embarrassment and he reached for a towel. "You know, if we weren't both being freaked out by hallucinations of rubber covered orca guys I think this would be an incredibly erotic moment." She said as they both managed to let out a small laugh.

As Andrew helped Amy out of the shower he couldn't help but look her naked body up and down. Normally he would be entertaining thoughts of surprising her and pushing her on the bed and taking her from behind, but as he tried to admire her form he was surprised to find that he had actually began to soften. Nothing had changed about her, those supple breasts and taut stomach that led down to her inviting snatch was still the same. Something about her features just didn't turn him on, though the rational part of his brain told him that it was just because of the extremely sexual dreams he had been having. Part of him wondered if Amy was going through the same thing.

Amy was also flushed with arousal as they moved to the living room to start their days, but like her partner she also was slightly cooled by the male's appearance. Strangely it wasn't even his cock that turned her off but his body in general. Even though she didn't want to she kept comparing his body to the strange but well-muscled orca man in her dreams. Nevertheless sex was completely out of the question as Andrew hopped on the internet while she got food ready.

A few hours later the sun rose up in the sky and shined down in their windows as they sat at the breakfast table. Their usual meal that they shared had already been consumed much earlier, what sat on the polished wood instead was a pamphlet for a sleep center that they had found online when they had put in their symptoms into the search engine. "So apparently we both have something called 'waking nightmares'." Amy said as they looked down at the information. "Something is causing us to latch onto his dream and even hallucinate them outside of sleep."

"It looks like they can help us." Andrew stated. "Plus it was the only reasonable result that came up when we put in our... problem. We'll just have to wait for them to open."

Amy nodded, then sighed and put her head in her hands. "What do you think happened to us?" She asked in earnest. "Is it something that we ate or did that's causing these hallucinations? I can't think of anything that the two of us had done that would do this."

"I don't know either, but I'm sure they can help." Andrew said anxiously. "I mean, they have to help, right?"


A few hours later the young couple sat in the waiting room of the sleep clinic, which was situated in a new building on the edge of downtown near the river that ran through the city. The two sat nervously in the rather lavish lobby, both of them tired but still nervous as their name was called. After nearly an hour and several questionnaires later Andrew and Amy sat in front of a man in a lab coat who looked quietly over their charts. "So it says here that you've been having vivid dreams, sometimes waking nightmares, over the last few days?" The doctor asked.

"Yes, it's been extremely... disconcerting." Andrew said as he held Amy's hand. "It also seems to be getting more and more disturbing as time goes on."

The doctor looked up at them and then back down at the clipboard before he put it down. "While the subject matter, these... rubber orcas, are unusual they are ultimately inconsequential." He instructed them. "What we can treat is the insomnia and nightmares. Unfortunately our sleep labs are currently full right now, but we can squeeze you in..." he turned towards his computer, "...next week on Saturday. Does that work for you?"

The two looked at each for a second, both of them a bit anxious at what the doctor had said. They knew that they wanted to get treated as soon as possible for what was happening, but there was nothing they could do to force the situation. All they could do was wait then, though as they filled out their insurance information they continued to ask if there was any way that they could be squeezed in any earlier. When they were denied access to that they decided to cut their losses and schedule the appointment.

"Alright, your appointment is all set up." The doctor said cheerfully. "On behalf of everyone at Sibergon Labs we thank you for your patronage and look forward to helping you."

The two just nodded and got up from the desk, shaking the doctor's hand before they left. The day was still young but the two were tired and decided to stay home for the day and relax. "What are we going to do?" Amy asked Andrew as he watched him nod off for the twelfth time tonight. "Part of me wants to just go to sleep, but I know what's potentially waiting for us on the other side... and sadly I sort of get excited from the prospect."

"I know what you mean." Andrew said with a sigh as he took another drink from his beer and rubbed his forehead. "What if... maybe we had sex?" He suggested. "I'm just saying, perhaps if we were both satisfied maybe we could stave off the dream for the night."

"Hell I'll give it a shot." Amy said as she got up and took her top off, which prompted Andrew to quickly get up and follow her. As they walked to the bedroom he realized that since the dreams started they hadn't slept together. Of course the more he thought about it the more it made sense, especially since the last dream encounter involved him and another male. His girlfriend had it easy he realized, at least she was a female getting ravished by a buff, muscular stud...

A giggle from Amy made him look down and he noticed that he was completely erect from the image again. He tried to shake the image from his mind, instead he focused on the naked body of his girlfriend instead. While her body was still the same as it had ever been something about it seemed... off, though he quickly chalked it up to his tiredness. As they awkwardly approached one another and began to kiss he pressed her hands against her breasts, the two of them acting as though it was their first time even though they had done it many times before. When their actions moved down towards the bed she had begun to massage his junk, and though normally the action would have been more than enough to begin to prime him he felt the sensations... slightly lacking.

Unbeknownst to him Amy experienced the same thing, though the touch of her boyfriend on her breasts did feel good it was not the pleasurable experience she was used to, though when he squeezed her nipples it did elicit a small moan of pleasure from her. As they continued to embrace they rolled around on the sheets a bit, their old passions flaring up despite the strange sensations between them. She could feel his stiff cock against her inner thigh as their kisses grew more passionate. Along with their lusts came a welcome sense of relief, even though their sex dreams were bizarre it didn't seem to damper their spirit towards each other.

As Andrew tried to turn Amy over to begin the real fun he was surprised to find that she had maneuvered herself to be on top, his back pressed against the sheets as she looked down at him. While it hadn't been the first time that they had been in that position the aggressive nature took him slightly off guard, especially as she held down his arms by his wrists and kissed him deeply. It caused his entire body to shiver as she let go of one hand to guide his throbbing member towards her groin, though he was surprised when she angled her hips to bring the head of his tool towards a different hole. "I figure we should get fairly close to what happened in the dream so that it doesn't happen again." She mused as she positioned herself.

"Wait, isn't that..." Andrew began to say before she pushed his cock against the tight ring of muscle between her butt cheeks. As soon as Amy realized what she was doing she thought that she had made a terrible mistake, especially since what she was trying to shove into her unused backside was completely dry with no lube. When the head popped inside her though her eyes widened from the sheer pleasure that she felt, her flesh wrapped around the intruding member like a glove and instead of resisting it almost felt like her body was trying to draw it in. She almost smiled at such a sensation, her hand rubbing against his chest as she continued to let her body slide carefully down the shaft of Andrew's junk.

Andrew's body writhed as his cock was surrounded by her slick, tight anal walls. Though he was the one who did the penetration his mind seemed to instinctively drift back towards his dream and the male orca that had been mere seconds away from penetrating him, which caused his own member to get even harder. While he began to push his hips back up Amy's hands came down on his body and began to rub his chest, and as she kneaded the soft flesh that was there an explosion of pleasure that he had never felt from that region coursed through his body. He tried to tell Amy what he felt but all he could get out was a low grown, especially as her fingers began to play with his nipples.

"You are a sexy beast." Amy said with a grin as she watched the male squirm beneath him. As she continued to play and tease his chest and stomach one hand went up to her own breast, squeezing and playing with the firm breasts with the same speed that she played with him. Her lustful moans soured slightly as she realized that she didn't get the same... enjoyment out of them as she had before. They were still a pleasurable and enjoyable spot to get rubbed, but not nearly as much as they used to draw out of her. Before her mind had too long to dwell on it though she felt the skin of Andrew's groin press flush against her glistening cheeks as they both realized that she had just hilted him.

Andrew began to shudder as he began to experience stronger flashbacks of the scene at the beach, except instead of the normal first-person perspective he usually had it shifted to an out-of-body experience. He also couldn't seem to see himself and the orca male that had dominated him, but instead had a prime view of Amy and her aquatic lover as they were in a position eerily similar to their act of lovemaking. It was also clear Amy wasn't in control, the beefy orca man had his hands firmly on her hips as his thick pole slid in and out of her ass... and part of him wished that it was him, that thick orca maleness inside of him as he played with his full breasts...

Meanwhile Amy had a similar experience, except that she clearly saw Andrew in her position with the muscular orca's cock in his ass, something that caused a strange sense of want in her as she still felt Andrew's inside her. In real life her gyrations sped up as she watched the scene unfold in her mind's eye, though as she continued to watch the imagined coupling grew increasingly erotic as Andrew's frame slowly filled out with muscle. All she could do though was watch the bottom orca sink his masterful tool inside her boyfriend as the human moaned like a bitch in heat. Despite herself she wished that she could be just like those two as she imagined that it was that orca's throbbing tool inside her as he stroked her hard cock...

Both of them stopped simultaneously as the alien thought ground her hips to a halt, both of them breathing heavy and squirming as they stopped mid coitus. "This definitely... isn't... helping..." she said as she slowly stood up on the bed, Andrew's still hard cock twitched as her tight anal walls seemed to strain to keep it in. As her knees pressed against Andrew's hips she felt as though her legs had been stretched out wider by them, though she quickly equated it to having slipped as she grimaced with pleasure as the head of his cock popped out of her. "I think perhaps we should stop, plus my back is beginning to hurt."

"Sorry, I thought this would work." Andrew said as the images evaporated as quickly as his erection. "Do you want me to rub your back or something? You should have told me it was hurting."

"It just started actually." She replied as she laid down on her stomach, despite the still electric tingles they got from touching each other they attempted to resort to some kind of normalcy. As Andrew began to rub her shoulders and back his fingers rubbed against something that caused him to pause and frown slightly.

"Does it hurt... here?" He asked as he ran his hands across a small ridge of muscle just above her vertebrae that was slightly raised. When she replied that it didn't actually hurt so much as was stiff he continued to rub the area which caused her to let out a very erotic moan that caused him to stop. He turned over and quickly apologized, and the two of them laid their awkwardly for a few minutes before Andrew finally decided to get up and make something to eat. Had he mentioned his own lower back stiffness Amy may have found the slight nub that protruded from the bottom of his spine, but instead it was hidden underneath the shirt he put on as he went to start cooking.

Meanwhile Amy continued to lay there in the bed, and she bit her lip slightly as she rubbed the extremely sensitive nub of her clit and softly murmured "I wonder..."