What Once Was ... Ch 15

Story by RCtheFox on SoFurry

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#16 of Origins

On going story of the young R.C., his Boyfriend, and his life as we follow his ups and downs.

What Once Was...

*********WARNING!!! This story is intended for MATURE and RESPONSIBLE ADULTS ONLY*********

Joey looks over in the car at R.C., "Hey, I have something I want to tell you foxy!"

R.C. comes out of his glowing trance and looks over waiting for what the fennec has to say...he glances over and says, "Oh do ya?" R.C. in his mind runs several possible responses through his head. Some of which he wants to hear, some he doesn't want to hear. It feels like an eternity for R.C. as he anticipates the response out of the fox's mouth. He starts to sweat a little from being nervous waiting.

"Hey, guys, can you drop me off downtown? I have a friend who's gonna meet me, is that ok?" Eric interrupts. R.C. looks back and nods, "Yeah I can do that. Where at you need dropped?"

"Oh, just by Grant and 1st Ave is ok." Eric says.

"Alright, we're close by the parkway so let's do it." R.C. then breathes a sigh of relief while inside he is quite frustrated from not knowing what Joey wanted to say. He looks over at Joey as he stops at the light by the theatre. Joey looks out the side window at the houses on their right. R.C. then proceeds on down Braddock Ave towards the parkway entrance to make their way to drop off Eric.

About 15 min later, R.C. exits the parkway at Grant St and pulls over right on 1stAve. "Ok Eric, here we are! See you tonight?"

Eric gets out and says goodbye to the two in the car. Joey gets back in and shuts the door. He sits down and buckles up as R.C. starts to take off to head back on the Parkway back to his place. He looks over at the fennec who appears to be saddened by something. "Joey? What's up? I'm heading back to my place to rest a bit."

He looks back at R.C. who's facing forward minding the traffic. "Are you ok? You seem a little mad at me or something." He says.

"Yeah, I'm just trying to drive home; I kind of want to rest a little before dinner and the rave later." R.C. says.

"Oh, well. I kind of wanted to you something earlier, but I wasn't sure if I should've told you with Eric in the car." Joey says. "I can tell you when we get to your place, ok?"

"Uh...ok?" R.C. shrugs not sure how to react to the pushing back of that Joey has to say. He continues onward to his house which is about 20 min away from where they're at now. Moments later, they pull up in front of his house and then walk in. R.C. heads straight for the bathroom after not being able to go, he smells the bacon from this morning still lingering around the house as he opens windows along his path to help remove and to cool down the house. He relieves himself in the bathroom while thinking about what Joey has to say. More thoughts race in his mind over the possibilities again ranging from expectations to the unknown. He finishes up and then walks back to the den where Joey is sitting on the couch relaxing and checking his texts on his phone.

"Hey, so...how's things?" R.C. asks trying to break the ice as he sits down next to Joey. He looks over at the fennec who's replying to a text.

"Eh, just seeing who's coming tonight. Is this your event tonight?" Joey asks as he sends his texts.

"No, this is someone else doing this one, I forget who, go figure." R.C. shrugs and lifts the foot rest to sprawl out.

"Ah ok. When do you normally put on raves?" Joey asks.

"About once or so a month, I rather not over saturate the scene and make things dull. Besides, we like what we got going on." R.C. replies back. He then pushes back on his side of the couch causing him to lay flat. Joey looks over and giggles. He then reaches over and pokes the fox in his side causing R.C. to yelp and cringe a little. "Aahhhh! Really?"

"You're an easy target! I had to do it to see if you're a bit sensitive, hehe." Joey laughs while continuing to poke the poor fox. R.C. then bolts up and hunches over trying to keep the fennec's paws from tickling him. "Hehe, you're so ticklish aren't ya foxy?" He continues the assault on the poor fox who has little chance of defense. He curls up tightly moving his tail as much as to cover himself. Joey then continues to tickle the fox anywhere he can.

R.C. cries out pleading him to stop. This only causes the fennec to continue on running his paws along R.C.'s sides and near his underarms causing the bigger fox to squeal and violently twitch to the point where it starts to scare Joey. He then backs down to let R.C. hopefully settle. The bigger fox slowly calms down still breathing quite hard as he uncurls himself out a bit. His eyes are full of tears and his cheeks are bright red blushing. He then grabs a pillow and curls up around it placed on his lap. He continues to blush as he recovers then looks over at his boyfriend.

"Really? You had to do that to me? I can't handle that!" R.C. says to Joey.

Joey then quickly rips the pillow away. "Oh yeah, then why ya excited foxy?" He quips pointing at the obvious tent the fox makes. Joey's last quip makes R.C. blush more and whine a little. Joey giggles again at the helpless aroused fox sitting there trying to cover up. "Oh you're so silly, and cute when you get all hard."

R.C. just sits there blushing and looking down. Joey then scoots closer to the fox starting to hold him from behind. He slowly slips a paw down to R.C.'s bulge and lightly brushes it causing the fox to twitch lightly. R.C. begins to moan lightly each time the fennec runs his paw along his obvious bulge. Joey leans in to his ear to lightly whisper, "Are you worked up over me? Want me to take care of that?" He then grabs it lightly with his right paw as he runs his left paw along R.C.'s back. R.C. lightly nods and starts to shake a little. He then slowly stretches his legs out, which allows the fennec to move around more to his side. Joey continues to tease his boyfriend more and more working him up. R.C. slowly warms back up giving into the teasing and starts to rub his right paw along Joey's arm. Joey responds by leaning in and kissing his fox pushing him back on the back rest of the couch. Joey then climbs on top, taking his shirt off while straddling R.C.'s lap. R.C. murrs at the sight in front of him. He surprises Joey by lifting his hips up a little. "Whoa! I'm on a horse now, haha." Joey giggles. R.C. continues to lift his hips up making the fennec struggle to maintain his balance.

"Heh, that's for tickling me!" R.C. replies as he continues to thrust upwards. He then leans up and grabs the fennec pulling him down for a kiss. R.C. then wraps his paws around the fennec running them along his back pulling him close as the two make out on the couch. Joey then slips his paws under R.C.'s shirt lifting it up and pulling above his head leaving both foxes shirtless. R.C. blushes a little from losing his shirt as he's a bit shy when it comes to showing off some fur. Joey leans down rubbing the fox's white furred chest and going over where his blue stripes end along his sides. R.C. murrs low and lovingly as he slowly overcomes his shyness with help from the stimulation of Joey.

Joey then slides off, as he does such, he slips his fingers in the sides R.C.'s shorts which happened to be unbuttoned. R.C. looks down and blushes more as his shorts slip off leaving his underwear as the last article of clothing remaining. Joey admires the fox on the couch who is leaning back nearly exposed with a very prominent bulge in his underwear. Joey then strips down fully, leaving his fully nude self for his boyfriend to see. R.C. continues to blush and starts shaking lightly looking at the fennec and his emerging cock. The fox's mind starts to race with thoughts concerning what could happen since Joey is a male. He thinks, "How do I get him off? Do I stroke him, suck him off? Oh no, what if he wants to stick it in my ass?!? Ahhhh will it hurt?" The fox continues to think more about what could happen.

"Foxy?" Joey breaks R.C.'s hypnotic state. "Are ya ok hun?"

"Oh yeah...uh just fine and heh you're looking nice there. So you a little excited heh?" R.C. stutters trying to maintain composure.

"Little worked up are we?" Joey says as he gets closer and places his paw on R.C.'s bulge. He then rubs it slowly working his way down gripping it and moving down on it slowly. He then stares into R.C.'s wide open eyes looking deep. Joey then releases his grip, and then straddles the fox's lower legs. He then places his paws on R.C.'s underwear band along his hips and then slowly pulls it down revealing R.C.'s partially aroused black cock and white ball sack. "Ooo and it does glow, too!" Joey says running his finger along the bottom side of it where a glowing blue stripe runs up it to the tip. R.C. shudders and murrs from the action. He then looks up at the fennec who is busy studying the fox's package. "Wow...you're really nice here." He then grabs and slowly strokes it in an attempt to get the fox's knot out. The action from his boyfriend makes R.C. start to murr louder as he closes his eyes and gets into the pleasure. R.C.'s cock fully slides out revealing his knot. Joey then slides down and moves his open maw to the exposed penis giving it a few licks along the side. R.C. murrs loudly in response to the stimulation as his tip starts to leak a little precum. Joey then licks the tip a couple times, and then starts to take the fox cock in his mouth about half-way. R.C. lightly bucks his hips in response murring much louder than before. Joey swirls his tongue around the glowing shaft placing his right paw along his furry white sack giving it a light squeeze. R.C., in reaction, places his paw on the fennec's head running his blue glowing fingers along the rear of Joey's head giving him scritches. The fennec continues sucking on the fox's dick for a while. R.C. starts to feel the familiar sensation of his impending orgasm. "Ahhhhh! I'm close!" R.C. shouts.

Joey hears this and pulls his head up grinning. R.C. looks up protesting, "Really? Why did you stop!??!!!!"

"Oh, I want to try something out. It will be easier having you worked up.

"Well that's one thing you did well...I wanna get off sometime!" R.C. continues to complain while blushing.

"You're such a whiny baby! Relax; I want to try something with you." The fennec gets up and walks to his bag to grab something. R.C. looks up a little curious scoping out what the fennec is up to. Joey digs around in his bag and pulls out a couple items which R.C. cannot see from his vantage point. The fox becomes a little confused and aroused from the bent over fennec as he digs in his bag for items. The fennec then gets up holding a towel to hide what he's obtained from his bag. R.C. looks puzzled, "A towel? Do I need a shower or something?"

"Oh no, just you wait he he." Joey then sets the towel down on the floor just out of sight of R.C. He then removed the wrap revealing a small vibrator approx. 5" and some personal lubricant. "OK Fox, you'll like this, now lift those legs up." Joey then helps R.C. lift and spread his legs some to further expose his nether region. He then folds his legs to where his feet paws are on the couch leaving his legs spread wide enough for access. Joey leans down and rubs his paw along R.C.'s shaft again teasing him more in efforts to keep him stimulated. He then moves his paw down along his sack giving it a few squeezes. R.C. again murrs, still kind of lost on what is going to happen to him. Joey takes his paw away. The next sound R.C. hears is a snapping sound followed by a little liquid squirting. R.C. somewhat realizes what could happen and starts to tense up. Joey notices and attempts to reassure the fox, "Aww relax, I want to try this once! Just one time hun ok?" He then moves his freshly lubricated fingers to the fox's rear hole is and slowly runs his fingers over it spreading the cooling lubrication. The fox tenses up from the cool touch and the fact that there is a finger running over his rear hole which is quite sensitive as well. "Hehe, sorry it's a little cold!" Joey says as he runs a single finger over the entrance. R.C. slowly calms down realizing how nice it actually is starting to feel making him more aroused. Joey, noticing the fox becoming more relaxed, slips his finger slowly in his hole. R.C. slightly tenses back up, but then starts realizing it isn't as bad. He relaxes and starts feeling a little pleasure as the fennec's finger slips in a little futher. R.C. murrs more and slips his paw to his own cock to rub it lightly. Realizing this, Joey then pulls out slowly, and then grabs the toy giving it a little lube. He places the tip at his entrance giving a little press. "R.C., you ready to try this?" The fox nods whimpering a little as he spreads his legs a little more. Joey then presses it in slowly as he watches the fox to make sure he's ok. R.C. feels it slipping in and starts to feel the stimulation hit him hard. "Ahhhhhh!" He exclaims and Joey pushes it further. He then starts to pull and press on it making it slide in and out slowly as his other paw starts to pay attention to the fox's throbbing cock.

Joey continues to pump it in and out for the next few minutes. R.C. starts to breath heavy as the familiar feeling of his impending orgasm approaches yet again, Joey notices this and stops as he pulls out the toy. "REALLY!!!!" R.C. protests loudly once again.

"Yes, really. Now foxie, you're going to be a good boy and take mine now." Joey says while beckoning the fox to the floor. R.C. slowly complies as he gets down and looks over at the fox. "Get on your fours and lift that tail!" R.C. does so and slightly spreads his legs in anticipation. He starts to shake a little bit nervously. Joey then preps himself ensuring he is lubricated to make sure the fox has an easy first time. He then approaches the fox, slightly spreads his legs apart. "Face down foxy, you'll love it." R.C. complies laying his face down on the carpet leaving his rear exposed. "Mmm nice view, you ready for it? Let me know if you're uncomfortable, mmk?" R.C. nods.

Joey then leans over, pressing his cock against R.C.'s tailhole attempting to gain entry. He slowly starts to slip in as R.C. starts to gasp banging his front paw off the floor while yelping. "You ok foxy?" R.C yelps and nods affirmatively. "Oh good, I'm going further." Joey then presses in further to his knot. He then starts to slowly pump in and out as he watches the fox yelp and murr in pleasure.

"Oh my...this is soo weird and I like it. Ahhh!" R.C. moans in pleasure as he spreads his front paws in front of him on the carpet scratching at it slowly in response. Joey continues to thrust himself in the fox as he learns of how much R.C. is enjoying it. R.C.'s mind significantly changes its stance on his thoughts of being with another male as the fox pushes himself back slightly onto his boyfriend. Joey then grabs the fox's hips and pulls himself deeper into the fox as he starts yelping lightly from the pleasure. He starts to feel his own orgasm approach as he picks up the pace. R.C. feels the pace increasing and takes his left paw and starts stroking his own cock to get himself off. Joey starts thrusting harder attempting to press his knot into the fox as he feels himself about to cum.

"Aahhh! FOX!!! I'm gonna cum in ya!!" Joey yells out to R.C. who's getting close to his own with his own moaning.

"Do it!!!! Fill me up! Ahhhhhh!" R.C. shouts out as he clenches his cock tighter feeling his own orgasm on the brink. Joey then presses really hard which gets R.C.'s attention and pushes the fox over his the edge. Joey cums hard and yells out pressing deep into the fox making R.C. yelp and murr loudly. R.C. then cums all over the floor beneath him just a moment later as his own orgasm hits very hard. The two foxes recover slowly and collapse on each other fatigued from the recent sexual experience each of them had together. Joey then lays on R.C. as he lays on the floor feeling quite fulfilled and glowing.

"Joey?" R.C. asks softly.

"Yes R.C.?" Joey replies quietly.

"I really thought this would be the worst thing ever, but I seriously fucking loved it." R.C. says smiling still resting his head on the ground feeling very light and happy.

"I knew you would, I had to be a little careful since this was your first time, hehe." Joey giggles while lying on the fox.

"Wow, I didn't think it would be this fun." R.C. replies back. "Heh, everyone always bashes it or calls it a sin, I find it fun."

"I'm glad you do." Joey says as he slowly lifts off and pulls out. "Maybe we should clean up?"

"Yeah, after I rest a bit, that was really good." R.C. replies back still lounging on the floor. Joey then gets up and walks to the bathroom. R.C. lays there glowing. He starts to think about what just happened and how his life seems to have changed completely. He starts to wonder if he may be falling in love with another male which goes against what he has been taught in the past. He slowly realizes that perhaps they taught him to hide the fact of true love comes in any form whenever same or different gender because his feelings of want and desire are very strong despite the teachings that he was to never get feelings with another male. The feelings of fear hit him, and he starts to ponder the 'what-if's' of his relationship. Mostly about his friends and family and their thoughts about knowing that he's in a gay relationship. He thinks to himself, "I'll have to figure something out, I'm too afraid to let anyone know I'm his boyfriend. I guess for now since I'm alone, I'll make the most of it."

The fox gets up, feeling slightly sore and a bit different in his rear. "Oh, I didn't take that into account." as he rubs his lower back. "But it was worth it!" He then smiles and makes his way to the bathroom to wait for his boyfriend to finish cleaning up. R.C. watches the door open and a smiling fennec comes out to immediately hug the bigger fox.

"Oh you were so good!" Joey tells R.C. in the hug. "You're very special to me foxy, I don't want to lose you."

"I feel the same, Joe." R.C. replies back. "I really like you a lot, but I have to clean up since I was laying in my own mess, you know."

Joey backs off, "Awwww I just cleaned up!"

R.C. giggles, "I'm gonna hit the shower real quick, good luck cleaning yourself up, hehe." Upon that, Joey realizes he's got some spunk on his belly as well.

"Arrr, really?" Joey complains and walks away to the living room. R.C. giggles again, "Good thing I had a towel down, that would've been messy, heh." He quips to himself as he enters the bathroom.

Moments later, R.C. jumps out of the shower in a towel to dry off. He heads to the living room to check on his boyfriend. "Heya!" He says to Joey who's cleaning up his stuff.

"Oh hey you!" Joey talks back. "I'm going to clean myself as well!" He says getting up and giving a kiss to the fox as he passes him for the bathroom.

"Ok cool, I left a new towel for you." R.C. informs the fennec. R.C. then walks upstairs to grab some clothes for tonight, he grabs a pair of underwear for now just to put on so he can dry some more. He heads back downstairs and cleans up the towels from the floor and places them downstairs in the washer with the other dirty towels. He heads up and catches Joey walking past him in the kitchen, R.C. then steals the towel leaving the fennec fully nude again. "AAAHHHH!" Joey screams and covers up as if he was a girl. R.C. giggles.

"Haha, I need to wash the towels. Besides, you look cute naked." The fox laughs and gives the fennec a once-over with his eyes. Joey pouts and walks to the living room to get some clothes on while the fox heads downstairs to start the laundry of towels. "Hmm at least my mom will be happy I did some laundry." He says to himself. R.C. fills the washer with all the towels from the pile and starts the washer. He then heads back up to the kitchen to grab a quick drink of iced tea. He looks at the stove clock, which reads 3:46 and then heads back to the living room. "Joey?" He looks around trying to find the fennec.

"Up here!" He hears a shout from upstairs. R.C. shrugs and starts to head upstairs.

"Alright, I'm coming up." He shouts back as he makes his approach to the second floor. The fox takes it easy since he's somewhat worn out from the previous act and having to run up and down the stairs several times for laundry. As he hits the top step, Joey says out loud to the fox, "In your room foxy!"

"Ok I'm coming in!" R.C. then heads into his room and stops. His jaw is wide open. "Holy shit!" He exclaims as he looks at his boyfriend.

"So...what do you think?" Joey asks.

"Well..." R.C. starts to speak.