Midline Shift 32 - Family

Story by Z-JAM-C on SoFurry

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#32 of Chronicles of FinalGamer 24 - Midline Shift

With confirmation on James Campbell's whereabouts, the crew of the Chakino take it easy and start settling in for the ride back to the Citadel. In that time, Roy learns a little more about his friends around him, who in turn learn a little more about him.

Mass Effect copyrighted to Bioware, FinalGamer to me

It took a few days for Roy to plan this out properly, at least until he was certain everything was in place. He had to be ready for any sort of danger that would come from meeting the Blue Suns, and he had to make certain that he kept the upper hand. After conferring with his friends aboard the Chakino, they agreed to assist him with a plan they put together. They all agreed on the places, Roy thought up his best dialogue with Dhar Khern having backup ideas just in case. The black raptor walked up towards the known meeting spot of the local Blue Suns chapter, wearing resplendent silver armour that he knew marked him out easy from the dark blood-red streets of Omega. Seeing two turians with matching scars and blue armour, one male and one female standing guard at a tight red-walled alleyway, Roy was accompanied by the hulking Dhar Khern wearing dark emerald armour with pale outlines, and the wily-looking Puttz who barked eagerly for a fight, despite Roy quietly telling him to shush. The female guard spoke first, both of them wielding assault rifles. "Hey. What you want?" "Ahm here to speak with yer local leader," said Roy. "State your business." "A guy passed through here couple of weeks back. Maybe you guys saw sumthin'." "What kind of guy?" "A brown raptor, lahk mahself but shorter, wiry, had red armour on him." "Why you lookin' for him?" "He's a wanted criminal, and ahma take him down." "Criminal huh? You a cop?" "No. Ahm a guy out fer justice." "Where from?" "Daventry. Maybe you don't know it, far out on thuh rim, ah have a mandate from thuh consul of Graham to hunt him down an' bring him back, so he can attest for his crimes." "Hehehe...listen." The female turian pointed the rifle straight up at Roy's head. "This is Blue Suns turf pal, you don't have any rights here whatsoever no matter where the fuck you come from." "That's fer your boss to decide, not you. Whut are you, his secretary?" "No. He is." She pointed at the male beside her who did not speak, as evidenced by a deeper scar that ran straight down towards his throat. A gouging abscess that made the most unsightly noise of rasping death. The female however brought back Roy's attention saying: "You don't have any reason to come here." "Then give us one," said Dhar Khern, "because I'm sure your boss will give you tenure for causing a diplomatic incident that goes wildly beyond your control, bringing down the entire force of Daventry upon you. I'm sure Ms. Aria T'Loak would enjoy having more problems to deal with, such as say a rampant army tearing this entire place up to find one guy." "What?! The fuck you guys come from anyway?!" "I have no home. And neither will you unless you give us an audience with your boss, or I will see your flesh become my personal banner as the one who wronged me." "...brother, keep an eye on them."

The turian guard walked into the alley whilst the mute turian stood watch, nodding calmly with fearless eyes at the hulking monster now before him. Khern nodded back to him with mutual respect, appreciating the silence more whilst Puttz simply wagged his tail. A few minutes later, the female came back out with stiff resolution, saying: "The boss will see you now. Follow me." The raptor, krogan and varren followed suit, down through the tight alleyway leading to a series of dead ends all populated by the Blue Suns. Thick blue-armoured thugs with white strips and circles, cleaning their guns or making bets on card games. Even in the future poker was still a thing to lose friendships over. Small fights would break out, blood would be shed, broken smiles all around. Eyes watched them with suspicion, but none of them wanted to dare take on the krogan who went striding forth, carving a path through the huddled masses. They especially noted the absurdly large warhammer that he carried on his back, a monstrous weapon that looked capable of crushing a tank like a soda can. Even the batarian leader knew this as he sat upon his makeshift throne of boxes, looking down towards the black raptor from his seat. "My guard tells me I might become part of a diplomatic incident. Karhne Durauk, Blue Suns." "Roy MacGregor, Knight of Daventry." "Hmph...knight? What kinda title's that?" "Whut kinda name is blue suns?" "Heh...state your business." "A month ago you had someone approach you by thuh name of James Campbell. Brown scales, green eyes, purple marks, usually wears red armour. Ahm here to apprehend him fer crimes against thuh state." "Hah. You some kind of cop?" The moment he said that last word, seventeen guns clacked together and pointed straight at his body. Roy kept his cool and blinked only once, seeing the shadow of his krogan friend cast upon him like a cloak of protection. "No. Ahm not. Ahm more a protector of thuh state, a free roamer searchin' to hunt those who have wronged others close to me. So long as you don't become one of those people, we'll just get along fine." "Alright," said Karhne. "Sum kinda bounty hunter then?" "Ah don't hunt fer profit. So no." "Right...well Mr. Campbell is rather indisposed at the moment so you'll have to excuse me fer not knowing where he is." "Ah think yer lyin'." "...whut?" "Ah heard tell around thuh place that you just had a job involvin' capturing someone on thuh Citadel. A new recruit, one of yours even. Now, last ah recall, ah wuz huntin' Mr. Campbell through there not more than a week ago maybe. Ah had to leave due to unforeseen circumstances, but maybe you wanna fess up about this before we get nasty." "Who the hell do you think you are, walking in here accusing ME of lying?" "Thuh guy who's gonna bring unholy thunder down on your head if you don't tell me where he is." "And why should I do that? Look, if you say you've got an army, then come bring it. You see all these guns? That's not even HALF of whut we have, we own enough of Omega to make our own damn city out of it, we've got bases far out on other moons and planets and they'll come running." "And whut of the one who actually rules Omega, miss Aria T'Loak? Ah bet she ain't gonna be happy about this." "She'll be praising me for the fact I bagged a whole army of punks who thought they had any rights out here on Omega. You're in my domain now. So you listen to me. I. Am not. Helping you. Now leave."

Roy took a moment to collect his thoughts, pensively nodding in consideration to this threat. The mercs slowly gathered round him, threatening with pure numbers, hulking turians and humans that easily matched up to his own size. Eventually something popped up in his head once he composed a story, asking: "Tell me uh...Mr. Durauk, you ever heard of thuh Black Cauldron?" "No. I haven't. And I don't care." "Oh...ah think you should care, Mr. Durauk. Cuz if this shit goes bad, then ah want you to remember that this wuz thuh point of no return when you wish you coulda helped me. See back where ah come from, there wuz a legend, an old tale of thuh Black Cauldron. It wuz a mystical artifact, an ancient vat that had thuh power to revive thuh dead, to create an entire army of skeletal husks through infernal dark magic or at least whut we USED to call dark magic. Living husks revived from thuh bodies of thuh dead to become an army that should never be. Sound familiar?" He grinned his cruellest smile, pushing his lips back across his snout with slitted eyes as the batarian cocked his head slightly. Roy continued. "Thuh Horned King wuz thuh one who tried to possess it, a wicked killing beast who looked lahk thuh undead himself, bones an' ribs showin' with a head lahk a skull. He planned to rule our entire world with just such a device. A device capable of taking thuh dead an' bringing them back as nuthin' more than mindless murderous monsters. Slaves to his bidding. Now, thuh logistics are a little different, but ahm sure you heard about thuh shit that went on down on Eden Prime. Let's just say...we have sumthin' of our own capable of just that." "Whut?!" "You heard me. Thuh kingdom of Daventry, an old republic capable of things that some might call sufficiently-advanced technology...while others would just plain call magic. Dark magic. Ah have seen thuh faces of those both innocent an' sinful sentenced to eternity. Ah have seen them live an unrelenting suffrage of never dying, but never living. Our old legends spoke of such a device that could turn thuh whole world to ruin. Instead, we turned it into an afterlife. An afterlife of eternal suffering to which there is no escape." "And why the hell would you do that?" "Because mah people don't have many left. Wars come an' go, lines on maps are rewritten, huge cracks run through thuh land rift apart by our sins. We don't have enough people to do everythin' for us. So thuh ones that are proven useless to society...are turned into thuh very gears that grind to keep it moving. Forever. In servitude. Workers to the very bone, lahk community service of thuh dead, from which there is no escape. Your families an' children will live after, forced to see their daddy, their ancestor, trapped lahk a worthless husk buried within a machine. And you know who's thuh one now responsible for manning this black cauldron?"

The raptor stepped forwards with a grin showing his entire teeth, his brown eyes piercing deep into Durauk's. With each word after, he forced them through his own teeth snarling. " Me. That's who." "You?!" "That's why ahm huntin' after Campbell. He has done wrong unto mah people, so he must pay with his very bones...grinding...forever." "Fuck...seriously?! Yer makin' that up, that sounds bullshit to me, I never even heard of whatever place you came from!" "Well yanno, people said thuh same about them Reapers out there right? Nobody ever thought that sum kinda horrifying creature from beyond thuh dark space, could ever come an' almost OBLITERATE the entire damn Citadel. Out there, you all saw that one reaper, the great and terrible Sovereign...but back where ah come from..." The sudden slam of two hands upon Durauk's throne made him jump slightly, forced to stare into Roy's venomous stare " I...am the Reaper." The raptor summoned every ounce of hatred he could possibly harbour within. It was easy for him by this point to use it by intimidation. "Do you wanna join him, an' all your friends here to create a new set of gears? Or would you rather lahk to make a bargain an' we can avoid all this mess? Hmm?" "...you're going to have some problems finding him," said Karhne Durauk, "he was targeted as part of a contract to us." "Yeah? Who contracted you, and whut wuz it about?" "A woman calling herself Mrs. Barrows, human I think. Said she had an old score to settle with Mr. Campbell, we obliged since she had a very large payment she was willing to give us." "Ah see...do you know where Mrs. Barrows is?" "Still on the Citadel, haven't heard back from my group that went down there, so if you want to contest this with her I'll give you the group contact. Give them the password to the leader, tell him that 'Zaeed never saw it coming.' That clear?" "Alrigh'. Appreciate it Mr. Durauk." The batarian uploaded a comm signal to his omni-tool allowing Roy to receive it, seeing that it was tracking its original waypoint back on the Citadel somewhere near the docking bays. It wasn't even that far from where he originally fought James, making him feel rather sour in his mood upon realising. With negotiations ended, he walked out of the Blue Suns' turf with a bow and not a single scratch, the krogan and varren walking alongside him with mild disappointment. "Didn't even need your girls," said Roy a distance away. "Shame," said Dhar Khern, "they were all geared up to crack some heads." "Puttz wanted to bite things. Puttz very sad." "Ah know ah know," said Roy, "but hey, maybe thuh next group of thugs won't be so nice." "We can only hope," said Dhar. "Nice story by the way, where'd you think that up?" "Watched a lotta movies when ah wuz a kid, lotta ol' classics. Yanno funny enough, you have 'em in this galaxy too, human stuff basically, bicentennial editions even. Makes me able to make up a looootta stories when ahm a terrible liar." "Hmph...half-truths, the best kind of lie. Girls, you hear that?" "Sure did daddy!" said Nirethia over comms, "see ya back at the ship, come on uncle Calun!" "What a waste of time," said Calun humbly. "But...live to fight another day I suppose." "Can ah call you Eeyore?" asked Roy. "...why? What does that even mean?" "Nuthin', just thought it'd be a cute nickname." "I don't do...cute...HHHhhh...I'm...a professional."

As the Chakino departed from Omega, hurtling back across the galaxy towards the Citadel with no other jobs for them to commit, Roy took the time to sit back and enjoy the silence of the ship in passing through space. The sight of the stars past his window, the solitude of space as the subtle hum of the engines turned into the sweetest of lullabies. He only ever got up because Khern finally asked for his help in the kitchen, the krogan realising that Roy's inactivity and lack of contribution was solely because of himself doing all the work. The raptor got to work on handling the desserts, making fluffy pastries with some odd cream that smelled like heather to him, whilst Khern set himself on the big meal itself, naked completely except for an apron of dark green looking more like a doctor than a cook. A carcass he picked up on Omega that resembled a large deer, with four legs and two extra smaller arms on the front of its body. "Thuh hell's that?" asked Roy. "Space cow," said Khern. "Goes good with gravy." "Man that ain't no cow ah ever seen, got fuckin' weird-ass arms on thuh front of it." "Yeah they're shifty bastards, I heard about one that stole your credits." "Whut?! That make no sense, aren't they digital?" "Just a rumour. You want a part specifically?" "Nah just cut any for me...heh, you look like yer about to operate on it." "I know, it's a surgical apron." "...oh. Well uh, guess that works out all thuh same then." "It was my wife's too. She gave it to me in her will, was her way of saying I should be more at home." "Awwww...that's kinda sweet." "Here, take one." He handed Roy another green apron to wear, tying it round his back as he got started on his bench. The kitchen itself was not particularly large, rather like a corridor with shining steel on both sides, tabletops and sinks whilst large enough to at least have two krogan stand side by side. Khern noticed the rings on Roy's left hand asking: "You should take those off if you're gonna cook." "Uhhh yeah um, ah can't take them off. Thuh silver one ah can but not thuh white one." "Whysat?" "Um...ah don't wanna say magic cuz that sounds bullshit, but it's kind of a binding contract." "And the silver one?" "...frankly obsolete at this point...especially now ah got this translator thingy they put up inside me, that galactic one you guys have?" "Oh yeah. Your ring does that too?" "Both of them, technically...ahll take thuh silver off." He pocketed his silver ring and made an effort to remove his white ring, the banded snake pattern clasped tightly around his finger to the point of irremoveable. He shrugged and got to work, given a sanitary glove instead by Khern for his left hand. He started to prepare the pastry, grabbing a block of butter that was coloured blood-red before handling the dust-brown mix of what he hoped was their equivalent of flour. Kneading the mix together, he talked with Khern while his fingers rubbed and squashed the butter, making it look like breadcrumbs underneath. "Yanno where ah come from we don't even have real meat." "No?" "Nope, cuz we all anthros an' shit so lahk, everybody's meat technically. So we can't go around eatin' cows or sheep when they're all walkin' and talkin' lahk thuh rest of us. So scientists, long long back, made thuh perfect artificial meat, kinda based on this uh microfungus, ah think Quorn wuz it? Made enough of it by reverse-engineering thuh fungus an' making it all accessible to thuh world all over. World hunger, over." "Nice. Least that's something, but you ready for your first taste of REAL meat?" "Ah already have...doesn't taste any different to me." "Then that means your scientists did their job's worth." "Right...this cream tastes damn weird." "Thessians have weird tastes, you get used to it. Took me a long while." "Oh, you lived on there on uh...Thessia?" "Yes, with my wife and the girls when they were younger." "Musta been rough bein' a krogan right in thuh heart of the Asari capital." "You'd think that. I got the odd look, shifty eyes and whatnot. But you speak to someone properly and treat them with respect while demanding your own, you can defy all prejudices eventually." "Righ' righ'...ah try to do thuh same, when ahm talkin' to lahk business people or royalty, ah try to make efforts. Ah don't mean to talk lahk this, it's just thuh way ah am." "That doesn't make you an idiot." "No, but people think ah am. Not until someone starts bustin' out sum math ah can really knock 'em away." "Hmph...you said before you were an athletic." "Yep, American Football, quarterback, wuz hittin' on end of mah year about to get on up to university. Then...things happened." "Ahh...what you specialise in?" "Besides P.E.? Mathematics, always got a good head fer numbers. Hated Geography though, man ah sucked at rememberin' places an' locations." "I did notice you kept thinking that Omega was in the Attican Traverse, rather than the Terminus Systems." "Man on a galaxy map it is lahk ON THUH FUCKIN' LINE, who fuckin' cares, it's in SPACE!" "Ha ha...ahhhhh good thing you ain't driving." "Ah don't have a licence so..."

Roy shrugged and went back to work on the pastry, mixing together a starch and buttery mix into a saucepan whilst simmering over a medium heat. At least he thought it was butter, it sure felt like butter despite being dark red that almost made him think it was a block of meat. But it was what he was given as he made a fine stirring motion with the whisk until the mixture was thick and glossy, reddening in a way not unlike that of human blood once coagulated. In truth Roy felt a little sick, but the smell of creamy goodness kept his hunger senses going. Once he was done with the mix, he covered it within a seal-proof tin and placed it in the refrigerator, watching Dhar Khern deal with the space cow carcass. The krogan hacked the poor beast with a large meat cleaver made of stone, an iron whetting blade running along the edge wrapped in a metallic sheen. The krogan severed off the limbs with cracking snaps of meat and bone, stripping the very husk to its torso before lightly peppering it with a dirt-brown substance as well as some pasty-green mixture that smelt like sulphur. The raptor sneered at the look and smell, trying to remind himself that an alien world meant alien meals as Khern placed it in an iron tin looking rusted with age, before adding some harsh dry twigs underneath. They were gnarled and warped unlike any branch Roy saw on Earth, with tumorous lumps as the krogan soon put the whole dish into an oven and smiled at the raptor. "Now we wait for about three hours. Well, you will, I have to keep checking on this." "Alrigh' cool...yanno it's nice to be able to cook again, haven't done that since ah wuz back in Raccoon City." "The zombie place?" "Yeah." "Hmmm...well you at least rated your own survival higher than that of your enemy's death. I am glad to see that someone as young as you has some sense of reasoning." "Well...to be honest, he wuz thuh one that suggested it ah think. Ah knew he wuz just lookin' for a way to keep himself alive but...yeah." "Either way, you didn't have enough arrogance to refuse." "Hmmm...you ever been in a place lahk that? Stuck with someone you wanted to kill?" "Hah...only once. That was with Calun. But things change." "Yeah? How'd you guys meet anyway, he seems uh...little off from thuh rest of thuh family." "He was my wife's assistant, they worked together in the medical corps. Civil wars, planetary conflicts. Wherever they were needed, they went." "So you an' your wife AND Calun met at thuh same time?" "No. I met her long before Calun, even before she joined the medical corps. She always wanted to help others and felt her life on Thessia was just turning too dull and lifeless." "Even with a krogan husband?" "I wanted to settle down. I was tired." "Ah understand...mah mom wuz thuh same way, she had a tough upbringing, bein' seventh child of eight, lotta family issues all over, heh." "I thought you said there were only seven in your mom's family." "........oh...yeah, ah meant seven...mah mistake." "It's alright...krogan understand these things." "Yeah...uhm...when DID you meet your wife?" "Three hundred years ago. Lived on Thessia for only a hundred, we moved around often trying to find little places for ourselves, the Chakino was our home for basically all that time." "Wait this ship is three hundred years old?!" "Mmmhmm. Old as the Geth, heh...my wife joked about that." "Damn...how old are thuh girls, if you don't mind me asking?" "Alestia is a hundred-and-seventy. Nirethia is a hundred-and-twenty." "Daaaamn." "That's not very old for asari by the way." "Man ahm lahk twenty-five, everyone around here is lahk older than me!" "Physically yes, but not mentally. Except for Puttz." "Well ah guess he old in lahk varren years." "Hah! Varren years, cute. So, twenty-five huh?" "Yes sir." "And in all that time you've made yourself into one real warrior...I can see the way you hold that blade of yours." "Not lahk ah planned to be one." "Fate has its strange whimsy." "You never told me why Calun wuz hangin' out with you." "I did. He's my wife's best friend, next to me. We became indebted by her...because of her." "Ahhh...alrigh', ah won't ask no more sorry." "Could you go tell my girls that dinner will be ready in three hours? I don't want them sneaking off any candy and ruining their appetites." "Heh, no prob. You can always give sum more to Puttz." "Puttz doesn't need more, he eats anything nearby him."

Roy chuckled as he walked off towards the sisters' rooms. The realisation of the ship being far older than he thought it to be was rather mind-blowing in that aspect. It certainly didn't seem any older than all the other ships he saw flying out in space, but regardless he felt rather dwarfed by age. Everyone around him, except the varren, had many years ahead of him physically. He wasn't even sure about Calun but he guessed from his mannerisms that he was at least twice his age. He made a note to look up on volus life expectancy for later. But like any other naturally curious person, the sound of babbling girls from the other side of their door begged him to stop and listen, leaning softly against the wall near to have a listen on their conversation. "So Marlene says 'maybe I need to touch up my face a little' and I was like 'you sure cuz they're gonna need one of those lasers they use at dig sites to crack that mole open'." "AHAHA OH MY GODDESS that's so mean!" "Ahhh she laughed, she's cool about it, it wasn't that bad, I mean it's like not a REAL melanocytic nevi, it'll come off." "Mmph, humans are so weird with all their little face problems." "I know, but yanno different streaks for different folks." "...I don't think that's how the saying goes." "No? ...what colour you using for your nails?" "Burnt sienna." "Ooooh nice, goes good with your skin." "Aww thank you, what about you?" "Island fantasy." "OH, you got it?!" "Mmmhmmm, back on Omega." "Why didn't you TELL meeee?!" "I was gonna but we had that whole thing with Roy and those Blue Suns." "Ohhh...mmmm I was really hoping we'd see some action, it's been a while." "I know, remember that time when daddy chased down a vorcha and you broke his leg?" "Ohhhh goddess don't remind me, UGH. That, was, the worst. His skin just kept growing it was so gross!" "Well, that's vorcha for ya...Marlene'd like one of them." "Oh goddess no, no jus-stop right there." "Whaaat?" "You are NOT going to recommend her a vorcha, okay? Last date did not do so well." "Not my fault she said she liked short guys and a volus was TOO short for her, should be more precise about what she wants!" "Look she can just do what everybody else does and just go find someone on the extranet. I did, I've got my turian bae." "Hmhmhm, he doing alright?" "Oh he's fine, still doing military, doesn't get a chance to say hi but Pahnix is so sweet. I wanna send him something but there's all these rules." "Mmmm yeah...well sure we can think of something." "OH, speaking of something, he was on Stumblr the other day and found out the most amazing thing. You know how he's like a huuuuge fan of the Sole Calibrators?" "Yeah?!" "Well...turns out they're gonna be joining in on that BIG concert over at Horizon in like six months, the one for Eden Prime?" "Awesome, good for them!" "Yeah like one of the band members confirmed and everything, he's soooo excited, he's gonna save up his days off, try to find time to come down there and if it's all good, he asked if I wante to come along. I'm sure daddy'll let me go." "Aww that's so sweet of him. But...yanno what we should all go, it's a good concert, no need to just have you go and stuff us here!" "Mmmmm...well, let's see what Pahnix does first, an-" "No no no, sis, sis...we should go even if he can't. He has duty and if he has to stay there then fine, and if he can come then fine too, but we should make it a day out for the family. I think daddy would like it too." "Mmmmmmm...okay. We'll ask him later." "Okay." At this point Roy decided it best to intervene and knock on the door, saying: "Hey uh girls, your dad said dinner'll be ready in lahk three hours, so keep those stomachs hungry." "OKAAAY!"

He walked off smiling to let them have their privacy, walking off back towards his bedroom to have some time to relax and see what was on the terminal today. The extranet was the only thing he could do outside of his mission, as well as the odd side-mission that Khern wanted to have them do for money, just to keep the place going. It was a surprisingly freestyle existence, roaming across the galaxy picking up odd jobs whilst managing to live somehow on income from an unknown source. In truth Roy felt this was the real reason behind Calun being on board with them. But regardless, he sat up on the bed and began to watch some old movies from Earth, purchased online by the credits he earned as he rewatched Disney's Robin Hood, an animated piece dating back three hundred years ago according to the movie's data. He was still amazed at how it was literally the same movie he knew, back from his own world. James' words from Raccoon City came haunting back at him. Alternate worlds beyond their own, the same ideas, the same movies, the same kind of species concerning humans at least. Every single world Roy had been to, he had always met humans amongst them. There would be other creatures sure, but almost all of them were just various alterations of the same kind of Earth. "Man even thuh first world ah went to wuz just another Earth, but a lot more ancient...hmmm...most of them were...London, Columbia, China...ah musta been in lahk three whole worlds that never were actually part of Earth...or least felt lahk it. ...then again, might just be different completely...all it takes is just one twist in evolution to change an entire world...maybe FG wuz right on that...HAH, d-dammit prince John you such a sap, hhhahaha!" He continued to watch the movie and not focus on the issues of travelling dimensions, realising that it only turned his head upside-down in terms of struggling to contemplate. Around halfway through the movie, during a rather frenetic chase scene at a medieval fair, Puttz came clambering on his bed and slurping at his face, happily greeting him.

"WHU-HEY!" "Puttz bored, so Puttz came to love you." "Hahaha, aaaah okay, love you too man." "Watching?" "Yeah jus' sum ol' movie, nuthin' much." "Good...Puttz really hoped for big fight today, bite four-eyes until two eyes left." "That wuz yesterday man, we already left Omega." "Puttz not slept yet, so it not yesterday yet." "That's not how it works." "Works for Puttz." "Well it's always best to avoid a fight if you can help it. Otherwise you just risk your own life." "Puttz risk life for family." The varren laid on the bed staring straight up at Roy, flumping his head down in front of him. "Puttz life saved by family." "Yeah? Khern mentioned you got picked up on Thessia." "Puttz was just a pup, on streets of planet with lots of blue. Puttz got in lots of fights, taken by blood-smelling people." "Blood-smelling?" "Bad blood, blood of varren. Make varren fight each other in dark pits, kill with frenzy...give Puttz weird aura...Puttz go crazy with power...much power...so...scared. Could not even recognise own scent. Puttz don't like hurting...Puttz felt pain, pain in head and pain in eyes...pain everywhere when made angry, feel lost like not fighting as Puttz, but as...thing to them. But pain was better than being dead." "...Khern never told me 'bout that. Ahm sorry man." He stroked the monster's head softly, the varren snuffling up against him as a remorseful mew came from him. "Puttz want to hurt bad people who threaten family...Puttz want to have good family to always have. Can't lose them." "Yer an honest little guy aintcha? Ah understand. Your family do thuh same thing fer you." "Love family...daddy Khern rescue me, kill bad blood people and saw me come to him. Saw my power." "And he took you in?" "Yes...Puttz have good life now. Not let anyone take it away." "Hmmm...now why we gotta be all somber huh? Come on, buck up, you got your family, you prove to 'em everyday how much you love them." "Puttz does get nice bath every week." "And food." "Puttz need MORE food." "Now now...you better start appreciatin' whut you got." "Always do......lots of food." "Well, mmmmph...if you wait for three hours we're having space cow." "Ooooooh meat. Puttz LOVE meat." "Ah know you do man. Ah know." Roy simply kept stroking on his head, taking this time to relax as the movie kept playing. The dinner went over smoothly, a fine meal of thick meat portions and creamy puffed pastry that Roy was complimented on greatly. He lavished the praise for trying alien cuisine, thanking silently that it wasn't much different compared to home in this case. Calun was the only one not to say anything, simply eating in silence and leaving without a word once finished. Roy did not bother asking him, feeling that there was a much deeper pit of secrets inside the volus' heart. The extranet had nothing for him, other than the news of the Horizon charity concert coming up and the murders apparently stopping on the Citadel concerning the serial killer "Delta-Six". None of the photos had been released, of which he was thankful for to not disturb the memory of the victims. He only hoped that things went all the more smoothly back on the Citadel.

Midline Shift 33 - Always See It Coming

Perhaps it was his mood from nervous anticipation, or because of the different colours on the Citadel compared to Omega. But Roy now felt a colder wind run through the Citadel. In truth so did his allies, the city now in a state of mild caution. The...

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Midline Shift 31 - A Different Side of the Galaxy

Roy had never truly been in space before, even when on his adventures. Until now. The moment he found himself falling out of the dimensional vortex brought forth by his own powers, two realisations had hit him. Firstly, he had somehow managed to stay...

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Midline Shift 30 - Awakening

It took Roy a few minutes after the strange nightmare to wake himself up fully, shuffling out of bed and groaning with his head in his hands wondering why his body felt like a musty old sarcophagus. Then he remembered the last moments before he blacked...

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