6. His Turn

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#6 of Slave Child


*Note: Anhell is not actually Kaia's father, he forces her to call him Daddy for his own pleasure...

Anhell began to make his way back to the table with the tub of numbing gel, and smiled at Kaia lying sprawled out on the leather, arms strapped above her head, panting still from her climax. He sat down gently on the table near her feet and chuckled quietly as he opened the tub. "If you be a good little girl for me Kaia, I can tickle you whenever we play like this..."

Her eyes opened a bit and she looked up at him, her face contorted in an unsure expression. Her eyes shone, "really?"

Anhell smiled down at her as he dipped his fingers deep into the tub of gel, "Really little one. So are you gonna be a good little girl for Daddy?" He leaned forward and pushed his fingers into her cunt, rubbing the numbing gel into the surrounding folds and over her clit.

She answered with a whimper that faded into a heated groan, "Yes Daddy, I'll be a good girl..."

He smiled, knowing the numbing gel would begin to take effect in a moment or so. He dipped his fingers into the gel again and this time brought his fingers to her tail hole, slipping a finger into it and rubbing the numbing gel deep into her rump.

"Daddy!" Kaia squeaked and her back arched.

"Shhhh little one, it's alright, Daddy's not gonna hurt you..." He put his other paw on her stomach and gently pushed her back down onto the table, then began rubbing back and forth. "I'm going to fuck you, but it won't hurt this time I promise." He slowly got onto all fours, looming over her and letting the gel kick in. He smiled down at her and began kissing her neck. He nuzzled her gently and murred in her ear, cuddling her like he hadn't before. She whimpered quietly and Anhell chuckled "Tell Daddy you want him to fuck you little one." He leaned forward and rubbed his cock against her slit.

Kaia closed her eyes and whimpered, fear written slightly across her features but still melting into his cuddles. His voice rumbled in her ear and sent shivers down her back so she sighed and the words just rolled off her tongue "Please Daddy..."

Anhell chuckled again and reached behind him to grab the vibrator he had previously left on the table and sat back, smiling down at her little form. Then he reached forward and spread the cheeks of her round little ass. "Please what my little one?"

She whimpered, scared, and whispered "Please fuck me Daddy."

Anhell murred warmly in response and pushed the vibrator into her tail hole. She squeaked and squirmed again, but was surprised when it didn't hurt. "How does it feel little one?"

Kaia opened her eyes "it doesn't hurt..."

"That's right..." Anhell rumbled into her ear. The vibrator he grabbed had a narrowing near the end of the shaft before flaring back out, so he pushed it just far enough so it would stay buried in her sweet ass and then moved his paw to his cock. He rubbed it gently against her clit, groaning, "And I'm going to fuck you lil one, long... and hard." And with that he thrust his cock into her pussy and groaned hotly.

Kaia gasped at the sudden change in pressure in her belly, but the pain that normally accompanied his actions didn't shoot through her pelvis as it usually did. In fact, she kind of liked the full feeling in her tummy. She bounced slightly as he slammed into her, his pelvis touching hers each time he thrust into her. She groaned and laid her head back, closing her eyes, the bouncing was almost like rocking.

"Oh god such a good girl..." Anhell panted over her as he arched his back and pushed into her sweet tight pussy over and over, and her groaning was driving him mad. This little cub was actually enjoying being fucked! "Daddy loves it when you let him fuck you little one, you're such a good little girl." His head dropped forward and his tongue lolled over his teeth as he pounded her.

Kaia was whimpering and moaning with each thrust, relaxing into the fact that for the first time it didn't hurt. The sensation of him almost hitting the back of her throat excited her, and the warm tingles from cuming by his hand earlier still coursed through her body. She whimpered opened her mouth to pant, only to have it met by a hot kiss from Anhell. He locked his teeth with hers, twisting his head sideways and pumping hot breath into her lungs and letting his tongue roll over hers. She squeaked at first, and then dissolved into low whimpers. When he finally released her she was light headed, and panted in cool air. "Daddy..."

Anhell stared down at her with half lidded eyes, his throbbing cock slamming into her rhythmically, "Yes my little one?" He paused a little longer, waiting for her to answer, but before hearing one he was once again lost in the sensation of having a tight young pussy clamped around his cock.

But again she whimpered "Daddy" and he opened his eyes a little wider to look down into her adorable face, slight fear and pleasure written all over it.

"What is it little one?" and again no answer other than her whimpers. Chuckling to himself he leaned forward and suckled on the tip of one of her velvety ears, then rumbled "You like it when Daddy fucks you, don't you Kaia?"

His response was a moan and slight nod. But he wanted to hear it from her, so he rumbled again "Tell me you like it little one, tell me not to stop..."

Overwhelmed by the new sensations, and the sound of his deep intimidating voice, she quickly and breathlessly answered "Daddy don't stop, don't stop..."

He smiled, "Why shouldn't I stop little one?"

"Because I like it! I like it when you fuck me Daddy!"

Anhell murred deep in his chest as his eyes rolled back into his head and he allowed himself to get lost in her body "Now that's Daddy's girl..." His hips pounded against her pelvis, and after just a few more moments, he came. He growled low in his throat as he pumped her full of his cum, and for a moment or two after he stayed buried in her, hunched over her small form.

When his panting had subsided he leaned forward and kissed her neck. "I have a present for you little one..." He pulled gently out of her and walked to the nightstand where he had set down his keys and a small bag. Reaching inside the bag, he pulled out a small rolled leather collar, and dangling from a center ring was a bright read heart shaped ID tag. He walked back over to where she lay strapped to the table and undid her restraints. "Sit up."

She obeyed and looked up at him with big eyes, unsure of what to expect as he reached around behind her and fastened the collar around her neck. When it was buckled he stood up to his full height and smiled down at her, "You keep being a good little girl for Daddy and he'll make it feel good... most of the time."

His grin turned almost devilish as she reached up and fingered the red tag with her paws. After a moment or two of pulling at it and turning her head, she looked up at him and asked tentatively, "Daddy, what does it say?"

He reached down and picked her up in his arms, making his way back to the bed and rumbled to her "Daddy's Girl."