Movie Day

Story by the Pobo on SoFurry

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So, this is my first story. So, as always, this will be pretty bad before I can get into the swing of things.

This will be a story that portrays my character (for lack of a better word) on this site; the Pobo (Who in this will be called Jake).

Apart from my personality, my boots (which are now somewhat of a trademark of mine amongst my friends) and the origin of my nickname, everything you see here is fiction, pure and simple.

Once again only give me a rating that you think I deserve and comments are much more than welcome.

Enjoy :D.

I stared up at the sky. It's vast blue expanse as featureless and monotonous as what transpired that day "roll on tomorrow" I thought with a sigh. I looked over at my two friends, Tom and Cam, and they were just as nonplussed by what we did today as I was. Tom was sitting on the wall that was next to us. He is a grey cat with white socks, white muzzle brown hair spiked in the way most modern rock bands had theirs. His parents thought it was cute to name him after the famous cartoon character of which he resembles. Obviously forgetting how cruel primary school is even without such easy targets. He wore his favourite soccer team's jersey with a pair of blue jeans and white skate shoes. Cam's a white rabbit with very short blond hair with half a cowlick adding some flair to his fringe who was leaning on the wall to the left of Tom. He wore the same jersey with grey cargo pants and grey and red football trainers.

Me? I'm a black wolf with long, lank red hair. I dressed in my favourite shirt, black and went down halfway past my groin with one of those stylised tribal images that looked like a bat on the front, a pair of faded blue jeans with the knees worn away and ripped and a pair of black, steel-toed, builders boots. I was sitting on the ground with my back against the wall, one knee tucked up against me and the other akimbo. It was my "well-dressed but well-worn" look and my position on the ground that gave me my nickname: the Pobo. It was a joke we came up with one day. It's basically an acronym for "posh hobo".

With the introductions done, it's time we cut back to this quaint little slice of boredom. Tom finally broke the silence that was going on for about a minute. "Same time, same place tomorrow?" he asked expecting the same amount of apathetic wit in response as I stood up and folded my arms. "Ahhhh... I'll see" Cam said thoughtfully "I think I need to do some housework tomorrow." "Awww" I replied in a patronizing manner "Some-won needs ‘oo cwean his ickle woom" putting on a childish tone and placing a paw-pad just under my bottom lip which got me a smack on the back of my head from Cam and a general round of laughter from the three of us.

"And you Pobo?" Tom queried, looking in my direction. "I can't man sorry, seeing Sarah tomoz" I shrugged. "Someone's getting lucky tomorrow" Cam managed to get out before I shoved him lightly and with that, we all said our byes and walked to our respective houses, our respective beds and our respective dreams.

The next day, I got up, showered, dressed in the same clothes as yesterday figuring that they wouldn't smell because I didn't do anything the day before and waited in front of the TV for Sarah to arrive. Sarah was an artic fox, she had the cutest body; lean, round enough, slight and absolutely adorable. She had stunning ice-blue eyes and blond hair that was only half an inch longer than mine (we measured it one time when we were bored). We had been going out a year roughly and we were infatuated with each other. She was a very neat girl, very tidy, very reserved which is surprising because she is with a scruff-bag like me. Around 1 o'clock, the doorbell of my little apartment rang and I pretty much jumped from my seat to the door. I opened it and, sure enough, the love of my life was there with that cute smile on her face. Today she wore a fitted pink shirt with a heart on it and fitted black jeans with skate shoes.

"Hey" I said casually, despite the cheeky grin on my face "you must be the maid I ordered. You can start on the kitchen area". This welcome speech earned me a rap on the snout quickly followed by a conciliatory kiss on the same spot. She walked in the front door and took off her shoes as I swung my arm around her waist pulling her hips close and kicked the door shut.

"What do you want to do?" I asked as if I didn't know already as I ran through the list of DVDs which I owned that we hadn't watched already, the list was very small. "I don't know, Jacob" came the reply with mock acid injected into my name "maybe you can clean your own damn kitchen" I pulled her close, "I'm sorry" I lamented, rolling my eyes. "Better" she said, kissing me swiftly on my lips.

"I rented ‘the pursuit of happyness' because the amount of your movies that we've seen there's probably only your porn left". "Damn you found them" I said jokingly sitting on the couch and pulling her with me.

About half an hour later, we were lying on my couch, her on top, when, suddenly, she kissed my neck. I groaned and pulled my head away, exposing more of my neck to her. She accepted my offer and started to kiss, lick, suck and softly bite my neck. After a few seconds of this, I rolled around so I was on top and started to kiss her passionately, our tongues rolling around each others, fangs pressing gently against the other's lips now and again and our hands running up and down each other's backs and asses slowly. She then pushed me away gently, pulled herself up and walked towards my bedroom, swinging her tail seductively. When she got there, she closed the door. I got up and followed her slowly, despite my anticipation and the pressure I felt in my pants.

When I opened the door, Sarah was reclining seductively on my bed, her shirt removed leaving her in a plain white bra. She beckoned me to come closer, I walked to my bed, climbed on, took off my shirt and crawled to her now prone body. Easing myself down on her, we resumed kissing we both murred into each others throat and felt the twitching of the other's mouth muscles as we smiled into the kiss. After a few minutes, she pushed me off to one side, I fell off her onto one hip, still kissing her, and moved my free paw to her chest, lightly scratching it. She moved the paw down to her breast and gave it a light squeeze I started to fondle her breast which was just the right size for my paw. Her only response was that her breath got slightly shallower and I broke out kiss, moving my muzzle down to her neck and started kissing it like how she did to mine. I heard her murr slightly and my hand, which was close to her heart, felt the quickened pace of the beat in her chest.

Suddenly, she pushed be back up onto my knees and sat up. Leaning against my stomach, she wrapped her arms around my hips. Kissing the top of her head gently, I unhooked her bra and she leaned away letting it slide off her arms before she cuddled up to my stomach again. "I love you" she whispered, no more than a breath, "I love you too" I responded tenderly, surrounding her head with my arms and holding it firmly against me. We were like that for some time. To us, there was nothing else. When we did break, she pulled her head away and started kissing my stomach lightly before she started to caress the tent in my pants. I panted softly to such attentions and ran my paw-pads trough her luxurious hair. Lost in pleasure, I felt myself being gently pushed backwards, I straightened my legs just in time to see Sarah undo my pants. I lifted my hips so she could take them off completely, exposing my erect member. With one final, gentle look at me and receiving a warm smile in return, she lowered her head to my cock and wrapped her muzzle around it. It wasn't soon when a groan of pleasure escaped my own and my paws flopped down either side of me. Her tongue expertly running up and down it's length and her lips massaging the sensitive skin. It was because of her expertise that it wasn't long before I felt the base of my cock swell in preparation for my climax right before Sarah stopped and crawled back onto me and lowered her face for a kiss to which I was more than happy to supply.

As my knot receded, I rolled around her again so she was on her back and I lowered my lips to her exposed breast. I swiftly took it in my muzzle and suckled on it. Sarah began panting and breathing deeply in alternating points and placed her paw onto the back of my head. When she did this, I treated her breast similar to as if was kissing her, I pushed my face down and licked her nipple forcefully and then pulled back while sucking on the sensitive area. This got me audible moans of pleasure. Wanting to magnify her excitement, I ran my paw down her stomach and over her crotch. Almost as soon as my paw covered her most private of areas, I felt her paw quickly pull it away. But not before I felt the humidity that showed how excited she already was.

Then her paw was pushing my head away from her chest. "Come here hon" She whispered and I complied, bringing my nose to touch hers. She kissed me slowly and I fumbled with her jeans, sliding them and her panties off her before laying back beside her on my side for another kiss. As we kissed, she pushed my hip that was on the bed up so I repositioned myself so I was right on top of her. We broke our kiss as I entered her slowly getting a gasp then a sigh out of her as we grew comfortable locked in this way and with a lick on the nose, I started to grind my hips against hers eliciting a noise of amusement before she nipped me on my neck.

"Stop that, I wouldn't get too comfortable if I were you" She teased. I gave her a look of mock hurt and replied "fine you don't want to, whatever" and with that I put my paws splayed under me and started to lift my chest up from her. Her response was to pull me back down forcefully "if you get out of this bed, you will regret it" this was coupled with a look that that said ‘I'm only half joking you know?'. Thoroughly chastised, I began to slide slowly in and out of her kissing her neck softly, each movement tender bliss to the both of us.

I was always surprised how slick she was and how easy it was to move in her it helped me give her what she deserved and brought me along with it until we both started to move faster, our pants becoming moans. Soon I could feel my knot building again and her inner walls started to tighten on my ever expanding bulge. Soon we were well and truly tied, unable to move our hips. Her walls were rhythmically clenching in my knot causing pulses of ecstasy to shoot through us while there was the constant pleasure of being where we were. Although our hips couldn't move, that didn't mean the rest of us weren't stationary. In between the noises of bliss we were making, we were kissing and grabbing what ever our hands and mouths could get at.

As her climax came, she let her head fall to the side, and her moans once again became panting. She pulled my head down to her neck which I nuzzled as I could feel myself teetering on the edge of the ultimate pleasure. Then, her paws gripped me tightly as did her pussy, going into spasm around my cock. This new feeling caused it to pulse and release into her, our juices mixing. The release also took away the tension in our bodies, causing me to flop back onto her and her grip to loosen. After our bodies relaxed, we separated and I rolled onto me back and she onto my chest. Both of us were panting with our tongues lolling out of our mouths. When I looked at her she was already asleep, with a smile and a kiss on her head, I joined her.