The Cult Under the Gym

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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A story commissioned by the sneaker wolf, but with a surprising amount of extra stuff in it this time. Enjoy.

The Cult Under The Gym For FriskeCrisps By Draconicon

Crisp glanced at the classroom's clock. 3:10 PM. That meant it was only five minutes until the school day was over. In his last school, the sixteen year old wolf would have been excited. Here, he was nervous.

"Okay, class, if you would turn to page two hundred and three, I'll assign your homework. You'll need to do questions one through four, and then..."

The wolf tuned the teacher out, something he did with every teacher at Kenkade High. Mr. Helmer looked up from the book, still reading out the assignment, and Crisp shuddered as the kangaroo's eyes locked on him. His teacher's eyebrows raised up, and he licked his lips. It was the same intrigued, almost hungry look he got from all of his teachers, like he was a delicious looking piece of meat.

Even creepier, none of his classmates seemed to notice what the teacher was doing. Everytime he mentioned it, all he got in response were weird looks. Some students even asked if he was just trying to get the teachers in trouble. In no more than a week, he'd managed to alienate most of the class with his questions. The only classmates that still talked to him shared the same hungry look as his teachers, so he kept to himself as much as possible.

It was the end of his first week, and he was barely paying attention. With no one to back him up with what he was seeing, he was worried he was going insane. He couldn't be seeing one weird thing and hearing something completely normal, could he?

He had to find out what was going on.

"Alright, any questions on your homework, class?"

Crisp blinked, shaking his head with the rest of the students. The kangaroo continued looking at him, licking his lips with a wide grin. This time Crisp blushed, looking away. If only someone else could see what the teacher was doing, he wouldn't feel like he was going crazy.

The bell rang, and everyone ran out the door. Distracted as he was, Crisp nearly got run over by the flood of eager sophomores heading to the busses and parking lots. After getting his balance, the wolf followed the crowd, but split off from it as soon as he could. He stopped, lifting his head and sniffing the air.

On his first day, he'd noticed a scent lingering in the hallways. He'd ignored it then, but he'd soon found out that the same smell lingered around his teachers, as well. Not the gym teacher - he was normal - but the ones like Mr. Helmer. It was the only lead he had that linked their strange behavior together, and today, he would find out where it came from.

As the wolf followed the smell through the halls, he couldn't help but notice how familiar it was. Admittedly, he'd smelled it in every classroom and on most teachers, but it was more than that. It was close enough that he felt he should know what it was, and it annoyed him that he couldn't bring it to mind.

The scent took him out of the main building and across a parking lot. He hesitated at the door to the school gym, glancing back and forth. The teachers didn't like people staying after school, to the point where detentions were forbidden. They used other means of punishing people, from what he'd heard, but his only clue as to what that could be were the fearful shudders that the big jocks gave when it was brought up.

He almost ran away, but he couldn't leave now. If he didn't figure out what was going on soon, he was going to go crazy.

So he opened the front door, poking his head inside to make sure it was clear - it was - before following the scent. Rather than leading him to an office or the locker rooms, the smell led him into one of the side hallways, ending at one of the janitorial closets. Or, so he assumed. The door had no label, but he couldn't imagine it being anything else.

Driven by his curiosity, Crisp tried the doorknob, and, finding it unlocked, pulled it open.

The closet was empty. No shelves, no mops, not even a floor. In place of one, it had a staircase spiraling downwards. The wolf hesitated, looking back the way he'd come. Maybe he should go back and call someone about this. After all, there had to be someone that could handle -

"Man, what a day."

His ears perked up and his tail went stiff. That wasn't a teacher's voice.

"I know what you mean, Leroy."

But that one was. That was Mr. Helmer. The voices were coming his way, and they were between him and the way out. There was only one thing he could do.

The wolf ran down the stairs, pulling the door shut as he did. It was next to impossible to see where he was going in the dark, but the spiral stairs were narrow enough that he managed it. The smell he'd followed this far - musky, bitter, with a hint of salt - was far stronger in the enclosed space. He wriggled his nose and ran.

He couldn't tell how far down he'd gone, but it felt like at least a few stories. Whoever had dug this place out had made sure that it was well below the gym. Crisp wondered what it was for. Was the school hiding something? Or was this something that only the weird teachers knew about?

He stumbled as he reached the bottom of the stairs. Catching himself on the wall, Crisp shook his head.

"A light would be really handy right now."

"Who's there?"

He froze. So much for being alone. In the darkness, he saw a silhouette move and heard patting sounds. Realizing that the other person was fumbling for something in the dark, Crisp looked back and forth, searching for a hiding place. The only thing that stood out was a cabinet, smaller than he'd like, but big enough to hold a person.

Darting across the room as the fumbling sounds stopped, Crisp yanked the door open and pulled himself in. There was a small thunk as the door closed, and he hoped he hadn't locked himself in.

However, he forgot about that as he heard a click. Light shone through the cracks between the wooden door and the rest of the cabinet, and waved back and forth over the room. He could barely make out a table with a book on it across from his cabinet, as well as the stairs. The floor and walls were made of stone slabs rather than solid concrete.

As the light swept back and forth, the wolf pushed himself against the back of the cabinet. Something rubbery pressed against his back. He couldn't reach back to see what it was, but it reeked of the same smell that saturated everything else.

"Huh...I was sure I heard something."

The light moved closer as the speaker stepped into view. It was a fox, a senior, he'd bet, based on the jacket. At least, Crisp hadn't seen anyone other than senior classmen wearing one. As the fox turned, the wolf saw a streak of green along the sides of the fox's muzzle, and he stifled a gasp.

That was Antoine Firc, the TA of his history class. Antoine had been making that same lip-licking motion as the teachers. What was he doing down here?

"What's going on, Antoine?"

Crisp leaned to the side, seeing Mr. Helmer and Leroy standing by the stairs. The kangaroo and otter looked as confused as he felt.

"Huh? Were you hiding or something?"

"I have no idea what you're talking about, Antoine."

"What about you, you little river rat?"

"Jeez, man, do you have to go after my kind like that? I'm an otter, not a river rat."

"Get over it. Ed -"

"Now, now, Antoine, our meeting hasn't started yet. Mr. Helmer, please."

"Ugh. Mr. Helmer, there's someone down here."

Both the kangaroo and otter blinked.

"What? Man, you gotta be joking."

"I'd concur with Leroy here. How could anyone find this place?"

"Search me, but I heard someone talk before you guys showed up. And it sure as hell wasn't an echo coming down the stairs. I know the difference."

"I admit, you would know the difference by now."

The teacher shook his head, turning to the otter. He whispered something that Crisp couldn't hear, and the otter ran back up the stairs.

"While Leroy keeps watch from above, we'll search the sanctum. Whoever it was couldn't have left without running into us, so they must still be here."

Crisp winced as the two of them continued their search. Now that there were two of them searching, he didn't have much time. As they checked beneath the book-covered table, the wolf considered running. He didn't have much of a chance; Leroy was waiting upstairs, and the swimmer was in much better shape than he was.

But what else could he do? Antoine and Mr. Helmer were almost done at the table, and his cabinet would be the next place searched.

Be quick. Maybe you can surprise them.

Taking a deep breath, Crisp prepared himself. He reached back -


He jerked his hand back from the sudden vibrations, but the damage was done. The cabinet doors were wrenched open, and both Antoine and Mr. Helmer loomed over him. Their suspicious looks were replaced by eager grins as they hauled him out of his hiding place.

They didn't quite throw him on the floor, but he landed on his stomach after tripping over his feet. He rolled over, only to be pinned down with the kangaroo's foot on his stomach. Grunting as his breath was knocked out of his lungs, he struggled to catch his breath as he looked up.

The first thing he noticed were the cabinet's contents spilling over the floor. A pile of sex toys had collected in front of it, consisting of toys ranging from a tiny two inch trainer to something big enough to make a traffic cone jealous. He shuddered as he finally placed the scent surrounding him as male musk and sex, and he gagged slightly.

Mr. Helmer chuckled, and Crisp flinched back as his teacher leaned forward. That familiar grin and lick; in this situation, it freaked him out more than ever.

"Well, well, well. I was hoping that we'd get you down here before long, young Crisp, but it seems like we've had a stroke of luck. Antoine?"

"Yes, Ed?"

"Oh, for the love of all things unholy." The kangaroo shook his head. "Mr. Helmer, please, at least until the candles are lit. Take our guest into the sanctum and tie him down."

"You want me to strip him down, too?"

"Hmm, tempting, but not until the rest of the group arrives. They will definitely want to take part."

"Wait, wait, wait. Stripping? What? You guys are freaks!"

Crisp struggled beneath the kangaroo's foot, but it was too heavy. He was completely pinned.

"I suppose we are, as you put it, freaks. But only insomuch as we allow ourselves the freedom to express ourselves properly."

"What the hell are you talking about? You're doing kidnap, rape, and -"

He gagged as Antoine forced a dildo down his throat. The rubbery shaft was thankfully tasteless aside from the bland rubber flavor, but the sheer size of the thing almost made him throw up. When he tried to take it out, the fox grabbed his arms and pulled them over his head.

"Crude, very crude, but I suppose quite effective." Mr. Helmer pulled his foot back. "Tie him before the altar. We'll deal with him within the hour."

"Hear that, Crisp? Gonna show you what your job is from now on. Heh. Knew I joined the right group last year."

"Yes, yes, we're all so proud of you. Now, if you can handle this, I need to inform Leroy that he no longer needs to keep watch."

As the kangaroo left, Crisp was dragged along the floor - still unable to spit out the dildo - into a darker area. Without the fox's flashlight, Crisp couldn't see a thing. However much his eyes had adapted to the dark, it wasn't enough to see here. He bumped against a number of things, some soft and some hard, and he gagged around the dildo as he considered what they might be.

When the fox let him go, Crisp could barely breathe. The musky smell was stronger than ever, and even breathing through his nose it felt like he was tasting it. He gagged and coughed around the dildo.

"Come on, man up. You'll deal with more than that before we're through with ya."

Just let me go! he screamed silently. He couldn't stop, even though he knew it was useless; there was no way that the fox would let him go.

Crisp was spread out on something flat. It was too hard to be a table, unless someone had dragged a concrete slab down here, but it was too big to be a desk. As the wolf squirmed against Antoine's grip, the fox dragged something hard and cold over him. Metal, he thought, and judging by the feel of them against his chest, metal chains. He whimpered as Antoine pulled them tight, pushed the air out of his lungs again.

He subsided after that, keeping his protests to small whimpers as the fox tied him up. One chain went over his chest, another over his legs. His arms were pulled over his head and restrained individually by the wrists, and his socks were rolled down before similar manacles were placed around his ankles. The actual restraints weren't very tight, but they were heavy enough to keep him in place.

The fox's face loomed out of the darkness.

"Now stay still, and relax. You'll be...hehehe, nope, can't say it with a straight face."

He shuddered as Antoine stepped away, the fox's laughter echoing in the dark room. The wolf couldn't stop shaking. What was going on? What did this group need him for? What were they going to do with him?

Nobody answered, and he was left in the dark - literally - for what felt like hours. Oh, he eventually heard footsteps and hushed voices, but he couldn't make out anything that was said. The not-knowing had him more terrified than any threat he'd ever received. He whimpered, struggling underneath the chains to escape, but all he got for his trouble were bruises.

Then, a flicker of light. It was only a match, but compared to the darkness, it was a godsend. Even Mr. Helmer's horrifyingly illuminated face couldn't diminish the relief the light brought him.

"By the power of the flame, we bring light to the darkness."

The kangaroo walked around him, touching the match to candles arranged around the wolf. With each candle lit, the room grew brighter, and he noticed the others gathered around him. They wore dark robes like something out of a story, but on some he saw the ends of their jeans sticking out from beneath the hem.

"By the power of this heat, we bring warmth to our lives."

Crisp started sweating as the lit candles formed a half circle around him. The wolf panted, his fur growing wet as the heat increased around him. He felt it in his socks, getting wet around his toes, and his shirt felt wet too. But that wasn't the only thing getting hotter.

He blushed as his pants felt tighter, and he tried to pull his legs together. The chains clinked, reminding him of his restraints, and he groaned as he watched the front of his pants tented upwards.

Mr. Helmer continued circling him, and as each candle was lit, Crisp's cock got harder and harder. He shuddered and gasped for breath as his cock pulsed with eagerness, twitching visibly through his pants. Admittedly he wasn't the only one with a boner, but the people surrounding him weren't embarrassed by it. He was, particularly since his pants were tight enough to show off his hard-on perfectly.

"Hehehe...the little guy's definitely looking forward to this."

"Man, he really is a virgin. Getting hard just from this tiny magic."

"Geez, I swear, this guy's one of those that cum in their pants every night."

"Good thing we got him around, huh? Huh?"

Crisp whimpered, barely able to breathe around the dildo in his mouth. His cock throbbed hard, oozing pre into his underwear and staining his pants. A wet mark spread through the black fabric, and he blushed, twisting and turning under the chains as more candles were lit.

As the last wick caught fire, Crisp arched his back, cumming in his pants. He couldn't help himself; the strange heat was irresistible, and his body was too weak. The slimy strands of cum soaked his cock as much as his underwear, and he blushed worse as the strange cult around him roared with laughter.

The strange heat didn't disappear after his ogasm, however, and his cock continued to beg for attention. Despite the gross but weirdly good feeling of his cum-soaked underwear, he somehow felt like he needed more.

"Time to strip him, Ed?"

"I swear to -"

"Hey, you said after the candles. The candles are lit."

"...Fine. Yes, it's time to strip him down."

Four robed figures stepped forward, including the otter from before. Crisp squirmed as they grabbed at his clothes, ripping his jacket to pieces before throwing it away. His shirt and pants were cut off using scissors, shreds of them falling to the ground. The wolf whimpered, knowing his mom would kill him for that. She'd bought them a few weeks ago, and they were supposed to last all year.

Leroy's webbed fingers wrapped around his ankle, and Crisp jerked back as the otter started tugging his shoes off. The first shoe ground against his ankle, sliding back and forth against his sock for a few seconds as it loosened. It slid along his heel and then off his foot, dragging his sock half off in the process. The heat from before had his socks wet with sweat, and he blushed as Leroy leaned forward and sniffed his foot.

"Geez, man, this guy's really receptive to this magic. Ha ha, this is gonna be fuuuuuun."

The otter pulled on the wolf's other shoe, but it was tied tighter than the first. After two sharp yanks and making the wolf grunt in discomfort, Leroy reached for the laces. Tugging on them, he gradually undid the knot. The laces hung low as he pulled the shoe free, again dragging the sock half off. Once more he leaned forward and sniffed.

Crisp's socks were dragged off slowly, the feeling almost like a tickle. He bit down on the dildo to keep from saying anything. For some reason, his socks coming off felt a lot better than normal. It always felt sort of good, but he'd never enjoyed it this much.

When his socks finally slipped past his toes, he gasped, the feeling making his boner throb again. The twitch of pleasure got the group's attention, and they laughed again. Which made him throb, which made them laugh louder.

"Hey, Ed, you sure it's the magic that's doing this, or is this guy just the biggest pervert we've ever gotten?"

"You must remember, Antoine, the young man is a virgin."

"Oh, right. Heh, forgot about that."

Crisp's cheeks burned. They knew about that? It wasn't like he hadn't been trying, but he was so shy. Besides, it wasn't a bad thing to be a virgin. Why did that matter to them?

The kangaroo pulled his hood down.

"At any rate, the ritual must continue. Assemble the tools."

Mr. Helmer brought the scissors to Crisp's underwear. The red briefs were tented out by his unflagging boner, which made it particularly easy for the kangaroo to get the scissors in place.

"The flame brings light to the darkness. The heat brings warmth to our lives."

Crisp felt his waistband weakening, already half severed by the scissors. He blushed worse than ever, knowing that he was about to be fully exposed. They'd dropped their hoods as well, each one wearing the same look of manic anticipation as his teacher. Most of them were rubbing at their bulges, and he saw wet spots growing on their robes.

"By the power of your lust, we will satisfy ourselves."

Wait, what?! Crisp's eyes went wide as the scissors did their job, his red underwear falling apart and exposing his boner. It throbbed in the candlelight, shiny and wet with his cum, and he felt all eyes on it.

No, not on it, but on him. As he looked around the room, the wolf saw robes being pulled up, and most of the cult were equipped with cocks at least as big and as needy as his. Mr. Helmer's was just about the biggest, he noticed as the kangaroo stood with his throbbing, dripping dick pointed towards the wolf's mouth.

At that moment, he was thankful for the dildo gagging him, but his thanks were short lived as his teacher reached down and removed it. The sensation of smooth rubber leaving his throat gave him with a small sense of relief, but with that cock leaking over his face, he would have preferred to keep the dildo instead.

"Will you suck on me?"

"Hell no!"

Crisp clenched his jaw shut. He wished it was because he was defying the teacher, but he honestly wasn't sure if he could have stopped himself if the kangaroo pushed the issue. That strange warmth still burned in his crotch and the rest of his body, and he didn't know what it might do.

Nevertheless, Mr. Helmer shook his head. He turned, and Crisp followed the teacher's glance. Antoine had returned with a platter. Crisp expected to see torture tools or worse, but the platter held a pair of shoes and three rings. They looked innocuous enough, but after what he had been through, the wolf knew better than to think them 'safe'.

"We will begin with the toe-rings."

The fox nodded. Crisp curled his toes in an attempt to stop Antoine, but members of the cult grabbed his feet. Several hands pulled on his toes despite his whimpers of protest.

"No, no! What are you doing? What the hell are those for?"

"To control you, young Crisp. What else would we wish at this moment?"

"You can't do that! You can't!"

"Oh, I think you'll find that we can. Don't worry. It's quite pleasurable."

As the group held him down, Antoine slid the rings over his big toes. Crisp gasped as he felt the fingers along the sides of his feet more keenly, not to mention the warmth from the candles at the end of the slab. They felt so sensitive, like five, no, ten times more than usual.

He watched as his teacher dragged a finger along the bottom of his foot, and the wolf had to bite his lips to not giggle. The simple touch felt like a feather tickling his sole, and it was sheer willpower that kept him from laughing. Still, he couldn't imagine that was the only thing the rings could do.

He was right. The kangaroo made a fist, and Crisp felt his jaws clench with the teacher's fist. Then, as Mr. Helmer relaxed his grip, his mouth relaxed as well. His teacher continued to unclench his fingers, and the wolf felt his teeth slowly stop pushing together. He realized with a shudder that his body wasn't obeying him anymore.

The culmination of it came when the teacher made an 'o' shape with his fingers, and Crisp's mouth mirrored it. His lips were pursed, open just enough to form an 'o' as well, and the kangaroo chuckled.

"That is slightly better, young Crisp. I believe you will suck on me now."

He was helpless as the roo pushed forward, a musky cock sliding over his lips and into his mouth. Crisp would have gagged at the taste if he wasn't being controlled. All he could do was lay there and let the teacher use him.

That wasn't all. As he was face-fucked, two more cocks pressed against his hands. He tried to pull his hands back, but someone muttered something, and his hands moved on their own, each one grabbing hold of a cock. He'd never jerked off another guy before, so the feeling of squishiness and hardness together was very strange. His hands slid up and down in a limited way as he gave them 'service'.

His mouth tightened again, forcing his attention back to the cock in his mouth. The smooth shaft left drops of pre all over his tongue with every thrust, forcing him to taste his teacher's arousal, and...despite it being rape...he kinda liked it.

That shouldn't have been true, but it was. He groaned around the shaft as it stretched his jaw with each thrust, feeling like the time he'd been dared to swallow his hand. He knew this was going to hurt later, but he couldn't dislike this. His still-erect cock throbbed, making the group laugh.

"Looks like the virgin's a natural born slut."

"Heh, bet he could cum just from sucking Ed's cock."

"No way, no one's that bad. Not even Leroy."

"Hey, man, that's not cool!"

"You know it's the truth, cum-butt!"

Crisp shuddered, almost thankful as he felt a slimy length press against his foot. It had to be another cock; what else could it be? It slid along the bottom of his foot, lubed by its own juices, and he shuddered at the new humiliation.

The wolf blushed hotly as his other foot was grabbed and treated similarly, hot pre squirting against his toes and the pad along the ball of his foot. The cult members using his feet as toys growled and grunted as they humped forward, and he felt them oozing pre faster than anyone else around him.

Mr. Helmer continued sliding back and forth, parting Crisp's lips before pulling back and letting them close. The constant friction burned his lips, leaving them feeling puffy, but there was nothing he could do. However, he thought that the teacher was close to orgasm. At least, he hoped that was what the roo's twitching and throbbing cock meant. At the very least, Mr. Helmer was leaking more pre than before, and that had to mean something.

It didn't take long for the foot freaks to cum. Their cum spurted between his toes and over them, and he felt another twitch through his cock at the sensation. He curled his toes again, feeling the stringy stuff stretch and squish between his toes, and it send a jolt of pleasure through his cock. He clenched his eyes shut, but he couldn't ignore the cocks pressed against his hands or the teacher using his mouth. New hands grabbed hold of his feet, and new cocks pressed against his pads. Using their friends' loads as lube, they went to town on his toes.

The candles burned down as time went by. He couldn't believe that Mr. Helmer hadn't cum yet, considering the candles were almost gone, but the roo was still going strong, despite the quarter cup of pre he'd leaked by this point. Crisp's hands and feet were soaked, and he knew he'd stink of cum for days after this.

But the worst of it was his cock, throbbing and begging for attention. The wolf was thankful that he was gagged - even if it was by cock - because it was the only thing keeping him from begging the cult to get him off. If he did that, he'd lose whatever dignity he had left.

Suddenly, Mr. Helmer pulled back. Crisp's mouth felt empty, and he stuck out his tongue before he could stop himself. By the time he realized what he'd done, the kangaroo was cumming, ropes of cum landing all over the wolf's face and tongue. The other cult members, gathered around him in a tight circle, hit their climax at the same time, covering him in seed.

And still, he hadn't cum. He whimpered as the other guys panted round him, and Antoine laughed.

"Look at him. The little slut's just begging for it now."

"Perhaps so. But we will have him wait. A week's time will do, I believe."

"But look at him! Come on, Ed, let me -"

"A week's wait, Antoine. No less."

Crisp shook as they slid another ring onto him, this one over the head of his cock. It slid down until it was wrapped around the base of his boner, tightening until it was too small to pull off. His cock pulsed in protest, and he shuddered.

That was nothing compared to the feeling of the new shoes as they were pulled over his feet. The mouth of the shoes were tight around his toes, and the cult members had to wiggle them side to side before his feet would slide through. They dragged the green shoes over his cum-slick feet without any worry about liquid damage, forcing his feet inside them until the mouth of the shoe cupped his ankle. The interior was warm and swiftly turned slimy from the cum on his feet, and he groaned in mixed disgust and enforced arousal.

As they pulled the laces tight, dragging the laces over and under themselves, Crisp felt the shoes change. They went from slimy to hot, almost uncomfortably so, and something like cotton surrounded his toes. The feeling got stronger as the cult started tightened the knots on the shoes, working the laces until the knots were so intricate that it would be impossible to untie them.

He looked down, and he stared at the green and white striped socks that had emerged from the shoes. They reached all the way up to his knees, looking more like stockings than actual socks. He blushed.

"W-what are those?"

"Another way of controlling you, young Crisp. Now." Mr. Helmer held a hand over the wolf's head. "Sleep."

A blast of light filled his eyes, and he did.


When he opened his eyes, Crisp realized he was staring at his bedroom ceiling. He groaned, pulling himself upright. As he moved, he felt the sheets flow down his body, dragging over his bare chest.

"Ugh...what...was that just a dream?"

The wolf shook his head. After all, he was naked in bed, and as he looked down, he saw that he had his usual night-boner and it had leaked through the sheets. It could have been just a dream, even if it led to another cummy mess.

Turning to the side, he checked his clock and saw that it was midnight. He could easily have gone to bed and dreamed the whole thing, but that felt...wrong. He wanted it to be a dream - at least, he thought he did - but it didn't feel right.

There was only one way to check. He threw the covers aside.

Staring back at him was his boner - obviously - but around the base of it was a metal ring dug into his cock. Just looking at it made him blush, and he oozed more pre onto his sheets. Past that were the green shoes and the girly looking stocking socks, which now reached past his knees.

"Oh geez...It wasn't a dream, was it?"

"You can say that again. Man, what a dummy, huh?"

"No kidding."

He jumped at the pair of voices, almost falling off his bed as he frantically looked for where they'd come from. Had someone seen him? Who was talking?

"Hey, genius, watch what you're doing. You almost scuffed Lefty there."

"Not to mention coming damn close to clocking Righty."

Lefty? Righty? The wolf's eyes slowly went wide as he looked down at the shoes. This couldn't be possible. This just couldn't be possible.

But it was. The shoes flapped about, the bottoms splitting from the rest as they talked, and the ends of their laces flicked from side to side, almost like hands waving back and forth. White spots along the mouth of the shoes gained black spots in the center, and he realized that these weren't simple shoes.

"Come on, are you that slow? Geez, we knew you were a pervert, but are you an idiot too?"

"He must be. He got himself into this mess, didn't he?"

"Yeah, but come on, that coulda been his cock leading him on."

"Doesn't look like that was the only thing leading him on."

"Wait, wait. You can't be talking. You're shoes!"



" don't talk!"

"Yeah, but we're magic shoes."

"That makes a big difference, boner boy."


Crisp whimpered, shaking his head. This couldn't be happening. All he wanted was a normal life. He didn't want to be some cult's toy, and he didn't want to be wearing magical shoes and strange rings. They had to go.

No sooner had he reached down than the shoes stopped him. The laces slid against themselves with lightning speed, unraveling the knots that they were under before he'd bent halfway towards them. The plastic-tipped ends grabbed his wrists and wrapped around them, tightening until they felt like handcuffs. Despite being nothing more than shoelaces, he couldn't move his hands.

"Ah ah ah, boner boy. You ain't taking us off."

"Yeah, and not the rings, either. They're staying on until the cult says that they come off."

"Come on, this isn't fair!"

"Tough luck, boy. You're staying like this until they say otherwise."

"Heh, oh, look at that memory, Righty."

"Which one, Lefty?"

"The one of his friend, that tabby. See how often he gets boners?"

"Oh geez, that cummy mess there. Such a pervert, seeing how other people cum in their pants. Man, what's wrong with this wolf?"

"Heh, he loves it though. His boner just twitched."

"Heh, that gives me an idea."

"Me too."

He could barely believe it. Not only were they reading his mind, they were using his memories to plan ways of embarrassing him. They'd have no shortage of material, either. Junior high had been hell for him, with embarrassment after embarrassment, particularly in the locker room. If they were getting inspiration from that, school was about to become a whole lot worse.

The shoes laughed, obviously enjoying his freakout. He turned his head away, trying not to think about it as they released his hands. He laid down and pulled the covers up, shivering as he closed his eyes. Sleep, he thought. Maybe I can think of something after a good night of sleep.


He didn't think of anything. The weekend passed quietly, but on Monday, things got worse before he had a chance to get to school.

His bus stop was a ten minute walk away from his house. The wolf was used to the walk, but it was weird walking to it with new shoes, embarrassing socks, and a ring that periodically tightened around his cock. At least the cold weather was on his side; it kept him from getting too hard, and it distracted him from what he had to wear.

Then the bus arrived, and as he walked up the steps, he felt a tingle through the toe-rings. His face went red as his stockings wriggled under his baggy jeans, crawling up his legs to his thighs. The ring around his cock sent a harder tingle through his flaccid cock, and it leaped up, instantly throbbing hard and tenting the front of his pants.

The bus driver saw it first and stifled a chuckle as Crisp walked past, but the damage was done. Most of the other people on the bus turned to see what was going on, and immediately noticed the wolf's boner.

It was like watching a wave. The people at the front of the bus saw him first, and shoved their hands over their faces to stop a laugh or to gasp in surprise. By the time that the people further back started doing the same, the people in front were laughing. Crisp walked towards the back, but his boner wobbled from side to side with each step, despite his best efforts. Everyone noticed that, and he couldn't help but hear their comments as his cock started oozing pre.

"Heheh, look at that guy. Is he peeing himself?"

"Nah, that's just pre."

"That's pre?! I've never seen anything like that. Not even in porn."

"You watch the cocks in porn?"

"No homo."

Crisp's face burned as he hurried to the back of the bus and sat down, putting his backpack over his crotch. It barely hid his boner, but the other students kept laughing anyway. The entire bus echoed with their laughter all the way to school, and each student that got on after him soon joined in the teasing. 'Boner boy' was the main phrase he heard, and he groaned every time it came up.

His shoes laughed at him too, though he was the only one who could hear them. He tried pushing them down against the floor, but somehow they kept flapping around, whispering to him and making him burn with humiliation.


His first day after the 'event' managed to be worse than the bus ride. Despite walking with his backpack over his stomach, everyone somehow found a way to keep knocking it out of the way. Every time that he managed to get his cock to go down, it sprang back up as soon as anyone looked his way. The tip of his cock stung from how often it ground against the front of his pants, almost rubbed raw after springing up so many times.

The worst part was chemistry class with Mr. Helmer. Through the entire period, the kangaroo watched him. Every now and then, the teacher made some strange gesture in his direction, and Crisp had to bite his lip to keep from moaning. Mr. Helmer's gestures made the ring tighten around the base of his cock, pinching it almost to the point of pain and making him hard enough that his cock pushed the waistband of his jeans away. It also sent an almost electrical feeling through his cock, making him ooze pre like crazy.

Mr. Helmer called him up to the front of the class to explain a problem on the board. Crisp did his best to beg off, but the kangaroo insisted, and he couldn't say no. The wolf whimpered as he stood up, walking to the front as cautiously as he could, waiting for his boner to spring up.

It wasn't until he was at the front of the class and started gesturing to the problem that it hit him. Mr. Helmer made the gesture again, and Crisp was struck with such a powerful feeling of pleasure that he almost fell over. He grabbed the edge of the whiteboard to support himself as his cock throbbed, squirting pre into his underwear. The denim faded to a darker color, framing his boner as everyone pointed and giggled.

"HAHAHA! Oh my god, he just came in his pants."

"Man, what a fucking pervert. What the hell is up with that guy?"

"I don't know, but man, what a faggoty wolf. I bet he sucks dicks all day."

"You'd know, fucker."

"No way!"

Crisp panted as he kneeled by the whiteboard. He hadn't even cum; everything in his underwear was pre. He smelled like it, though. His continued panting filled his nose and mouth with the stink of sex, and he almost gagged.

He turned his head. The kangaroo smirked at him, and Crisp saw that Mr. Helmer was stroking himself under his desk. The teacher was getting off on his humiliation.

Before he could do anything, the teacher repeated the gesture. Another blast of pleasure ran down his cock, and Crisp fell to all fours, humping air. The students laughed, snapping pictures on their cell phones as the bell rang.


The situation escalated throughout the week, and Crisp was losing his mind. Whether it was a teacher screwing with him or the random leaky-faucet boners in front of a classroom, he was embarrassing himself more than he'd ever imagined. Even his old friends in junior high hadn't had it this bad.

By Wednesday, he'd reached a point where he wanted to be used by the cult again. He even waited outside their secret entrance, begging on bended knee for them to use him so he'd cum and this would stop, but they always refused. Or, at least, they refused to release him; they used him plenty.

He also found out that there were cult members in all of his classes. From a horse in his biology class to Leroy the otter in gym, they were watching him at all times. Every cult member could do the same thing that Mr. Helmer had done, and he was helpless to resist.

Gym had been the worst. Unlike his other tormentors, who seemed content after messing with him for a few minutes, Leroy spent the entire period working on him. The otter followed him around the track, spotted him in the weight room, and generally made a nuisance of himself no matter how much Crisp tried to get away. Despite his best efforts, there was no escape. Boners made running very hard, and in the pool, he swore that Leroy kept him treading water more than half the period because his erection made it too hard to swim.

The teacher was no help, either. Even though his gym coach wasn't one of the cult members, the bull had no sympathy. If anything, he thought that Crisp was just messing around, disrupting the class and making it more difficult for them to do their workouts. He was warned not to put on any more 'displays' or he would be given detention. The fact that the teacher was willing to break the school rules showed just how serious the coach took this.

Though he tried his best - even going so far as to offer the otter a blowjob every day to leave him alone - Leroy pushed it further. On Friday, the wolf felt the green shoes tingle just after he'd managed to take off his gym shorts. His cock sprang up and his body started dancing around the room, pelvic thrusting down the aisles. His boner throbbed and waved around, and the gym teacher shouted at him.


The word overpowered his classmates' laughter as the wolf thrust his way from one side of the locker room to the other, leaving drops of pre as he scooted along. It took the gym teacher picking him up by the scruff of his neck and carrying him to make it stop.


Mr. Helmer was waiting for him outside the detention hall, and Crisp glared at him.

"What do you want?"

"Did you forget? It is the end of the week, after all."

"Does that mean I finally get my life back, or are you just gonna throw me back on that rock and fuck me until I get knocked out again?"

The kangaroo laughed, and Crisp blushed. He almost wished that was the case. After a week of no climaxes and just a bunch of teasing, a full on orgy would have felt so good, even if he didn't get to cum. His teacher gestured with a curled finger for the wolf to follow him. After a moment's hesitation, Crisp did.

With the school empty, he didn't worry as much about getting a boner. The only ones who'd see it would be the cult, and they'd seen him completely naked while tied down. For that matter, they'd used him then, as well. They couldn't make it any more embarrassing than they'd already done.

"So, young Crisp, you are still a virgin, are you not?"

He almost fell over at that, though the kangaroo caught him before he hit the ground. So much for not making it more embarrassing.

"What are you talking about?"

"Your virginity. I know you haven't had the chance to climax, but -"

"Mr. Helmer, I haven't had a chance to do ANYTHING since you started this. What the hell are you asking me that for?"

"Well, if you weren't, then you would have been rather useless tonight. I would have been required to take the shoes and rings back and let you go."

"...Are have to be kidding."

"I most certainly am not. Now come, the ritual awaits."

Crisp couldn't believe his ears. The fact that his virginity was all that made him useful? Unbelieveable. If he'd known that, he would have...well, he wouldn't have paid someone to fuck him, but he would have taken some of the offers he'd gotten.

They entered the gym and went down the stairs. This time the sanctum was lit up. The rest of the cult - including a few people that Crisp hadn't seen yet - were gathered around a circle. White, red, and violet lines were drawn through it, connecting a number of candles to the circle.

In the center was a large basin bored out of the floor. Mr. Helmer pointed him towards it, and the kangaroo's magic spread from his shoes over the rest of his body. He didn't fight it, letting the shoes carry him to the basin. He walked like a robot, hands at his side and legs going high with each step, until his body was made to kneel.

Across from him, Antoine the fox grinned. Crisp glared at him, but it did nothing to lessen the fox's glee.

"Finally, he's gonna lose it."

"Antoine, your eagerness does you credit, but I would appreciate you not frightening him."

"Hey, Ed, this isn't frightening him. None of us are making that cock of his hard right now."

That was true, though he wished it wasn't. He blushed as his teacher pulled his pants down, exposing his ass. He bit his lip and shivered as Mr. Helmer stroked his ass. A finger slid between his ass cheeks, stroking his hole, and he yelped in surprise.

"Heh, virgin alright."

"The magic's never wrong."

"Yeah, but it's funny to see."

"So's his boner. Man, I haven't seen anyone so perverted in a long time."

"Yeah, seriously. I mean, we're some of the worst perverts I know, and even we wouldn't be so hard just waiting for someone to fuck us."

Everything they said was too true, making him go red from the humiliation, but at the same time, turning him on. He couldn't explain it; he wasn't a pervert, and they weren't using magic, but he couldn't remember ever being harder than he was right then.

Before he could figure it out, Mr. Helmer approached the first candle. The kangaroo had a lit match and was using it to light the candles. Crisp remembered how that had gone before, and braced himself. Immediately he felt his cock stiffen, and it was only because his body was being controlled that he wasn't humping the air.

"The ritual is begun. When the virgin has been taken, his energy will be released, and we may bend it to our will."

The wolf looked around, wondering which man would take him. He hoped it wasn't Antoine; he remembered how big the fox's cock was. That knot would tear him up. But he also hoped it wasn't Mr. Helmer. The kangaroo was huge - he remembered how much his jaw ached after that suck session - and he knew he couldn't take that.

"Leroy. You will take young Crisp over the edge. Make sure that you seed him well."

"All right! Yeah, man, let's do this!"

As the candles were lit, each new flame sent a pleasurable throb down his cock. Leroy laughed as he crossed the circle, and Crisp groaned. He couldn't look back, but he felt Leroy's cock pressing against him. His face burned, first at the feeling of an otter cock getting ready to slide into him, and then worse at the sight of the cult disrobing, grabbing their cocks and stroking them slowly..

Finally, all the candles were lit, and if it weren't for the cock ring Crisp would have cum right then. As it was, his cock tried to shoot but couldn't. He whimpered, his cock twitching and slapping against his stomach.

Then, Leroy pushed in.

The feeling of his first cock up his ass was one that he would never forget. Not because it was amazing; oh, sure, it felt alright, and as Leroy started thrusting in and out, he started to enjoy it, but it wasn't great. What he would remember was the fact that it made him cum. Seconds after the otter's cock slid into him, something snapped. His eyes went wide, and Crisp leaned his head back in an unconscious, extremely loud moan. His cock throbbed hard again, and this time, he heard a soft click.

It must have been the cock ring, because immediately after he was cumming buckets. The tingling that came from the rings filled his entire body, and he felt his orgasm stretch on and on. Even after the minute mark he was still shooting, coating the ground with the white goo.

With each successive cumshot, though, he felt part of the tingling leave. It seemed to be joined with his cum, landing below him. A light built up from it, and the cult members began chanting.

"Man, he's tight...can't hold it..."

"Go ahead, Leroy."

The otter filled him with cum as well as cock, and Crisp sighed in relief as Leroy pulled out. He almost collapsed, but the magic kept him upright. The light flared and then exploded in a bright flash. When it faded, he looked around. He didn't see anything different, nor did anyone explain anything. But everyone was grinning widely, so whatever they were doing must have worked. He turned to his teacher.

"What did you do?"

"Oh, something very important to all of us. We enlarged our cocks until they were each at least 11 inches long."

"...That's what the whole ritual was for?!"

"Of course. We wouldn't want anyone to feel small, would we?"

You...jerks, was Crisp's last thought before he passed out, falling into the now-magicless cum beneath him.


He woke up staring at his bedroom ceiling again, panting softly. The wolf shook his head a few times before he pulled himself up, ripping the sheets off. It had to be a dream, had to be -

"Damn it..."

For a moment he thought he'd been freed. The green shoes were gone, as were the ridiculous socks. But then the moon shone through his window, and he saw the glint of metal along the base of his cock and over his big toes. The rings were there, and that meant that the cult could still control him.

But, at least the silly shoes were nowhere to be -

"Hey, boner boy!"

"The boys have a message for you."

He groaned, not even bothering to fight it this time as he felt the hard shoes thump against his feet. Soft white laces wrapped around his ankles before they jammed themselves onto his feet, wriggling back and forth until his toes were in place. They pulled themselves on hard, making him wince from the force. They were just as hot around his feet as he remembered, and he blushed as the familiar green and white socks snaked up his legs.

"I thought you guys would be gone."

"Not a chance in hell. Right, Lefty?"

"Right, Righty. Here, the boys sent this."

The shoelaces pulled a note out of...somewhere - he wasn't going to ask - and shoved it into his hand. He opened it, and started reading.

Young Crisp,

Thank you for your cooperation during the ritual. As thanks, we have given you a gift similar to our own. As you may have noticed, your penis is now two inches longer than it was before -

He paused to look. Surprisingly, it was longer. He wasn't sure how much, but it was definitely bigger. He went back to the note, continuing to read.

- and your feet are a size or two larger. The shoes will match it, so have no fear of outgrowing your clothing.

Now, as much as you may have wished for your freedom, I regret to tell you that you will not be receiving it. As the toy of the cult, you will remain in our control until you graduate, at which time you will be put under an amnesiac spell. I apologize for this. Rather, I would, but your mouth and body are too good to give up. I hope you enjoy the rest of your year at Kenkade High, and I look forward to next week's meeting.


Edgar Helmer

Crisp groaned. This was going to be a hell of a school year. He wondered if he'd learn to stop blushing by the end of it. Judging by the chuckling of the green shoes, he sincerely doubted it.

The End