Extra Chapter: The Queen of Vi'sune

Story by Tesslyn on SoFurry

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#40 of The Mating Season 7: The Last Shemale Queen

I remember saying that I chose sapphire blue for Aliona's (and the unicorns') eyes to make her stand out.

I also chose that color because it is my birthstone. And for this reason, I have always loved it.

Extra Chapter

The Queen of Vi'sune

King Eyrrothaz sat in the chair, braying softly as he clutched Nizhoni's backside in fistfuls. The little fox was fucking him for the umpteenth time that afternoon. . . . he was beginning to think she was enjoying it more than he. Her tits flapped in his face, and her hot breath hit him as her panting mouth closed on his. She was slender and small and usually frowning and irritable, but during the first few months of their marriage, she and Eyrrothaz had become friends.

Eyrrothaz wasn't sure how it happened or why. When he first went down to the dungeon to make his proposition, Nizhoni spit on him. His guards had been ready to whip her - Loganoris especially, who was his personal bodyguard and once-lover. Eyrrothaz calmly waved his angry guards back, and gesturing to the servant who had accompanied him, he took a kerchief from her and nonchalantly wiped the spittle from his tawny cheek.

"You will allow her to disrespect you?" Loganoris cried incredulously. He was a chocolate brown unicorn - almost black - with a spiraled horn that was black as night. Now thirty-two years old, he had left his king's services years ago but had stayed on as a guard out of love for Eyrrothaz. Though he moved on and married a male he later fell in love with, he vowed nonetheless that his life was but to serve and protect his king - both his king's life and his king's dignity. Anyone who offended Eyrrothaz had to deal with snorting, stamping Loganoris, whose thick neck and powerful build could put the fear of god in the heartiest stallions.

Like all of the guards, Loganoris wore a white skirt, a scabbard, and sword. His small wings fluttered in agitation as he glared at Nizhoni - who glared back fearlessly. "We should have her publically spanked, your majesty. Then smear her with honey and let whoever wishes lick it off --"

Eyrrothaz cleared his throat. "That's enough, Loganoris. I understand that you are most passionate about protecting my esteem. Allow me to handle this, however."

Loganoris didn't stop glaring with black eyes at Nizhoni, but he took a clopping step back and folded his arms. "As you wish, my king." Behind him, the two guards with him did the same, looking just as furious.

"Thank you, my dear," Eyrrothaz said to the serving girl and passed her the now-soiled kerchief. Their paws touched, and the serving girl about fainted away with sudden arousal. Her lashes fluttered as she took the kerchief, and she stared, agape, up at the king. Eyrrothaz smiled: the poor thing was practically drooling.

"Y-You are w-welcome, y-your majesty!" the little mare squeaked.

Dappled gray and white, the little mare had the prettiness of a girl and the hips of a female. She had been hired to replace Pomegranate and still seemed unable to grasp that such an honor as serving the Eternal One was now hers. She had not been allowed to suck to Eyrrothaz's dick yet - as all the mares eventually got up the nerve to ask, though he had no interest in it. Eyrrothaz knew she was waiting around for her chance to taste his cock. She had volunteered to accompany him to the dungeons that day. Her name was Apple - which was a tad accurate given that she was prone to blush just from a look. Apple. Eyrrothaz sighed. It was all the rave in the last decade or so to name one's female foal after fruit.

Eyrrothaz turned his attention to Nizhoni again. The fox had backed away from the bars and was standing in the center of her ceil with her white paws balled into fists. She was pretty, Eyrrothaz would give her that, but she would never be as beautiful as Tala. Eyrrothaz held back a sigh, thinking how much he missed the little shemale.

"Tala told me what you want," Nizhoni sneered. "The answer is no!" Her two tails waved behind her in agitation. Two tails. Before, she'd had three. With the destruction of the crystals, the girl was losing her tails. Tala told Eyrrothaz that Nizhoni had always had three tails - which, Eyrrothaz knew, meant she had not been very powerful. Back in Miras Eii, Nizhoni did not have access to the magical training needed to advance: she was a commoner.

Foxes and unicorns were born with magic, it was true. But magic remained an ability that had to be honed and expanded. Without proper training, beasts born with magic maintained very basic powers. The vixen standing before him probably had some sort of shielding and healing abilities before the crystals were destroyed, and that had probably been the extent of her abilities.

"You can't make me do anything," Nizhoni muttered sullenly and hugged herself. "You'll have to rape me!" she suddenly screamed.

Eyrrothaz frowned sadly when she began to cry. He watched with concern as she backed to the far wall, where she crouched down, dropped her face in her knees, and sobbed fiercely.

Eyrrothaz glanced at Loganoris. "Open the door."

"Yes, your majesty . . ." Loganoris took the key off his belt and fumbled to unlock the door as commanded. When Eyrrothaz entered the cell, he followed right on his heels had to be waved back.

"Remain in the corridor please," Eyrrothaz said.

Nizhoni was still crying. When Eyrrothaz clopped toward her, she froze, then lifted her face and glared at him with wet eyes.

"Leave me alone!" she warned.

"Calm down," Eyrrothaz answered. "I haven't come to hurt you. Why are you crying?" He squatted before her. He saw her try to ignore the bulge in his skirt, but she couldn't. Her eyes drifted to the walls but eventually went back to his crouch. Her gaze traveled over his strong thighs, up his rippling belly to his face. She looked in his eyes, and she seemed to realize for the first time that Eyrrothaz was smiling and patient. She also seemed to realize he was quite handsome.

"I-I . . ." Nizhoni stammered. She dragged her wrist under her snotty nose and sniffed.

"That was attractive," laughed Eyrrothaz. He gestured. "Apple? Come here please, darling."

The little mare started forward eagerly. She was carrying a small basket of anything the king might need. Whenever she wasn't carrying the basket in her arms, it was usually on her head, held in place by a loop that went over her spiraled horn.

Looking at Nizhoni with as much concern, Apple offered her a kerchief and smiled encouragingly.

Nizhoni nodded uncertainly at the kindness. The unicorns had not been cruel, but they not given her a warm welcome. They suspected that she was up to no good - just because she was a fox - and treated her like a sex object when the king wasn't looking. Even when he was looking, the guards still poked their fingers in her pussy, and he said not a word! Not until she cried.

"Has anyone mistreated you?" the king asked with concern. "They've been feeding you?"

Nizhoni wiped her nose with the kerchief. "I must leave here."

Eyrrothaz laughed. "Everyone is so eager to leave paradise!" he cried, tossing a paw. His voice had a hint of sadness to it, and he silently cursed himself for being melancholy about Tala when Nizhoni gave him a searching look.

"It hasn't been paradise for me," she pointed out.

"Perhaps if you told me why you came here," Eyrrothaz returned, "we could begin to build trust. Do you know how long your kind have been trying to get to this place? The ones that find the gates are usually killed by the Greater. If you hadn't been with Tala . . . I shudder to think."

"I was looking for someone," Nizhoni admitted. "The only one who could protect my daughter! I need him . . ." She blushed a little.

Eyrrothaz cleared his throat. "In more ways than one?"

Nizhoni looked away and hugged her knees, and in that moment, she seemed so small and helpless. Eyrrothaz pitied her. He wanted to take her in his arms, hug her, help her.

"Where is your daughter now?"

"She is safe," Nizhoni answered - so sadly, Eyrrothaz would have thought the girl was dead.

"You are free to go," Eyrrothaz said eventually, and Nizhoni looked at him with wide eyes. "If you promise never to return here."

"I'm free?"

Eyrrothaz laughed. "Yes. You were always free to leave. The problem was, Tala didn't want you to leave with her. She also convinced me to approach you about . . . my problem."

"Your curse."

"Yes. I waited a long time for Tala, believing she would be the one . . ." Eyrrothaz sighed heavily, not seeing the realization that warmed Nizhoni's eyes.

"You loved Tala."

Eyrrothaz didn't answer. He rose to his hooves. "As I said, you are free to leave. Just say when, and I'll have my guards escort you to the gates. You'll step through the portal, and then you'll be on your own." He offered his paw.

Nizhoni hesitated and took it. He pulled her to her feet, and they looked at each other a beat. With fluttering lashes, she snatched her paw away.

"I would feel better," Nizhoni whispered, averting her eyes, "if you would escort me . . ."

Eyrrothaz smiled. "Of course."

They went to the gates at once. After crossing the lake with Nelorathax at the pole, Eyrrothaz, Loganoris, and the two guards escorted Nizhoni to the stone arch that acted as a portal to the Island of Iszel. The arch seemed to stand in a remote place, surrounded by grass and far from the actual Kingdom of Vi'sune, which was on the other side of the palace. The gate was in an ideal place for the king to watch over it from afar. Eyrrothaz had actually been seated on his balcony, watching the light flashing as Tala and the others passed through the gate.

"We have many gates. This one will return you to Iszel," Eyrrothaz said. "The Greater should not awake so long as your intention is to simply pass through on your way out. Keep your backside to them, and you should survive."

Nizhoni stared at the gate and didn't move. She took a step back and looked at Eyrrothaz.

"What's the matter?" said the unicorn king. "The gate's right there. Shall I give you an encouraging push?"

Nizhoni smiled faintly at the teasing.

Down by the water, Loganoris was getting impatient. Eyrrothaz could see him pacing back forth while his fellow guards stood with their arms folded, still furious that Nizhoni had dared to spit in their king's face. Nelorathax sat in the ferry, at his ease as usual. Eyrrothaz smiled: he would have to spank him over his knee later. It had been too long since last he'd spanked Nelorathax.

". . . your majesty," Nizhoni whispered.

Eyrrothaz looked down at her: she was wide-eyed and hopeful.

"If I . . . marry you . . . will you be kind?" Nizhoni said with the frightened eyes of a child.

Eyrrothaz looked past her, thinking of Tala, who he had hoped to marry. Tala's pretty smile . . . Tala's girlish laugh . . . Tala on her back, twisting, moaning, looking deceptively helpless and weak as he hugged her tight and punched his cock in. So many times he had taken her in the ass . . . but always, he wanted her pussy. To touch an ultimate being there . . . To touch her there would have been his dream come true.

"Have I been unkind thus far?" Eyrrothaz asked Nizhoni, as if he could turn back time to correct his mistake.

"Yes," Nizhoni said with a frown. "You allowed your guards to - to --!"

"I thought getting publically fondled might make you spill your guts. I am fully aware that you manipulated Tala to get here," he answered with a scolding frown. "Tala's coming was prophesized, if you haven't guessed by now. It has been known among my unicorns for years that you would lie to her - in fact, it's something of a fairy tale. But we still didn't have all the pieces. Such as why you lied to her."Or the fact that she wouldn't love me too.

"I put Yatokya's life at risk. I know," Nizhoni said sullenly. "I thought would find my daughter's father here. I can't protect her forever. Her father can!"

Eyrrothaz looked down at Nizhoni curiously. "So you risked Yatokya's life to find your daughter's father . . . only to come here to find he wasn't here. You risked his life for nothing." _ _

_ _

"You got to meet your _precious_Tala, didn't you?" Nizhoni returned, looking irritable that she was being lectured. "Was it worth it? Was it worth Yatokya's life?"

"Stop it," the king said dryly. "This has gone beyond juvenile. Either step through that gate or don't, but make a decision."

"I'll make a decision when you answer my question: did you love Tala!"

Eyrrothaz's ears pricked forward. He regarded her irritably. "Why do you insist on knowing this?"

"I wish to know how I will be treated if I stay here! If you treated Tala like a goddess - I want to know."

Eyrrothaz laughed weakly. "I see." He cleared his throat. "The truth is, I . . . surprised Tala in bed the first night she was here."

Nizhoni folded her arms and looked at him, incredulous. "And she didn't rip your arm from the socket?"

"Thankfully, no. I made love to her believing that once I did . . . she would love me too. That she would stay. She rejected me. Again and again. How did I treat her? I piled her with gifts." His ears flattened. "I kissed her damn feet. There was no changing her mind. So I let her go." He smiled sadly.

"And I would always be free to go?"

"Of course."

"What if a child came of this? What then?"

"The child would stay with me." He looked at her with hard sapphire blues, as if there would be no arguing the matter.

Nizhoni swallowed hard, wishing she still had her magic. Then she could easily steal the child away when she left. "And . . ." she looked at Eyrrothaz, her eyes once more frightened, "the child wouldn't be . . .?"

"An unholy monster with six limbs and three heads?" Eyrrothaz finished for her. He laughed. "Unicorns have bred with foxes and wolves before - wolves mainly. We are as much the ancestors of the wolves as foxes. Do you now understand why the foxes are hated here? You have enslaved our children." He lifted his brows to let his point sink in. "For my part, I have lived too long to hate anyone," he said, placing a paw on his chest, "but my unicorns remain untrusting of your kind. Foxes and unicorns have been akin to bitter siblings since the dawn of time - we, the children of the Greater."

"And unicorns must be Mommy's favorite," Nizhoni said, waving a paw at the beautiful floating island.

Eyrrothaz grinned. "Well . . . who destroyed the Greaters' home? Foxes or unicorns? To answer your question, a child of a unicorn-fox pairing is likely to come out one or the other. There is no in-between, as it were."

Nizhoni nodded, her eyes dancing over the beauty of Vi'sune. Eyrrothaz watched her and knew she was convincing herself to stay. He couldn't understand why.

"What is it you really want, Nizhoni?" Eyrrothaz said softly. "You fear for your daughter and this . . . lover of yours. And yet, you fail to step through the gate."

"Someone far more capable is likely to find my . . . lover," Nizhoni muttered. She looked at Eyrrothaz with hopeful eyes again. "Will you help me? If I stay here and marry you . . . will you . . .?"

"Help you find this lover of yours? My sorceress could do it easily." Eyrrothaz waved an idle paw. He looked at Nizhoni curiously. "Does this mean you'll return with me?"

Nizhoni nodded. "Yes." Her lashes fluttered in surprise when Eyrrothaz offered her his arm. She smiled slowly . . . and took it.

"Then come with me," he whispered, looking at her with soft eyes, ". . . my queen."

Thus it was that Nizhoni married Eyrrothaz, becoming queen of Vi'sune. Many times as he sat on his throne, Eyrrothaz would watch her sitting smug on his lap, and he knew that being queen was something she had wanted all along. Being in power, being respected - even grudgingly - was Nizhoni's dream come true. And though the unicorns may not have worshipped her the way they worshipped Eyrrothaz, they bowed to her every whim. She strutted about the grand palace in long white gowns, tapping little servant mares on their backsides with her scepter and ordering this and that.

As promised, Eyrrothaz introduced Nizhoni to the court sorceress, a beautiful white mare with a long flowing mane, who seemed - unlike the other unicorns - not to clop but to glide. She wore beautiful light blue gowns of elaborate designs, most of which had high necks and gold trim. Her eyes, like the king's, were as blue as sapphires. Her name was Amatissia.

Amatissia was actually one of many relatives of Eyrrothaz's and a descendent of his younger sister. Her children lived in the palace and served their ancient uncle by fanning him with palm leaves as he sat on his throne. She lived in a tower on the west wing of the palace, each floor of which contained the continuation of her laboratory.

On the second floor of the laboratory, Amatissia brought them to a large round crystal ball, which stood on a golden pedestal. She bid Nizhoni to look into the crystal.

Nizhoni stepped toward the crystal, dreading what she might see. She glanced at Amatissia, who explained in her sweet, ringing voice that all she had to do was look.

Nizhoni looked . . . and smiled. She could see Aayan. He was tall and handsome as ever, laughing as he held their daughter above his head. Nizhoni laughed, caught somewhere between sadness and relief as tears suddenly poured down her face. She stepped away from the crystal as if she couldn't look anymore. Eyrrothaz came to her, and held her as she wept.

Present-day Eyrrothaz let the memories fade as Nizhoni slammed her pussy on his cock.

"I . . . want you . . . to lick . . . my pussy," Nizhoni panted. She hugged his neck, smashing her breasts to his chest as her hips continued slamming. Her juices were splashing.

Eyrrothaz laughed softly in her ear. "I'd have to file my horn down. I'd rather file off my hoof."

"We could cover it with a mitten!"

Eyrrothaz laughed again. He never would have guessed that someone as ornery and irritable as she . . . could have a sense of humor. But there it was.

"Ah . . . ah . . . ah . . . ahhhhh!"

Nizhoni's scream filled the room, and Eyrrothaz knew the mare servants were listening outside the sliding double doors. The youngest were probably giggling, but most of them were no doubt sulking. Since his marriage to Nizhoni, Eyrrothaz had stopped taking his oh-so-willing pleasure slaves. He denied the requests of the servant girls to be fucked by him. For this reason, every slave and servant in the palace hated Nizhoni. Nizhoni assured Eyrrothaz that he didn't have to give his pleasures up for her, but he insisted on honoring their marriage - even if it was a damn lie.

Eyrrothaz sighed as Nizhoni came and her fluids gushed over him. He grimaced and let go. Her lashes fluttered when his hot seed filled her. They sagged in the chair. Nizhoni gave his cheek a lazy kiss, but her eyes were staring with fascination at his horn. She smoothed her little paw along it and saw Eyrrothaz shiver.

"_Care_ful," he said. "You'll make something else just as hard."

They were in the magnificent bedroom they shared, in a cushioned chair that stood near a dressing screen and vanity. They had shared the room for months now. Eyrrothaz had to admit he was surprised Nizhoni had not already left: after an examination, Amatissia announced that Eyrrothaz had been lifted of the curse.

Nizhoni climbed off the unicorn king's lap, naked as the day she had come to Vi'sune. She seemed very proud to have the privilege of wearing cloths now. With a haughty jerk of her chin, she rang the bell on the vanity, and in tumbled several twittering mares. Their eyes raked the naked king with unconcealed lust, but they went behind the screen and helped Nizhoni get into a gown.

One of the mares came to Eyrrothaz and helped him pull on his white robe. He smiled: it was Apple. Pretty Apple, with her round hips and shivering tits. Her nipples were rock hard, and he knew it wasn't the cold breeze coming in off the lake.

"Your majesty," Apple whispered with fluttering lashes. She helped Eyrrothaz fasten on his white skirt and gold belt, reaching around him so that her nipples brushed his back. "Eternal One, I have served you tirelessly these last few months, waiting for the day . . ."

"Did you fail to notice the wedding ceremony that took place?" Eyrrothaz said in amusement. "Or the fact that I'm gay," he added with a laugh. He glanced around at all the females in the room. "But you blasted females sure don't seem to care, do you? You just keep begging for royal cock . . ."

"His majesty is quite handsome today," Apple tried again. She fluttered her lashes, twisting a white curl around her finger. Her otherwise gray mane tumbled behind her shoulders.

Eyrrothaz sighed. He knew why the mares in the palace were always on their knees for it. It was the same reason why Nizhoni insisted on having sex with him. For the mares, part of it was because of his legend as the Eternal One. The other part was his huge cock. Most unicorns were well endowed, but he was large enough that the bulge in his skirt drew stares everywhere he went.

"If his majesty," whispered Apple, "would only let me lick it . . ."

"Oh, fuck the little twit already," Nizhoni cried from behind her screen. "As if I cared!"

Eyrrothaz laughed, easing down in a chair not far from the one he and Nizhoni had just made love in. Apple drew close, twisting her fingers and fluttering her lashes hopefully. Eyrrothaz sighed again: he just got dressed . . .

"Alright," the unicorn king said wearily at last, "if it will make you stop pestering me."

"Oh - your majesty - oh!" Apple squealed. She dropped to her knees and scooted close at once. Eyrrothaz looked away as her small paws pushed his skirt up his thighs. There was a pause, and he knew she was admiring, smelling, memorizing. Then she started licking him, eagerly and hungrily. It wasn't long before he sighed and got hard. He heard her gasp as she watched his cock stand. When he looked at her, he laughed: her eyes were almost popping. Over by the screen, a few of the other mares watched, their faces burning with envy.

Apple put a small paw on the unicorn king's cock and silently admired it. His organ was so big, it made her paw look tiny. Clutching his shaft, she carefully licked. Eyrrothaz sighed and slouched down in the chair, his chest heaving a little as he watched her. Her tongue slid against him with careful finesse. She gathered spit in her mouth and let it slide hot down his shaft. His cock throbbed and twitched in her paw. She closed her paw on him and licked him slowly, lovingly.

"Oh, Apple . . ." Eyrrothaz whispered weakly. "You truly serve your king tirelessly, don't you?" Her tongue was incessant. He thought he'd shoot.

Nizhoni stepped from behind her screen, brushing the bitter mares out of her way. "Oh, and by the way," she said, adjusting her gown, "I'm pregnant."

"Pregnant!" Eyrrothaz shot his load, and Apple squealed as the cum slapped her tits and dripped from her horn.