A good day for the bear (M/F bestiality, rape, vore)

Story by Strega on SoFurry

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A silly wank story. A bear who likes to hunt humans ravishes and eats a couple of ladies.

A good day for the bear

By Strega

It was a good day for the grizzly. For the women he met, not so much.

He'd crept down out of the hills to where the trees of the park merged seamlessly into the surrounding forest, and where the trails of the park were furthest from the noise and confusion of the city. He picked a damp and drizzly day, knowing from experience that this was the best time to meet not a group of people but just one.

Settling down in the undergrowth near the trail he waited. It was half an hour before he heard anyone at all, and that proved to be a fat, sweating man huffing laboriously down the path. The bear let that one go.

Forty-five minutes later he heard a lighter pace, and in the shadows the bear's deepset eyes once more turned toward the path. This time it was a middle-aged woman with dark hair and she, the bear considered, would do just fine.

Though his vision was not good his hearing and smell were very good indeed, and he was certain she was alone. Muscles bunched beneath his shaggy fur, and the first warning she had was a strong paw pulling her down and the wet, fang-filled jaws that engulfed her head.

He could have swallowed her down in three or four heaving gulps, the bear knew, but he had other plans for this one. Supporting her partly with a forepaw, so not to break her neck and ruin his fun, he dragged her away from the trail. At the first patch of undergrowth he turned and scanned the trail, making sure she had dropped nothing. The glowy little boxes the humans liked to talk to were an especially bad thing to leave. There was nothing, though, and he dragged her a few dozen more yards before he was sure they could not be seen from the trail. Only then did he drag his claws down her belly, tearing away the cloth that covered her groin.

With a dark moist toothy space wrapped around her head the struggling woman must not have realized what he was doing as he stepped over her. It was not until the heavy, blunt tip of his swollen sheath pressed against her thigh that she went rigid. That just made things easier for the bear, and he didn't even have to reposition himself before letting out a low growl and arching his back. Tight human sex expanded around his shaft as he unsheathed, and reminding himself to stay quiet as possible the bear began to thrust.

This one must have borne cubs, he thought as the sucking tightness of her vulva released his shaft only to take it in again. He'd had much tighter humans, and that didn't even count the couple of times they'd ended up face-down and he had used what was arguable the wrong entrance. Then there was the time he pulled down a slender young human and not realized until he was well and truly mounted that it was a male.

Not that it mattered in the end, the bear thought as his rump went up and down. It had been a long while since his last proper mating and he'd not licked or sucked himself for days to be ready for this encounter. Only a few minutes after he entered her the fur on his flanks began to twitch. In the glow of building orgasm the bear sprawled out atop the woman, rump moving in small jerks as he approached the end. He could stretch it out only so long when this pent up, but he kept at it for another minute before it happened.

The woman's fingers tugged at his shaggy fur as he began to shudder, and she tried to push him away. She might as well have tried to push a mountain off her chest. A knee jabbed him in the belly as the big muscles in his flanks spasmed, and a long groan whispered past her cheeks as the bear ejaculated. In the absence of all that she still would have known. The voluminous gush of bear semen flooding her sex could be nothing but what it was.

When the long shuddering spasm finally passed the bear regarded the shoulders protruding from his jaws with something like fondness. A woman wasn't as good as a proper bear sow; he had to treat a human like a fragile snow sculpture rather than having at her with all his might. He was too young to win many sows in battle, though, and a woman was much better than nothing at all.

She scarcely struggled as he slipped a forepaw beneath her. Shocked and traumatized by a lover she would never have chosen on her own she merely gripped at his pelt as he repositioned his jaws. Then with a lurch those jaws were over her shoulders and her face was pushed into the sucking wetness of the bear's throat and she really began to struggle.

It merely amused the beast. Impaled on his still-stiff shaft and held in his grip there was no way something as weak as a human could stop what was happening now. Bit by bit, much more slowly than was needed he worked his jaws down over her breasts, feeling the new and wriggling bulge in his neckfur as more of his meal was taken into his gullet. He didn't even need to withdraw from her sex, but simply pushed his muzzle toward his belly as he casually swallowed her whole. Her increasingly violent struggles worked her hips and sex around his shaft, and if he had not spent himself mere minutes ago he would have been pushing her into his maw with enthusiastic shoves of his hips.

When his jaws came to enclose her hips his chin encountered his own belly, and there was just no swallowing any more of her unless he withdrew. Half aroused again and reluctant he still lifted his head, and drops of wetness ran down her thighs and dripped onto his fur as a portion of what he had sent into her ran right back out. A single toss of his head ended that, sending her hips and rump into his throat, and as he lifted his muzzle he watched the kicking thighs gradually slide from view. One desperate kick missed his balls by inches, and that would have hurt. Only that and his eyes were real weaknesses; the last time a human had tried to punch him in the nose he had cleverly snapped his jaws open, taking in the entire arm and shortly thereafter everything else.

He could have ended it long since. Once his gullet was tight around the shoulders of his meal a single gulp would send them southward. One more gulp at most, and sometimes even that was not needed before a belch would signal the conclusion of the affair. His swallowing muscles were just too strong for a human to resist once they were wrapped around the broadest part of a body.

And he did rather want a breath of air, but he held off swallowing as long as he could. The long, wriggling bulge in his neckfur and gullet squirmed, the violence of the struggle intensifying as her face emerged into the looser but even less hospitable folds of his stomach. Eventually he lifted his muzzle once again and found nothing at all outside but the toes of her shoes.

Once, twice she kicked, her heels bumping his palate, and he let her. When the toes finally slipped past his fangs and his jaws closed it was in something like a grin. One last, light gulp, and the beast sat back. He grimaced for a moment as the cloth and rubber of her shoes scraped the saliva from the walls of his throat, but the swallowing muscles kept her moving. A moment later a mighty belch bubbled up the other way, and the bear glanced down with rare amusement at the new and struggling lump in his middle. It was perhaps the tenth human he had eaten, and one of the wrigglier ones, if he did say so himself.

The squirming lump trapped his sheath between the leaf-litter and itself, and though he had spent his seed not five minutes before the bear found a a powerful stiffness coming on. Nevertheless he spent a minute snuffling around for the scraps he had torn from her clothing in order to rape her. Every one was licked up and swallowed, and soon enough there was no sign the woman had been there at all save for the bulge in a bear's shaggy belly.

Still she squirmed, and the bear began to wonder if it would drive him to spend himself again, right here in the leaves. The urge to grind his sheath against the ground was overwhelming, and that was exactly what he began to do. It was only the patter of footsteps on the path that kept another generous measure of bear semen from being released.

Though his belly was wrapped around a hundred and twenty pounds of curled-up food he still went prick-eared with excitement. The steps were light and quick, probably meaning another woman or small man. Keyed up as he was either would be fine, and though he normally restricted himself to only one meal per visit to human towns he crept on his belly beneath the brush until he could once more see the trail.

It was a woman, pale-haired and tall, and to the bear's eyes a bit thin save for the swell of her udders. For some reason those were high up and often quite large on a human woman, and of little interest to the bear save that they marked his favored prey. It took all his self-control not to burst out of the woods instantly, but one does not eat close to a dozen humans and not be caught without a certain innate cunning. He listened and sniffed for others, and when she was just across from him on the path she suddenly found her way blocked by a massive and silent bear. Before she could utter a sound his head snapped down and a fanged maw engulfed her to the armpits. Teeth scraped painfully and undergrowth rasped her knees as she was dragged into the woods, and the woman squirmed and shrieked, certain the bear would pause at any moment and finish gulping her down. There'd been a rumor about disappearances in the park and she realized she was about to become one.

But the bear didn't swallow her. For minute after minute she was dragged along, listening to the bear's breath rasp painfully around her. It could scarcely get a decent lungful of air with her blocking its gullet. Finally it paused, and as she readied herself for what could only be a gurgling digestive end it instead coughed her back up.

She blinked at the sudden light, so bright after the damp depths of the bear's gullet, and at the noise. The bear had dragged her far into the woods, probably out of the park and into a little copse of trees wrapped around a small waterfall. It was a pretty spot in other circumstances, but to one coated with bear drool to the armpits and held tight by a massive clawed paw any spot was much like another.

She got her first good look at the bear as it sat next to her. Squat and fat, short legged and thick limbed, she knew that standing it would tower over her and that it could kill her with one swipe or nip, even if it decided to not simply swallow her alive. She had almost been in its stomach already and wasn't quite sure why she hadn't made the rest of that slippery journey.

And then she saw that it was most definitely a male bear, and that the long ridge of sheath running upward from its balls was swollen with a ponderous arousal. Several inches of wrist-thick shaft had already unsheathed, exposing a strange flattened tip that was already dripping. When she glanced up the bear`s beady little eyes went from her, to his cock, then back to her. It wanted her to -

"No!," she yelped as the huge paw went to push her down onto it. "I'll bite it off, you bastard!"

By all rights the bear shouldn't understand her. Maybe it didn't and just read her tone as being more trouble than she was worth, and it didn't try to push her face down onto its cock any more. But it was still visibly and powerfully aroused, and the paw holding her close was joined by a second. This one tore away her shorts with one swipe of its claws then grabbed her hip opposite the first one. With no effort at all the bear lifted her off the ground, tugged her close, and then looked down past her breasts.

In an instant she realized that it was simply going to put her in its lap, impaled, and have its way with her. She began to twist and struggle and realized almost immediately that it wasn't going to help. Six or seven hundred pounds of bear just had too many options, too many ways it could overpower and hump her. It could put her in its lap, roll forward on top of her, push her down and mount her doggy style, or lie on its side and spoon her. She could jab at its eyes but they were small targets and she was certain it would guarantee her a trip down his throat, whereas right now it merely seemed horny. It wasn't going to let her go until it shot its wad...but maybe after?

"All right, all right," she said, and before it quite managed to ram its cock into whichever hole was convenient she reached past her hip and grabbed his sheath. "I'll play."

It still didn't let her go, keeping one big paw on her shoulder, but it set her down between its legs. A long rumbling growl came up out of the depths of the massive torso as she rubbed the sheath with both hands, and bit by bit the heavy shaft emerged.

"Christ," she mumbled as she saw the enormity of it. Not hung like a horse, but...hung like a bear? There was no way all of that would have fit in her. The girth was bad enough, she couldn't get her fingers around it unless she used both hands at once, but the length was even worse! At the base were a pair of nearly naked testicles the size of tennis balls.

And it stank. The bear in general gave off an unwashed musk she could have smelled from ten feet away. His shaft, normally wrapped in sheath, had an even worse aroma. As her hands pumped up and down the greasy-feeling length and he swelled if anything even thicker the paw on her shoulder gave her a small but emphatic shove. She was about to find out if bear cock tasted as bad as it smelled.

It did. She grimaced at the first tentative lick. Greasy and with a taste almost of rotten meat. Being confined in that furry sheath all did didn't do his dick any favors, though it was healthy. Just...disgusting.

The bear looked down at the woman's head in his lap and grinned as bears grin. Here was something new! He could lick and suck himself, and frequently did, but this was the first time someone else did it for him. Of course he could swallow his whole shaft easily, which this human couldn't seem to do, but after some theatrical grimacing and gagging she got her lips around his tip and began to suck.

And then a little at a time, miraculously, she began to swallow. It seemed this little female's capacity for cock was greater than he had anticipated. He could actually see her neck bulge as she reached the halfway point, which seemed to be her limit, and then she came back up for air. All the while one hand was rubbing his balls and the other pumped up and down the portion of his shaft that remained outside.

She had swallowed dicks before, but never one half this big. Her ill-advised experiences in college and at the strip club came back to her now. She'd heard of women getting with animals, of course, but dogs, horses...never a bear, unless certain Internet rumors were to be believed.

Gasping, she looked up at the bear, then at the prodding of his paw opened her mouth once more. She could feel the muscles beginning to twitch beneath his fur, and that had to mean he was getting close. Just as well; her throat was already raw from the passage of a dick roughly the length and thickness of her forearm.

She was right. He'd been aroused before she ever touched his sheath, and the lust welling up in his balls now could not be stopped by any force he knew. There was a glow, a building heat, as the big muscles in his haunches began to shudder. That reaction was meant to push him to the limit in a female as he came, to ensure the maximum amount of semen stayed in her. It did the same thing now, indirectly.

The bear let out a long groan and tensed, and before she could pull back the paw on her shoulder forced her down. The bear locked up in a tense spasm of ecstasy and the woman's eyes went wide as that paw shoved even more cock down her throat. Her eyes were buried in his stinking belly fur even as his cock throbbed in her throat, and she simply had no choice whether to spit or swallow. The hot streams of bear goo that gushed forth into her throat were only going to end up in one place.

He held her as he spurted, and again, and still again, before the paw finally went limp on her shoulder, and then at last, gagging and spitting, she was able to disgorge his cock.

"You didn't need to do that, you fucker," she groaned, then grimaced and swallowed. She still tasted bear cock, but while she knew the taste of his precum well, she couldn't have told you the flavor of his cum itself. Every bit of that was now firmly ensconced in her stomach, who knew how many cubic centimeters of bear jism. It certainly felt like a lot, though. She burped, rather against her will, and finally did taste it. Surprisingly given his foul odor and taste, it had the same tenor to it as plain old human spooge.

And then the belly twitched beneath her fingers, and and looked at it in horror.

She had thought him merely fat, and had been too distracted by the horror of it all to really look at his middle. When she had, she'd seen the heavy sheath and its implications, and since then she'd been sucking bear cock. Now though, looking at the bulge, the curves....

It moved again, and she screamed. The bear wasn't fat. It was full! Full of a person! She sprang back, or tried to. That limp paw on her shoulder wasn't limp any more, and it was joined by the other, lifting her up toward a sudden yawn.

Almost regretfully the bear engulfed the woman's head and swallowed, his well-practiced throat muscles helping drag her shoulders in after. This time gravity was helping, and with a push of his paws she was already to her waist in his throat.

Hanging head down in his throat, her own belly sloshing with fresh bear jism, she kicked and struggled. It did not save her any more than it had saved the bear's earlier victim. With an upward toss of his muzzle he gathered in her hips, and that was the broadest part of her body. If he could fit those past his jaws, and he had, he could swallow her whole. Not that this was any surprise given how far had gown down that slimy chute earlier, but there had been the hope that there would be some struggle, some chance at escape.

There was little of either. The bear's muzzle bobbed as he swallowed, and the slippery walls pressed against her from all sides took took a certain interest in her current status. Namely, they very much thought she should be about two feet further down his torso, right about where that suspicious bulge was. The scream she let out as she slid helplessly down the bear's throat was heard only by herself. Even had she been outside, the nearby waterfall would have all but drowned it out. In here is was absorbed into the fleshy walls and wet folds of stomach that expanded to contain her.

She'd been right. There was someone else in her. Someone slimy and barely alive, if that, whose skin had the unnatural spongy feel of lightly dissolved meat. As the two off them slipped and slid, compelled by gravity and the insistent throat muscles to find the most space-efficient pose for their digestion, she felt the bear gripping his belly from the outside. He almost seemed uncomfortable. With her burps tasting of bear jism and nothing but stomach acid to breathe back in to replace them, she very much hoped he was.

The belch that rumbled up out of the bear this time was truly impressive. It should be. He'd never eaten two humans back to back before. It would take a good, long sleep to engineer the processing of a meal this big, and already he was logy and lazy. He'd like nothing better than to stretch out and sleep. He couldn't sleep here, though. Methodically, out of habit and his mother's training, and nosed around and snapped up all the bits of loose clothing, including a shoe that had somehow come loose as he swallowed its owner. All of this was swallowed, hopefully to be coughed back up when the meat and bone was gone. He didn't look forward to passing another shoe or mass of indigestible clothing, but he couldn't leave it here as evidence.

Amongst the scraps he found a white rectangle with glass on one side. Ah, one of the things the humans liked to talk to. His mother had talked of those, too, and he carefully crushed it between his side teeth before uprooting a rock half the size of a man and burying it beneath. If the other woman had one, well, that was another thing he hoped would come back up rather than leave the other way. They were sharp edged (though sometimes rounded) and uncomfortable in the bowels.

Finally he snuffled about and made sure no evidence remained, and in the gathering dusk he made his way heavy-bellied back up the hill. He'd go several miles, over rock as much as possible so not to leave tracks, before he finally settled down to digest his dinner.

As he headed off to sleep he felt a twinge of regret. Normally he did not feel the slightest pang as he sent a human down his throat. There were plenty more to replace them, more than he could ever eat.

No, it was simply that he'd very much enjoyed it when the woman sucked his dick. If there was been any way to keep her...but of course there wasn't. A bear couldn't have a regular human lover. But maybe if he caught one, confined her to a cave, fed her, then he could visit her when he wanted, the bear thought.

The other bears would never approve, he considered. Then again, the other bears didn't actually need to know what he did with his toys, did they?