Wild Volcanic Silence

Story by starpaw on SoFurry

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This is a story about the strange relationship between two friends, Cory and Jodie.

It was originally intended to be a submission to the SoFurry Summer Adventure Writing Contest, but it needed more time to flesh out, and I missed the deadline (also I couldn't keep this bad boy under 2000 words, no matter how hard I tried!).

Cory and Jodie are in college, and have been friends for a very long time; they get into all kinds of shenanigans together, and today they've decided to go out and have a summer's day outing, how droll! I wonder what kind of trouble they'll get into this time? (Yuk yuk yuk)

Dec 28th - minor edits to language/wording for better flow.

Wild Volcanic Silence

by Ellery A.

_As the volcano erupts, lava runs hot and free along the land, _

but then it must recede, it must cool and return to the cold rock from whence it came.

I) The Relationship of the Road and the Sea

The beach sits snugly together with the road, and wasn't very hard to find. Two friends drove out into the heart of butt-fuck nowhere to find it, sitting as road and beach do, perched on a big grey rock, gazing to the horizon. It is getting late in the afternoon, and the tide is heading out.

"Ain't that pretty?" Asks one to the other.

"Sure is. Borin' as fuck, too."

The first lets out a snort of laughter. He's an otter, long and slender; his coat is dark grey. He wore a loose red t-shirt over a slight swimmer's build and khaki shorts, with suspenders that dangled down from his hips. No boxers underneath, though, he prefers the quick access of going commando.

The otter turned to his friend, a tiger with a light, mute-orange coat - blond in certain areas - and said, dryly:

"Well what do you suggest we do on our day out, sweet cheeks?"

Jodie, the tiger, took a moment to answer, a moment where he seemed to withdraw, where he haunched his shoulders as if trying to draw back some thought, something errant that came up and he couldn't figure what to make of. Then his face lit up, and he touched a paw to the small of his friend's back.

"I know; c'mon, man," he said brightly as he stood up.

The otter was Cory, and he follows without question.

II) Good Times Car Ride

The two piled into Jodie's blue-black Camaro, from nine-teeen nindy-nine, daddy-o! and Jodie drove them out onto the highway.

Jodie had to fidget with the gear-shift a bit to get them out, but they made it. Cory scanned the radio for something to listen to, passing a cornucopia of musical genre.

"Trash, trash, trash, fucking trash, God," he muttered as he passed through the stations.

Then, he came upon a station where two bland, monotoned voices drawled.

"Perfect!" he said.

It was a lively (or as lively as could be) political debate on current affairs. The topic was on how to handle quadrupedal persons' place in the workforce. One contestant was arguing that there are little to no jobs that could be done without opposable thumbs on the paws, without these digits, four footpaws cannot hope to compete.

"Nice," Jodie said.

They listened in silence for a while, and Cory looked out the window at the passing countryside. A small smile was spread on his maw. This is what he loved about time off in the summer, sitting driver-side, watching the scenery go by: green pastures, dark clumps of trees, (stuffy intellectuals calmly arguing) and a good friend at his side. Summertime at its best.

Jodie's mind drifted in the same direction, but it didn't stop the thought from coming to his mind. He smirked and turned to Cory.

"Yup, we're just two college dudes driving together, listening to intelligent debate. A-yup," he chuckled. "We're so gay."

Cory snorted, and couldn't stop himself either, a smirk of his own appeared on his muzzle and he cocked a paw, flicking it dramatically at Jodie.

*"SO gay, oh m'god, Jodie,* so gay!"* He said in an exaggerate lisp. *"I just don't even know why we don't pull over here and sixty-nine up in this bitch, like, seriously!"

It was Jodie's turn to sputter laughter; he loved it when they pretended to be gay, it was hilarious, simply hilarious.

"Like really, we so should, but only if you promise you won't get jizz on my new shirt like last time, this one's just too fab, hon, it's super fab!" Jodie replied. "I mean just look at how nice and puffed out it is from my pecs, Holy Jesus!"

Cory tittered before responding, Jodie's high-pitched reply was just so funny coming from the big lug.

"Oh, yeah, Sugar Lips, they look so chic, so fab, it totally emphasizes your rectus," he said through chortles. *"Y'know, your* rectus abdominis muscles, it emphasizes that hot rectus of yours. You have such nice rectus!"

Jodie hooted laughter, steadying the car with visible effort.

"Oh* yeah? Ya think?" Jodie cooed softly, seductively, barely containing himself. "You like my hot* rectus?"

"Heck yeah, sister! Oh, I just wanna eat you up!" Cory jived and was no longer able to keep up the act, it was always hilarious when they played gay, a real gas, a total lark! He burst out laughing, and Jodie joined in, tears streaming down from both their eyes.

"Stop, oh my God man, stop, I'm driving!" Jodie gasped, squinting through tears.

Once they'd quieted, the radio droned on, and Jodie's violent shifting gears caught Cory's eye. Jodie favoured clothes that were at least a size too small for him. His pants, or, in today's case, the purple swimming trunks he wore as shorts, being the occasional exception (gotta show off the goods, daddy-o). His new shirt did indeed emphasize his sculpted upper body, his abs making the shirt stretch over all the right places, and how Cory idolized them. No degree of working out seemed to be able to get him to bulk out like that, it only served to tighten his slight form. But how he longed for Jodie's body...

'...And I know of a certain quadrupedal in Arkansas who is living in a modern home which only requires the slightest of modifications for them to live - independently - as you or I do, so, I surmise - again - that it is up to the individual, Johnson, not the edict of some remedial, bureaucratic paddywhacking to decide...'

"Besides, dontcha even worry about your shirt, sweetie, 'cause I swallow, honey, you know I swallow," Cory lisped flatly.

The car practically shook with laughter.

Good times.

III) Jodie Doesn't Fuck Cory

Cory looked up at the path winding into the dark shadows of the forest. They had stopped into Jodie's for beers and camping gear, then drove straight to the spot. There was an eerie stillness to the trail. It was all shadows, distant snaps of twigs and foreboding.

"You sure this is... you know, safe?"

"Aww, is da poor little ottah scawed?"

"Dude, safety first."

"Oh, don't wowwy, you got a big stwong - and devilishly handsome - tigaw to pwotect you from d'monstaws."

"You're such an ass," Cory said, giving Jodie a little shove.

Jodie laughed, and threw his arm around Cory, drawing him in close so that their cheeks brushed, their eyes met askance, and he smirked, but a gentle, kind smirk. Cory could feel how soft Jodie's facial fur was, how strangely delicate - thinner than he'd expected, but warm, warm as his smile. He'd always thought it would be coarse; funny, he'd seen Jodie naked before, when they'd gone skinny-dipping, (or had the odd romp under the sheets with a sexy lady or two) he'd felt his arms around his shoulder before, but he'd never felt his face. Some things are just funny.

"Dontcha worry, bud, we'll be fine, c'mon, it's gonna start to get dark soon," Jodie laughed.

The way up wasn't too hard, Cory even took the lead for a while, hunching over a bit at the incline, just ahead of Jodie. He'd almost expected to hear a joking complaint, (gay-lisp cat-calls, perhaps) but none came.

They could see the clearing ahead - perfect for camping, and they were now on level enough land so that he didn't need to thrust his ass out at Jodie.

"Man, y'know what I could go for?"

"Nah, what?"

"A blow job."

Cory cleared his throat before answering.

"Nah, man," he said, eyes darting from Jodie's to the forestry around them. Laughing. "What would be really good would be some nice pussy, right?"

"Nah, nah, I'm craving me some nice, long, slow head. Like, take your time on my dick, baby, we got all night!"



"That actually does sound pretty good," Cory breathed, biting his lip.

They reached the clearing as the day finally caved, and that molten red of dusk took everything. They set up their camp, joking and carrying on as they did, then Jodie told the story of this one chick who was like a blonde fox and how she gave him a hilarious blow job as they finished building the campfire. Red had waned to dark blue, and they sat opposite each other.

"...And so I started to cum, and she was still giving me that look, that like weird look, and it got everywhere, man, all on her face and tits, and she just gets this like, astonished look on her face and she says ew, right funny like that: ew! Like, Oh-my-god, like, ew! This is totally gross!" Jodie laughed. "It was so funny, man. So, yeah, I zipped up, and left her there, and she was still all ew."

He was sitting with his legs spread, and leaning forward, his elbows poised on his knees. At the conclusion of his story he leaned back, and firelight washed over his crotch.

"Shee-it, I'd kill for that blow job right about now," he exclaimed.

He gave his groin a gruff little pinch as he spoke.

Cory (who would not admit it he had been asked, had his eyes in the vicinity of that groin - for no reason, he was just so into the story he did it unconsciously) had been about to suggest they cook up the hot dogs they'd brought, but found he couldn't speak.

He felt like he could see it, the hot vixen giving Jodie head, but from Jodie's perspective, that artwork chest, all his perfect contours slinking down to his cock, and that fox's maw working it. He kept thinking, inexperienced though she was, she still made him cum; she made him cum. He also couldn't help but think: all the times he'd seen Jodie naked, be the occasion skinny dipping, running through a public place on a dare, or just coming out from the shower, he'd never seen Jodie erect (three-ways often happened when the pair were too drunk to remember such finer details, naturally). He supposed that's not a thing people usually think about, what their best friend's dick looked like when it was hard. How big would it look going into that babe's mouth, though?

His balls ached, and his cock swelled.

"Damn, I'm so fucking horny, man," Cory groaned.

He couldn't remember being so stirred up.

Jodie scratched the back of his head, and gave his (considerably large) bulge another of those rough gropes.

"Fuck it, man," he said, standing up. "I gotta jack off."

Cory's jaw became slack, his lips parted slightly, eyes grew wide as Jodie took off his clothes in front of him. All of them. He sat back down before Cory, stock naked, firelight flickering across his body, making the pre on the tip of his cock shimmer like gemstones. A hundred times before he'd seen (pictured) this, but his heart skipped nonetheless.

Jodie was big when he got hard. It looked huge - couldn't be more than seven, eight inches tops, yet it looked gigantic, but for the girth of the thing! It was large enough when it was flaccid, (a cause for speculation, but not anymore) and how it bulked out when it became engorged! How monstrous, and how beautiful - anatomically speaking of course. Like, purely objectively.

"Impressive, ain't it?" Jodie said, smirking at Cory's slack-jaw expression.

Cory muttered something unintelligible, and unconsciously groped his own as Jodie began to nurse his cock.

"Aw, man, don't be shy, whip that sucker out and join in, it's just us guys out here."

Just us guys.

Cory hesitated for a moment - only a single moment - and yanked his shorts off.

"What the hell," he said.

His voice trembled.

Jodie beheld Cory and felt another of those wayward feelings rise. The otter wasn't as big as he was, but he wasn't exactly what he'd term small. It was nice. Cory's cock was nice.

They started to work their dicks as they sat across from each other, occasionally locking eyes awkwardly, and then Jodie told Cory he'd love it if a hot tigress were here with them, and they could spit-roast her on one of their logs. Cory groaned pleasingly at that, and replied that a nice, kinky lizard lady would be equally great, one who got down-'n'-dirty. He said he'd love to get into her pussy - and Jodie could get that blow job he'd been hankering for. To which Jodie groaned a reply, ah, to get his dick sucked. Cory murmured that they should have the blonde vixen here to service them both. Jodie laugh-moaned at that one.

They masturbated, awkward, their eyes darting about their surroundings at first, occasionally sneaking curious glimpses of their privates. Before long, all that evaporated as their heads swam with mutual fantasy, and they locked eyes, calling out all the girls they'd love to share that night.

Their masturbation was working them up into a frenzy.

"A big-titty fuckin' tight-cunt babe who calls ya daddy!" Cory called out deliriously.

Jodie grunted, and at first didn't appear able to reply, his eyes drooping slightly at Cory, his hand blurring as he rode over a high wave of pleasure.

"One of those tiny little fennec babes with the white fur, awwhh," Jodie murred. "Lookin' up at you with that fuckin'... that fuckin' look like, *'babe, that cock feels* so good in me, don't you dare stop givin' it to me.'"

"Aw, yeah!"

The look on his face when he said that!



Jodie gasped.

Cory groaned and rolled his head back, closing his eyes. He could see it, there was no fire, there was the gorgeous form of a woman, and Jodie opposite him, getting that sweet dick worked. She'd treat him nice, give him that nice slow blow job he so richly deserved.

"A nice, slim otter with a tight little rump that drives you crazy whenever y'see it."

Cory gasped sharply, flicked his eyes to Jodie's once again.

Storm's coming.

He was serious.

(Deliriously serious)


"Mmm! Yeah!"

Oh my god.

"Her pants get soaked just lookin' at ya," the otter said.

"Yes," the tiger hissed.

"Oh! Fuck!"

Cory drew in a reedy breath. He saw this as a spectator, a third party, two dudes jerkin' it by the fire, like it couldn't be happening to him, must be some other otter.

"Y'come up behind her and slowly undress her from behind." Cory growled out.

Jodie groaned, thick and desperate.

"And I finally get my paws on that fucking ass," the tiger spat.

"Does it feel nice, buddy?"

*"Fuck yes!* I'm slapping that ass, oh, God! Y'like that baby?"

"She likes it, fuck yeah she does!"

"Oh, shit!"

"Goddamn! I'm bending her over, man, fuck taking this slow, I gotta give that ass a good dicking!"

"Aw, yeah, that ass has been just begging ya for a pounding, hasn't it?"

"Yes it has, buddy, an' it's time to put my fucking nuts to it!"

"Yeh, man, yeah, give it to her!"

"I... uhn, oh, god she's so good!"

"Mmmhm, Jodie, yes! Do it!"

"God, she's so tight! She's a total virgin, I bet."

"Yeh man, yer the first cock in that ass."

"Gonna pop that butt-cherry good!"


"So good, feels so good!"

"Keep fuckin' her, she loves it."

"Oh fuck, gonna... gonna cu..."

"Cum in her ass, baby, cum in that ass!"

Jodie roared, he lurched up from the log, and Cory saw as if in slow motion: his cock surged, he threw his head back, face pained, back curving, pumping his fist. He blew big, and a single white strand arched up, up, over the campfire. Cory saw it and started to cum himself, a hot, raging orgasm, his balls hurt, his cock burned. The thick wad came down, down, and he felt hot splashes on his paw, his cock, his chest. He was so excited, his mind felt like exploding.

Yes! Yes! YES!

It was over, the night quiet as, well, as a mountaintop, and Cory's load oozed down over his balls in thick rivulets.

Jodie still stood, panting, and stared down at the mess Cory had made on himself, then down at Cory's footpaws. Cory looked, as if in a dream, down to where Jodie looked.

There, glistening in the firelight, between Cory's footpaws, was a dark spatter of spooge; the load had fallen short.

They were both silent, and looked up at each other, as if they'd both thought the same thing - both certain it had happened. But both thought wrong.

It just fell short.

Thrill Me Part II

Thrill Me _By Ellery Aristocrat_ Part II '_Oh, god, Roman baby, your ass feels so tight, clenching down on my pawtips like that.'_ _Shut up._ _'Yeah, spread that ass apart for me, that's such a nice ass,_ mmmh_, I'm gonna...

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Thrill Me

Thrill Me. - _By Ellery Aristocrat_ Part I "So what're you into?" He'd said. Its always the same. Every night, with every encounter, one of the same set of questions always come forth, all in an attempt to pick me up. If it isn't...

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