An Introductary Offer

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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When a local reporter follows a rumor for his own purposes he finds himself on the other side of the story.

Commission for DrakeHavok

For the last forty-five minutes Larry nervously paced outside of a local bar, wringing his hands together as he tried not to look too uncomfortable. It wasn't a normal establishment though the looks could have fooled anyone, as the sun began to set a neon sign lit up with the words "Howl at the Moon" in bright white along with the stylized logo of the head of a wolf silhouetted against a circle. It was a were-bar, one that catered exclusively to lycanthropes of all types. From what he could gather from the internet it had been established shortly after the Resurgence when all the mythical creatures of folklore returned to Earth along with magic, though he was there for a far more recent rumor as he finally gathered the courage to open the heavy door and step inside.

"Whoa there human." A huge, chocolate-furred werewolf said as he held up his hand to the scrawny man. The larger male was at least a foot and a half above him and completely ripped with muscle that remained well defined even with the coat of shiny brown fur above it. The bouncer only had on a pair of black leather pants that seemed to strain against the bulge in his front and a gold necklace with a rune on it which glinted in the light as he stood in front of Larry. "You know this is where werewolves rule, not exactly the place for someone as... frail as yourself."

Larry decided to ignore the obvious dig against his physique, though he knew that it was true since he had very little muscle tone and a bit of unflattering flab on his body. "I heard that the proprietor of this place has a means to remedy such a problem." He replied nervously, trying to convey his wants while still being slightly cryptic. If what he was asking for was black market magic then even the mention of such a thing would land him in a lot of hot water.

"I see, you're looking to really 'let loose'." The bouncer replied with a small smile. "Stay here and let me see if the boss is busy, normally he doesn't take walk-in appointments during this time but I think he may make a special exception for you."

Larry just nodded and once more fiddled his fingers together as the werewolf left, the soft fur of his bushy tail brushed against him and the human could feel his pants tighten slightly from the contact. The human could feel himself flush with embarrassment even though he was alone; even though supernatural creatures had been widely accepted into mainstream society there were still pockets of resistance in certain communities, with one of them being humans that used magic to jump the species barrier to become other creatures. Even with the potential stigma he couldn't help himself, it had all started when he was sent by the media outlet he worked for to cover a story on a landmark prejudice lawsuit that got flipped on its head when it was found the leading attorney had not only switched sides but had become a werewolf himself. He had spent hours interviewing werewolves, often alone, and many of them exuded such pure strength and charisma that he couldn't help but envy them. When the story was finally finished his research had not, more often than not he spent his nights on his computer while he researched werewolves for both curiosity and pleasure sake.

After fifteen minutes Larry began to consider either walking out or going into the bar itself when a sandy-furred werewolf poked his head in from the door. "So you're the human?" The lithe canine asked, to which Larry nodded slowly. "Perfect, my name is Sanzu and I am Alzeno's personal assistant. If you'll just follow behind me I'll lead you to his office, just make sure you stay close. It's the start of the first day of the full moon and we can get... rather rowdy when it gets to be around this time."

Once again the nervous human nodded as he followed the werewolf into the bar proper. While Larry didn't know what to expect from a were-bar it actually looked like most other places, except that nearly everyone there was covered in fur. On the other side of several pool tables he saw a doorway that was curtained off and a second opening near it that was nothing more than a hole in the wall. "You'll have to mind the construction." Sanzu said as he gestured towards the area while they walked behind the large bar where a silver-furred wolf served drinks to the boisterous patrons. "Ever since we won our case against the nearby owners and land-management pricks we're able to open a small gambling den and Alzeno ordered it to be built as soon as possible."

"I know, I actually reported on that." Larry replied. "There was a lot of uproar on that case, kept me busy for months."

Sanzu stopped suddenly in his tracks and turned to look at the human, which caused his heart to skip a beat when he wondered if he had said something to offend the lycan or worse if he suspected he was there for a story. "You know, I think I remember you actually." Sanzu mused. "You had interviewed several of our pack for the story, I remember the boss saying that you actually represented us in a good light unlike the other vultures that tried to paint us as savage creatures. Can you believe that some of them ran the story that we had kidnapped, brainwashed, and converted the attorney so that we could win?"

"So I heard." Larry commented, remembering that after the inflammatory story ran Alzeno sued the papers and won.

Larry and Sanzu continued to talk a bit until they reached the double doors of the office on the second floor. "This is where I leave you, I have to go take care of some inventory." The sandy-furred werewolf said as he gave Larry a warm smile and a pat on the shoulder. "He's expecting you, so have fun."

The reporter couldn't help but swallow hard at the possible connotations that those words said, but as he turned to ask Sanzu was already half-way back down the hallway. Larry took a second to watch as that toned butt and thick tail swayed provocatively, then shook his head and steeled his nerves before he opened the door and walked inside. The office was huge, a large, white leather couch and overstuffed chair provided a small lounge area on one side while the other was dominated by filing cabinets and other business essential equipment. What drew his gaze though was the very large mahogany desk and the arctic werewolf that sat behind it, the huge creature's eyes fixed on the computer screen for a few seconds more before he turned to regard the new entry.

"Hello Sir." Larry tried to say respectively, the alpha werewolf looking him up and down. "I was just wondering... about..."

"You can call me Alzeno, as I told you the last time we talked." The lycan replied as he motioned for the human to take a seat. "So Sanzu has told me that you came to our bouncer asking about something very particular but you were very cryptic about it. Now that you're here why don't you tell me what it is you want?"

"Well... Alzeno." Larry said anxiously as he sat down opposite the werewolf. "I've been doing some research on werewolves and I stumbled upon a rather fascinating rumor. There isn't much on the subject, but those few that I have talked to about it say that you're working on an object or spell that could temporarily turn someone into a werewolf. Is that true?"

"Well, that would be quite the feat, since the few methods of werewolf transformation result in permanent lycanthropy and those that are temporary rarely work on anyone that doesn't have the genes for it." Alzeno replied with a small grin. "So to have such a piece of magical equipment would be extremely newsworthy, is that why you've come to me? Trying to sniff out a story?"

For the second time tonight Larry felt himself blush, though this time it wasn't in embarrassment as he knew that he was about to pass the point of no return. "No, not a story." He confessed. "I... ever since I've interviewed your kind I've been obsessed about them, to the point where I'm thinking I might want to actually... you know... go full lycanthrope. As you said though it would be completely permanent and I'm not sure if I could handle it, so I was hoping that the rumor you had a means of temporary transformation were true."

Larry braced himself for whatever Alzeno had to say about it, and for a second it looked like the massive canine was about to yell him out of his office. To his surprise though what came out of Alzeno's muzzle was a loud, booming laugh as he got up and stretched out his impressive musculature before he moved towards his filing cabinets. "Normally I wouldn't even think about revealing this to a human, especially a reporter." Alzeno said as he pressed his furry finger against the bio-lock on the drawer and then opened it. "But Gemini told me that your article was one of the few that actually helped win us our case, so I figure I can throw you a bone."

The human watched as the hulking werewolf pulled out what looked like a flexible band of metal, the silvery material shined in the light as Alzeno walked over and handed it to him. As Larry ran it through his fingers it felt almost fluidic, though it looked like one solid piece as he played with it the material shifted and stretched. There were no other markings on it and nothing that seemed to indicate a clasp until he put the two ends together and they came together in a soft clink. When it was together it formed into a metal collar, though it looked a bit small the metal continued to have its stretch properties.

"It's still in the beta testing stages, but what you heard about it is essentially true." Alzeno instructed. "Once you attach it around your neck and is exposed to the light of the full moon you will transform into a werewolf, and then once the moon sets you will revert back to your normal self. While the magic is active the collar will not detach so you will not be able to change to human at all during the night, however it will automatically unlock as soon as the moon disappears from the sky. If you are still interested then it's all yours for the night, you just have to agree to stay here during the duration so that I can monitor the results and sign a waiver that waves myself and Howl at the Moon of any liabilities since you are essentially helping me test the product."

"Alright, I'm in!" Larry said eagerly as he signed the contract set before him by pressing his finger against the datapad before he opened the collar once more. "So this will last one day or the whole full moon period?"

"The magic is only strong enough for one day, I'm afraid." Alzeno replied as he put the datapad in his desk. "Any stronger and there might be risks attached and I want to make sure the magic is successful before I strengthen it. Would you like to put it on here or go somewhere more private? You will have to strip down for the change, but I'll assign you a locker during the duration of your visit."

It took a few seconds for Larry to choose to do his change in private, the alpha werewolf nodding before calling Sanzu back into his office. When the other werewolf came in Larry shook Alzeno's hand and followed Sanzu once more into another part of the building. It was marked 'Employees Only' but Sanzu reassured the human that it was fine and led him into a room that was a strange cross between a dressing room, a locker room, and a typical office break room as he was lead to one of the lockers. Sanzu showed him to one locker in particular and told him it was the one he could use then began to walk away, but not before Larry could feel that tail wrap around his leg and slide up his inner thigh.

Larry felt a slight tremor of pleasure go through his body at the touch of the furry appendage against him, but all too soon it was gone and he was alone. "Time to remedy that." He said to himself as he stripped down and put his clothes in the locker. When he got to the actual putting on of the collar he paused slightly, a small pang of anxiety crept up on him which he quickly tried to quash down. "It's only temporary... nothing to worry about."

He closed his eyes and slipped the band of metal around him, the ends clipping together with only a slight amount of stretch needed to close the gap around his neck. For almost a whole minute he stood there naked, waiting for some change to overwhelm him and change him into a far more bestial creature. When he felt nothing happen he looked down at himself in confusion and saw that nothing had changed on him at all. At first he was about to put his clothes on and go back to Alzeno, but before he could put his underpants back on he remembered something that made him put his hand to his head.

"It needs to be activated by moonlight." He muttered as he went over to the lounge area where a window was completely covered by a blackout blind. He hoped that it was facing the right direction, and as he pulled aside the thick curtain he realized with relief that it was. Though the view was partially obscured by the other building the silvery rays bathed him in light and he could feel the metal of the collar begin to emit a pleasant warmth.

Larry began to feel an electric current run down his spine as the muscles underneath his body began to shift and grow. His skin tingled as a light dusting a fur grew on it, then continued to grow until his entire form was covered in a uniform layer of steel-blue fur. As he admired the unusual color his bicep flexed despite himself, and as he looked down at the muscle he watched in awe as it began to inflate. Like a balloon being filled his arms swelled and grew longer, he brought his hands up to his face and watched as his fingers stretched while the fingernails grew black and pointed. "That's what I'm talking about!" He said with a triumphant laugh as his spine popped and he grew taller while at the same time it began to push out a nub of flesh just above his crack.

"Well well, what do we have here?" A voice said behind him, which caused the transforming human to spin around. It was a pair of nearly identical werewolves, everything from their black fur to their muscular build and even to the charms that were woven into their fur was the same. "Looks like a werewolf in the throes of his first transformation, how lucky that my shift started now. What's your name pup?"

Larry blinked as he it sounded like he heard only one voice though the mouths of the two werewolves moved, their speech in such perfect time with one another it was hard to distinguish. "My name? It's L..." he paused for a second as he realized that 'Larry' was a terrible name for a werewolf and since his features had already begun to alter no one would recognize him and it was the perfect time to reimagine himself. "...Loki. Alzeno was kind enough to let me stay here for my first change. You must be Gemini, the soul twins, I remember... um... hearing about you before on the news."

The black werewolves smiled and nodded, approaching him and putting their hands on his chest as the flabby pectorals firmed up under the new fur and a six pack began to form underneath. "If you'd like, I would very much enjoy helping make your transition a... pleasurable one." Gemini said as the pair pulled off their pants at the same time, their sheaths already full and their canine cockheads poking out from it. "What do you say Loki?"

Larry, though Loki sounded much better to him especially now that he had heard the hunky twins address him as it, felt himself blush slightly as their paws roamed across his changing body, one hand already on the twitching stump of his tail as the flesh began to grow out into a proper tail. While it wasn't the first time that he had been with a man it was certainly a first to be with two twin werewolves while he changed into one himself, and the mere thought caused his still human penis to stiffen. He nodded eagerly and in the next second he found himself grabbed by the two of them and brought to the very large couch that occupied the break room. The black-furred werewolves flopped his still transforming body onto the leather seats and one took position behind him while the other gripped his head.

The swelling muscle on his face expanded ten-fold as the 9 inch member was pressed against it, his half-formed muzzle eagerly wrapping around it as his nose stretched out and turned black to give him truly lupine features. It also distracted him from what was happening at his legs, Gemini spreading them apart as his toes wiggled and cracked into newly formed paws. It didn't take long for Loki to feel a cock identical to the member in his mouth press into his tailhole while he felt the prick of claws against the sculpted muscles of his rear.

All Loki could do was ride the wave of the final stages of transformation as the two werewolves pounded into him. His tight pectorals and abs stretched as they sculpted into a form that athletes would envy as the muscles crunched together from the twins' perfectly timed thrusts into his mouth and tailhole. Gone was the flabby, timid human named Larry that would never dream of such a thing as what was happening now. Instead there was Loki, the hunky blue-steel furred werewolf that pleasured two males at once as Gemini let out a low groan.

He could feel their claws grip his body tightly as their members twitched inside him, Loki's own member doing the same as the skin turned a bright red and the tip mutated into a more canine appearance. His eyes momentarily glanced off of the thick cock in his maw and to his own as a wave of pleasure centered from his expanding member as it grew past his normal erection and gained another few inches. As his changes reached a head all three werewolves let out a howl of climax, Loki's muffled by the cock in his mouth as he felt Gemini seed him from both ends while his own shot several jets of werewolf spunk in the air. When they finally settled down Loki's body shook as they withdrew their members from his well-used body.

"I think I'm going to have to call in sick." The two said simultaneously as they grabbed Loki by each arm and led the worn-out werewolf out of the dressing room.


The next morning Larry awoke with a snort, feeling the pressure of two furry bodies against him as the fog of sleep cleared his mind. He found himself entwined in the black-furred arms and legs of the twins that he had fallen asleep with after a very arousing round two. As he turned to wiggle out of their grasp he winced as the light of the sun hit his eyes, and as he held his now-free hand to block it he found that it was once more back to its original human form. He felt a small pang of disappointment as he looked down at himself and found that everything else was back to normal as well, though the transformation seemed to leave behind a bit of muscle definition that he didn't have before. As he continued to examine himself he noticed a silver collar that laid next to him which he promptly picked up.

"Well Loki, it was fun." The human said with a sigh as he took the collar and slid completely out of the two werewolves' embrace. Luckily Gemini seemed to be a sound sleeper and merely rolled over, again strangely at the same time and back into the same relative positions as each other, and continued to doze. Once he had escaped he went over to the locker that he had been assigned and got dressed, then went to Alzeno and returned the collar. The two had a brief back and forth about his experience and the alpha werewolf gave him a survey to fill out, then once he had finished the two shook hands and Larry left the club with a new spring in his step and a head full of amazing memories.

After a few hours and a very large lunch Larry sat at his computer, typing away at a different story about the stand-off between mythical winged creatures and the FAA on flight paths and regulations. Even as he wrote the words down his mind was only half-focused on the subject, the still fresh memories of the previous night in his mind as he thought about his transformation. The werewolf form he had inhabited felt so natural to him that he could understand why lycanthropes loved the full moon time so much, being able to access such a powerful form for just one night had been one of the most exhilarating times of his life. It was just unfortunate that any magic that was able to transform him was so expensive and regulated, he thought to himself, even if he decided then and there to become one it would be months or even years before he could get the procedure done. Still... as one hand drifted down to his stiffening member he began to convince himself that the time and expense would definitely be worth it.

"Ow!" He suddenly shouted as he jerked his hand back, looking down to see a gash in his jeans and an angry red scratch on his thigh. The pain was quickly eclipsed by both confusion and fear as he looked down at his hand, once more his fingernails sharp and black as they turned to black claws. "What... I..."

Larry was speechless as he watched shiny blue fur sprout from the back of his hand, his mind reeling as he felt his arm start to itch. He walked to his phone as fast as he could, his eyes still fixated on his transformed hand as the fur started to spread up his arm. All his mind could think of was Alzeno, Howl at the Moon, and the collar. He dialed the number and waited, his mouth turned in a slight frown as his lips and face began to stretch into a muzzle.

"We're sorry, due to construction Howl at the Moon's phone services will be down temporarily." The automated voice said. "Please try your call again at another time. We're sorry, due to-"

Larry slammed the phone down with such force that it caused the plastic to crack as his blackened lips unfurled into a slight snarl of annoyance, which allowed his teeth to slip past as they lengthened and turned to fangs. He knew he had to get to the bar in case something serious was happening to him as a residual effect of the magic, though as he ran to the door he realized it would be harder then he thought as the seams of his pants split from the thickening muscles of his thighs when he reached down to grab his shoes. His voice deepened as he cursed his luck, the bigger muscles of his arms bulged as he ripped off the useless garment and ran back into his bedroom for a change of clothes.

A few minutes later Larry ran out into the street as the lights flickered on, which helped to hide the oddity that he was. He ran down the sidewalk in bare feet, his shoes long since abandoned as his heel had stretched and his toes had puffed out into a true werewolf's paw. All he could find that stretched out over his new frame was a pair of sweatpants and sweatshirt, and even that had begun to stretch to its limits as he tried to hail a cab. Unsurprisingly as soon as he raised his deformed hand and the driver saw his half-transformed face they immediately sped off down the street. "Speciest!" Larry yelled as the third driver passed him.

"Mommy, what's wrong with that man?" Larry suddenly heard, though as he looked around he saw that the only ones on his street were a child and woman that were nearly a block away from him. As he reached up his hands to his head he felt a pair of triangular ears on his head, and as he clutched his still changing skull he felt them continue to develop until they had turned into a pair of proper werewolf ears as he looked up at the two warily.

"He's just going through his first change; it can be confusing to them, like when you get dizzy from spinning around, just don't stare and he'll be fine." He could hear the mother's reply as clear as though she stood next to him, interrupted only by a small rip as he saw the bluish grey fur that had grown on his arm poke through a tear in his sweatshirt. As he dragged his fingers down his face he felt the fully formed muzzle of a werewolf under his claws, which had started to become a familiar sensation as he had experienced the new appendage for the second time in as many days.

A sense of urgency was renewed in him and he bounded down the street as fast as he could, but stopped midway there to grip the wall as he bend over and pulled down the waist of his sweatpants to allow his tail to push out over his crack. Once it had finished its growth he used his claws to rip a small hole in the back and pushed the new appendage through the already compromised pants, then continued on once more. Even with his unexpected transformation still happening he found that his stamina was still far greater than when he was human, and that combined with his strength made him reach Howl at the Moon before his body was completely changed as he burst through the entrance door.

"Excuse me, you-" the chocolate-furred werewolf started to say before he looked at the slightly panting werewolf in front of him in clothes that were mostly tatters that hung off his bulky frame. "Whoa buddy, you alright? I'm guessing you just had a very interesting experience there... hey wait, I think Gemini mentioned a blue-furred werewolf they got with. Loki, right?"

"Yeah... I need... Alzeno..." Larry replied, which prompted the bouncer to nod and go inside the club proper. As he waited for the werewolf to return the fact that he called him Loki caused any resistances to the transformation erode away. The last thing that had yet to change was also the most important, his legs buckling as a strong tingle permeated from his groin. He slumped into the corner as the already reddened flesh grew erect from the flesh that had become his sheath once more as his Loki mindset bubbled to the surface.

He reached in and began to stroke his tapered erection when the bouncer came back, trying to hold back a chuckle as he watched Loki quickly dart away from his crotch. "Alzeno will see you now." The bouncer said as he helped the werewolf up. "Try not to masturbate in front of him."

Loki felt his body twitch as he grabbed onto the bouncer's meaty arm and got up. As he was led into the main room he saw that the bar was hopping, it was the main night for the full moon after all and the werewolf patrons were at their rowdiest. Part of him felt the urge to join them, but he knew that now was not the time to indulge in such a vice. Instead he followed him back up into the office, where Alzeno had met both of them at the door.

"Well then, looks like we have ourselves a bit of a conundrum." Alzeno said after he had waved the bouncer off and shut the door behind him. "How do you feel, any pain or discomfort?"

"No... actually... I..." Loki looked down at himself and his completely transformed body, flexing the powerful muscles underneath his thick pelt of fur. "It feels great, but what happened? I thought the collar's magic was only supposed to last one night?"

"It was supposed to." Alzeno replied as he led the confused werewolf to his couch to sit down, then handed him a drink. "I'm relieved to hear that you weren't hurt, though the fact that you seem to have undergone a first change is something rather surprising. To both myself and my bouncer you are a real werewolf, at least all our instincts are telling us so, which means that somehow the weak magic in the collar permanently transformed you into a lycanthrope. I do hope that this isn't a terrible fate for you, from what Gemini reported when he hooked up with 'Loki' it sounded like your experience was mostly positive."

Loki blushed when the twins were brought up, though that embarrassment quickly left him when Alzeno put a hand on his knee. When he looked up into the alpha werewolf's eyes he felt an aura of dominance about him that he had never experienced before and though Alzeno never said it Loki couldn't help but look down and revere the bigger werewolf's strength. "I love being a werewolf, it felt so right and natural." He confessed. "I was saddened when I had returned to my human form, and the more I talk about it the more this side effect is a blessing."

"Hmmm, I see." Alzeno said as he got closer, sniffing the air as a smile crossed his face. "I'd like to study you more, perhaps you had a latent lycanthropic strain in your bloodline or your want to be one of us led the magic to change you." By then the arctic furred werewolf was mere inches from Loki's muzzle, enough that he could feel the other male's hot breath. "In exchange I'll help you with your transition, even invite you to part of my pack, I need to expand my numbers anyway and you've helped us in the past with your articles. I will have to study you in earnest, will involve a lot of nights together determining the cause."

Loki couldn't believe his ears at what he had just been offered, a day ago he had been a mere human with a rumor, now he was being offered a place in one of the most powerful packs in the city run by the handsomest specimen of male he had ever seen. The second that he had nodded his head in acceptance Alzeno was on him, their muzzles locked in a deep kiss as Loki was pressed hard into the soft cushions of the claw-proof couch. Much like his new form it felt completely natural for him to be underneath the other male as their muscular bodies rubbed and grinded against one another, the alpha laying claim to his body as he felt what was left of his clothes get ripped away. It was much more than mere dominance, as soon as their lips parted and their eyes met Loki knew that he had been marked and that he would serve his new leader until the end of the world.

Alzeno seemed to sense their new bond and wasted no time, his already erect canine shaft pressed against Loki's tailhole as the grey-blue tail whipped about underneath him in eager anticipation. Both males let out a loud groan as the alpha's cock slid inside his newest packmate, the normally tight anal muscles seemed to open as though they knew what it was supposed to do. Loki's body shuddered as he felt his new leader spread his cheek wide, his long canine tongue lolled out of his mouth as Alzeno began to thrust in and out of him. Loki closed his eyes as his own cock was sandwiched between their abs, the stimulating fur between them causing his tool to throb almost in time with the other werewolf's thrusts. As the two werewolves continued to rut a fleeting thought ran through Loki's head, that if he had never followed up on his hunch he would still be Larry tonight, not a lycan being rutted by his new alpha.

The fleeting mental image made Loki shudder slightly, then looked at his new alpha before he was turned over on all fours, a smile formed on his muzzle as he was properly inducted into his new pack.