Wolf blood chapter 3

Story by jeremy1555 on SoFurry

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Warning, this chapter is extremely stupid and has no studying in it at all, please don't stop reading.

Harry sighed as he looked through his folder, he had so much work to get done, and in so little time, he didn't know what to do, he was just happy he had Jasmine as a friend who was willing to help him catch up. He was currently sitting on a bench at this moment, looking through his folder forlornly at all the homework he had tonight and all the assignments he had not finished yet.He looked to his side when he felt a hand touch his shoulder, it was Jasmine, she looked at him calmly with a smile, "hey, what are you doing just siting here all alone Harry?"Harry shrugged nonchalantly, "nothing imparticular, just looking at all the homework I have tonight..."Jasmine nodded, "can I see?"Harry handed the folder to her, "knock yourself out Jasmine."She looked through the folder at his homework, he had quite a few papers, however, something caught her eye, she found a paper that she could have sworn was due a month ago, she looked through and saw papers that she could probably verify as old work that was never turned in.Jasmine turned to Harry with a concerned look in her eyes, "uh, Harry is some of this old work?"Harry nodded, "yeah I guess so why?"Jasmine face palmed, "Harry you need to learn to be organized."Harry rolled his eyes at her, "whats your point Jasmine?""My point is that this isn't organized Harry, you won't get your GPA to a two point zero much less a four point zero with your folders like this!"Harry raised an eyebrow, "folders? How many folders do I need Jasmine, I mean seriously."Jasmine sighed, "you need a folder for- you know what, I'll be by your house at five, we'll work there and I'll help you get organized as well."Harry looked at her nervously, "I uh, don't think that's such a good idea Jasmine.""Why not? Don't tell me your backing out because you don't want me in your house."Harry shook his head, "no, I just haven't cleaned my house in a few days and its a little messy is all, I need time to clean it is all."Jasmine rolled her eyes, "Harry, my mom only cleans her and my dads house once a month, and I have like four other siblings, I think I can handle your house, you live alone after all, how messy could you be?"Harry stared at her nervously, "I think you'll be surprised Jasmine."Jasmine was a bit scared now, "um... okay... well, I uh, still think we should have this study thing at your place, unless your gonna lug all your stuff over to my place, and back to yours after we're done, because your not staying the night, and I won't b-""alright, alright, I get it! We'll have the study thing at my place."Jasmine nodded, "okay, see you at five Harry, she then walked off to her car."Harry sighed, "I am gonna have a lot of explaining to do tonight... Harry went out to the parking lot, got into his car and drove off. As he drove out of the parking lot he thought of someone he could go to for guidance in his current predicament, I need someone wise, and smart, someone who has seen and done everything..."ten minutes laterHarry came to an old apartment complex, "I believe he said room 145, I hope he's right." He knocked on the door.Instantly a bitch opened the door, she smiled widely at him, "oh, Harry, great to see you here, Danny is in his room playing a new game he had me buy for him a week ago."Harry nodded, "oh well can I come in and talk to him? Its really important."She nodded, "of course Harry, please come in."Harry happily obliged, walking past her into the apartment."Do you want some lunch sweety? Its turtle stew with pig ass."Harry licked his lips, "well if you insist, I do love pig's ass."She giggled, "oh of course you do, everyone does Harry, it'll be waiting for you on the counter, oh and tell Danny its time to eat please?"Harry nodded, "oh of course, he then walked down the hall to Danny's room, he opened the door and casually walked inside, dude, I need advice m-"he stared at Danny as he lay on his bed, playing his threeDS, he has bags under his bags under his baggy eyes, his eyes were beat red with the veins clearly showing. He seemed to have lost ten pounds which worried Harry, had he eaten or slept since he got the game, and what game did he get exactly?"um... dude, how long have you been playing that?"Danny ignored him as he continued playing, a minute later he screamed like a girl, he calmed down when he saw Harry though, "oh, dude, I thought you were a burglar come to take my game, wh-whats up?"Harry nodded, giving him an odd look, "riight, well um... I need some help, with college problems."Danny shrugged, "sorry, can't help man, I never went to college, and I can't now anyway.""Why not?""Duh! My pokemon need feeding dude! They are grade A champions and I gotta feed them!"Harry blinked, "your playing a pokemon game? Really?""Don't judge it til you try it man."Harry sighed, "dude have you done anything but play that game since you got it?""Sometimes you gotta sacrifice things for the ones you loves Harry, you'll understand when you get your own Pokemon."Harry rolled his eyes, "yeah like I'll really waste my money on a stupid Pokemon game dude.... is it really that good a game?""Better dude, its better than anything you could ever imagine.""Better than sex even?"Danny nodded, "duh, its a hundred times better than sex dude, just go buy the game and find out the meaning to life itself dude."Harry blinked at him blankly, "I don't want to go waste my money on..."Danny pulled a game out from between his toes, "this is pokemon Y, you can't get Mightyena in it but it will at least open your mind to what really matters in life.""Dude I really don't think-""you can to me for help right? Well this is my advice to you, play the game, and let it solve all of your other problems for you."Harry looked at the game, "am I really going to listen to such bull crap?"Five hours laterJasmine pulled up at Harry's house, she got out of her car and went up the the door, she knocked on the door and waited five minutes, when no one answered she tried jimmying the door, it was unlocked though. She walked inside and was ambushed by the strongest, most horrible smelling odour she ever smelled. "Ugh, what's that smell?"She looked around in horror at what lay before her; garbage lay everywhere, horrible smelling old clothes that must have been laying there for weeks, half eaten chicken tenders were stuck to the ceiling, she gagged when she saw the moldy chicken tender on the ceiling she shook her head trying to stay focused, "I have to find Harry, but where could he be?"She saw a set of stairs, she decided to go up the stairs, she ran up the stairs as fast as she could, holding her hand over her mouth. They led to a second floor, the second floor was much cleaner. She could hear some sort of music coming from a room nearby, she slowly walked towards the door afraid of what she might find inside.She opened the door staring at Harry in his bed, he had a three DS and Pokémon music could be heard. "Umm... Harry?"Harry didn't answer, "come on Finnekin you can do I belie- aw you stupid retard, how could you die?! No food for a week!"Jasmine hesitantly walked over to Harry, she tapped him on the shoulder, "Harry..."Harry jumped a little, he sighed when he saw Jasmine staring down at him with concern, "oh, uh hey Jasmine... What are you doing here?"Jasmine rolled her eyes, "we're studying, remember?"Harry nodded, "oh right um... Your help is no longer needed, Danny gave me advice."Jasmine nodded, a bit surprised, "and that was?"Harry tapped the game console, "the game holds all the answers."Jasmine groaned, "oh gosh, Harry why would you take such retarded advice?"Harry and put a finger to her lips, "sh, sh, shh, the game knows all Jasmine."Jasmine barred her teeth at him as she caught his wrist in her iron grip and squeezed.Harry yelped as he danced about whining, "owowow, okay, okay, I'm sorry, uncle uncle!"Jasmine gripped Harry by the collar of his shirt, pulling him closer to her face, "touch my lips again and I'll break your wrist."Harry nodded profusely, "okay, okay, just please don't break my wrist, I need that!"Jasmine rolled her eyes, she let him go though, then pushed him down into the bed, "turn that piece of crap off, you need to study, Danny doesn't know crap!"Harry barred his teeth at her, Danny has done a lot!Jasmine did the same, Danny doesn't do crap!Harry stood up, fur raised and teeth showing, Danny is wise, do not mock the wise one!Jasmine took a step forward and not into Harry's face, "No, Danny is an idiot and a loser who lives with his mom, he's going to be alone forever because no girl will want a loser who does nothing but eat his moms food and get fat!"Danny has a girlfriend and got laid years ago! "Bullcrap!""It's true!"Jasmine crossed her arms and glared at him, "Okay so who is she then?""Her name is Wendy and she's a model, he made up in his imaginat- I see what you mean now I think....."Jasmine sighed, "will you please shut off that game now so we can get started please?"Harry nodded as he saved and turned off the console, "I'm ready now."She nodded, "good, let's get this over with already."lol, okay so there you have it, just so you know, this story is not my best work, my better works will not be published until I actually have them complete. Okay,so it's time to thank all my reviewers; Grazefultiger, OracleofChaos, Mercenary Canine

thank you all for reading my story. Now its time for announcements, I will probably just make Harry lost in the forest next chapter, also if you disliked this chapter I'm sorry to hear that and I hope you stay with he story. Oh and remember that these are animals with human characterists, so they will tend to act like animals.I hope you all have a nice day and stay safe, and no cigaretts, and don't grow pot in your back yard, its illegal, bye ya'll.

Wolf blood chapter 4

Hey! First I want to thanks for the faves! Mercanary canine, awsomeos, Zedtatar725, thanks! Enjoy the chapter!Tony lit a cigar as he sat at his desk. His son was in the room playing the game on a Three DS, not paying attention to anything. "So." he...


wolf blood chapter 4

Hey guys,you guys actually got this sorta late, Fictionpress got it first since I have more readers on there. Okay so I'll start off by thanking those who deserve a thanks. Anonymous Reader for ever, Emotionalx10, Tahira.j12, Vallano,...

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Wolf blood chapter 2

Harry ran as fast as he could, and easily made it to his next class, the class was science. He was he walked into the class, sitting in the front of the class, he then reached into his back to get his supplies, and realized he didn't have his backpack....

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