wolf blood chapter 4

Story by jeremy1555 on SoFurry

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Hey guys,you guys actually got this sorta late, Fictionpress got it first since I have more readers on there. Okay so I'll start off by thanking those who deserve a thanks.

Anonymous Reader for ever, Emotionalx10, Tahira.j12, Vallano, XxButterflyxAngelxBabygirl, Emily Caine, Robot Queen Destroyer Deluxe, thank you all for reviewing.

Tahira.j12, and Emily Caine, thanks for favoriting my story.

Anonymous Reader for ever, Tahira.j12, Vexill, XxButterflyxAngelxBabygirl, moonlight543 thanks for following my story.All rights to this story go to Jeremy1555, also known of myself, or the writer and publisher of this work.Please enjoy.Harry and Jasmine had been working together on the classes that they had together and Jasmine helped Harry out with the classes he didn't have with her the best she could. They'd been together for two weeks and already Harry's grades went up considerably since they started working together. Jasmine unfortunately wasn't able to make it that night though, she had to work overtime that night, Harry could get a good majority of the work done on his own anyway thanks to Jasmine.Suddenly Harry's cell rang, he sighed as he picked it up and answer it, "hello?""Hey dog whats up?""Danny? Uh, whats up dog?""Not much, I was going out on the town tonight and wanted to know if you wanted to come too."Harry shrugged aware that no one could really see him doing it over the phone, "uh sure dude what time are you leaving?""I plan to leave at seven."Harry nodded "Okay, sure I guess I can make it dog.""Great we can take your car then dog.""um... I guess so yeah dog.""Great I'll be waiting outside for you at seven." Harry then hung up the phone and got back to work since it was only three in the afternoon.Harry was just a block away from Harry's mom's apartment when he called, "hey Danny, dog I'm almost at your house.""Great I'll be out in a sec.""Alright dog see you in a minute."Harry was soon in the parking lot of the apartment parking lot.Surprising enough Danny was outside waiting for Harry like he said. Danny quickly hopped in his car, and buckled himself up.Harry looked at Danny with suspicion, "so where exactly are we going Danny?""Truthfully? I have something I want to sell to someone for a good amount of money, and I want you to be there in case things get.... hectic."Harry sighed, "and you failed to mention this before why?""Because you probably would refused if I did."Harry rolled his eyes, "whatever where are we going?""Just get on the road and I'll tell you where to go from there."Harry nodded as he left the parking lot and got onto the road.

Right here Harry, "this is the place."Harry pulled into a parking lot in front of an abandoned warehouse. He looked up at it nervously, "uh who exactly is this client of yours Danny?"Danny frowned at him, "don't worry about that alright? Just be quiet, don't say anything unless spoken to okay? Just let me do the talking."Harry nodded nervously, "um... okay I guess."Danny and Harry reached the door and Danny knocked. It was a large iron door which had rusted a bit. A piece of the door slid open to show a pair of eyes staring at them, a deep voice with a somewhat accent which was somewhat familiar came through, "password."Danny smiled at him, "ravioli."The clip on the door was shut and the door opened to show a large Neapolitan Mastiff He wore a brown suit with his shirt button undone by two buttons and a plain silver necklace which went down to where his shirt was unbuttoned, he also wore black shades and had a mixture of golden and amber hair which was slicked back with hair gel to make it stay down. He had a few gold rings on his fingers too. He was a head taller than Harry and almost two heads taller than Danny, he was thick with muscle too."Welcome, please, come in, the boss is been expect'n you Danny."Danny walked inside, Harry behind him nervously walking inside the building, surprisingly it was quite lit up in the building they were in.It was also empty of any life at all except for a desk at the every end of the room where a Neapolitan mastiff was sitting. He was fat and had a very white haired muzzle, indicating he was old, he wore a brown suit also, he was dressed very much like the other mastiff was, his hair was gray and he was balding quite profusely. Two other mastiffs were on each side of the one in the chair, each wearing a black suit and dressed much better than the one in the chair, they also were very well muscled, both bigger than the mastiff who opened the door for them. The one on the left was a head taller than the one on the right, the one on the right was also more muscled too.The mob boss smiled happily at Danny, "glad ta see ya came kid, so you-" he looked to Harry with disdain. His frown sent shivers down Harry's spine- "who's this guy?"Danny looked to Harry and back to the mob boss, "oh this guy? He's my body guard, ya know, in case anything-"Harry elbowed Danny in the side, growling as he said hastily, "shut up idiot."The mob boss glared at Harry, "'ey, don't you go talk'n ta my client like that bub, you touch him again yer gonna have ta answer to my boys, Bruno, and Cirneco here." The two mastiffs on each side of him cracked their knuckles, the one on the left cracked his first, then the one on the right cracked his second to show they weren't to be tested.Harry gulped nervously, giving a sheepish grin, "r-right, sorry sir."The mob boss ignored this as he turned back to Danny with a friendly smile, "so about our little agreement."Danny nodded with a half smile, "he took out a large suitcase and threw it on his desk.The mob boss jumped a little at this, he glared at Danny, "ya couldn't just walk over and set it down like a civil Kanine bein'?" He shook his head in annoyance, "kids these days are always try'n ta act tough." The two mastiffs on either side of the boss nodded in agreement with their superior.The boss opened the brief case and a large enthusiastic smile on his face, "Pokamon X, just like ya said, I've been want'n ta play this for months."Danny smiled as he said rather hastily, "I'll be taking my money please?"The mob boss seemed surprised by this, "'ey come on, relax, just take a seat and stay a while, he looked to the mastiff to his left flicking his fingers, Bruno get 'em some chairs so they can sit, he flicked his fingers twice more."Harry smiled a little, feeling more welcome.The boss smiled back at him, "we got some food don't we? Get 'em some fo-""No thanks, we really need to be going" Danny rudely said.The mob boss glared at Danny and Harry darkly, not used to being interrupted.Harry gave a big smile nervously, "no, no we'd love to stay and eat, r-really."The mob boss shook his head, "no, I think you both have outstayed your welcome." He looked back at Danny darkly then at the game case, He slowly opened the game case. He stared at it coldly, then turned the inside of the case to Harry and Danny to see. It was empty. The boss glared at them both, "ya couldn't even leave game manual inside?"Harry shivered in fear as he turned to Danny, "you idiot!" He grabbed Danny by the shirt and got in his face, "what were you thinking?!"The mob boss slammed his hand down, making Harry jump nearly five feet in the air, "what'd I fuck'n tell ya ?! Don't disrespect my clients!"Harry quickly took his hands off Danny and jumped back from him a foot, "s-sorry."Danny smiled as he asked, "can I have my money now?"The mob boss glared at Danny, "no, but you can get out of my warehouse."Danny glared back, "I'll get the cops on you, I know you and your kind are wanted by the cops!"The mob boss chuckled a bit, "is that so?""Of course it is, I want my money!"The mob boss nodded, "we'll let ya go still. And I would love to see you even get home when I get through with ya, he flicked his fingers, boys, cut out 'is tongue an' pluck 'is eyes out, then send 'im on 'is way ta the screws." The two mastiffs on either side of the boss walked over towards Danny.Danny quickly put his hands up, "w-wait, I - I changed my mind I don't wanna go to the cops."The mob boss smiled darkly, "what about yer friend? He's gonna need the screws ta help 'im find his body, hurry it up boys."Harry took a step back, "w-wait... What do you mean?"The mob boss glanced him, "you'll see kid", he snapped his fingers you know what ta do boys.The two large mastiffs walked over to Danny as one of them took out a knife and the other a spoon.Danny took a step back, a look of fear on his face now, no,no, please can't we talk this out?"They ignored this as they grabbed Danny, the larger one held Danny in place as the other held the knife in his hands.Danny screamed like a bitch as he kicked and fought, "Harry! HARRY YOUR A BODY GUARD HELP ME!"Harry went over to help, however the one holding Danny elbowed him in the snout. Harry grunted as he fell on his back from the impact, it didn't take long for him to lose consciousness as he drifted into darkness as he listened to Danny scream even more as he was tortured.Harry awoke to find himself shrouded in total darkness, "huh? Where am I?" He also found himself with something in his mouth so he was unable to talk, just grunt. His arms and legs were bound together too, making it impossible for him to sit up.He heard a car engine and was moving about as it moved, he still was unable to figure out where he was though.Suddenly everything stopped, he heard the sound of a trunk popping open, doors opening and slamming shut, and then something was removed from his head. He saw the two mastiffs from earlier staring at him through their shades, he remembered their names to be Bruno and... he couldn't remember the tall ones name.Fear ran through Harry as he squirmed and grunted loudly trying to call for help.One of the mastiffs One of the mastiffs clutched the rope which bound him together pulling him out of the trunk of the car and cut the ropes holding his legs bound so he could walk he saw railing which led to a forest, then put a leather bag over his head again."Come on the boss wants us ta help 'im break an egg in this here forest.""Then we throw 'is body in the ocean."The other mastiff slapped his coworker in the back of the head, "no ya idiot! The boss said ta put 'im on the steps of the screws place!""Oh.""Listen ta what the boss says for five minutes would ya?""wait why are we leav'n him on the steps of the screws place, they might find him then."Bruno face palmed, "Thats the point, boss wants 'em ta find 'is body.""oh."He grabbed Harry by the ropes and dragged him into the forest.Harry panicked as he began screaming and thrashing trying to get away.Bruno sighed as he turned to Cirneco, "'ey shut this kid up will ya?"The other mastiff nodded, taking out a knife and bringing it to Harry's throat, "listen kid, if you don't shut yer big hole I'll slit yer throat right here, ya catch my drift?"Harry whimpered as he nodded his head and went quiet.They then went over the railing and down into the forest from a steep hill.

It seemed that they walked through the forest for hours, Harry had time to think about his whole entire life and how he wasted it, "if only I could have a second chance.... I would give back all of Jasmines pencils!"The mastiffs were getting annoyed also as they trekked through the forest. "Bruno how much longer til we can finally kill 'im?"Bruno sighed, wiping sweat from his brow, it was quite humid because it had rained a few days before. "This is good enough I guess, he forced Harry to his knees then put the gun to his head, sayonara kid and pulled the trigger."However nothing happened, "whats goin' on Bruno?"Bruno growled as he slapped the gun a few times, "my gun ain't work'n!"Cirneco came over and snatched the gun away, "ya got the gun on safety Bruno, here, let me clean 'im."Bruno glared at him but stepped back, "okay, then go ahead and clean 'im."Cirneco put the gun to Harry's head and took the safety off, "say hello ta yer mother for me kid."Bruno groaned, "aye aye aye, Cirneco shut up and leave the one liners ta me, ya suck at this kinda stuff."Cirneco took the gun away, waving it around as he talked and walked, "no I ain't listen ta this, see ya in Hell ya bastard", then shot the gun right over Bruno's head. "So? Pretty good eh?"Bruno snarled at Cirneco, "you idiot! I only brought one bullet with me, now how are we gonna clean 'im?! Also that really sucked!"Cirneco took out a knife, "we stab 'im."Bruno shrugged, "I guess it don't matter how we clean 'im as long as we get the job done.""Exactly, Bruno now your be'n a thinker!"Bruno rolled his eyes, "really? Yer tell'n me I'm be' a thinker?""'ey whats that suppose to mean exactl-""'ey wheres the kid?!"Cirneco looked down to see the kid gone.

Harry stumbled through he forest trying to find his way around, unfortunately he was unable to see due to the bag over his head, so he would run into trees a lot or trip over rocks right in front of him.He could here the mobsters finally realizing he was gone, and in the state he was in he'd be found in a couple of minutes or so.

Bruno snarled as he grabbed Cirneco and pushed him towards Harry's direction, "get that kid!"Cirneco ran after him until he heard a howling, he froze in fear as he heard this, "di-did you hear that Bruno?""Yeah a wolf so what?""I hate wolves Bruno, they're freaky!" Cirneco was looking around warily, "I think we should just leave the kid ta the wolves and-"Bruno grabbed Cirneco and slapped him across the face, "shut up ya big puppy! We're not leaving until we slit that little fuckers throat alright? get a hold of yourself!"Cirneco nodded, "r-right, lets hurry up and kill him and get out of here."Bruno nodded "yeah, where is that kid anyway?""um... I'm not sure Bruno."Bruno sighed, "well lets split up and look around for him, we gotta get this job down right."Cirneco looked to Bruno like he was crazy, "ya gotta be kidd'n me, I ain't goin' nowhere in this forest alone!"Bruno raised his hand to Cirneco threateningly."On second thought, it'll be quickest way out'a here, lets do it."Bruno nodded, "that's better, now I'll go my way, and you go wherever you go."They then headed their separate ways.Bruno walked about trying to see something suspicious, however it was impossible to see a thing since he didn't have a flash light so it was hard to see anything at all. Suddenly he heard a menacing growl all around him. He was beginning to feeling nervous, "who's there"? He took out a knife as he walked around in circles, looking for where the noise was coming from, however it was too dark to see anything, he quickly looked back calling out, "Cirneco, get over here now!"Cirneco came running and almost made Bruno scream, "I'm here Bruno what's go'n on?""Wolves, I cant see a thing, out here!"Cirneco nodded "we don't need ta see", he quickly pulled out a machine gun and began shooting all around them, through the light of the gun fire they could see silhouettes of giant canines moving quickly about.Bruno looked fearfully about then at Cirneco like an idiot, "wait you had that gun this whole time and you could'a shot that kid at anytime?!""Why would I be waste'n machine gun ammo on some kid?!"Suddenly a large wolf pounced on top of Cirneco, he screamed as gun fire lit up the the forest as he struggled to against the wolf. Bruno thrust his knife towards the wolfs neck, but another wolf came and pounced on him also, Bruno and the wolf struggled against each other over the knife, Bruno quickly balled up his fist and socked the wolf in the snout, it seemed to do little more than anger it though.The wolf instantly retaliated by slashing its claws across his eyes, blinding him, Bruno screamed as he held his eyes in pain, "my eyes, I can't see!"The wolf then racked its claws across his throat, then took out a knife and thrust it through his skull.Cirneco was not so fortunate as the large wolf attacking him ripped his throat out-"CUT! GOOD WORK EVERYONE IT'S TIME FOR LUNCH THROUGH!" The director turned to the camera cat, a black and white cat with green eyes, "DID YOU GET ALL THAT JOE?"Joe nodded, "sure did boss!""GOOD, OKAY EVERYONE I ORDERED PIZZA!"A bell rang as everyone on stage got up the wolf who attacked Bruno was actually a female she was as tall as both mastiffs but more slender, she wore old ragged animal skins and had light brown hair with a darker shaded coat of the same color, her eyes were blue and looked to be in her early twenties.The wolf who attack Cirneco was a large male, about a head taller than both mastiffs and thicker in muscle, he also wore old ragged animal skins like the female wolf, he had a fake scar painted across his cheek.The two mastiffs got up too wiping the dirty off their coats. Jasmine stepped onto the stage and untied Harry, and took the bag off his head too, she helped him up to his feet and they both went to get some lunch.Everyone ate some pizza, drank some coffee, the man who played James walked over and started hitting on the bitch who played the science teacher.Jasmine smiled at Harry who smiled back, Harry brushed her cheek with his hand as he gently kissed her, she wrapped her arms around his neck as they smooched for a moment, then they broke away.The bitch who played Jasmine sighed, "I can't believe I wasn't in this part of the movie."The dog who played Harry sighed, "trust me Hillary your not missing very much."Hillary raised an eyebrow, "says the dog getting paid half a hundred grand a chapter."Fred rolled his eyes, "you act like that's a lot of money."Suzy glared at him bluntly, "it's enough to live on for a while."Fred rolled his eyes, "not for me its not! And it's not enough pay to be an actor in this stupid piece of crap movie, I mean really, why would they take him to the forest to kill him?! Why not kill him in the warehouse! This movie is stupid and no one will like it!""OKAY KANINES TIME TO GET BACK TO WORK! PLACES DOGGIES PLACES!"Fred sighed, "we're starting again."Hillary smiled at him, "time to get you back into your bondage's."Fred groaned, "ugh, what is wrong with this writer?!"She laughed as she pat him on the back, "oh Fred, quit whining will you?"Everyone got back into their places, make up artists came to the actors of Bruno and Cirneco, fixing their make up before starting."OKAY AND IN THREE, TWO, ONE, AND WE ARE ROLING DOGGIES!"The larger wolf sniffed the air and snarled, "there's one more in our territory", he then raced off after the scent.The smaller wolf followed close behind him. They came to a dog smaller than the others, the larger wolf stared at the dog in surprise, "I guess this one was brought out to be killed I'm guessing."The smaller one nodded, "we should bring him to father."The larger wolf rolled his eyes, "why would we do that?""Well lets at least untie him, the smaller wolf took out a knife and cut Harry's bondage's and ripped the sack open to reveal his face, then took out the gag, "I'm guessing so too, they were probably going to leave him here after they killed him.""He obviously wasn't one of them, and he's hurt anyway, we should help him.""No we should leave him here to die.""He's hurt, we can't just leave him here.""He's a dog, dogs bring nothing but trouble."The smaller wolf sniffed at him arrogantly, "well it's fathers choice, we need to bring him home and let father decide his fate."The larger wolf sighed, "fine", he clutched Harry by the leg and began dragging him back to their village.The smaller wolf snarled as she ran up and snapped her jaws in his face, the larger wolf took a step back, teeth barred angrily, "whats your problem?!""why are you dragging him idiot?! "Oh he's a dog do you really care about him that much?!""He's wounded you idiot he has his head busted open! Move I'll do this, the smaller wolf pushed him back, then picked Harry up in her arms as she walked back to the village."Lol okay so how was it? If you think it was not as good as the other chapters I'm sorry, I realize this isn't my best chapter yet, but action and stuff like this is a weak point for me as a writer. Okay so about the weird cut scene where they are all just actors, a reader requested I put food in this chapter so I decided to make a little joke and get creative; and thus the dumbest scene in the entire story that was or will be, was born. This is not going to be in the next chapter. They are not really actors it was just a little thing I decided to do so I will describe the wolves in detail again in the next chapter like none of that ever happened, it was a joke it never would have happened if I didn't get the request from the reader.Now for some serious stuff, College classes begin on September 1st but it's canceled that day so it really is on the 2nd.... it's complicated. Anyway my chapters will not be coming as quickly as they have been. Oh and Danny and Harry say dog all the time because they are not men but dogs, they didn't say that in the original text but again it was deleted on accident. Also in case you haven't guessed yet I'm a Pokemon fan.

Until next time guys, bye and stay safe.

Wolf blood chapter 3

School ended and Harry left class, Jasmine met him by his locker. "Off to work?" "Unfortunately yeah, gotta get that bacon." He said with dread. Jasmine smiled as she gave him a hug. "hey, come on now, cheer up! At least you have a job, how else would...

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Wolf blood chapter 5

Hey guys I'm back, so this is the next chapter, we get to meet a few new main characters today, one of which is Jasmines best friend. I own all rights to this story, you have no permission to use any characters in this story, no not even Danny or the...

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Wolf blood chapter 3

Warning, this chapter is extremely stupid and has no studying in it at all, please don't stop reading. Harry sighed as he looked through his folder, he had so much work to get done, and in so little time, he didn't know what to do, he was just happy he...

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