Pokémon: Darkest Taboo, Pt6.

Story by Logan Storm on SoFurry

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#7 of Pokémon - Darkest Taboo


The park while in most places often busy had its areas where few people tended to go such as the more hard rocky area not really suited for sunbathing or playing around on like the soft open grass areas or even the large river that ran through the center of the man made environment. However the hard uneven rocky ground was perfect for perfecting balance not to mention removing risks of damage to the area by the formidable powers of the a Pokémon.

"Blaze 'Flame Thrower'!"

James calls out as the Blaziken opened her beak inhaling a large volume of air before forcing it out as a gout of unbearably hot flames towards Lopunny who in turn leaped high into the air. If anyone had been around to watch it would have seemed all most as if she was flying, James smiled proudly as Bunny used her moves without the need of command. Many Pokémon in a battle would wait for the Trainer to tell them what to do, trusting in them to make the right call. But that took time, if he could get his Pokémon to react instinctively and counter an attack using their own initiative as those Pokémon in the wild would yet still be ready to perform any strategy he calls out then it would give his team an advantage. He was also getting them to train against and with each other so they could learn each others styles and abilities which would allow them to work smoothly as a team in multiple Pokémon battles. They would be able to move and back each other without needing verbal commands as they would know what the other was capable off and would do in any particular situation.

It wasn't a new concept since team work on such an intimate level had been around for a very long time, it was even more legitimate than using a psychic Pokémon to link the minds of the Human and his Pokémon to allow him understand their language. He often wondered what that would be like understanding the words of his girls though sometimes he dreaded what went on in their conversations with each other. But they didn't have a Psychic amongst them so the whole idea was of little importance for now but still he did often think about it and even some times dream about it.

"Blaze, 'Sky Uppercut' followed by 'Blaze Kick'!"

He calls out to his Blaziken friend, the Fir/Fighting type nods her head crouching down and tensing every muscle in her body channeling her strength down into her legs before pushing up and launching herself skywards towards Bunny her firs and upper body still crunch down and twisted around slightly to her left side ready to deliver her attack. The Lopunny didn't need to use her 'Fore Sight' ability to see what her friend was about to use next, her posture and body language said it all that and what their Trainer had just called out.

"Lopunny...Lop..Punny...Lop!" [Come gets some Flame Brain!]

The Lopunny laughs trash talking the Blaziken as she avoids Blaze's uppercut with a twist of her body in a most elegant midair pirouette growling at this Blaze lashed out with a devastating kick leaving a flaming trail of fire passing above Bunny as she narrowly avoids it bending over backwards to perform a back flip while all the time gravity pulled them back downwards to the earth once more. Outraged by her opponent avoiding both perfectly executed moves Blaze doesn't wait for her next set of commands, her feathers drew taunt across her muscles as they tensed and became more defined. Her body had bulked up I muscle mass in readiness to either absorb or deliver extra damage, her bird like eyes narrowed as they landed once more on the rocky ground on one knee and hand in a crouching stance before propelling themselves at a blurring pace towards each other. Bunny unleashed a dazzling array of dizzying punches towards Blaze who in turn lashed out with a blur of slashing moves with her talon tipped fingers, as destructive as their training seemed both parties where holding back. There were two types of Pokémon Battling the one done in training as well as those which followed official Pokémon League rules and then there was real life fights which ended most of the time either in horrific injuries or death.

The latter was normally between Wild Pokémon as fighting Pokémon to the death was both against the Law and the Leagues code of conduct.

"Okay girls that's enough!"

Jack calls out bringing the sparing session to a halt at first the two Females ignore him neither wishing to be bested by the other, but as he stepped between the two of them they where forced to come to a sudden halt as knuckle and razor sharp talon came within inches of his face. They looked at their Trainer wide eyed only just having been able to stop themselves in time, they hated it when he did that; true they knew they should have listened to him and stopped when he had asked them to but the fact he would put his own body in harms way like that really did annoy them. With a grumble both took each others talon tipped hand or Paw as the case was and shook hands before throwing a scornful glare at Jack.

"Blazi...blaziken!" [Stupid Human!]

Blaze snorted resisting the urge to slap him as punishment for putting himself fat danger like that, after all it was well known amongst Pokémon just how frail Humans where, why else did they need Pokémon to protect them.

"Lopunny...Lop...Pun...Punny...Lop...Lopunny...Lop!" [I don't know I think it's kind of cute, stupid yes but still adorable!]

Bunny mused wishing her Trainer was a Pokémon so she could push him off his feet and breed the hell out of him but then again just about everything could make a Lopunny horny, laze roans shaking her head as she heads over to where the Sneasel was leaning curled up on one the large boulder like rocks napping slightly with one eye open and the other closed. Jack meanwhile had sat down letting out a deep sigh glad he hadn't had half his face torn off and his jaw shattered by jumping between them both, Bunny was behind him kneading his shoulders from behind. She was of the three the more sociable but then again she was more likely to offer herself up to any Male who showed any interest, a soft gentle sound left her lips as she breathed in his scent her tongue easing up along the back of his neck as she whispered softly into his ear.

"Lopunny...Lop...Punny...Pun...Punny...Lopunny...Lopunny...Pun...Lop...Lopunny...Lop...Lop...** Punny...Lop!"**

[I truly wish you were born one of us maybe even a Lopunny then I could bare you so many healthy and strong Buneary's]

Jack let out a contented groan as he enjoyed the little massage the Brown furred Pokémon was giving him, he didn't understand a word she was saying but the gentleness in her voice and caress of her tongue led him to think she was being affectionate.

"Very Impressive?"

Came a woman's voice accompanied by her hands clapping in appreciation of his Pokémon, her dark ebony skin was enhanced by the pale yellow micro skirt over top of a pair of white cycling shorts, further up a thin yellow body warmer was left undone revealing her white high cut tank top that only just hung over the very base of her breasts. Jack gave a slight gulp biting his lip trying hard to not stare at her or think the somewhat naughty thoughts forming in his mind, looking down at her feet he could see she was wearing a pair of white and yellow trainer(sneaker) boots.

"Your Pokémon are extremely well trained"

The woman smiled softly as she passed her gaze across his Pokémon with some interest, this compliment made Jack blush brightly as he looks up finding her eyes looking directly at him sending a shudder through his body. She must have been twice his age yet she looked so beautiful that he found his boy feeling quite weak and wobbly, he tried to speak only to find himself unable to form any words as her smile grew and she began to walk towards him.

Bunny could smell her Human's scent growing stronger as the Female of his species moved closer, she looked and smelt experienced though she lacked any of the unpleasant smells of disease that the last adult female had. She took a deep intake of breath wondering if fate had given them an alternative to breeding their Trainer themselves, true this female lacked the sizable bumps on the chest humans males seemed to favor but her body was quite athletic from what she could see of her exposed torso.

"My name's Ahsoka, may I ask you yours young man?"

The Woman asked crouching down in front of Jack who tried smile but found himself trembling slightly as his underwear grew taunt and restrictive, Ahsoka eased a hand on to his knowing she had hooked him and now had only to reel him in. Leaning her face closer to his she brings her lips to his as the Lopunny watches on willing things to escalate only for Jack to pass out as the sensations proved just too much for his young mind to handle in one go. The Team Rocket Woman blinked for a second looking at the youth laying across her shoulder before bursting out into laughter and shaking her head slightly.

"Oh My!"

She smirked looking up at the somewhat disappointed look on the Lopunny.

"Guess you where hopping I'd be able to seduce him to huh?"

Bunny just pouted but managed a slight nod, she couldn't believe it; a perfect female for their Jack to breed with and he goes and feints, she wished he could understand Pokémon language then she could give him a stern piece of her mind for spoiling such a perfect opportunity.

"How about you and your friends over their help me carry him to my apartment, we'll get him nice and comfortable while we wait for him to wake up?"

Ahsoka mused reaching over and running a hand along the tops of Bunny's ears making the Lopunny go all gooey eyed as one of her sweet spots was caressed.

Pokémon: Darkest Taboo, Pt7.

**PART SEVEN.** With a grunt Blaze scooped jack up over over shoulder as if he was little more than a bag of potatoes, Bunny mean while had gathered their trainers ar together and repacked them in to his back pack. ...

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Pokémon: Darkest Taboo, Pt5.

**PART FIVE.** Jack had spent the rest of the morning trying to forget about the stress and commotion from the Pokémon Centre by taking in one the PokéStar production of 'Froslass Garden', it had been awarded top rating with subtitles so the viewer...

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Pokémon: Darkest Taboo, Pt4.

**PART FOUR.** In the morning light the first rays of a new day filtered through the curtains of the room jack was using for the night to shelter from the fierce storm that had run ramshackle through that part of the Anthro Region, the damage that...

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