Starfox academy

Story by thewolfinman on SoFurry

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For those of you who do not know who krystal is, this is not the fan fic for you.

Disclaimer: I don't own krystal yadayada or Fox Yadayada

Preface:Shortly after the events of starfox adventures the starfox team decided to make krystal a member of the starfox team. We all knew this. The problem that the starfox team ran into is the fact that krystal knew very little about being a combat pilot and how to operate the lylac systems machinery. Thus to remain a beneficial and functioning team member, krystal opted to go back to the academy and take a crash course in all that was to be expected of her in the days to come.

Krystal was still used to her days of leisure upon her own ship and upon the great fox. She was not used to wearing more than was absolutely necessary. In fact she abhorred the feeling of her fur rubbing and catching inside cotton. The less she wore the more comfortable she was , besides she knew fox liked it. In her orientation she was given 5 sets of the academy uniform, grey tight fitting work pants and a grey military style work shirt for the men and the same for women save for tighter fitting. She was also given her pilots uniform which was something like spandex mixed with under armor in consistency. It was very similar in design to her assault uniform. The uniform she was required to wear each day was the grey one, but every week they had one or two emergency scramble sessions, where they were graded on stopping what they were doing, getting their flight suits on and getting in the simulators as fast as they could. She did not like this. She was also not used to being forced to get up and out of bed in the morning. She was used to getting up whenever the hell she felt like it. Sometimes the only thing that got her out of bed is the fact that she always has to pee terribly when she first got out of bed. Always waiting until the annoyance of her throbbing bladder got to be too much to get up and go. Now she had to get up at 5 in the morning to be able to make her bed, perfectly, shower, pee, groom and get in uniform, perfectly, all for inspection at 6. This was her daily life for the next 6 months and she hated it.

It was her 3rd week into the program. Her grades at this point were unsatisfactory by any standards so the night before she had pulled an all nighter with some of her friends for a comprehensive test on the operation of the land master tank system. There were a lot of energy drinks involved. Too involved with the study group she hadn't pissed for hours, being the one to always wait till the last minute. She fully intended to when she got back because she did need to go. She was glad she wasn't bunking with anyone. She even had her own bathroom. But as it would happen she was exhausted and crashed as soon as she made it back to her room. She would be getting 3 hours of sleep that night. She slept in the nude that night. The next morning she woke up to the incredibly grating buzz of the alarm clock. She verbally commanded it to go off at 5:15 thinking to herself that she didn't need a shower. The alarm persisted. Irritated sat up in bed, feeling the cold breeze between her legs and looked at the alarm clock. "HOLY SHIT!" she yelled loud enough for her neighbor to hear her as she realized that it was 5: 50. She ran to the closet pulled on a pair of blue cotton panties that said foxy on the front with a renamon face under it, she loved digimon as a child, a matching bra and pulled her uniform on as fast as she could. She had to adjust the uniform as she ran for the common area.

The inspections were usually about an hour long and led right into class after that, after the first class, which was about 3 hours long except on test days where you could leave whenever you were done, there was a 15 min break. She arrived in the formation just as the instructor was starting. She stood at attention absolutely focused on the person in front of her, as she was taught to do. As her instructor made his way through the rows of cadets she realized that she hadn't done anything but get dressed this morning. The thing that pushed her to this epiphany was the fact that she had to piss. She wasn't desperate or anywhere close but she was uncomfortable. Knowing that she had a test next with no way to go until after that did not comfort her. Her instructor continued to make the rounds for another 30 min, all the while Krystals bladder twinged and complained. By the end of inspection she was highly uncomfortable. Passing her inspection with flying colors, she made her way to the lecture hall. She picked a seat near the back as she always did. She was glad to be sitting for 2 reasons. One, inspection killed the legs and two, because this took a little pressure off her bladder. Although she did like to wait till the last minute, she would have gone by now. She was very uncomfortable and she was very nervous for this test as it was. She began the test after what seemed like an eternity. They were simple questions which didn't take her long to complete individually but this was the comprehensive. The 200 question test seemed to last forever. With each question her concentration slipped a little more toward her now screaming bladder. Around question 63 it turned from a dull ache to a throbbing pain. It was driving her nuts. She crossed her legs and adjusted her tail so that she was essentially sitting on it, which serves the same purpose as sitting on your heel, hoping that would ease it a little. It did for a short time but around question 149 her bladder gave its first major contraction. This caught krystal completely off guard. For the first time since she was 16 she squirted in her panties. She dropped her pencil squealed softly and shot her hand between her legs. The urge lasted 10 seconds. It was a miniscule amount lost, not even enough to show up on her pants, but she was panicked. The fur between her legs was slightly damp and clung to her womanhood. She could tell that her renamon panties were also slightly damp. This unnerved her terribly and for 3 minutes she did nothing but hold her crotch and run terrible scenarios through her mind. She realized that she needed to finish the test and get to a bathroom now! She picked her pencil up off the ground, which was pure agony , and continued hand on her crotch the whole time. She had 3 major contractions throughout the remainder of the test, but this time she was prepared. She squealed, stopped and pressed hard on her crotch with everyone. The pain was undeniable. She almost lost it on the 3rd. Despite her precautions she still did not expect a push of that magnitude. Again she cringed and shot both hands to her crotch, but this one was stronger and longer than the others. Despite her efforts a small jet of piss made its way out of her. She pressed harder stemming the flow but also wetting the crotch of her uniform. Her tail was also getting wet. She was shocked, for the first time since she was 16, she had peed her pants. It was however still hide able. She continued with the test and got up too hand her test to the instructor.

When she got up the pain doubled. She could barely walk. She managed to limp to the podium and out of the auditorium. The closest bathroom was unfortunately back at her room. She half limped, half ran to her dorm. She was so glad fox wasn't around to see this. Every few steps she would have to stop or risk pissing her pants completely. Eventually she made it back to her room. She had to stop right outside her door due to another huge wave. She whimpered audibly and completely doubled over, both hands in her crotch. The pain was intolerable. Despite her efforts, she still leaked a small stream into her blue panties. She began to cry as she felt her hands dampen. She managed , through pure will to stem the flow to a spurt every few seconds as she fumbled with her keys. With the damp and dark patch growing with everyone. Her tail was between her legs, hiding the large patch crawling slowly up her perfectly shaped ass. Her crotch was soaked and her tail was slowly getting damp. She finally got the door open and slammed the door behind her. She ran to the bath room and as her foot crossed the thresh hold, the siren for emergency scramble went off. This always scared the shit out of her and today was merely the opposite. Her whole body tensed as the loud klaxon right above her blared. This put her over the edge. Her bladder contracted harder than she had ever felt. She immediately began to cry as her urethra completely laxed and she lost all control of her bladder. The klaxon ended. The sound was audible as soon as it did. The sharp hiss echoed in the pristine white bathroom. The scent of her own piss wafted up to her nose. Her legs collapsed under her and she fell to her knees. The wetness had flowed down her legs completely soaking her skintight uniform and soaking her leg fur. She sat there sobbing , still peeing as a puddle grew quickly under her. Her tail was soaked. She finally grew empty and just sat there crying in a puddle of her own piss. Eventually, she pulled herself together, and went into her shower. She began to peel off her uniform, and as she did, she surveyed the damage. Her pants were ruined, her tail, legs and hands would smell like her own urine for a week and her favorite renamon panties were soaked. She turned the water on and sat there in the shower, Thanking god that Fox wasn't there to see her like this.