Testimony of a Killer- Chapter 4

Story by Ragdoll on SoFurry


Disclaimer and Authors' Notes: This is a joint written fic. Yes, it's under one author's sn, but it's a joint effort. 50/50 credit. Please leave a review. Also, let it be known up front that this is to be a very dark fic. Death, blood and gore, non con, etc will all be featured at some point or another in the fic. Also, this is NC-17 for slash m/m loving, mpreg or male pregnancy, and furry themes. Don't whine if our fic gives you nightmares. Now, the yummy wet dreams and fantasies, you can blame us for. Your authors are Darth Lotean(Darth Mara on Yiffstar) and Ragdoll, respectively. Now then, on with the show.


Testimony of a Killer

Chapter four

By Darth Lotean

A.K.A "The kid"


I left the apartment feeling a little better now that I got away from one of the most beautiful furs I've seen in a long while a very long while and my pants showed it... I jogged a little bit to completely kill the hard on while thinking about little Aeryn. His name in my heart now was short for "angel." I thought about the fact that he didn't seem to mind my looks or my scars... Sweet fur, a very sweet fur, on the outside, but then again I just saved his life. On average, that earned you a fur's kindness. I was tempted to reveal everything in the small letter I left him; basically explaining that he was free to whatever wasn't locked up or password protected on my laptop, saying that it was for his safety. I didn't know how much experience he had with guns or even if he knew how to use one. I was tempted to stay and make sure he didn't get into anything that he could hurt himself with... but this meeting was important. A fur has to eat right? One needs money to do that, right?

The meeting place was a small abandoned warehouse in an abandoned district just south of my hole in the ground. A nice place for a little meeting, especially one like this. I was wearing my hoodie unzipped in the middle showing anybody who really, really looked that I was carrying "Gabriel" in her holster, having scooped her up before I left knowing I'd probably need her. My client, the fox femme Carlila, was already there behind six other guards; a zebra male, a badger female, another vixen, a wolf male, and finally two cheetah females all dressed in normal civilian clothes though I could tell all of them were packing heat. The last time we spoke she didn't have any guards or weapons, just money and a reason for wanting someone dead. This was gonna be a bloodbath, if things went like I thought. -sigh- I didn't like to use my "other" abilities, but if I was gonna make it out of here alive, I would have to.

Why was she screwing me now? Why only give me half? Why not just give me all of it and be done with me? Something I was gonna have to ask her when I was done with the six pricks and all of their pretty little guns. As they moved, I heard some of them weren't fully loaded. Oh, this was gonna be a bloodbath...

I started this massacre with "Why all the extra bodies? You don't have what you promised yet, Carlila?" She laughed, stepping to the front of the six morons who were about to die, holding her newborn child in her arms, and wearing a halter top and hot pants. She had a thing against shoes... "No. I do. Just, I don't trust you until you show me something..." I toss her the pictures of the bloody murder from the left pocket of my hoodie, the zebra guard taking the baby as she picked up the pics from the floor, nodding her head "Very nice... teaches that bastard what's what... Though..." Here we go... she nodded to the zebra, and he took the baby away from the violence that was going to ensue in just a few moments. I move my hand towards my weapon slow and subtle. There was nothing to use for cover around here, and I would have to improvise.

I look around me and see a metal pipe at my feet... perfect... "I'm afraid you're right. I don't have what I promised, though I have a lot of something else..." My mind went into the state of perfect calm I had mastered before; a battle the calm that let me do whatever I needed to do when I wanted to do it. All the guards drew their guns and trained them on me... I had to act fast. I jump upwards, but at the same time, grab the pipe and use the technique my master had taught me... it worked like a charm. None of them suspected I was really on the ceiling, when the pipe that I thanked God for was in my place. They opened fire on me, or rather the fake me, when she said "Goodbye..." If only I could take a picture of all their faces when they found out what they really hit, but what really bothered me was that there were no replicas among the guns they used to kill my double; high-class guns for half-assed muscle... But, enough thinking. It was time for business. I whip out my forty-five and gently fall down from the ceiling, three shots at first taking out the badger, the other fox and one of the cheetah twins with headshots before landing softly and going into a forward roll.

All the others including Carlila were just stunned at what had happened. This was only the beginning though. The zebra comes in with an automatic submachine gun; an MP5... high-class equipment for a half-assed guard. I would have to ask my client about that, too. I break the roll, pouncing on the wolf male's chest and holding him down with one of my arms, cutting off his air supply slowly, while shooting the remaining cheetah in the chest three times, her berretta getting off only one round to the ceiling as she was going down.

I eased up on the wolf a little to reach behind me, planting a solid two shots into the zebra's brain as he started to fire the swat weapon on full automatic, the bullets punching through the warehouse wall spraying as he went down... What would he and the rest of these dopes be doing with "cop killers"? Those are hard to get on the black market... even at gun shows, they're hard to get. I know. I've tried many a time to get some Teflon added to my arsenal. I move my gun to the struggling wolf, Carlila just stunned beyond all her belief. She knew I was good, just not that good. I hear the click of an empty chamber as he struggled for air, as I pressed down hard again. He wasn't weak. I was just too strong for him is all. I turn my baby gun so that I'm holding it by its barrel, hitting him with the butt four good times in the same spot, till his skull cracked open, and covered me in brains. Hard way for a fur to die but he would be a threat all the way through my interrogation of the real target if he had lived. I had no more bullets and no way to reload without exposing myself... Quit trying to rationalize it, Mel. You still have one more fur to kill...

She fell straight on her rear end, backing away from me as I moved forward "Now... you wanna tell me what all that was about? Or, should I force it out of you?" The baby was crying in the other room. As the vixen looked over to her crying child, I finally reloaded my weapon, wiping the butt a little before I held it the right way again. Training it on my former client's perfect boobs. "Look, you wanna take care of your kit right?.. You answer my questions and I'll be on my way, unpaid and wanting to keep it that way. Why did you fuck me on this deal? I would have done it for just the hundred k you gave me. Just don't bring me out all this way for nothing..." She just whimpered and started to crawl away slowly in the direction of her crying baby. I fired once, almost shooting her in the head, letting her know I wasn't fucking around.

"Answer me!!!" I yelled as she whimpered again "T....T...This g...g...guy, I don't... don't know his name... He gave me the... the first payment. Said to give you the job. He even hired the six guys there to kill you... I don't know who it was... Please, just let us go... and... And we'll never bother you again... I swear..." she said, shakily crawling away again, my finger on the trigger stopping her. "And who is this "Guy" you mention?" I asked, releasing my grip on the trigger a little.

Something suspicious was going on... as she spoke, the child suddenly stopped crying. "I don't remember exactly... He was a... A...A" She started stuttering incoherently as she spoke, starting to foam at the mouth, grabbing her neck. Not rabies... No... Not that. The symptoms were too quick. Then I notice that she was hit by a thin metallic dart in her neck. She had gripped her wound so hard that she forced it through her middle finger, as she started to seize up and foam, red blood mixing in with the foam, and then she was dead, the body still convulsing... Damn... and I was close to finding out whom and what was behind this pitiful attempt... Couldn't be somebody who knew me that well, otherwise they would have sent first rate idiots to try and kill me, not that it would have done them any good. It just would have been nice to use some of my skills other than just that one...

I leave the bodies in the warehouse after I pick up all the shell casings, and the clip I ejected. They would never know I was here, except from my shoes and fur maybe and even then it would be hard to say I shot someone. While I couldn't get Teflon ammo, I did get hollow point. There was no shell to dig out of those fur's skulls; maybe the wolf I bludgeoned to death but I doubt they would care much about a corpse that was found in a pile of corpses and "Gabriel" is an unlisted firearm. She's got no serial number to speak of, so they would have to actually physically cast the wolf's skull to see what type of weapon killed him, if they cared... I had made a lot of enemies in this life of mine, but nobody who would give me work and then use it to try and kill me. Not unless they were testing me somehow...

It's probably not important anyhow. My only lead to this "big guy" is dead and my angel was probably waiting for me back home... Whoever he was, he would probably fuck up another one of my jobs or strike out at me in some other way. Let them hit me, but not my angel... Oh, there I go again, thinking about him, trying to keep him safe... -sigh- maybe he didn't need to go until, oh, maybe a few years... the drive home is easy, really easy. -sigh- Really easy. They all deserved it, well not the kid or his mom, but then again, that wasn't my fault. She was spilling her guts and whoever she "worked" for didn't like that much. Hmmmmmmm...

What was she about to say? God... if she only lived long enough to say a damn name, all of this would be so much easier. I walk up to my hole in the ground, slowly unlocking and opening the door to see the beauty I kept in my home. He would take the edge off... Maybe if he proved himself, we could do what we wanted to do last night, this afternoon...

Testimony of a Killer- Chapter 5

Disclaimer and Authors' Notes: This is a joint written fic. Yes, it's under one author's sn, but it's a joint effort. 50/50 credit. Please leave a review. Also, let it be known up front that this is to be a very dark fic. Death, blood and gore, non...

Testimony of a Killer- Chapter 3

Disclaimer and Authors' Notes: This is a joint written fic. Yes, it's under one author's sn, but it's a joint effort. 50/50 credit. Please leave a review. Also, let it be known up front that this is to be a very dark fic. Death, blood and gore, non...

Testimony of a Killer- Chapter 2

Disclaimer and Authors' Notes: This is a joint written fic. Yes, it's under one author's sn, but it's a joint effort. 50/50 credit. Please leave a review. Also, let it be known up front that this is to be a very dark fic. Death, blood and gore, non...