Wereness 9. The Transforamtion

Story by Woulfe Maelstorme on SoFurry

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<< Forward >>

Once again we are picking up right where the previous story left off. This one will have one difference that the previous ones don't. There will be two stories going on at two different locations. The reader will be experiencing the story through the eyes of both the Shire and the Clydesdale. This one should also prove to be a lengthy and revealing story. The reader will finally get to see the deep wilderness and also get what most have been asking about. Taurs will be within and become a major part of this and the final Wereness chapter. Oh yes...things are going to get even more interesting.

The following story contains strong sexual content and may even contain elements that dare to brutally smash right through societies little barriers known as taboos. Taboos are usually things society dare not do, but have proved many times to be much less threatening than these sheltered individuals would lead you to believe. Thus this ideal metaphor for such a situation: What is the point of living if one is simply too scared to even go out of their house? Possibly this and future stories will deal with just about every sexual taboo known to human kind. It also includes an element some strict Christians might declare evil even. So if this is not your sort of story, please move on and kindly don't send any hate mail my way.

Woulfe Maelstorme

<< The Transformation >>

You completely loose consciousness and feel as if your whole self just flowed out of that cock and into his waiting hungry belly. Your feel as if your slowly floating downward endlessly. I sensation of total contentment and peace falls over you. Warmth then begins to embrace you and your direction now shifts upwards.

[So this is what it feels like to experience ultimate cumming bliss.] You say to yourself.

The warmth becomes an all-consuming presence and takes on a very fluid nature. Your body quickly recovers its sense of touch and tells you are floating in some sort of liquid. Then just as the thought that you might drown enters your mind, the sensation of something somewhat familiar covering the front of your muzzle eliminates it. Your nostrils detect the soothing and cooling touch of oxygen being pumped into your nostrils. Something else is being pumped into your nasal cavity, with the existing oxygen, and is acting as a gentle relaxing agent. Your mouth is parted slightly and the presence of something warm and soft filling you oral cavity is now felt. It is pulsing and slowly pumping something onto your tongue to swallow:

It has an organic texture to it like jelly...

Like the thing attached, it is also warm to the touch...

The first amounts swallowed begins warming your stomach up...

After minutes of floating and swallowing, you begin to feel your strength returning...

This sensation is a reminder of just how much that orgasm drained out of you.

Other physical sensations are noticed and bring you closer to consciousness, as you use your hands to inspect your own body further:

You extend your arms out and feel for anything solid nearby...

You are indeed floating and suspended in some sort of familiar, warm and dense liquid...

Your ears are capped and prevented from being flooded...

The skin over your whole body feels slightly tingly...

The presence of something attached to your cock and anus are felt as well...

The thing attached to your cock has also wrapped around your waist...

It has your shaft completely covered and is secreting some warm gel around it...

The gel is keeping you at full length but not hard...

The thing in your arse, seems to have half of your abdomen filled with its presence...

Its touch inside you is as warm as everything else around you...

All of it is matching your body temperature precisely.

You open your eyes and briefly shocked by the external fluid touching them, but then relax when nothing burns or irritates them. The liquid around you is totally transparent and reveals your surrounding world lit with an ambient orange tint. You look straight ahead and swear you see light bleeding through what looks to be a curved orange organic wall. The lighting outlines subtle darker orange veins running through it. You decide then to explore the other sensations on your body further, with both your hands and eyes now:

You look down your muzzle and find a dark orange mask covering the end...

Your lift your hands and confirm it goes past your nostrils and lips...

The mask looks and feels like it has a sleek organic texture to it...

There seems to be a tube, with the same texture, running from it downwards out of site...

You reach up to your ears and find similar textured things capping and protecting them...

There is a single thin tube leading up and away from each one as well...

Your hands then move down across your equine torso...

Nothing seems unusual there...except...they stop at your belly...

It is bulging as if ten stallions had dumped their load of cum in you...

It seems quite firm to the touch as well...

You look down and confirm what you feel...

You then inspect the thing attached to your cock...

Aside from its bulging thong style attachment end, it is yet another identical tube...

You see signs of another one disappearing behind your floating and drifting legs...

Your hands find it has the same attachment and is clearly inside you...

Something else catches your attention, as your hands find something new above it...

Your head jerks back up in surprise at the discovery of a bare thick stubbed tail there...

You whinny in surprise and then see the whole enclosure around you begin to change...

The lighting inside begins to shift from orange to white...

The veins in the wall recede, as it gradually turns from orange to being transparent...

A familiar botan percou then look back at you through it.

"Hey, look who has finally woke up from slumber land." A familiar voice says.

"Where am I?" You ask while the wall turns more transparent.

"Your in the deep wilderness now." The voice answers through the ear tubes. "How do you feel right now? Any discomfort or nausea at the moment?" He asks politely.

"Still a bit weak and not sure what to think of the new tail."

"Yeah we picked up on your reaction and had the pod change the moment you reacted."

"That explains some things. What exactly is this thing doing to me?"


"For becoming a Botan...am I right so far?"

"You catch on quick." He comments. "Your mate told me about that."

"How is your companion?" You ask and look down with a slight surprise on your face.

"I see you noticed his absence of fur on his head and neck. That is part of the merging process for the two of us. What you saw in that dream actually does happen. My part is that I am now stuck in my Evo form. All that is left is to wait till he is ready for it."

"I am very much looking forward to it." You finally hear from the companion.

"After experiencing what I just have, today and in that lucid dream, I'm jealous and have a vague idea how that will likely feel for both of you."

You then feel your belly shrink back down and a stronger tingly sensation covers your whole body, you look down and notice your fur color has changed. The tingly sensation then goes away and leaves you feeling refreshed. A closer look reveals your fur now has a texture similar to moss. Plus you can see why your body was absorbing so much of the orange illumination from before. Its color is now a dark red. Then you see and feel the attachments let go and retreat into an open orifice at the bottom of the pod. Once the tingling goes away, your skin detects movement in the liquid. Seeing the appearance of vortex currents at the bottom tells you the pod is now draining. You look up in time to see the liquid's level drop past your head and down to your chest. The mask then detaches and retreats with the rest of the tubes. Symmetrical tears begin forming at the top of the pod, as your feet touch down on the floor of the newly drained chamber. The walls peel away from you as a brief chill of air hits your new wet skin. You step off and look back to see the pod walls shrink and retreat into the orange colored floor. Then it folds up like a rosebud at night and retracts into a circular orifice on a tree that looks like it belongs in the South American rainforest. I glance upwards shows many more orange pods attached. Some were also transparent, while others still hiding who was inside them. You then bring your gaze back down and decide to do a detail inspection of your new hybrid body. The botan presents an organic looking rod four feet wide and with a grin places it on the ground. It splits in half and the upper section floats up to about thirteen feet. An iridescent energy field stretches between them and then solidifies into a mirror.

"Thought this would prove useful for when you finally emerged from the pod."

"Thanks." You smile at him and then begin inspecting your modified reflection. "Interesting. Much like a Predat Botan, My body seems to favor one of the hybridized bloodlines in me. Yet there are clear signs of two other major ones." You comment while putting hands to your broadened equine skull and point to trailing ends of stripes from your back across your shoulders and thighs. "At least I didn't loose my blaze. I was just getting used to the tufts around my wrists and ankles though. Guess the new body didn't see a real purpose for keeping them. This bolder color is going to take getting used to."

"Somewhere out there your mate and his mare are experiencing much the same transformation and will likely adjust quicker than you."

-(- Previous Day - Night -)-

You sit there cross-legged in your hani form, stroking your sleeping mate's face with your massive shire hands. Earlier attempts to awaken him have failed. Perhaps the previous day was more taxing on his body than you thought. Recently, ever since entering the campsite, I low soft humming sound had been coming from the infopad. You begin to make soft wickering noises as deep concern grips you tightly.


--"How may I be of assistance?"

--"I am getting a bit concerned about the unusual nature of my mate's sleep. I know it is not normal dreaming and need to make sure nothing is harming him. Do a quick scan please. He does not know how to voluntarily lucid dream yet. I just need to know he is okay and will actually wake up."

--"No scan required. Your mate is fine and is currently being assisted with his lucid dreaming by me. This was done upon request of the botan themselves. Two of them will be arriving very soon to explain this." Your concern lightens.

--"I then have concerns about you then. You have a humming sound emanating from you. Is everything working properly?"

--"All bio circuits are working properly. The humming sound is for facilitating the assisted lucid dreaming for him."

--"Thank you Infopad. Now all I need is good answers to why this is happening to him."

Then just minutes later a botan, and a rather burly looking tiger, show up and request to sit with you at the campfire. The manfe botan explains why they were there and that it is essential you do nothing to try and wake your sleeping mate. The mild humming noise emanating from the infopad is explained as a means of insuring the integrity of the essential lucid dreaming state he is experiencing. The botan then goes about starting a fire within the darkening twilight of the forest.

"So you say in a few days this whole planet will be undergoing a tremendous evolutionary shift and that all current animal life is being systematically altered, to be better equipped to survive within the transformed planet?"

"That is correct." The manfe in his hani form replies.

"I knew this would eventually come. Just didn't think it would be this soon."

"The other reason I am here has to do with an individual from your mate's previous life. A stallion, like your mare over at the wagon." He nods his head towards where she was standing by the wagon and munching some oats. "Him and this stallion were apparently intimately bonded and then got separated at the end of the Migration."

"Yes...he told me about him and how much it hurt when that finally happened."

"Apparently recent unrest within the city has contributed to lax security at the animal compounds. The stallion took advantage of this one day, escaping all attempts to capture him, and headed right for the deep wilderness. The last sighting of him by a fellow botan was a day ago, when he reached the edge of the wilderness. He is in no danger. However it is best that we find him soon. Our current location and the city are now completely engulfed in the evolutionary changes occurring."

"Wait a minute...the city?" You politely interrupt. "It is nowhere near any forest or even the deep wilderness itself. How did this happen?"

"Apparently the collective evolving plant life of the deep wilderness saw an opportunity with visiting people and animals, then decided to take advantage of the moment and use them as a means to speed up its delayed evolution further."

"Well from what I understand about the whole merging process and the past relationship between my mate and the wondering stallion out there." You motion with your waving hand towards the surrounding forest. "I think it is best we find the stallion and get the two of them reunited. In light of what is likely happening to the city right now, this makes for a fair alternative to traveling all the way to a location that likely won't exist anymore. "

"That is feasible since the evolving wilderness shows an enhanced ability to transform anything it touches into a form more beneficial for its own needs." He finishes for you. "It is better if your mate is bonded to one he has already been intimate with anyway. Makes the whole transformation process easier on them both mentally. Being bonded and merged with one he does not know could prove quite difficult for all of us. In this case it works out perfectly for your mate because he is already a werehorse."

"True. I remember about the whole process from what Infopad has told me."

Your attention is quickly diverted back to your lap by moaning coming from your Clydesdale mate. He is now showing signs of waking up, while the mild buzzing sound has finally stopped as well. The Mare raises her head and simply watches across the campfire with concerned curiosity and anticipation

[Stallion awake. Happy for him.] She comments.

"Yes...very happy. Hey, you okay there stallion?" You say softly.

"I'm fine and yet...so happy." He assures you and wipes the tears from his eyes.

"You slept for quite a while. I got a bit concerned, once we arrived at your old campsite and requested help from Custodian. Then ye proceeded to explain what was happening and said to expect a Botan...what is the term?" You trail off and look up past his head.

" Percou." The botan says.

"Yes Percou." You correct yourself.

"Very good horse." He comments. "You say it just like person, but with 'c' instead of 's' and no 'n'."

"Botan Percou?" Your mate inquires.

He then rises up out of your lap and turns to face your botan guests. He assumes a sitting positon with crossed legs and looks them over carefully. You see a familiar look appear on his face. The same you have seen back at the farm when transforming in front of him.

"Please explain this Percou and how it relates to you." He poignantly asks.

"Stud..." You start to interject.

"Its OK. He has been through a lot lately and is about to go through a lot more. He has a right to know things he will eventually find out from Custodian anyway. In fact it is essential he learns this in particular, among many other things." The manfe finishes and pauses briefly. "Besides what you read was only recently added, as a prep, and is only a piece of the whole puzzle that is Botan. Lets start with your question and then inform you of the rest."

"Sounds good to me. The dream itself was quite the experience. I have a feeling this should be just as interesting." He comments.

"That it will." The botan assures him. "Percou is used to describe the current relationship between the two Botans you see sitting before you."

"Wait a minute." He interrupts and points at the tiger. "Granted he has your fur color, but how is he also Botan? He isn't even a werecreature."

"But, he is one of our five essential sexes."

"Something like size differences seen in some fish and such?" Your mate suggests.

"Yes...something like that. I will explain this along with the Percou."

You smile at your mate warmly and finally he smiles back and relaxes a bit.

"By all means...procced." He requests.

The botan then proceeds to explain everything to the best of his knowledge. Occasionally your mate shows signs of not understanding and is quick to ask questions that are to the point. After each answer he begins to relax more, as the conversation between the two carries on further. After spending what would be considered a half-hour back in the city, your mate shows signs of exhaustion sitting in and the conversation finally ends.

"Looks like you could do with a bit of sleep, just like the rest of us." You observe nicely.

"Shouldn't I be rested up after that dream?" He asks you.

"What you experienced was a dreaming state, but not true rest or sleep at all." The botan explains. "Your mind was completely aware in that dream and thus consciously active."

"Makes sense." He admits yawning again and then lies back into your lap.

"Lets all get some rest now." The botan suggests, as your mate closes his eyes and drifts into sleep, while you shift your weight under his head to lie on your back. He goes to sleep rather swiftly and is soon oblivious to any sounds around him. You smile to yourself, feeling the sensation of him resting his head on your firm belly. The manfe then comes over and whispers in your ear.

"I needed to get one last thing settled with you and felt it unnecessary to disturb your mate." He comments and you nod your head as a sign to continue.

"Have you given any thought to what I mentioned earlier about the lost stallion?"

"Yes I have been wondering how to be of help to you." You softly say back to him.

"May I suggest an idea?"


"I could take your place and teach him everything you know about us and also help him along the transformation process, should the time arrive before we meet again in the deep wilderness. Meanwhile you could be out in the deep wilderness searching for the lost stallion. We can arrange for another botan escort to accompany you on the search."

"Hmm." You ponder.

"If things are to proceed smoothly, with his and the stallions transformation, then we really have no choice but to find a way to split up and find the horse, before going into the heart of the deep wilderness for the merging itself." He suggests.

"Prudent thinking there." You observe. "Your idea might actually work for the best. The stallion may have a rather shocked reaction to seeing his first Herbiv Botan and may be best to have someone there more familiar he can connect with on some level. Yet having the botan there will be handy, considering what is likely to happen to him once he penetrates further into the wilderness and we finally find him."

"Pretty much my thinking when going over the plan in my mind."

"Will have to discuss this with the mare then. See if she is willing to go along with this strategy. Doubt she would object. One of her reasons being that she is in season right now." A smirk appears on your lips. "That in itself will prove useful, since botans don't have such normal biological chemistry. The lost stallion would have no trouble finding our group, once he catches wind of her scent."

"My companion has already discussed it with her and she has eagerly agreed to go with the plan. She showed intense interest in the idea of finding him." He assures you.

"Big surprise." You nicker softly.

"Glad I had the chance to discuss this before mourning. That way it will take less time for you to get started tomorrow. I will send word for a botan percou escort to be here before you and the mare leave for the search."

"Aye. Sounds like a plan."

"Get some sleep my friend. You will need it."

"You too." You smile and grasp his forearm, with his hand on your own, and shake.

You are woken up very early the next mourning with a soft nudge and find the sun is barely up. All this highlights the image of a Herbiv Botan squatting by you. He is clearly in his evo form. You blink again and then receive his greetings.

"Mourning. My profe companion and I are here to make sure we get under way with the trip into the deep wilderness. You feel rested enough for it now?"

"Yes. I believe I am." You begin to carefully slide from under your mate's head.

"Let me help." The predat botan comes out of nowhere and offers assistance.

Within two minutes, you have successfully moved from under your mate's head and have helped the predat move into your place, without even disturbing him.

"I really appreciate you doing this. He favors sleeping like this so much." You comment.

"Glad to be of service for you and your mate. After all...both of you will soon be kindred botan anyway. We live our lives as if all are family." He boasts mildly.

You then stand up completely and stretch while changing to your evo form. The mare then approaches and gives you quite the surprise, with the usual mourning kiss.

[Mourning stud. Are you ready to get this search going?] She asks.

[Botan?] You ask in a commanding tone.

[You noticed the improvement of her language usuage.] The herbiv admits.

[It would have helped if you had asked me first.]

[Behave yourself. Those hormones are thinking for you already this mourning. That and you being so physically close to me right now.] The mare teases and you sigh.

[It is just going to take getting used to.] You finally admit to him while still facing her.

[For a while there I wasn't sure if you would approve.] The Herbiv mentions. [Just thought It would make things flow better during conversation.]

[I know. But you do understand why...] You begin while turning to face him.

[Yes I do.] He finishes while stamping and burying the used fire pit. [I am also a changed one like you. My companion was a ordinary mare as well.]

You then look past him at the lounging botan under your mate's head and walk over and lower to your haunches. Both of you look each other in the eyes.

[We are all set to leave now. Anything I can get for you from the storage crates on the wagon, before we leave for the search?]

[Oh no. I just need to rest a bit more.] He assures you.

[Just in case...the wagon stays here. It will be useless where we are going. Take care of my mate...he means so much to the mare and I.] You extend a hand to shake again.

[I know he does. He will be just fine with my companion and I.] He finishes the shake.

[Well...if there is nothing else to settle or do...shall we get moving?] You ask no one in particular and motion for the mare to come up to your side, while rising back up and then begin walking into the forest and towards where a fog bank was forming in the distance ahead of you. The botan escort takes up position behind the two of you and follows.

-(- Same Day - Later Afternoon -)-

"Hmm...any word on them finding the lost stallion yet?" You ask the botan.

"Not as yet." He replies.

"Skin feels kind of itchy at the moment."

"That is your brain getting used to the sensation of the moss analogue fur that replaced your existing hair. Try not to scratch it for now."

"I suppose this is a botanical analogue as well." You comment while running your fingers through the shortened and bristled mane. "I noticed my coloring is now two toned. I suppose that is simply one of the other bloodlines showing there. Speaking of changes to skin and fur, what happened to him?" You ask and look right at his companion.

"That is part of the final changes, before the merging, for all proma and profe botan. Being restricted to my evo form now, is the major change for my body. His head will have no need for the fur during the merging. I believe you have already observed close up why in your lucid dream."

"Wait a minute it is one thing to be doing that within the embrace of sexual bliss, because one is not totally conscious of certain biological elements, but to voluntarily do it while being fully aware is another thing."

"I see where you are going with this." He smiles warmly, while folding and retrieving the mirror. "Let me ask you this. Since you have recently undergone a significant transformation, doesn't something seem to be missing from the last time you changed this much? Possibly to do with the fact you technically don't have a stomach now?"

"Here I thought it was simply me adjusting to my new environment. I was considering if maybe I should eat something. Come to think of it...I should be starving. Instead I have a rather strong urge to drink something. Now you tell me I don't technically have a stomach anymore. Shouldn't the tree have taken care of this then?"

"No. Its only purpose is what it just did to you. It is not capable of caring for any of your digestive needs. At this moment, your new skin and mane is getting your body all the solid nutrition the body needs. The air within the deep wilderness is teeming with floating microscopic size life...much like the ocean water and its plankton. Whatever waste product, the plant part can't use, gets absorbed into the rest of your body. Then what is left and unused is a liquid nutrient that keeps your surface fur healthy. The only consumption or absorption you will need is from a fellow botan. This is due to the animal part of you still requires high protein intake, thus urges you to drink a lot."

"Okay adjusting to being a werehorse was one thing, but adjusting to this is really strange for me. It is a bit like being inside someone's romanticized twisted sex fantasy."

"How so?"

"I'll give you a moment to think about it. The keyword is water sports."

You stand there and begin rubbing your lower belly softly and ponder which tree or bush to relieve yourself nearby. You begin looking around when the botan speaks again.

"Hmm. Ah yes. I see where your thinking is leading now." He acknowledges. "If it will help any...my companion and I will be your first recipiants."

"Thanks...but I'm not sure I want to do this just yet and really need to relieve myself soon. Any of the plants around us need a drink?" You begin giving him a concerned look.

"NO! No." He quickly but softly grabs you by the shoulders. "Doing that will actually damage the plant life here."

"You have got to be kidding me." You feel the sensation of building pressure set in.

"What is currently filling up your bladder inside will actually poison any nearby plants that soak it up out of the dirt. I told you things are very different here."

"This is a cruel joke to be playing on a stallion in need of essential release." You croak.

"It is not intended as a joke. Couldn't risk you considering the tree behind you for one. Poisoning it would have also harmed any of the occupants still in its pods as well."

"I didn't mean to do any harm. I just need relief fast and would just as soon hose you down anyway." Your voice strains and the agony begins to show on your face.

"Then hose away my friend." He says with a grin and steps back away from you.

"But what about the bit that does hit the ground?" You ask now concerned.

"Trace amounts aren't that harmful. Its just what you were about to unload would have done serious damage."

"Okay. Does your companion need watering as well? Can't believe I am saying this to another person now." You sigh and begin relaxing your equine shaft into your hand.

"It couldn't hurt." He smiles towards the bald tiger and turns his back towards you.

The tiger paces up behind him and stands with his arse also facing you. You sigh and finally aim your shaft and let go the control of your aching bladder. What happens next takes you by pleasant surprise:

The sensation of the watering the botans immediately begins to arouse you...

The feeling itself is exactly like shooting your load...

You look down at the stream and see it is now white and no longer clear...

Your shaft is now beginning to stiffen up from the sensation...

The line of site now shifts to the tiger and sees something else...

The liquid trails down his back and over the sides...

Yet almost none of it is draining off and hitting the ground...

His skin is literally absorbing all you can give him...

You decide to make it a decent watering and aim up at the head...

Then you make a slow trail down to his stubbed tail

"Save some for me as well stallion." You hear the botan say...

You then effortlessly aim your hardened shaft up at his head...

Then slowly trace down his back, as the tiger now steps away satisfied and soaked...

The botan backs up a little and lowers to all fours...

At this point your vision gets a bit hazey...

Then your shaft begins to twitch a little in your firm grasp...

Aiming it down becomes painfully difficult...

You then resign to dropping to all fours right on top of him...

"Now you are getting the hang of watering." He encourages...

Your shaft flops against his back with a wet smack...

You begin moving your hips forward and backwards, to insure thorough watering...

The sensation of rubbing back makes your cock twitch upwards slightly...

A jet of the liquid goes over his head and hits the ground...

You then grumble a little and drop you full weight against him...

"Now you are doing it perfectly. Get both of us watered good." He encourages you...

You then resume your thrusting rhythm...

The liquid begins to subside, but you continue the pace...

You begin enjoying the rubbing sensation much more...

Your shaft begins to throb hard as the liquid now ebbs to a stop...

The rubbing and thrusting against him continues...

Audible squishing sounds from between the two of you is heard...

"You did an excellent watering job. Now how about releasing the other load inside of me while I release mine into him." He suggests...

You move yourself down his back, until your cock head rests at his anal opening...

Then you plunge yourself forward completely into him...

"Oh yeah. All the way in me stud pony. All the way."

You decide to keep it there and begin to nibble on his neck...

Then a new strange sensation is felt at the base of your cock...

It begins to throb really hard and swell...

"Oh yes! Finally. Don't panic stallion. That is supposed to happen." He advises...

You lift your head up and instead of a whinny...you bray like a bear...

Your shaft inside the botan begins throbbing and squirting with a canine rhythm...

You then fall silent and begin drooling profusely onto his neck...

"Finally settled into that blissful rhythm." He reaches back and pats you on the neck...

His companion then decides to join you two...

He moves to the botan's side and then under him...

The botan's pelvis then tugs on your knotted shaft a bit, as he thrusts forward a bit...

You move yourself with the pulling and begin thrusting with him...

His scrotum then gets firmly pressed against yours...

His thrusts get more shallow and firmer...then he stops...

The overall treatment is milking you into sexual bliss...

The botan begins to rumble, as a sign he is now tied inside his companion...

Then his whole cavity grips you firmly and begins to literally milk you...

His increased rumbling tells you the tiger is doing the same to him...

The tiger then begins rumbling, while the botan's changes into moans...

You lower your head across the botan's shoulder and begin to moan as well...

"Milking feels so good with a knot." He comments...

Your ears then pick up on movement behind you...

Soon afterwards the tiger begins to maon...

"Apparently the tree needs nutrition as well." You briefly look behind and see it.

You raise your head and look under them to see a familiar orange vine...

It is firmly attached to the knot of the moaning tiger's twitching shaft...

It begins convulsing, as it starts to milk him...

Your peripheral vision catches movement from behind again...

You turn your head back and see it is another orange vine suspended from above...

The shape and structure of the end is identical to your shaft...

Only the tip is shaped just like your old human cock head...

Its entire length seems to possess a self-lubricating ability...

The point past where a normal equine cock would end is structured like a normal vine...

It then lowers and wraps around one of your legs a few times...

Then it begins tracing a path right to your tail...

You lift your tail up on impulse and anticipate what is to come...

It then moves forward and finds the opening effortlessly...

The vine swiftly fills your cavity up and inflates its own knot inside you, then throbs...

You move your head back to the botan's shoulder and begin moaning again...

Then it begins squirting its load and proceeds to fill you up...

The moaning from the three of you deepens and then synchronizes...

The sexual bliss begins to weaken the legs...

As a group you slowly lower to the ground...

The tiger is now likely tied to the vine traditional canine arse-to-arse style...

"That's it stallion. Give in with the rest of us and enjoy the milking." He cues...

You quickly loose perception of the world around you...

The only thoughts in your mind is the double sensations you are receiving...

The milking of your shaft gets more sensual now...

Then you feel your own cavity begin to do the same to the vine...

The sensation is like the most intense and sensual fuck ever...

You finally close your eyes and begin to slow your breathing with the other two...

The moaning starts to soften now and is soon replaced by deep breathing...

Soon the only sound heard is other visiting botans being pleasured...

This new sound only deepens and solidifies the integrity of your private world of bliss...

Then your mind soon becomes flooded with more emotion...

It is coming from all around the three of you...

Somehow every botan in the vicinity is linked emotionally at this moment...

The sensuality of this new experience makes the moment all the more enjoyable.

Eventually the combined emotions and sensations drag you into unconsciousness. You feel as if your mind is literally merging with the other two under your body right now. Your emotional bond with them increases as you begin to also share thoughts with them. It is at this point you discover just how closely bonded a botan percou is. The embrace from their combined mind feels just like an intimate hug. You sigh heavily and then feel yourself drift deeper into this new private world of emotional and sexual bliss. Soon you pick up on thoughts and emotions of other nearby botan. The sense of communal closeness, being felt at this moment, is beyond your current capacity to define. All you know is you don't want this new feeling to ever end.


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Now feel free to post any comments you may have,

Woulfe Maelstorme