A New Brother - Part 17

Story by XtigerX on SoFurry

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#19 of A New Brother

A New Brother

IMPORTANT: Please do not read if you are under 18/21 (local law). This story contains gay sex, M/M stuff, if you don't like this sort of thing, please leave. If you are underage, leave, but don't blame me if you stay and get caught reading this, don't say I didn't warn you. . . .

Also, these characters, the story, they are mine, if you want to use my characters, please ask me.

Part 17: Awkward Feelings

It was hot. Unbearably so. The once soft and pleasant feeling of his clothes were now sticking to his fur as a layer of sweat started to build up. His eyes were heavy and whenever he glanced at the clock, he found himself shielding his eyelids from the red coloured display that shined back.

Six thirty. . .fuck. . .

Max yawned and rubbed his watery eyes again. He had been awake for the past hour, finding himself waking up with his pajamas sticking to him. Despite being uncomfortable, he was hesitant to move from the spot he was in, afraid that Jamie would be woken up by the slightest movement. A mundane attempt to distract his thoughts and lull him back to sleep were proving fruitless and soon he was starting to fidget. The fox next to him mumbled and rolled over, his back towards him and Max wondered how he was even able to sleep. Having enough, the snow leopard gently pushed himself out of bed and tugged at the fabric that was clinging on to him. Grunting a little in distaste, Max headed out of the room and made sure he didn't make a sound when stepping into the hallway.

A subtle click of the door being shut and Max let go of the handle. His objective was the bathroom but he listened for any signs of movement within the household, ears twitching a little. Just a few seconds was enough to convince him that everyone else was still in bed and with more careful steps, Max went straight to the bathroom.

"Still fucking hot." He said to himself, shredding his clothing. Stepping closer towards the mirror, Max started feeling his fur, parting it in places. When his fingers moves away, he held a few strands of fur in his palm. "I need a cut or I'll melt."

The shower was definitely a welcome relief for Max. It cleared his mind and helped him relax but by the end of it, once he washed away all the soap, he nearly tripped on his way out of the shower. A quick curse and grabbing a towel for drying himself, Max stepped out of the bathroom, carrying his sweat laden pyjamas in his arms. Jamie was still fast asleep, sprawled out over the entire bed which made Max smile a little. The fox had barely ever annoyed Max when they slept but there were occasions when Max had to push him back onto his own spot but there was no intention of him getting back in bed, instead he grabbed fresh clothes and made his way downstairs after getting dressed, heading straight for the cupboards.

In the time spent living with Jamie and his family, Max had learned where things were kept but he still felt awkward at times, feeling more like an intruder when family affairs where brought up. All he could do was either leave the room and just ignore it or get Jamie or Drake into a conversation. It bugged him, but he knew he shouldn't have felt like that, Aaron and Lily had done a lot to make him feel welcome in the home and treated him like he was always a member of the family. Yet, it was still hard to understand why he felt so out of place at times.

"Cereal." His stomach gurgled and he started making himself a bowl, sitting at the dining table. He would wash them when he was finished, not wanting to annoy Lily if there were dishes in the sink so early. As time passed, he found himself thinking about what he'd be doing in school today, what he should draw, watch and maybe do something intimate with Jamie that made him giggle. His pants tented a little and he couldn't help but rub his bulge under the table, eliciting a soft purr.

"Morning Max."

Max jumped, almost spilling the contents of the bowl when he jerked his paw away from his crotch. Turning, he saw Aaron chuckling. "M-Morning."

"Hope I didn't scare you too much, thought you'd still be sleeping."

"Too hot." Max blushed sheepishly as the older dragon walked past, hoping that Aaron didn't notice what he was doing. The dragon in question was already properly dressed, wearing his shirt but with a few buttons at the top left open.

"Hot? Not that warm is it?"

"My fur grows quickly. Just. . .need to get it cut."

"I'm sure Lily will know a place, or Troy even." Aaron started making himself a coffee and Max found himself staring at him. He wondered if Aaron had went for a quick shower after him and before he knew it, fantasies where playing in his mind. Quickly, he hid his crotch further under the table as his pants stretched uncomfortably. To make matters more annoying, he was feeling rather hot again.

"Are you working today?" He asked, trying to distract himself.

"Yep. I am."

"So. . .um. . .I've never really asked but. . .what do you do at your job?"

Aaron turned and raised an eye. "Hmm, well I work for that company World Nine, but you probably knew that."

Max nodded. In truth he was curious about Aaron did exactly for a living but it was also a feeble attempt to make his hard on subside. "That's the distribution company right?"

"Yep. Supplies and all sorts of products. You name it and I could tell you where it came from, how much and so on. But I'm more of the desk job worker, I manage orders, tell people what goes where, where they are driving to, send e-mails and some other tasks. I do a few budget reports sometimes, not my favourite aspect."

"Do you like it there?"

"Its quite a good company to work for, but there are still moments when you wish you could just walk out, like most other places. The people I work with are nice enough, have a good laugh. Pay is good as well."

"As long as you enjoy it, its good then."

"Yes, but sometimes I wonder what would have happened if I took other things." Aaron shrugged, grabbing a bowl of cereal himself and sitting next to Max, causing the feline to look back towards his bowl.

"Like what?"

"I don't know. Its really hard to say."

Max was starting to find it almost unbearable. It was getting a lot warmer in the room and he desperately wanted to strip away his clothing, or stick himself in the freezer. His hard on was still causing an uncomfortable bulge in his clothes and with Aaron so close, it only throbbed and made him wish the older male would grab him before being carried over his shoulder, tossed down onto the bed and enjoy the pounding he would receive. However, as his cock throbbed, he held back a grunt of discomfort and brought up another question.

"What does Lily do exactly? She doesn't always talk about her job." Every fibre of his being was screaming at him for asking such a thing, shouting at him to give into temptation and make some sort of move on the dragon. His heart thumped against his chest and he even started belittling himself for not putting on any deodorant before he came down here, telling himself he may have to change his shirt again.

"Lily works as a supervisor in that Home Ideas department store, sells furniture and what-not. She does enjoy it, comes home with catalogs of the recent sofas and beds. She goes nuts at times. But I've seen her come home in a right mood." Aaron told him, picking up a spoonful of his cereal, munching on it slowly.

Nodding slowly, Max pondered his options carefully. He could try and leave the table, quickly adjusting his pants, sort himself out discreetly or simply wait to see if either his hard on settled or if Aaron left the table. None of those options seemed like they would do any good so Max returned to his own bowl, eating the contents which had now become more of a soggy cereal paste than anything else. He would prod Aaron with random questions about his job now and then but it was more to try and glance at his chest through the open buttons. The dragon wasn't as well sculpted as Troy or James, but to Max, the dragon looked just as amazing.

After Aaron had excused himself in order to get ready for work, Max lay back in the chair and finally adjusted his pants, a sigh of relief escaping his lips. He could still hear Aaron moving about upstairs and as he glanced at his crotch, he simply sighed again.

"I've got a damn crush on him."

He knew where it originated from. Even though he'd always been grateful for what Aaron did, taking him in and treating him like he'd always been there, the snow leopard had never held much of an attraction towards him. It all changed when he saw Aaron walk out the bathroom, dripping wet and wearing only a towel that concealed his manhood. His brain would replay that moment and his words, saying that Aaron looked good. The crush started off slow but recently, he did say to Jamie he'd draw his father in all his glory. The fox simply thought he was joking and Max did mask it with laughter but the desire was still there. And then there was the meal they had at the café, he focused on Aaron more than Jamie and sneaked looks when he could, wondering what a night would be like with him.

Guilt was starting to course its way through him, his conscience telling him how wrong it was and that he was with Jamie after all. He still loved the fox and didn't want to lose him, but he couldn't shake these feelings of attractions for the older male and he doubted Jamie would share that attraction. Feeling like he was getting nowhere, Max got up and took the empty bowl to the sink and washed it. His pants still felt uncomfortable as he walked back upstairs and he wondered if he could paw or let Jamie do it for him before school. The top of the stairs shown that the bathroom door was slightly open and he could hear Aaron looking through the cabinet. Temptation rose within him, but he managed to resist it and very reluctantly, walked past the door. Going back in to his room, Max began hoping that this crush on Aaron would soon pass. After all, what good would come if you started playing with fire?

"You're acting weird Rei."

"Am I? I hadn't noticed. Maybe its because dad isn't here, constantly asking you where the coffee is."

The morning had been somewhat uneventful for Rei. He got up, showered, dressed and ate his breakfast being ready well before he had to leave for school. For the past twenty minutes he had been staring up at the ceiling, his mind thrown into disarray upon the reflections he had that night. That evening at the carnival with Troy, Max and Jamie had been a good time, it made him smile that he was becoming better friends with other people. A cynical thought wondered if sex was the main factor in this friendship but he brushed it inside. However, this only incurred that memory of him sucking on his brothers cock and then trying to pretend it never happened.

"Now come on, dad goes away a lot so we can live comfortably. And I'm the one who basically raised you since you were a little cub."

"Maybe that's true Mark, but I wouldn't say I've been weird."

Their eyes met and Rei had to look away whenever his brother raised an eye, almost like he was judging him and trying to steal a glance into his very being. "Oh really? You're certainly a lot quieter around me now. What's wrong?"

"Nothing Mark."

"Bullshit. You're also not looking at me, you avoid it most of the time we're here at home and if you're not in your room, you're in the pool while I'm sorting out this house. Putting it simply Rei, you're avoiding me. Why? Did I do something?"

Rei sighed and gritted his teeth, covering his eyes with his arm. He was starting to become more irritable and defensive when Mark brought up these questions, constantly reminding himself not to snap at his elder sibling. "You didn't do anything Mark."

"Did you have an argument with Jamie or Max?"

"No." He said, the annoyance clearly evident in his tone of voice.

A sigh escaped Mark's lips. "I don't know Rei, just. . .ugh, I need to clean the kitchen before we go to school."

Watching his brother walk off, Rei wanted to say something about just leaving it and relaxing before going to school, that he worked too hard to keep the house in check. But he never did, instead, Rei's eyes trailed down towards his brothers backside, locking on it. Thoughts creeped into his head, making him wonder if Mark would ever do it with him, how he would feel and if they would both enjoy it. As his arousal started causing his sheath to swell, Rei adjusted his pants and rolled onto his side, looking away from the general direction Mark was in.

Time became almost a blur as he fought with his own perverted ideas. He would engage Mark in small talk from time to time, walking to the car and being driven towards his school. A hard on was the last thing he wanted before getting out of the vehicle so he began to try everything he could think of to make him more calm.

"Oh fuck me." Rei blinked a few times, making sure he wasn't hearing things. Turning to look at Mark, he noticed the older otter had his hands gripped tight on the steering wheel. "I fucking hate the morning rush hour."

"Work and school runs Mark." Rei said, looking out the window. He inwardly cursed his brother for saying such a thing, mental images started playing in his head, consisting of Mark laying on his back beneath him, begging for his cock and confessing his love for him. Carefully, his laid his arms over his crotch as his cock started to stiffen, doing his best to conceal it from sight.

Over the next few minutes, Mark remained focused on the road ahead, allowing Rei to try and calm down his hard on. It worked slowly but he was hoping the older otter hadn't noticed it in the corner of his eye. With the school coming into view and Mark slowing the car to a stop, Rei grabbed his backpack and placed his hand on the car door.

"See you after school."

"Rei." A brown furred hand landed on his shoulder and the younger otter had to look back, hoping he wasn't blushing. "Look, I know something is bugging you and you might not want to tell me right now, but you know you can right? I've helped you with your problems before so I'll be able to help you through this one."

A simple nod is what Rei gave in return, along with a few words. "Thanks Mark. But its okay really. See you later."

"See ya."

Stepping out onto the concrete path, Rei waved his brother off and walked into the school building, getting to his locker and sorting out the pile of books.

If you're able to help me Mark. . .then it would probably mean we ended up in bed together. . .oh fuck I want that. . .

Silencing those thoughts, Rei zipped up his bag and closed his locker shut. All he wanted right now was to find his friends and hope that school would make him forget about the thoughts floating around in his mind.

The class was already starting to fill to its maximum capacity by the time Mark had gotten in. After circling about for a parking space, the otter had to grab his back and nearly break into a run towards the homeroom. When he did manage to take his seat, he found Drake and Troy sitting at their usual spot, the two of them leaning forward to speak to him.

"Hey Mark. Busy morning?" Drake asked. The dragon had several books stacked in front of him, none of them school related while Troy's side of the desk remained clear. He wondered what the books where for, probably something to do for English, he wasn't sure.

"Trying to find a parking space. Damn nightmare. But its good to finally see you without that cast Troy."

The panther grinned, trying his best to flex. "Thanks. Ah. . .it still feels a little stiff though. Everyone's been asking that question to me this morning. But I'll flex for you." Troy added with a wink.

Raising his eyes, Mark grinned and shook his head. "So what's with the books Drake?"

"Potential reading material. Our English teacher gave them to me, said I should see about joining a local book club one of her friends run."

Mark nodded while Troy just rolled his eyes. "Such a bookworm you are."

As the homeroom teacher came in to take attendance, Mark had let his thoughts wander back to this morning about Rei's odd behaviour. In all the years he spent with Rei, the otter learned to spot the signs when trouble started to surface but this wasn't entirely new. Rei had deliberately avoided him before, but not like this. Mark would just ask and his younger brother would just spill the beans on everything. It confused him as to why he wouldn't do so now.

While the homeroom teacher kept talking, Mark pondered about asking the two behind him if maybe Rei had had some sort of argument with Jamie or Max. But at the same time, he didn't want to appear rude to them. Deciding to try again later, Mark instead focused on the adult in front of them before the bell rang for first period to begin.

"Hey Mark, where you off to?"

He smiled. "Double period, Home Ec. Going to make a nice strawberry tart and maybe some soup if we get the theory out the way, or if there's any at all today."

"You do theory?" Troy asked, nearly chuckling.

"Of course. You need to know about food hygiene and safety-"

"And sewing a dress?" Troy asked, grinning broadly while Drake was carrying his pile of books in his arms.

"Keep that up and you'll never get into a chef's pants. But anyway, I'm off. See you guys later."

Leaving the two of them behind, Mark chuckled softly and made his way around the building. He always looked forward to this class, especially when it came to baking something from scratch. Walking into the classroom, Mark placed his bag under one of the desks before seeing the other students going to their work stations. Grabbing one of the aprons, Mark switched on the oven and smiled at the person opposite him. He did love this class but there was another reason why he enjoyed it. And it involved a person in a blue shirt standing right before him.

The day had began to seem like an eternity to Rei. Lessons dragged on and teachers never seemed to stop talking about their subjects. When it finally came to sixth period, Rei felt relieved that there was only another fifty minutes until the day was over. Ears picked up the faint sound of chatter getting louder and louder when he got closer to the classroom but it seem to explode once the door opened. Everyone seemed so care free and happy while Rei himself continued to dwell on the problems of this morning. He joined the many others who sat at their seats and took his own next to Jamie and Max, the snow leopard already drawing some new masterpiece.

"Hey Rei." Jamie said. The fox was his usual, cheerful self while Max was absorbed in his drawing, muttering a quick "hello" before the sound of pencil on paper caught his attention.

"Hey. How'd your last class go?"

Jamie shrugged. "Nothing that exciting."

Before another word was uttered, the art teacher began the lesson, taking her time to lecture them on historical artists and how their work was affected by their era. Rei wished he could have invented some sort of time manipulation device that would let him speed up the presentation, and a quick glance around the room suggested he wasn't the only one. Max however was absorbed in it, his eyes lighting up whenever the pictures of paintings changed. With an opportunity, he looked at the still sketchy drawing on the desk. Over time he had learned about Max's sketchbooks and the certain 'Black Page Art' that he would not let anyone look at, even snapping at them or smacking a person's hand away with whatever he held in his own hand. Before you knew it, the feline would have taken his sketchbook away and then focused on his work or a new sketch. However this was on a new piece of blank paper and Rei could see the features of a dragon, but it was hardly near completion.

When the presentation ended, the teacher told them to carry on with their work, many students going to the classroom store cupboard to get supplies. Finally settled, Jamie once again was the one to make the first sound.

"You guys have been quiet today."

Rei shrugged. "Been feeling a little weird."

"Drawing." Max said quickly.

Leaning closer to the otter, Jamie looked around and whispered. "About Mark?"

"Yeah." Rei said with a heavy sigh. "He knows something's going on with me and he might try to get it out of me too."

"Maybe we can talk about it more after school. Or see Drake and Troy about it?" Jamie asked, dipping his paintbrush into the pallet.

"I dunno. Mark's getting really friendly with them, what if something is said?"

"They won't say anything, you know that."

Lowering his hand, Jamie was about to put the brush on the paper when Max looked up, "No, not red. Use a softer colour."

"Like what?"

"Mix an aqua blue colour. It'll go better."

Rei watched closely as Max continued to explain why it'd be better while Jamie defended his own choice of colour. Out of the entire class, Max had already finished the work for this term so anything he did was extra.

"Max I don't tell you what colour or pencils to use."

"I'm just trying to help you. A red colour will just make it look. . .weird."

"It's my work Max. Plus I don't have the freedom of drawing what I want. What is it? Another anime character? Like you haven't done hundreds of those?"

"Guys?" Rei interrupted them after the look on Max's face soured. The feline was rather laid back and hardly the one who would let situations degenerate into an argument but he was incredibly fierce when it came to anything that involved art. Something which Rei had started to become aware of more recently. "Look, can you two maybe come to my place after school? I want to talk about that again. And don't argue about colour."

"Fine." Max said, going back to his own drawing.

"Sure." With a nod, Rei just had to sit tight and wait for the day to be over.

Fortunately the rest of sixth period had gone by without anymore hassle. Max and Jamie didn't argue about something as trivial as colour choice and the otter was glad for it. Outside, they waited for Mark to show up and within ten minutes he was pulling up to the school. The older otter seemed to be in quite a good mood and after the issue of inviting Jamie and Max over had been settled, they drove back to the house, chatting about what happened in the classes today. Pulling into the driveway, Mark let them out and gave them permission to help themselves to a strawberry tart he made in his class today before going upstairs.

"He's quite happy for some reason." Rei noted, sitting down on the couch with Jamie and Max, placing their schoolbags at their feet.

"He isn't allowed to be?"

"He is, he's just. . .way, way too happy. Not like his usual happy, just extremely happy. He was smiling all the way home."

Jamie giggled. "Maybe he figured you out and is waiting for you upstairs, naked and hard in his bed."

"I really doubt that."

"You never know." Jamie added while Max blushed under his fluffy looking cheeks.

"I'm sure I do." He replied, getting up to make some drinks but also to check if Mark was coming downstairs anytime soon. "Besides, I don't know what to think about it anymore. I get hard thinking about doing stuff to him but then I remember he's my brother and. . .I don't know, it makes me feel. . . .disgusted. Like something's just eating its way at my stomach."

"I don't really know what to say to that. I mean. . .I'm close with Drake. And we've well. . .done stuff together." Jamie told him, wondering if it would help.

"Yeah? But then again, you two aren't related by blood. Me and Mark are."

Max pursed his lips and then spoke up softly. "You sure it isn't cause he looked after you since you were little? I mean, since your mom and dad we're always working."

Rei shrugged. "I don't know. Its always really been Mark and me. Can't see it without him. I mean, you guys. . .more Jamie. . .dared me to do that in the first place but I wonder if I would have done something eventually or not."

"You might have." Jamie pointed out.

"Maybe. Those swimming trunks he got me. . .well, I think. . ." Rei was blushing considerably now. Jamie and Max were sitting there silently, waiting for him to finish his sentence but they both already had an inkling of what he would say. "I think of him when I wear them and they just feel. . .so comfy. I like to think it's his hand when I. . .rub myself through them."

Both of the two were blushing now and Rei's pants were starting to tighten again. The otter cursed inwardly when he sheath started to swell for the umpteenth time. Temptation started to build inside him and all thoughts about Mark being upstairs were tossed away. He was among friends who he had fooled around with and he began to wonder if all he needed was to get off to remove those thoughts in his head.

"Hey. . .think we could um. . .fool around some more?"

Jamie's eyes lit up but Max looked a bit reserved, glancing at the ceiling. "Mark's here though."

"I. . .I know. . .maybe we could do something quickly in another room?" Rei's heart was starting to beat faster and his pants tented fiercely.

"I'm game for it." Jamie said but when he looked at Max, he just smirked. "We did it at school as well, remember?"

Max blushed but continued to look over to the stairs in case Mark would reappear. "I just don't know if it's a good idea to do that now."

"Let's go to. . .um. . .the garage. Mark never parks his car in there."

"Why?" Max asked as they got up.

"Dad parks in there when he's at home." With that, Rei led the two of them into the garage, closing the door behind them. It was certainly cooler in here than in the rest of the house but like any other modern garage, there were the usual shelves and tools that covered the walls. Biting his bottom lip, Rei unzipped his pants and fiddled with his boxers, allowing his growing cock to slip out of the opening, quickly reaching its full seven inches.

Barely a word was uttered before Jamie kneeled down and took the member into his maw, eliciting a soft moan from Rei. Placing his hands on Jamie's shoulders, Rei let the fox work on his cock, loving it whenever the canine tried to deep throat him, barely noticing that the fox was starting to fiddle with his clothes. Max on the other hand was near the door, listening for Mark's footsteps despite being aroused by the scene unfolding before him. He wanted to join in as well but at the same time, he was too fearful of being discovered in the act.

Rei on the other hand was enjoying it, rubbing the back of Jamie's head, encouraging him to go deeper. His moans were becoming harder to contain and he had to grind his teeth together in a bid to keep himself quiet. However, he caught himself off guard when Jamie licked over the head of his cock.

"Oh Mark. . ."

Looking up, Jamie pulled off and grinned. "Mark huh? Guess you were really into it."

"Shit I. . .I didn't mean to say that Jamie."

"It's alright handsome. You want me to continue or have Max finish you off?"

"Well. . ."

He would have continued but Max interrupted the pair. "Guys, I can hear Mark moving downstairs."

Quicker than he thought possible, Rei stuffed his cock back inside his clothes and zipped up, ushering his two friends out of the garage and into a surprised otter. "What were you three doing in the garage?"

"Looking for my old Gameboy Advance." Rei said, hoping his brother would buy it rather than smell any hint of sex.

Mark shrugged. "Attic maybe. Won't be in the garage."

"You going somewhere?" Rei asked, only beginning to notice that Mark was wearing one of his best shirts, trousers and shoes. There was also a hint of cologne around him that they could detect. Curious, the trio followed him into the kitchen where Mark filled a glass with water and drank it quickly, checking the clock and going to grab his keys.

"Yeah, don't worry about it. I've left you some money upstairs in my room if you want to order a pizza or something."

"I can cook Mark." Rei said which only caused the older sibling to stop dead in his tracks and look at him with a worried expression.

"Um, yeah. . .you're ordering take out. Please don't touch the cooker, I don't need to remind you why."

Leaving his brother and his friends standing, Mark grabbed his jacket and opened the door, not paying attention to the three standing at the door watching him. What they didn't expect was a black panther to start walking up the stone driveway.

Receiving a whistle, Mark grinned. "Troy."

"Looking good Mark. You didn't have to go through all that effort to see me though, I'll just dress you down."

"See I don't know if you're serious or not. So what can I. . .?"

"Ah, sorry. I was going to ask if you wanted to join me for a movie or something. Drake's looking into this book club thing."

"Oh well I um, kinda made plans with someone else earlier. Another time?"

Seeing the otter trying not to make either of them feel awkward, Troy just smiled. "Ah sure. Maybe I'll get a workout in."

"Thanks, I'll be seeing you." Walking past him, Mark jumped into his car and drove off down the road leaving the panther standing on the stones.

Whispering amongst themselves, Rei nodded and spoke up. His hard on had died down a bit now and he decided maybe it was better just to try and relax for the night. "Hey Troy, why don't you hang out with us?"

When the panther turned, he simply shrugged and smiled, heading back the way he came. "Nah, I think I'll just let you guys have fun on your own tonight. Drake might decide to make some time for me later. Behave now."

The night slowly started to move on. Max had gotten himself comfortable in the recliner chair in Rei's large living room while Jamie and the otter were sifting through the numerous amount of DVD's on the shelf that ranged from classic westerns to the latest action or numerous releases that had barely touched the store shelves. In some way, Max had wished Troy had joined them for the night, he would have been a welcome distraction as his thoughts turned back towards the events of this morning and at school.

The drawing which he started in class was based on Aaron, the black dragon who had taken him in when his own family disowned him. The man who acted like a natural father to him. The man he had a crush on. Again the guilt returned in the pit of his stomach, twisting it into knots and making the feline breath harder than usual. He wanted the feeling of guilt to pass as quickly as a fleeting summer breeze but it stuck with him.

Jamie turned and smiled at him. "You think you could sit through a gore movie?"

Max just shrugged. "As long as its not really horror."

"You okay? You've been really quiet the past few hours. If its over what happened in class, it was just a stupid thing."

With a heavy sigh which he masked with a smile, the snow leopard looked at his fox. "Don't worry about it."

"Alright." Jamie said with a shrug, looking back at the cases of various movies. All Max could do was to try and push those feelings out of his mind, but each attempt only served to provide some very provocative images in his head. Ones which had him on top of the dragons chest, being lowered down slowly towards his throbbing cock and then. . .

"We got one. Jamie you put it in and I'll order the pizza."

"Okay, lets see if its here in less than thirty minutes."

The sudden voices of his friends sparked a small tinge of annoyance in him, but also relief. With the movie about to play, he could try and focus on avoiding the jump scares and vomit inducing effects instead of Aaron.

With the phone down, Rei returned and sat on the couch as Jamie brought up the menu. "So how come Mark didn't want you to touch the kitchen?"

"Oh, yeah. . .last year I kinda made a mess and possibly. . .accidentally set the food on fire. It was just the one time. I can cook."

"I guess the kitchen is Mark's domain?"

Rei nodded in agreement. "Yeah, you know he has specific places for everything. That has to go in that cupboard."

Max chuckled. It seemed like the conversation was serving its purpose and the movie would as well.

As the movie progressed, Max found himself jumping several times in the first half hour, asking a lot of times why he agreed to let them play a gory movie. Even with the scenes that had some of the most terrible CGI the feline had ever seen, the fake blood and guts were enough to make his stomach flip. Shortly though, the doorbell rang and just to get away from it, he said he would get the pizza from the delivery guy at the door before paying him with the money he had retrieved from Mark's room. Taking the box back inside, Max began to hope he would be able to eat the pizza. But no sooner had he sat down did he see one of the actors get torn into by the villain.

"Lovely." Max said while Rei and Jamie laughed and helped themselves to a slice. The two were enjoying themselves but as Max took a slice himself, he could only nibble away at the pizza. Every mouthful nearly had him gagging as he forced it down, prompting him to grab a drink.

"Do gory movies make you sick Max?" Rei asked him.

"Not usually. That scene was just a bit. . .too real. Or maybe its what I had at lunch isn't agreeing with me."

"We still have a good hour left of it though." Jamie pointed out, taking another slice out of the box. "Think you can handle it?"

With the cheeriest voice he could muster, Max just shrugged his shoulders and grinned, forcing himself to eat another bite of pizza. "I'll try."

It seemed as though that as the movie advanced in its plot, the gorier it seemed to become and Max eventually had to look away. Every now and then he would peak at the screen to see what was happening but almost immediately he would cover his eyes as the blood splattered everywhere. Jamie and Max however seemed to be enjoying the movie and it made the snow leopard shake his head. His mind conjured several other activities he could be doing now instead of this, most of which involved drawing. He wanted to try creating new characters or looking up images of his favourite game or anime characters and let his imagination flow. A brief smile on his face appeared but was quickly taken away when he pictured the drawing he started in art class. And that in turn forced him to think of Aaron once again.

He pictured him on the bed, devoid of any clothes. His cock standing proud as a bead of pre ran down the length. Hello there Max, why don't you come here and give me a hand? He wanted to reach forward and suck on that glorious cock and ride it until the dragon came and claimed him as his own.

Biting his bottom lip, Max took a deep breath and tried to force the thoughts out of his mind. Stop it Max. . .Stop it. . .

"You alright Max? Is it making you ill?" Rei asked.

Looking up, Max just shook his head and avoided their gazes. "Can I use your bathroom?"

"Sure." Rei told him.

With the otter's approval, the snow leopard made his way upstairs. The solitude was a small welcome relief but just as he was about to grab the door handle for the bathroom, Max let his thoughts run wild. He wanted the twisting in his stomach to disappear, to stop plaguing him.

"Oh this better work." He said to himself. Quickly, the feline went into the otters bedroom and looked for his schoolbag. Pulling out his art pad, he searched for the drawing he was working on earlier today. "Why did I start this?" He asked, looking at the image. It still remained incomplete, but the face, torso and arms were already well defined. It looked so much like Aaron and all it caused was another uncomfortable tent as the scenarios played out in his mind. Carefully he slipped into the bathroom and locked the door, dropping his pants and wrapping a paw around his stiff cock. With his cock in one paw and the image in the other, Max stroked himself furiously.

The images grew in intensity, the desire grew like a raging wildfire that wanted to consume him. He wanted that dragons cock, he wanted to be fucked by him, to taste him and to kiss him. Images flooded his mind, picturing that thick dragon shaft pounding his tight ass and drinking down the thick seed made his cock throb. With a very restrained moan, Max felt his climax hit hard, ropes of his cum shooting out from his cock and landing on the drawing. Slowly he released his cock and took a few shaky breaths, letting himself realise what had just happened.

"God, is it really just a crush?"


Part 17 everyone. Hope it was decent, it went through quite a few re-writes and I had not touched it for some time. Troy was going to be in this chapter a bit more but I figured I'd rather focus on Max.
