Beth (Chapter 1)

Story by CaptainSaicin on SoFurry

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A Short Story by Earthshine (CaptainSaicin)

Author's Note: Short story with plenty of self bondage, chastity play, teasing, etc... Hood is based off the [Z3X Designs XecurGag model](%5C).

There may or may not be a second chapter detailing her week at work, etc... I guess it depends on the interest in it... and more importantly, on my muse.

First story in 2 years! woo!


Beth sat naked on the floor at the foot of her bed, a veritable collection of items laid out on the floor in front of her. The snow leopardess rearranged a few of them thoughtfully, tidying up the layout unnecessarily. Before her lay a row of color-coded keys, a set of matching locks, a short length of chain, two locking paw-mitts, a set of locking ankle cuffs, a zip-up arm binder with locking straps, and two other, more complex devices. Both were custom pieces she had ordered from Z3X Designs, a small company specializing in unique restraints and accessories made of special materials designed to be unbreakable,' or so their claim was, though there must be some truth to it considering the warranty they offered unconditional lifetime.

The snow leopardess had assembled all of these items carefully, next to a mismatched pair of time-lock safes on her bedroom floor. It was indeed an odd collection for someone to have, and spoke clearly of her more kinky side; the curvy feline did indeed enjoy self-bondage, and practiced it quite extensively. She enjoyed being tied up and teased, and didn't have anyone else to do it to her, not that she would have trusted anyone she knew to do so she was shy around most people, and very private about her kinks.

She had planned this particular session meticulously. It was a Saturday afternoon, and she planned for it to last at least an hour, though however short it may seem, she also intended it to be intense the most intense session she'd ever done, which was part of the reason for her careful planning. The other reason was the sheer complexity of the plan. She intended to tie herself up completely, and then be at the mercy of the equipment and time-lock safes. Usually she used the safes to prevent her from reaching keys or other such items until a set amount of time had passed... this time she had a slightly different use in mind for them. She would use them initially to give her a time limit to escape her first layer' of bondage before locking her in the second. She didn't have an escape plan, not completely anyway... she found sessions more fun if she didn't know she could escape at any time. She was a very intelligent and resourceful engineer, which was a double-edged sword in sessions like these for her; it ensured she could find ways into and out of some very complex bondage situations, but it also made it more difficult for her to plan them such that they wouldn't be too easy for her to escape. For this reason, she tended to intentionally bypass any form of planning for how to get out, and just rely on her resourcefulness to find a solution later, when she needed it. It seemed to work pretty well for the most part, but most such sessions typically didn't challenge her much, and so they gradually became more and more complex.

This session was to be no exception. She had run through the steps many times in her mind, and yet she still had to think about it to be sure she had them all in the right order. Once she was in it all, it would require some time to get out again, and she had no way of knowing of she could manage it in the time she allotted herself before becoming stuck for a longer duration. The thought of being trapped in all of it for so long excited her... unable to escape her bonds, or the toys she imposed on herself, trapped and teased... she caught her paw teasing over her clit and stopped daydreaming immediately... she had better get this over with before she masturbated herself to orgasm right there.

She picked up one of the special Z3X devices... a chastity belt, though of no ordinary design, this one featured a pair of thick, knotted shafts permanently set into the crotch strap. There was a nubbed ring around the center of the forward one, which controlled the vibrations and movements of the toy. It was pre-programmed to emit pulses of vibration randomly, but on a semi-regular interval, ensuring she was kept wet and well-teased while wearing it. The ring turned it on and off, and controlled the strength of the pulses, and due to its position couldn't be reached or adjusted while the belt was being worn. The battery was also located inside the shaft, and likewise inaccessible once inside her. The battery had a high enough capacity to last for days given the current random pulse programming. It was supplemented by a kinetic module that operated similar to ben-wa balls, causing it to wriggle about whenever moved or shifted. The module also acted as a generator, helping to charge the battery and supplement it where applicable in powering the toy. In this way the battery could last indefinitely, given some level of activity or walking around. The rear toy operated in the same way, however was controlled in tandem with the first, having no switch of its own. It was also removable somewhat from its position on the belt. While being worn, the rear plug could be drawn out of the belt, allowing her to defecate if necessary when wearing it for extended durations. However, while she could remove the plug, it remained permanently attached to the belt by a strong alloy assembly, so it would have to hang between her legs when it wasn't inside her.

The leopardess grabbed a tube of lubricant and wetted the rear toy... the front wouldn't be necessary thanks to her already excited state. She twisted the ring about the front toy, which hummed to life with a strong pulse of vibration before ramping down again, letting her know its programming was engaged. She then positioned the crotch strap between her legs and set the tips of the plugs in their appropriate places before pulling it up slowly, driving them both into her. She moaned lowly as the thick phallic shapes penetrated her nether regions and tail hole, rocking her hips some on them before pulling a bit harder to take the dual knots, gasping slightly as one of the vibration pulses occurred with the toys partway inside her. She had chosen the knotted design due to the stories one of her friends had told about one of her canid lovers, and she had been determined to try them herself. It took some slow wiggling to get the knots in comfortably, but once seated they effectively held the strap in on their own quite comfortably. She then fastened the waistband about her hips, clipping the belt together in front of her and pulling the crotch strap up snugly to the locking pin, reaching down to pick up a special lock and snapping it in place. She tugged at the belt to ensure it was secure before picking up the key for it from the floor, and setting it inside one of the time-controlled safes, though not closing the door yet.

That part out of the way, Beth sat back and took a moment to savor the belt and the toys inside her, rocking her hips some and feeling the plugs inside respond with a firm wobbling, then pulsing again with vibration. She moaned and reached a paw down to stroke over the edges of the plate, though she knew she could never get her paw under it to reach herself and tease her clit. It was, after all, a chastity device, and it was extremely effective at that.

Beth leaned forward again, getting back to work as quickly as she could, feeling she wouldn't be able to concentrate on the task much longer with that vibe inside her. She snagged up the two ankle cuffs and strapped them about her ankles, securing them with a pair of padlocks, and then securing them to the ends of the short length of chain with another pair of locks, tossing the keys for those locks in the second time-controlled safe. Now she had to plan carefully, because the next several steps would leave her unable to finish what she needed to do if she did them out of order. She unlocked each of the unused padlocks in front of her on the floor, opening the hasps; she tossed the keys for those together inside the second time-controlled safe with the keys for her cuffs, then turning her attention to the safes.

One safe, the one containing the keys to her cuffs and other assorted locks, had a small numeric keypad on the front, which required a code to open, but could only be opened during the times designated by the control pad on the inside of the door. She turned her attention to that control pad, adjusting the time frames... she gave herself 2 hours to open the safe again once it was closed, or it would remain locked for another 9 hours before allowing her to input the code and unlock it again. The other safe, with the keys to her chastity belt inside, had a combination dial lock instead of a keypad... this difference was important to her plan, since she could operate the keypad with her paws mitted and without the use of her sight... she needed at least her eyesight however to operate the combination dial, so she would need to get her paws free and remove the hood she planned to wear before she could open it. She set the time-control module inside to remain unlocked for 12 hours after closing, then remain locked for a day if not opened in that time period. A day? The leopardess considered this for a moment... of course she could take a full day in the belt, that wasn't the problem... then again, she was certain that according to her loose plan, she would be out of it by then... with a sudden smirk, she set it to a week, then closed the door... it shouldn't make a difference, and why not? She could use the incentive to get out, and the thought of being trapped in the belt for a week excited her, although realistically she wouldn't want it to happen, the thought that it could happen nearly drove her wild. She ground her hips some against the twin toys inside her as they vibrated strongly with another sudden pulse. She squirmed firmly at the sensation until it died down. She had to work fast.

Rearranging the items in front of her again, she laid them all out neatly so she could find them by touch, then picking up the arm binder, she fastened the straps about her shoulders, locking them, the binder hanging behind her back with the zipper on top open such that she could work her arms inside easily. She reached over next to her and grabbed the end of a length of string that she had tied off to the ceiling beforehand, and looped the end through the zipper pull, tying a strong knot, then sawing it with a claw above the knot to fray and weaken it there. The feline set it down then, letting it dangle behind her back for now.

Beth reached down and retrieved the second Z3X product from the floor in front of her. It was a hood, the one she intended to wear in order to keep her from opening the combination safe, and make the overall task of escape more challenging and time consuming. The snow leopardess grasped a pair of tubes that dangled at the end of the thick phallic gag portion, opening the back of the hood widely. She began to guide the tubes into her maw. They were coated with a thin compound that became very slick when wet with her saliva, lubricating them along the way as she tilted her head back and let them slide down her throat, the tubes naturally separating to have one head down her trachea, the other down her esophagus. It was an odd sensation, but one she had experienced before. She had some difficulty getting it down the first time she had used it, though after putting it on a few times she had gotten used to it. She seated the thick shaft between her jaws, and then pulled the rest of the hood back over her face, the tight muzzle forcing her maw shut tight over the gag. She zipped the hood up behind her head, then reaching down for the key she had left on the floor in front of her, her organization now paying off as she was able to find it with no difficulty despite being blinded by the hood. Setting the zipper into the lock at the back of her head, she then set the key into the lock and turned. There was a hissing noise as air was forced between the layers of the hood, inflating it around her head and making the inside form down tight against her face and head. At the same time, the ends of the tubes now deep in her chest inflated, forming bulbs that prevented air from passing around them, redirecting her breath through the tubes, past her vocal chords, and to the holes in the nose of the hood, effectively silencing her, preventing her from making any kind of vocalization whatsoever; no matter how she tried, only the soft hiss of air could ever be heard from the nose of the hood. Setting the key to the hood inside the keypad safe with the other lock keys, she swung the door shut, activating that timer.

Beth had only three more things to do now, and she would be completely helpless until she found a way out. She reached between her footpaws and grabbed up the middle of the chain, feeling the floor for another lock, picking one up, she felt behind her for the D-ring at the end of her arm binder, setting the hasp though the ring, she measured the chain with a paw, finding the middle, she got into an appropriate kneeling position with her footpaws behind her and connected the two, locking her ankles to the end of the arm binder by the short length of chain. She reached down then and picked up one of the mitts, slipping it around her right paw, she tightened it with her left, fitting a lock to it and snapping it shut. The second mitt was much more difficult with the first one already in place, but she managed it by working the strap with her knees, fumbling with the lock some before managing to snap it in place, locking the second mitt on.

The last step was at hand: getting her arms into the arm binder, and zipping it up. She felt around behind her with her mitted paws, managing to get both into the open back of the binder. It proved difficult even with the arm binder wide open, but worming and wiggling her arms and shoulders she managed to work her arms in all the way. Leaning back with her arms tight behind her back, the feline started inching backward on her knees, until she pulled the string taught. Lowering her body and shuffling backward in turn, she pulled against the string and worked the zipper pull it was attached to slowly up her back. She had to squeeze her arms as tightly as possible together just to get the zipper to pull. Finally she felt it reach the top of the binder, the snow leopardess giving a sharp tug, causing the string to snap right above the zipper as planned. She was now stuck.

Beth squirmed helplessly on the floor, not concerning herself with escaping for the moment she knew by now that getting the binder off again was going to prove exceptionally difficult, though as a last resort she could always find something sharp in the kitchen to cut it with. She didn't want to destroy her gear, but for the sake of safety there was always that last resort. She simply dove into her fantasies for now, struggling in futility against her bindings, the leopardess tipping forward onto her stomach, her full breasts flattening against the floor some with her weight, the carpet rubbing roughly over her nipples, she squirmed all the more, grinding her hips between the random vibe pulses to work the kinetic toys inside her. This went on for nearly an hour. Beth had no firm gasp on the passage of time, but she knew if she didn't start thinking of ways to get out of the arm binder before the keypad safe went into time-lock mode, she would be stuck locked in everything else for an additional 9 hours, and would then have only an hour to find the right keys to release her paws, manage to unlock them, and then unlock the hood before the second safe locked her out for a week.

Deciding she needed to get to work, Beth tried to rise and get her bearings. Of course with her ankles locked to the arm binder, she was effectively hogtied on the floor. Twisting herself around to roll onto her back, she leaned against the wall to try and gain the leverage needed to get back to her knees, only the wall moved Beth felt her head and shoulders fall back as the door gave way, swinging closed with a click. She realized immediately what had happened and was gripped with panic. She had locked herself in her room! Immediately her mind was racing, trying to think of what she had in her room that could help her out of the arm binder. She hadn't planned on limiting her resources this way, but surely there had to be something there she could use if she put her mind to it... the string was out of the equation, as she had no way to reattach it... there weren't any tall pieces of furniture she could worm under and rub the zipper pull down her back... in fact, there really weren't many things in her room she could rub against at all, and certainly nothing sharp enough to cut the binder away. There were the safes, though they weren't very heavy she may be able catch the zipper pull on a corner or something. However, after making her way over to them, she quickly found that the corners were indeed rounded, and though she struggled to make the door lever reach the pull at her back, she could gain no leverage to work with it. Sobbing silently through the gag, the snow leopardess cursed herself for overlooking the open door and leaning into it like that.

Rolling onto her back, Beth tried rubbing her shoulders against the floor, arching her back and lifting her butt off the floor with her legs, she pushed herself along. Although it was carpeted, the zipper simply wouldn't catch on it. After maybe a minute she thought she felt it pop down one tooth. It was at least some sign of progress, and she knew now that with enough persistence she would eventually have it off, though it could take hours, or even all night if she got tired or frustrated... or driven mad by the wobbling and randomly vibrating toys stuck inside her, as she found these distractions increasingly frustrating the longer things went on.

Two hours later, Beth managed to get the zipper down far enough to worm her arms out, her groaning sigh of relief reduced to a near silent hiss of air by the gag. Beth immediately scrambled to the safe, fumbling blindly against the keypad buttons, entering the code by her dulled sense of touch once, twice... she slowed down, concentrating as hard as she could, retyping the code again... she had to be sure she had it right, yet it didn't open, confirming her initial fear... she had been stuck in the arm binder for too long, and she would be stuck until the remaining 9 hours of the lockout period ran down, just as she was. There was no way to get any of it off any sooner, at least not without destroying it... No, she would have to wait out the timer, as frustrated as she was.

Beth felt her way around the safes, crawling back up onto her bed; she flopped down and rolled over onto her back, sprawling out with a silent huff. It felt odd as she groaned, yet no sound came forth, held locked inside her by the exceedingly effective gag hood. The leopardess squirmed as the toys inside her pulsed again with a rather intense vibration. She pawed at the front of the belt subconsciously with a mitted paw, an unheard whimper escaping her hood as a near silent hiss of air. She knew she would be in for a long, unfulfilled night... and yet, the thought excited her, only adding to her arousal and tormented mind. Beth spread her arms over her head, and her legs out as much as she could with the short chain between her ankles, laying on her back in a spread-eagled position, doing her best to keep from moving and exciting herself further, the leopardess breathing as deeply as she could through her hood. She tried her hardest to block out the sensations of the toys inside her, but still found it frustrating and difficult to stay her hips every time the vibes rocked inside her_. Oh God... nine hours... nine more hours of this?_

Time dragged for the leopardess as she lay there... she found herself shifting positions several times, and occasionally her resolve would collapse altogether and leave her thrashing about, grinding her hips and rubbing at the shield over her crotch in futile desperation. She was so close, yet impossibly far, her mitted paws held at bay only millimeters from her aching sex by the solid alloy belt and shield. Her mind screamed with frustration and need, yet no sound could she make beyond her thrashing throes of unfulfilled passion. In time she fought exhaustion as much as her own lust, but there was no escape from that either for her, as the toy inside her kept her from settling down for long. She dared not even think of how it would affect her to be stuck in it any longer she must get out of the mitts and hood to get the key from the second safe as soon as the first was open to keep that from happening. She waited on the chime from the first safe to announce it was ready to be opened, but it never seemed to come. Many scenarios passed through her frantic mind... what if she set the safe wrong? What if it was broken? There was no way to know now, her only choice was to wait it out... time was losing its quantification in her mind, she didn't know if it had been nine hours yet; the safe was supposed to chime when it was ready, and she was relatively certain she could hear it through the hood if it did; it heavily muted her sense of hearing, but not completely, and the chime was set to be quite loud. Nevertheless, as time dragged on, she found herself back in front of the safe, entering and re-entering the code on the keypad to be sure. The leopardess gave up after a few tries, leaning back against the safe, lost in her own thoughts again. She could always destroy the hood to escape if she really had to... though it wouldn't be easy, and the more she thought about it, the more she worried that it may not even be possible. It was certainly no ordinary material, and then there was the guarantee... unconditional lifetime warranty... against failure, destruction, or escape.

A faint chime brought the leopardess back to alertness; she had been squirming blindly on the floor in front of the safe, not sure when she had given up on the keypad and gone back to that, both physically and mentally exhausted. Reality came flooding back to her in a flash. Beth sat up suddenly, turning around and fumbling blindly for the safe again, locating it by touch and punching the code into the keypad. Nothing happened, and the lever would not pull. Her heart raced as she punched it in a second time, this time rewarded as the lever pulled down with a tactile click and the door swung open. She reached inside and scraped the keys out of the safe and onto the floor with both arms, pulling her legs up in front of her, she felt around them with her toes, attempting to count them and select one she thought may work on her mitts. It took a lot of work and concentration to get the key into one of the locks, made even more difficult by the intermittent distraction of the vibes, and the constant shifting of the kinetic modules inside both plugs as she wriggled about at the task. She even dropped the key a few times when taken off-guard by an inconveniently timed pulse of strong vibration. Eventually she worked it into the lock of her left mitt by grasping the key between her feet, then tried turning it between her toes... it wouldn't turn she had selected the wrong key. Whimpering silently in frustration through the gag, the snow leopardess tugged the key from the lock again, setting it down atop the safe with her footpaw before stomping her feet and shaking in frustration, scrambling to find another key.

Beth repeated this process with two more keys, repetition not seeming to help speed up the process at all. By now she worried that she would not get to the second safe in time. Succeeding in getting a fourth key into the lock, Beth turned it, and felt the hasp pop open. Frantically she worked the strap off of the lock and stripped the mitt from her paw, picking up the key with her free paw to unlock her second, finding it more difficult than she had expected with her paw free, though still much easier than it had been without, setting the key into the lock and turning to open it, quickly removing her second mitt before feeling about on the floor for the key to the hood. It was different from the others, featuring a specialized design for extra security and to fit in the low-profile lock. Running her paws across the carpet in front of her, she couldn't locate it. She found the other keys, and felt over the ones she had set on top of the safe, but still nothing it wasn't there. Of course it was there, it had to be! Where else could it be? Beth was beginning to panic. She felt around again, working her paws around the carpet in widening circles around the safe, combing the floor for it. She got as far as the opposite wall and under the bed before pounding her fist on the bed in frustration. She needed out now! How could she have lost the key? She must have passed over it already on her first pass; it couldn't have gone that far... if only she could see! She didn't have time to search again, or she would surely miss her chance to open the second safe and be stuck in the belt for a week. Beth clawed at the hood, trying to slice the thick band of material encircling her neck and keeping her head trapped inside it. It did no good; her claws were sharp, but the rubberlike material simply wouldn't cut or puncture, and she hurt herself by pulling a claw too hard against the tight material and having it slip and twist. Huffing silently through the gag, the leopardess went back to scouring the floor for the key. She eventually found it, tucked flat against the wall near the doorway; she must have bumped it over there while fighting with the keys in her cuffs. Reaching behind her neck, she fitted it as quickly as she could into the lock and twisted, letting out her first audible whine in over 11 hours as the tubes deflated in her chest, and the zipper was freed.

Beth pulled the zipper up the back of the hood, then pulling the hood down from her face and eyes, immediately squinting in the light and trying to see the combination dial of the second safe, the snow leopardess not even bothering to remove the gag from her snout first. She spun the dial, squinting as she set the numbers in, and then pulling the handle. It didn't budge. She spun the dial around again, working frantically, re-trying it, yet it still wouldn't open. It had taken her too long to find the keys... she tried it another 3 times before finally giving up, pulling the gag and tubes from her maw and leaning back with an exasperated sigh. She groaned and ground her hips as the vibe teased her again... she wouldn't be getting it out for a week... A week! Oh God why... why did I set it for a week? How could I have been so stupid? Beth curled up on the floor and whimpered, another pulse from the toys inside her causing her to squirm uncontrollably. She would have to learn to control herself if she was going to last a week in this... the leopardess whined some before going about unlocking and removing her ankle cuffs using the loose keys on top of the first safe. She was lost in her thoughts again she needed out of the belt, and she wasn't sure she could wait a week... not to mention she had to work this week, and couldn't get a vacation on such short notice... her tardiness on some occasions hadn't earned her much leniency with sick days, either. Cracking the safe was out of the question it was designed to withstand a lot more than she could ever throw at it. She could try attacking the belt at least; it may be made of strong materials, but nothing that thin could be impervious. On the bright side, the warranty on the belt, like the warranty on the hood, meant that if she could succeed in breaking it, the manufacturer would replace it free of charge... if she could succeed in breaking it.

A few hours later found Beth sitting exhausted in the middle of the living room floor, still stark naked apart from the belt. She had tried every tool she could think of to break the belt, and none had even scratched the metallic finish. She had even dulled a hacksaw blade and a pair of wire cutters. Even the bolt cutters couldn't dent the metal, and the somewhat soft inner liner had curiously healed' from the gouge she had made in it, the material instantly flowing into the cracks and rebuilding itself as fast as she could attack it. She was well and truly trapped in the belt for the week. Even the cable connecting the rear plug module to the back of the belt resisted attack, meaning she would indeed need to keep it inside her while at work to avoid it dangling obviously between her legs.

By this time, dawn had broken on Sunday, and Beth slunk back off to her room, leaving the mess on the floor to deal with later. She was exhausted beyond reason, both physically and mentally. Beth crawled up onto her bed and assumed the spread-eagled position again, concentrating on blocking out the sensations of the belt. A few moments and another vibe pulse reminded her of the toy still in her rear. The snow leopardess rolled over and snatched one of the keys from the top of the safe, reaching down behind her to set the key into the rear module and give a turn, the knot deflating some in her rear as it came free of the belt. She tugged on it, the knot offering some resistance still despite its deflated state, as she slid it out of her with a groan. Beth managed to keep it from touching her bed as she got up and wandered off to the bathroom to relieve herself and clean the plug. It wasn't particularly difficult to use the bathroom with the belt on after all, it was designed with extended wear in mind, and the plug was slick and practically self-cleaning, washing easily with soap and water, and drying almost instantly as the water ran off. She walked somewhat awkwardly back to her room with the plug still dangling between her legs. The key would remain stuck in the base of the plug until it was locked again, though she wasn't going to do that now she wanted to sleep, and having both toys teasing away inside her wasn't going to help her with that. She could leave it out for now. Flopping back down on her bed, she sprawled out once again, groaning slightly as another vibe pulse wracked her body, though it was more bearable with the rear toy just buzzing freely on her bed rather than stuck inside her. It took several hours of trying to fight off the sensations, squirming every few minutes at each vibe pulse, but eventually her exhaustion overcame her, and she passed out.

It was night, and Beth was outdoors. There were stars overhead. She looked around to get her bearings; bench beneath her, stones, reeds, fountain... she was sitting on her patio. She wasn't sure how she had gotten there, but she figured there could be worse places for her to end up in her current position. She turned around to look at the house, when her eyes caught another being another snow leopard, only a dark charcoal grey in color with black spots, lying opposite from her upon the rocks. His eyes were on her, and her heart leapt into her throat a moment before she managed to speak, her voice somewhat hoarse, and wavering.

"Who...What are you doing here? What am I doing here?" the leopardess blushed furiously, thankful the moonlight hid her pallor.

"I was just passing, and I found you here. You looked like you could use some help," came the reply, the leopard's voice deep and reassuring, clearly male, the darkness having broken his outline enough she could not tell until she heard his voice.

Beth quickly sat up to face him, covering her breasts with her arms, her tail curling up between her legs to hide herself. "I don't need any help, thank you."

"Didn't you though? I removed the belt for you. It didn't look like you could do it on your own."

Beth straightened up at that, shifting a bit uneasily as a shiver ran down her spine. Removed? She did feel different... rocking her hips a bit without taking her eyes off of the male before her, she couldn't feel it... it was indeed gone. "But.. how did you"

"Hush..." he interjected "It's off now, isn't that what you wanted?"

Beth blushed even deeper, not sure how to respond, or even really sure what she wanted. "Yes... thank you... umm..." She wanted to dart inside, but the male was lying almost directly in her path.

The dark one rose, standing in front of the door, a handsome beast of muscular build and formidable stature, he stood at least half a head taller than her, his fur glistening with a bluish hue in the moonlight. "Would you like to come with me?"

"Yes." Beth heard herself say, unthinking, and then immediately worrying about how she had said it and why, finding herself already on her feet, facing the other snow leopard.

The male took a step forward and extended a paw, and then from behind him, unfurled a beautiful pair of feathered wings, the same charcoal color as his fur. "Then fly with me."

Beth looked with astonishment at the winged leopard, whom now appeared as though he had always been that way, and was meant to be that way. "But.. I can't fly."

The winged one laughed a deep, rumbling chuckle. "Yes you can, see for yourself." He motioned with his paw over her shoulder.

The leopardess glanced in the direction he was pointing, and caught glimpse of her own wings, a soft white under the moon to match her own fur. She flexed them experimentally, and found she could extend them to an impressive span. Beth assumed now she must be dreaming, but quickly pushed that thought from her mind, afraid she might disrupt it, when she suddenly didn't want it to end. Giving a quick nod, she stepped forward, taking the dark one's paw.

Before Beth knew it, she was flying high above the treetops, lakes glistening below from the light of the moon and stars above. Sometimes she led the way, and sometimes the dark one did, flying and circling higher into the clouds, locked in a courting dance with the male. It seemed as though she had covered an eternity of beautiful landscape in only a moment, as she completely lost her sense of time, and then he was inside her. She hugged him tightly close, and he kissed her brow, taking her in his embrace. She rode his thick member, and he penetrated her deeply, thrusting smoothly into her, she closed her eyes and moaned, her vision blurring as the pleasure welled inside of her, the stars of the sky beginning to flicker and explode around her brightly as she neared climax. Then suddenly, she was falling. She opened her eyes and looked up to see the male's paw slip form her grasp as she dropped backwards, her wings gone, she tried to scream, to call out for him to catch her, but she had no voice. The clouds rushed by in the dark sky and her stomach went to her throat as vertigo overtook her, the dark leopard shrinking into a distant speck above her, then everything was black, but still falling, falling....

Beth shook violently and sat up, gasping for air, then looking about frantically for a moment. She was back in her room. Her head was still swimming with a sense of vertigo; she tried to steady herself, and then shuddered. She pulled her knees up to her chest and shivered for a moment on her bed as reality came flooding back to her senses, the soft mattress beneath her haunches, the soft light of the dawn spilling through her window, her alarm clock beeping... then the cool, unyielding metal between her thighs, holding the vibrating plug in her nethers, and the noticeably damp fur around it, testament to her excitement and need. She wished the dream hadn't ended, she was so close... she wondered if it might be possible to climax in a dream, even while wearing the belt, or perhaps especially while wearing it... her thoughts derailed then at the incessant beeping. She had to get ready for work.

Beth got up and headed directly to the shower. She turned on just the cold water, needing it to help her focus and return to her senses after last night and the previous day... she worked the belt around as best she could to let the water beneath it. She idled under the stream for a while, just feeling the flow over her body, not wanting to get out, though spurred back into moving by another vibe pulse. She turned off the water and toweled down briefly before turning on the dryer, a special blower she had installed to help dry her thick, fluffy fur. Before long she stepped out of the shower and returned to her room to get dressed, the second toy still dangling between her legs.

The snow leopardess rummaged through her wardrobe for a while before selecting a relatively loose pair of pants that would hide her belt effectively. Though to put them on, she would have to re-insert and lock the plug, first. Setting the rest of her attire out on her bed, she went about the task. She located the tube of lubricant she had used previously, and applied it carefully to the tip of the toy. Spreading her legs, Beth slipped the tip through the hole in the rear shield of her belt, then slowly pressed it into her pucker, groaning some as she pushed it deep into herself, trying to relax as the knot penetrated her tailhole, practically pulling it the rest of the way in involuntarily once inside her. The leopardess pushed against the base to set it into its socket on the belt, then turned the key, the knot inflating some within her as it locked in place. She moaned and rocked her hips for a moment, before getting hit by a pulse of the twin vibes, letting out a soft whimper as she tried to suppress the urge to grind her hips in futility against them. She quickly pulled her clothes on over it, setting the key to her rear plug into the keychain she would take with her, in case she needed it to use the bathroom. She was already running late for work, so she picked up her purse and badge and headed out the door to her car; she would pick up breakfast on the way in. This is going to be a long week....