Simply Madness

Story by Mongoose on SoFurry

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It began as a breezy spring morning. The skies were as clear as the sea, so vast and endless, you would have forgotten that the sun was up there somewhere, lost between the layers of blue. The wind was calm, inviting. It danced through the grass and trees, making everything seem to gesture. Come, come and play. Perfection, that could never be captured with even the finest strokes of a painters brush.

But nature is treacherous and at times, cruel. It wasn't long before dark clouds rolled in, casting an inky darkness across the fields. And as lightening streaked across the land, the sky began it's onslaught upon the Earth. Freezing rain poured down from the heavens, blistering winds tearing trees from the tender Earth that they clung so tightly to.

Nico and his younger sister, Mayla were fortunate enough to escape the storm, taking shelter in a seemingly abandoned den, dug near the base of a gigantic tree. It stood proudly, it's unbending trunk taunting the sky, daring it to strike it down. They shook the rain from their leaves and turned to share a tender nuzzle, a reassuring touch, whispering to each other that they were alright and that their mother and father would be too. They made it through storms far worse before, they'd make it through this one. Still, the thunder made her tremble and the lightening illuminated the den with eerie flashes.

They were soon greeted by a Zangoose, who politely introduced himself as Enja. He was strange creature, his body patterns far different then those of other Zangoose. His red pattering seemed like self inflicted scars and he spoke and stood with an almost undeserving pride. His gaze was far off, as he was never speaking to them, but somewhere past them as if he could see through their very bodies and souls, into a world indescribable. He shortly excused himself into a secluded corner of the den where the very shadows seemed to gather, taking refuge from the flashes of lightening.

The two siblings shivered, near ready to tackle the storm than to spend one night with the Zangoose. They could still feel his unnerving glare, despite him settling to rest. Mayla pressed close to her brother, her creative mind running rampart. She whispered to her brother, told him of how the Zangoose was perhaps crazed. That perhaps he had been shunned by his clan. Perhaps he even killed them, fed upon their bodies. Perhaps he'd eat them too! But Nico forced a smile, whispered sweet things in his sister's ear. Nudged to her to lay and rest. But even as he assured the Zangoose would not harm them, they laid as close to the entrance as comfortably possible.

It wasn't long before Mayla's eyes drifted shut, lulled into a peaceful sleep against her brother. But Nico was restless. Her words made him doubt. What if the Zangoose truly was crazed? He had to be. He sat throughout the night, staring at the Zangoose and his red patterns. So much that they stuck there, in his very dreams.

But it was spring and despite the terrible weather, nature still took it course. Mayla's body suddenly burned with a desire that she had never had before. Her body begged to be touched, heat and wetness grew between her legs. A sweet scent permeated from her nethers, filling the den with her heavy scent of need.

The smell flowed into Nico's nostrils, forcing his eyelids open. He woke, confused. He didn't remember falling asleep. And that smell â€" it was the unique scent of a bayleaf entering her first heat cycle. His nostrils spread as he huffed and drew in more of that powerful, intoxicating scent. Every heavy breath made his cock throb and harden, scent only growing stronger. She had to be close, this virgin female. Nico squirmed, sensitive flesh grinding against a warm body.

In his dreamy and drugged state, he mounted the squirming female. She raised her hips up to meet him, pushing back with a soft moan, eager to accept his flesh into her needy form.

Her body was so soft and warm, skin tender to his touch. Her young form felt so good against his fiercely raging hard on. He ground against her bottom, thickness of his flesh tracing across the lips of her cunny, smearing a mixture of their juices against her skin. She let out another dreamy moan, pushing back â€" she had no clue as to why it felt so good, but her body was in control, mind just along for the ride. He responded with a moan himself, having to pull himself away from her body just to position his tapered tip properly to her entrance. He pushed in with a gentle shove, sinking his hard flesh into her untouched depths.

She gasped, her body going rigid. A sudden euphoria of new feeling poured into her mind and for a moment, she lost all control. Her muscles trembled as if she'd crash to the floor, yet her body found a way to push back and up against the strong male above her, accepting every throbbing inch of his flesh with an almost insatiable hunger. Her eyes fell shut, heated moan forced from her throat. He rocked his hips, his every thrust powerful and passionate, craning his neck down to rub against hers, nuzzling underneath her chin, licking across her throat. They locked lips at times, tongues twisting and dancing together as if they had been lovers for ages. Neither was mentally aware that it was truly their sibling that they had connected with.

The sound of rain and thunder had been drowned out by the gasps and moans of the two sibling lovers. Both lost in their own kingdoms of pleasure, rocking and thrusting, panting, moaning, the two bodies meeting with lewd, wet slaps. Their bodies moved so smoothly, the two working like a well oiled machine, each piece seeming to fit perfectly. Every thrust drew a moan from her lips, every pull a moan from his. The moment seemed to last for a lifetime, every thrust sending the couple to new level of bliss â€" higher and higher, until finally, heaven.

She was the first to orgasm, her muscles seemingly giving out underneath her, her passage suddenly clenching down upon his rod like a vice, holding him still as his knot suddenly grew and the two met with a moan that even the thunder could not match. His fluid split from his flesh, flooding into her depths and filled her belly, leaving her with a feeling incomparable to any other, sudden warmth spreading through her body that made her feel wonderfully content. He panted heavily above her, his head feeling light and his muscles weak, he rested upon her, pinning her down onto the floor beneath him. Her lips curled into a smile and the couple nuzzled, kissed once more, before drifting back off into their wonderful dreams. Brother knotted to his Sister, seeding her...

Morning came all too soon, yet the storm still raged. Nico woke with a groan, body filling wonderfully satisfied. He leaned down, roused his lover underneath him, kissing and licking at her long neck and shoulders. She tasted so familiar, yet this was her first time. He began to wonder when she had wandered in, so desperate and needy and while he softly sucked upon her shoulders, his flesh slid free from her tight hole, his cum finally free, spilling out from her body and onto the floor below.

She moaned softly, raising her hips up to press against his, her body still needy. Despite being filled, despite her now pregnant belly, she needed more. And his willing, so very willing, but first, he nuzzled his way up along her neck, kissed her chin and soon locked lips with his new lover. It sent a feeling of warmth through her body and her eyes fluttered open. When the two lips parted, there was one word spoken.

"Brother?" She said.

The initial shock of realization made Nico squirm. He near leapt from her back and scrambled away. His sister? He had mated his very sister?! What would his mother do to him, what if she held his child? Oh dear lord, what would everyone think?!

He had all but near forgotten about the Zangoose. About Enja who had spent the night with the two. It wasn't until he had backed up and against the warm flesh of the Zangoose did he remember. Nico squeaked in surprise and when he turned to face Enja, he was even more shocked at what he saw. The poor Zangoose sat there, with an exhausted and struggled expression locked upon his face. He was panting hard, nostrils flaring as he struggled to resist the empowering scent of sex and heat. His hard flesh stood painfully in the air, throbbing powerfully, precum running down to the base, dripping into a wide puddle on the floor. For hours he had sat there, for hours he had resisted the maddening urge to mate. He raised his eyes, as if begging. His muscles trembled. It would not be long before he himself would go crazy with lust.

But before Nico could even breathe, before he could even think of something to say, Mayla's lips closed around Enja's flesh and the Zangoose moaned with appreciation. She wasn't sure what drove her to do it, suckle and nurse upon the Zangoose's flesh. But she did, bobbing her head quickly, sucking as hungrily as a starved child. And Nico, seeing this, could feel his own flesh throb in desire. He too was afflicted by his sister's heat and it wasn't long before he mounted her back and drove his flesh right back into her tight, creamy hole. He moaned. Enja moaned. The two gripped the girl between them, thrusted and pounded her young body, taking advantage of her unminded willingness. The wet sounds of sex filled the den and the overpowering scent just drove the duo to drive in harder. They pounded her every hole and she moaned in appreciation, shoving her hips back against the two only to beg for more.

They feeded upon each other's cream, her body such a mess of hot cum that neither male, cared if whose cum they were eating, sucking it from her legs, her cunny, her tailhole, hungrily shoving their tongues into her willing body that made her squirm and moan, beg for something bigger, begging to be filled again. They fed her too, offering her both their cocks. She'd suck and nurse upon one, tending to the other was a slick vine. She'd between the two, bobbing furiously, until she'd take both in greedily and nearly choke herself upon the thick load they'd pour down her throat. Still, she'd beg for more, turn and shover her rear into the air and they'd nearly fight for what hole to take, eventually shoving both into one and filling her belly until it'd swell.

Night came before they knew it and Malya's youth drove her to exhaustion. She soon collapsed into a heap on the floor, laying in a puddle of cum, panting and gasping as her every hole leaked with fluid. At this point, Nico fell onto his back, big wide grin on his face. He had fucked his sister. He had fucked his sister with a Zangoose he hadn't even known. And he was so glad to just be able to take a moment to breathe. But Enja wasn't finished. His shaft still throbbed and he considered another go at Malya's squirming body. But there was still someone else there too â€" someone with far more energy. He grinned as he climbed onto Nico's tail, the bayleaf lifting his head in confusion. The Zangoose only smiled and brought his lips down to Nico's tailhole, kissing it firmly, before shoving his tongue inside. Pleasure filled Nico's nerves and he tossed his head back with a moan, arching his back and shoving his rear towards the Zangoose, just as willing as his sister.

Enja dipped his claws into the puddle of cum, shoved them inside of Nico's tailpipe, whispering dirty thoughts to the male, who only nodded and whimpered and begged. Like his sister, tongue and fingers were not enough. He needed something bigger, needed a cock. And Enja, was all too willing to give it to him. He shoved his flesh in and Nico cried. He had never felt such pleasure. The Zangoose thrusted and pistoned his throbbing flesh inside of the male, driving Nico further into the heights of pleasure. The two met in a furious kiss, passing each other what little cum was still in their mouths, grinding their tongues together, desperately drawing breath with their nostrils. It wasn't long before they both shivered and trembled, the Zangoose filling the Bayleaf's belly, while the Bayleaf simply showered the two in his cream.

They continued for hours, neither noticing the passing of storm.

But truly, what would his mother think...?