
Story by Renath on SoFurry

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((this story is held in what you could call the medieval, right in the center of a busy city at noon))


Relinga is an old and famous game, played by males and females all across the world. It was famous because of three reasons. First, it was the game that everybody could play, regarding of skills or species. Second it had one rule that gives you what you always desired. Third. That one rule made the players go till their limits, using everything they've got.

The point of the game was eliminating your opponent, this could be done in several ways. Unconscious, surrender or paralyzing. Simply making him or her unable to move anymore. Weapons where forbidden and only paw to paw combat was allowed. You could chose your own opponent at own risk, as rat its not wise to fight versus a dragon. The one who won, won the opponent, simply as slave. This what made the players go to their limits and most likely to put up a good or decent fight.

Ryan Chrono was not the most smartest person, he never paid any attention to his surroundings or any other fur. He was mostly thinking about something, a game, a female or school.

He was walking trough the streets, covered with mud and sand as his feline paws brought further and further while he watched the ground. His yellow with black spotted fur made everybody thing he was a cheetah, and yes, he was one. He did not like fighting nor he was good at it. He did enjoyed watching Relinga but never wished to participate that game. Friends of him did, and they have become slaves several times, but they where always released after a few days because the owner had their fun with him and most likely had won others already.

He wore black pants till his knees and further nothing. He was not muscled but just slender. Further up the street their was a Relinga game going on, a circle made of a rope indicated the fighting area. Right now there was standing a female leopardess. Behind her several males, all slaves of her now. They where seduced by her beauty and lost of her. And right now they where waiting someone who stepped in and took up against her.

This time his unawareness of his surroundings put him in a really nasty situation. Whit out he knew it he saw that he stepped over a rope, looking backwards as he wonder what it did there he saw a line of furs starring at him, he was no longer standing between the furs but alone in the circle and he had yet to find out. It became silent, a slender figure as him taking up against the leopardess who stood behind him. Slowly but certainly he knew what he had done, turning his head before him again as he gulped at he sight of the leopardess. She was white, all white with here and there a few gray spot, wearing a green training skirt and a black vest. The tip of her tail was black just like the her paws black. He had brought himself into a Relinga game with out he actually knew it or wanted it.

He turned back and walked back at the furs in a hurry but they laughed at him and pushed him back, they made a solid wall around the ring with their bodies. Now various furs where yelling against him, encouraging him as he had to take up against a skilled opponent. She had defeated a dragon, a bull and a wolf, all physically stronger then her. All cuffed behind their backs and kneeled behind her.

"Ah, a new opponent" He shook his head at her, standing at the other side of the ring.

"I do not wish to fight you Miss." They all laughed as she shook her head this time

"To late, you should have paid attention then young one." He was young indeed, only at a age of 19.

"It was a mistake, please let me go." Once again she shook her head and spread her paws, her nails clearly visible to him.

"Round 4, a cheetah versus Miss Lyssandra," said someone, in the public.

She dashed of to him, hopping from the left tot the right with each foot she had, she came soon closer to him and before he could think of any attack or counter she slashed her claws at him. A opponent hurt was much easier to defeat then when you give them a punch against their chest.

The slashed missed his chest barely as he run off to the left, taking again some distance away from her. He had no clue what to do, she was trained and skilled and he was just a regular student at school. She dashed of again but this time he did the same, running toward each other as he had not yet extended his nails but just made a fist to hit her on the head.

He tried to hit her head with a vertical punch but missed as she ducked and launched a knee in his abdomen. She had moved below him and then jumped up to put her knee there. She turned around to face him as he was stumbling there, almost falling as he held his arm around his abdomen. She did not gave him any time as she made sweep attack with her legs, tackling him to the ground.

He smacked on the ground, his face first then the rest of his body. He laid their on in the mud on his stomach, messing up his fur.

Unfortunately for him she was in a rather playful mood and not a mood where she finishes someone when she could. She grabbed his tail, and pulled at it, straining his tail with her paw. Her foot pinned him down on his back as she pulled harder against the tail of him. The tail of him and most likely of any other feline is quite sensitive and thus she hurts him as bad as she could.

Her nails on her foot pierced his skin and drew blood on his back. Blood was common in this game so nothing special. He snarled at her and tried to get up which he of course failed in, and as result he only suffered more pain.

"Surrender yourself kitty" She said on a cold tone. While pulling almost his tail of his body. He moaned and yelped in pain as he nodded at her.

"Good, else you would have some serious injuries."

She dragged him of and acquired some ropes to bind him and a black collar from the game organizer. She tied him up behind his back and put the collar around his neck as she left him with the other slaves of her.

The leopardess walked off for a moment, out his sight and came back with a backpack and a black whip, this was the first thing that gave her a cruel attitude and it made him aware how to respond at her.

Another person joined her, talking to her and then went to the slaves of her, picking them up as he guided them along with her. They followed her to the center of the city. There she stopped on a plaza and looked around as she talked again to that person that guided them. The person nodded and took three slaves with him, the dragon, the bull and the wolf. But not him. The others where taken to a stage as he saw what happened to them, she sold the three to a slave seller but hot him.

"Tell me Kitty, did you really walked in by accident?" She said on a somewhat friendly tone but still cold. As answer he nodded at her.

"That's not very wise of you, better watch your surroundings boy. I did not sold you because of that, it would be really cruel of me then." He nodded again at her as he stood before her, between mazes of furs as he faced her.

"Let's go home, there you can do things for me." With that he nodded one last time at her as he followed her to her home.

Her home was not much, just like any others it consisted of brown stones and in the middle of two other homes. She could indeed impossible have 4 slaves here. She unlocked the door and stepped in as she indicated him get in too. He stepped in and was told to wait in the hallway there as she stepped upstairs.

Several moments later she told him to go upstairs to and walk into her room. Still bounded behind his back he did what was ordered to him and stumbled up the stairs. His back still hurts just like his abdomen, exactly nice she wasn't back there

His eyes widened at the sight of her as he stepped in, she was lying down there on her bed, totally nude and not even covered with a blanket. Some spot on her fur and body where slightly red, either from her blood of her opponent. She squirmed a little on her bed feeling slightly aroused and very comfortable.

"First, I want to know your name kitty, and then you're going to please me." She was squirming on her bed, half moaning as she teased her self with her own tail, letting it brush over her sex, already slightly moist.

"I'm..." He watched her carefully, not believing hat he saw, her beauty and her nudeness. "I'm Ryan Chrono Miss" he said with a very unsure tone. Her whip laid next to her bed and just in reach for her paw. But they seemed very busy now with her breast and her moist sex.

"C'mon Ryan, where are you waiting for? Come her and let me feel your rough feline tongue." Her voice was filled with pleasure. After a few good fights you indeed desire for some comfort and he was just right for that, not strong and not to old.

With shivers running over his spine he step toward her. In order to reach her soft and moist lips he had to kneel down on the bed and lower his head to her, not what you call really comfortable.

He did what he had to do and kneeled down on the bed. She removed her paw from her sex as she licked off her finger, enjoying her taste as she moaned. Her tail moved around his head, moving him forcefully to her sex, pressing his snout against her warm petals of her sex. He opened slightly his muzzle and moved out his tongue, touching her delicate warmth.

She moaned at his touch, desiring quickly for more as she squirmed with her body more and more. Her tail sliding of his neck, letting him go for a moment. She uses her paws to slide over the fur of her breasts. Two fingers held a nipple between the tips of it, twitching it and squeezing it. her other paws moved over and between her two white orbs, her fingers widening to grab one of her breast.

He moved his tongue further inside, between her moist lips, sliding and rubbing against the walls of her sex. He enjoyed her taste, certainly the one of the felines. The sweet taste of her made him to arouse also a little, starting to get a bulge in his pants.

His tongue was teasing her, lapping up her juice at a steady pace, not to fast and not to slow. It brought her sensation and pleasure as her body squirmed for more.

"Please, go deeper" she moaned, her paws vigorously playing with her breast. The deeper he got the louder he begun to moan, her juice flowing over his snout and muzzle, soaking him slightly.

She could hardly control herself, her paws playing with her breasts as she arches her back, more juices leaving her slit as gets excited even more. He keeps on licking her, going faster now as he could find her g-spot, flicking his tongue over her.

With a loud moan and with tensing up all of her muscle, he received a wave of her juice, soaking his muzzle even more. With a smile on his muzzle and quite aroused he looked up at her, still kneeled before him as she watches him with a smile back, her eyes half closed.

"That was good enough for now my slave, go to the living room and rest out a little, I want some rest now." Disappointed and dirty he left her room without any comment. He hoped he would get his treatment too but he hoped for to much. Happily he licked of his muzzle, enjoying the last bit of her sweet juice.