An After School Activity

Story by Lucky Dearly on SoFurry

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(This is my very first anthro porn story with my own made up characters. I'm not asking for you to go easy on me. I just ask that you will read it, and if you can find the time, rate it and reply to it. That would be very much appreciated. I hope you enjoy reading ^^)

Kiana sat in her chair waiting for that bell to ring. The day had seemed to be going so slow now that it was last period. She was in her Spanish 2 class, which had to be the easiest class she took. This wasn't because she was good in Spanish last year, her freshmen year, definitely not. In fact, she failed her Honors Spanish 1 final and almost had to go to summer school, but she was spared from that mess. No, what made this class so easy, was the fact it was only not an Honors class but there was hardly anybody who knew anything about Spanish. They had been on the same chapter for about 4 weeks now and everyday was a nonstop bore for her.

Kiana was a very pretty skunk girl. Her body was that of a goddess some would say. Kiana had cute face, small little nose that looked almost like a button. She had a good deal of muscle in her arms (she had to workout to keep the boys off her). She had nice round and firm 38C sized breasts which all guys couldn't help but look it when she had a small T-shirt on her was just wearing a blouse or tank top. Cute shapely thighs and legs curved to perfection. She also had a cute soft pillowly bubbly butt. One of those behinds where you would just walk by, just to get a good glance at despite whether it was towards your path of your next class; one of those butts where it was worth getting in trouble for being late to next period; one of those butts where you had to look twice just to get the whole thing burned into your memory.

Kiana wasn't a slut, but she liked to show off her body. Her favorite tops that she liked to wear were medium sized T-shirts which she would tuck deep into her shirt, only so her breasts would look tight against her shirt and if you looked long enough you could catch the outline of her bra. Of course she was never uncomfortable because she could no doubt wear a medium with her slim body. Blouses were always a kick in the pants for guy. Seriously I do mean a "kick" in the pants. Kiana also liked to wear jeans; any type of jean outfits what so ever. Kiana would wear jean shorts, jean short and long skirts, regular jeans, jean booty shorts you name it. Kiana loved jeans. "Nowadays jeans have padding that girls can use to make their butts look bigger, but I keep it real baby, I don't think I need padding" She would say, usually to her girlfriends, then slap her round behind following it with a giggle He tail was long, wide and strong enough for her to curl around someone and drag to them.

Kiana was an idol to many girls in the school. They would constantly come to her for tips on how to attract boys and everything. Despite the popularity Kiana never really let it get to her head. Kiana told people that she had no secret to looking beautiful; it was just how she was. Eventually word got out in the school newspaper and people revised her words into what they call. "Kiana's tips"

  1. Just Be Yourself

  2. Make Life Fun

  3. Don't Go Too Crazy Over Any Boy

  4. Have Confidence In Yourself

These were the so-called "tips" on how to be more attractive. Kiana laughed when she read that article but didn't worry too much about it. Eventually word got out that it was a joke to over emphasize how great Kiana really was. This joke however, earned her a week of cold-shouldering from a few of her friends and taunts and jeers from upperclassmen. None of it bothered her though and eventually it all passed. Eventually, Kiana was just another sexy sophomore girl in another co-ed school across the earth.

But enough about Kiana, that's not why you're reading this right? Let's move on, and don't worry, we'll get to the good stuff sooon ^^.

Kiana looked back up at the clock again and noticed time went by incredibly fast! "Thank goodness" she thought, as it was 2:24, leaving 1 minute of class left in her day. As the teacher was finishing up, other anthro teens started putting their books away. The bell rung and immediately people started standing up out of their seats and leaving the classroom, into what soon became a crowded hall way. Kiana put her books away slowly. She stood up, throwing her book bag over her shoulder and adjusting her small jean skirt, which met the length up to her knees. She also had on a red T-Shirt that said, "I'm not perfect..." on the front on the back it said, "...I'm just better than you and everybody else." She walked down to her locker; her hips movin' and grovin' about, a few boys catching a glance of her butt as he moved and wigged fluently almost like it was doing an interpretive dance. The school started emptying slowly and she was the only one left in the first floor hallway. She got all the things she needed from her locker and as she closed it, she felt a paw move across her butt, giving it a light squeeze before sliding off.

Kiana quickly dropped her things and turned, fists raised, ready to fight, until she caught who it was.

In front of her stood Leon the Dalmatain stud. Leon was what some of the girls would call "so totally hot" others would say "he is fine" and of course those who put the crazy slang emphasis on it saying "He is fuuuuuuiiiiiiine". Of course all of his teen love was generated on Kiana; girlfriend since freshmen year and best friend since 2nd grade. Leon was what the guys would call "cut". He had muscular arms. Bulging biceps and when he flexed, it'd be amazing. His chest was firm and hard and he had really strong legs. He ran on Junior Varsity Cross Country so he was really fast. He also played Quaterback on the Varsity Football team. Despite he was a "sports jockey" he was actually a real smart person. His grade point average is a 3.9. He always enjoyed wearing muscle shirts to show off mostly to Kiana and of course he had a great liking of jeans too. Kiana was the one who spiked the love for jeans inside of him (you can guess why).

Kiana punched Leon in the shoulder.

"Don't do that to me boy!" She said with mock anger.

"I'll do whatever I want with you...girl!" He said with a twisted face which shown his playful seriousness.

Kiana giggled and wrapped her arms around him.

"You know I love you right?"

Leon smiled. "Yeah, and I love you too."

Kiana sighed happily and let go of him she then thought of a wicked idea. She turned around wrapping her tail around him pulling him close so her butt was pressed up against his pelvic area. She moved her backside around him slowly in small circles. Then slowly gestured her hips forward and back..

Leon gave out a sigh of pleasure.

Kiana turned around again and smiled at him.

"We've been friends for a while, and I know you've been wanting me as much and in the same way as I have meet me in the Janitor's closet, the one of the 3rd floor in 15 minutes. M'kay?" She kissed him on the cheek, picked up her books and headed off.

A jolt of excitement grew within Leon he sighed happily and fell against the lockers leaning on them.

The 15 minutes couldn't have moved any slower to Leon. He could've sworn time stopped on purpose just to tease and torture him. Then again, it could be just the fact he would look at the clock every 5 seconds. When the time came Leon made his way up to the 3rd floor Janitor's closet. He grew more and more excited with each step he took to that closet. His hand shook with excitement as he turned the knob and slowly opened the door. Surprisingly, Kiana wasn't there at all; it was just a room, with cleaning utensils. He looked at the clock. It had been 15 minutes...why wasn't she here? Then he snapped to him...she was playing with him. That had to be it. He was about to close the door before he noticed a note on the ground. He picked it up and read it.

Change of plans Leon, meet me cafeteria as soon as you read this letter.


Leon smiled at the note, mostly at the little heart that Kiana always used as a dot for her "I's" when she signed her name. Leon wasted no time and rushed down to the cafeteria. He looked around and didn't see Kiana. However, two arms that took him from behind, wrapping around his stomach, greeted him and he knew it was Kiana just from the soft touch of her hands. He turned around as she let go of him. They embraced in a soft kiss on the lips. There was silence for a few seconds, and then Leon spoke.

"So, why the cafeteria?"

"There's more room in here, follow me." She took Leon by the hand, leading him to the back kitchen part of the cafeteria, the part with all the cooking things and refrigerators and things. This was where the lunch ladies cooked all the food. As soon as school was over, they were gone and didn't come back until early the next morning for when they served donuts, cereal and breakfast sandwiches. (An original favorite being the Bacon, Egg and Cheese for $2.50).

Kiana smiled at Leon as she let go of him and leaned against him. She slowly brought her lips up to his and they embraced in a kiss. Leon moved back some as she leaned in further into this exchange of passion until he was against a table. It was the table that the lunch ladies put the food on top of when it was ready to be picked up by students. Now being settled and comfortable, Leon focused on the kiss. He put his hands down to Kiana's sides feeling moving down to her waist and holding her gently but firmly. Their tongues wrestled, battling each other as they shared and threw saliva back and forth from each other. Leon noticed that Kiana's saliva had a peculiar was very...fruity...soon he realized that Kiana had gum in her mouth while she kissed him...fruit punch flavored...mmm. Leon noticed this as the gum slowly slid into his mouth and he chewed on it a bit. Kiana started moving her tongue around in Leon's mouth, moaning a bit feeling his warm breath mix with hers. Leon let the gum slide under his tongue and used that muscular pink tool to push past Kiana's tongue and into her mouth. He moved the muscular organ to feel around her gums, brush by her tongue and slowly push near her throat, licking the sides as if it was something Kiana was trying to swallow but just couldn't. Kiana moaned happily feeling Leon's tongue so close to the back of her throat, feeling his saliva drip inside of her mouth. Her nipples became unbearably stiff and they poked out through her shirt and bra.

Leon was already starting to feel himself become hard and seeing her nipples poking through her shirt gave a little extra jolt of pleasure inside him. He decided to make another intimate move and he brought a hand up to softly caress her right breast. He felt the nipple in between his index and middle finger as he grasped Kiana's tit. He closed those two fingers, trapping the nipple in between them tightly causing Kiana to give out another moan. She broke the kiss and brought a hand down to Leon's pants. She slowly unzipped them and Leon looked at her a little worried. Kiana didn't see Leon's worried look. She undid his boxers and his cock immediately bust forth. Kiana looked at it 7 inches of cock...but only one was different. Kiana looked up and a now blushing Leon.

"You aren't circumcised?"

Leon blushed a little harder and shook his head.


Kiana giggled at him.

"Awww that's so cute..."

Leon's blush almost instantly faded.

"You're not freaked out?"

Kiana gave him a "Are you kidding?" look.

"Of course not, it's still a cock, and it's your cock that I want, I don't care if it's circumcised or not."

"Oh...heh...well it's different from others though..."

Kiana shushed him.

"I know what I'm doing."

Kiana noticed Leon's dick started going a little limp. She grasped it in her whole hand and it almost instantly became rock hard again. She stroked over his cock all the way up to the tip of it. She fondled with the foreskin on Leon's dick. She'd pull it and stretch it out and let go, watching it snap back into place like putty or something. It made her laugh. Leon couldn't help but smile as she did this. Kiana slowly got down on her knees looking into his throbbing hard tool deeply as if it had eyes. She saw the little tip hole of his cock and stuck the tip of her tongue out to poke it, jabbing along just a little of the foreskin on her way. Leon let out a soft moan. Kiana stroked his full length some, picking up speed starting to jerk him off nice and slowly. She watched as the foreskin of Leon's cock moved back and forth, exposing so much of the trapped head as she jerked forward then covering back up as she jerked back. She gave it a light squeeze before she let go of it. She pressed reached in Leon's pants exposing his furry balls. She pressed her nose against them before letting her tongue come out and lick the bottom of his ball sack. She moved up a bit, her tongue now having access to Leon's testicles. Kiana licked Leon's balls slowly making them jiggled up and down with the force of her tongue and wetting them down with her saliva. She eventually sucked on each one slowly. She would sometimes pull her mouth away from his sack, balls and all and pull until they popped out of her mouth and landed back.

Leon was enjoying all this; it was keeping him plenty hard. His cock throbbed and pulsated a few times. He had constantly dreamed and fantasized on having oral sex with Kiana and doing all kinds of crazy things with her. He never thought they would come true though. He moaned, as Kiana slowly started moving up to his cock, licking its full length. She'd lick all the way up to the tip, and then all the way back down slowly. In her final trip up to the tip of his rod she kissed it then wrapped her lips around it and started sucking lightly. Leon moaned feeling his manhood enter into the hot mouth of his sexy girlfriend. She licked the underside of his cock with her tongue licking at it gently as she moved more of her head down onto his meat sucking at it covering it with more saliva and tightening the grip her lips had around it.

Leon moaned, his fantasy being acted out was too much for him. His cock let out the first bits of precum. Kiana felt this somewhat salty liquid land into her mouth and she liked it. Not only because of the taste but because this meant she was doing good. She took her mouth off of Leon's throbbing tool and stroked it some more, the skin was nice and wet around the head. Kiana slowly took two fingers and tightened the grip around the center of the head of Leon's cock. Once they were firmly in place she pushed down. The skin started folding/rolling down until she pushed enough until that skin was collected at the bottom of the exposed head of Leon's cock. Leon moaned as his dick head was now exposed to the cool air. Leon tensed up as he noticed Kiana's mouth getting close. Kiana noticed the change in relaxation and looked up and Leon and smiled.

"Just relax, I know that uncircumcised penises are a lot more sensitive in the head."

With that Kiana took the first slow gentle lick of Leon's erection. Leon moaned happily and shuddered in pleasure. The skin tightened around the bottom of the head of his cock as it throbbed. The pleasure for him was increased tenfold as Kiana's tongue continually attacked the exposed, uncovered cock head that was no longer protected by it's fleshy shell. Kiana licked all around Leon's pink cock head licking the underside of it, touching the little line flap of skin connecting to his penis and foreskin. That part of it was really sensitive. She also licked up to the tip in which she got a big response from Leon. She was rewarded with either a moan or a spurt of precum on the tip of her tongue. She smiled and brought a hand up to grasp Leon's balls, she squeezed them together and rubbed them softly. They were quite loose right now. She continued to lick his cock head before she wrapped her lips around that too. She sucked on his cock as it throbbed in her mouth. Leon moaned and panted a little bit. Kiana took her lips of Leon's cock again and started flinging her tongue off the tip of his tool in a quick motion. Leon's hips bucked a bit from that sudden action.

Kiana soon wrapped her lips around Leon's cock again. Embracing it with her warm breath and saliva. Leon started feeling his orgasm build quickly. He felt the inside of Kiana's mouth get warmer and warmer and smaller and smaller. The pleasure inside his cock got bigger and bigger until he noticed what was happening, Kiana was taking him into her throat!

"Oh...Gaw!" Leon said aloud as Kiana pressed more and more of his flesh into her mouth. Leon's exposed cock head lodged in her throat and she left in there as she continued sucking and licking the underside of Leon's rod with her tongue. Leon was soon sent over the edge when Kiana decided to swallow a few times. Her throat muscles pressed against the sensitive head squeezing it forcefully. Leon tilted his head back.

"GAH!" Was all that came out of his mouth as he came. His balls were incredibly stiff now that the loose skin seemed to be as if it hardened. His cock expanded and he let go. He shot a small glob of his cum dripping out of his dick down Kiana's throat followed but a few warm streams and one final glob. Kiana swallowed his cum down greedily before she pulled her mouth of his cock. She liked the taste of his semen. It had almost a vanilla like salty taste to it. She licked the exposed head a few times before Leon groaned in minimal pain. He adjusted his foreskin so that it was now protecting the head of his penis once again. Pulling on the foreskin a bit.

Leon zipped up his pants and stood up. He offered a hand to help Kiana up. She stood up slowly, her nipples still hard and her inner legs soaked with wetness all the way down to her shins. Leon saw her juices running and sat her onto the table he was on. Kiana stood back up and unzipped the back of her jean skirt, letting it fall completely exposing her white cotton cum soaked panties. She slipped those off too and sat on the spot Leon had been sitting on. Due to Leon's current seat being there, the metal of the table was not cold at all but a pleasant warming feel.

Kiana looked at Leon with a passionate lust in her eyes and spread her legs, showing him her cute, nice, clean, wet pussy. She bit one of her fingers and moaned desperately. Leon smiled at her and decided he'd get to her puss later. He pressed his nose against her tits, sniffing at them. He gave them a small lick through her shirt all around wetting the soft cotton material up. Kiana moaned as she lifted her shirt taking from the collar down and putting it behind her head. She now showed her bra to which she unclipped showing her bouncy, jiggling titties. Leon's eyes widened and he attacked her tits gently. He flicked his tongue off the right nipple while he pinched the one of the left with two fingers. He would suck on her right nipple for a bit and then pull away just to watch the breast bounce a bit.

Kiana moaned.

"Oh Leon! Please, make me cum..."

Leon was getting hard again and after hearing her cute voice beg, he couldn't deny. Leon brought his tongue to the middle of her chest, licking all the way down to her stomach until each reached her belly button, licking inside of that a little bit causing her to let out a small giggle. He licked a little to the left sliding his tongue down to her crotch causing her to gasp in pleasure. Her toes curled, as Leon licked up and down each of her crotches, licking up the sweat and vaporized heat from in between Kiana's legs. The aroma in near her pussy was so strong that it nearly intoxicated him. He fell into a trance almost. He slowly started licking towards her pussy lips. He'd stray every so close, then move back and delve into her crotch.

Kiana was bouncing up and down, wanting his tongue inside her so bad, she was leaking juices fluently as she started making a puddle beneath her, wetting up the metal causing it to get warmer. Leon suddenly rushed his tongue to her pussy and started lapping like a wild dog. Kiana let out a shriek of pleasure as Leon's muscular tongue attacked her nether region. Leon licked up and down her pink outer lips, going inside a bit, starting to press them open. He licked up to her clit getting a big response out of her when he did that. She pushed his tongue into the hole of her pussy going further and further inside licking around the honey soaked tunnels to see what he could find. Kiana groaned as she knew she was not going to last long at all. Leon pulled his tongue out and licked Kiana's pussy lips up and down softly and quickly. Her juices had such a peculiar taste. He couldn't quite but his finger on it but he liked it. He kept licking up and down pressing his tongue into her pussy slamming it against the inner walls driving her mad until she let out a loud scream.

"Oh LEON!"

She couldn't take it anymore. Leon pushed his tongue hard against her clit and her juices were leaking like crazy. She felt some of her juice move under her and moisten the fur on her butt, which sent her over the edge. Her hips bucked, and she had an orgasm. A supple amount of her juices splattered out of her and most of them landed on the table. The rest were licked up by Leon.

Kiana panted as she rubbed over her pussy a little bit, having another light orgasm. She smiled as Leon and her watched her wet cunny gush out more of juices as if it were some holiday special event. Leon brought his hand down and fingered her some feeling her pussy and then licking his fingers. Kiana giggled at him as she slipped her panties back on and her jean skirt. She looked over at her bra and picked it up. It was a little moist from laying on the table and being reached by Kiana's juices. She gave it to Leon.

"I want you to have this."

Leon smiled.


Kiana kissed him passionately on the lips. When it was broken she went into the cabinet and grabbed some table cleaner and towels. Leon went into the cabinet also and luckily found some "Febreeze". He sprayed a little of that before helping Kiana clean her juices off the metal counter.

When they were all done Kiana and Leon walked out of school together, holding hands, fingers laced.

"I love you Leon."

"I love you too Kiana."

They kissed again Kiana moved her tongue into Leon's mouth.

Leon smiled as the kiss broke and then realized that he still had Kiana's gum in his mouth...until he moved his tongue about...he must've swallowed it.

Kiana smiled at Leon and held her tongue out at him, the gum sitting on top of it. Then she closed her mouth.

"Thanks for holding it for me. See you tomorrow." Kiana said as she winked at Leon. She turned around walking that sexy walk of hers while her tail swung back and forth.

Leon shook his head and watched Kiana walk off towards her mom's car.

"Kiana...what a girl..." Leon smiled as his father pulled up and honked his horn. He picked up his bookbag and walked towards his vehicle to home.

The End.

Firey Passion

**Firey Passion** ** ** ** A pretty nice day on the Dearly Farm. Lucky and Two-Tone were in the barn while the remainder of the pups went down to swim at Hiccup Hole. Lucky was sitting back leaning against a wall of the barn...

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Five Times The Fun

**(Hey Everyone the REAL Lucky P. Dearly is here, I tried to get that name when I signed up but obviously some pretender thinks he/she can just come on and take my name and post one of my old stories. Either ways I'm here now and I'm going to give you...

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