Locker Room Slut Chapter 2

Story by Were Siberia on SoFurry

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Locker Room Slut

Chapter 2


Warning! The following story contains sexual acts between two furry males.** Intense violence, including blood, is involved in this chapter.*You must be 18 or 21 (depending on your location) to read any further. If any the above offends you or if any of the tags offend you, *do not read on! **** All characters in the story belong to me.**

Andy slammed his locker shut, he felt empty and numb, since the incident in the locker room. The other students seemed mute as their chatter flew by him. The students just seem to blur with the background as his eyes went blank as they saw beyond the cluster and into nothingness as well.

The fox felt a shove into his shoulder as an all familiar bull smirked at him with a wolf groupie helping his intimidating stature.

"Don't think we forgot about you slut. We have only left you alone so your ass can tighten up! We will see you soon and you will be ours" The bull said with a huff and he and the wolf left much to Andy's relief.

Andy's eye furrowed in anger as revenge burned deeper into his mind. The anger was the one thing who could still feel since two weeks ago. Two weeks ago before he was used and abused. Since his world and privacy had been destroyed. Two weeks since he was broken and hardened his heart. With these two weeks he had been preparing his revenge. He had it all set.

Andy went over the items in his head. Gas mask, gas explosive, reinforced rope, his eight inch knife and two very special vials as his plan formed.

He would wait til the end of tomorrow at the end of gym class and force Luthan and Dexin to stay probably with some tedious insults. When they went for him he would used the gas which was heavy with sleeping agents would knock them out and his mask would make sure he would stay awake. He would tie them up with the rope. Do to his days in boy scouts his knots would hold them still. The knife was to cut them anytime they tried to talk... He did not want to hear their words or excuses. It was revenge, not a spectacle for his amusement. It would all take place in the locker room where it began and where it would end.

Dexin would be first and ask him why he used him. He knew the wolf's answers would be pointless and simple. Dexin wanted to use him plain and simple. He would make the wolf see his mistakes and how cruel he was then Andy would force the contents of the vial down the wolf's throat. Sulfuric acid. The solution would burn down Dexin's throat and into his stomach as his seed had done to Andy's and he would die.

Lutheran would be an audience for this dark spectacle. Oh he would plead and beg Andy for his forgiveness and admit that he was wrong and foolish. But Andy's heart had hardened and he would see it in his eyes! Lutheran had covered him in seed and he would slash that "perfect" body of his until it was covered in his blood and then he would bend Lutheran over and pour the contents out and into his colon. His screams will be music for Andy's ears as they had suffered as he and his revenge was complete. His nightmare would end and he would be free!

End of that day

Andy watched as Dexin and Luthan leave, first for a change. He found it odd that today would probably be the last day that he would use the locker room for its intended purposes. But it had to be done; there was no other course of action, those two had to pay and the fox would make sure it would be just.

A tall ram approached the fox. His name was Lars. He was captain of the soccer team and a star student, been on honor roll since day one. He stood at 6'6 with clean white fur. His horns curled once on the side of his head before he had filed them down to a dull point. His father wanted him to have the crazy seven curled horns such as he, but Lars found this to be much more attractive. He had green eyes that dazzled like emeralds. He had heard rumors about Andy and he was going to figure out how true they were as he coughed catching the fox's attention.

"Uhm hello Andy" Lars greeted himself.

"Oh hey Lars. Getting ready to go home after a long day?" Andy responded.

"Not really got practice. I don't mind. Got to look good and stay in shape"

"Oh yes, the next match is Monday. I have seen a few of your games for my journal class, you lead well and play well. With you staying and shape and being in such status raising groups you must be beating girls away"

The ram composed himself with a small smile and a little flex. "Yes I am sexy stud as I have been told and staying in shape is good for that, certain furs I hear like jocks. And well maybe" he leaned in and whispered in Andy's ear, "I don't need a girl"

Andy's eyes widened and narrowed in anger. So that's what this is about, someone actually talks to him and it's for a booty call. How many furs had Luthan and Dexin told about what had happened!? Well it was not going to happen! Confident fucks like Lars think they could walk over him they had another thing coming from now.

Andy slammed his locker shut as he took out his last item. He had a cool calculating look as he gave the ram a fake smile "Oh really? That so?" Andy let his anger be shown. "Listen here your retarded ass caprice!" His yell had gotten the attention of all the furs especially Lars.

"I know what you may have heard but is not like that. I'm not some slut! I am not be used!" Andy was letting his anger talk. "I am being tired of just being walked on by you fucking jocks. So let me give you some advise! Stay... the.... fuck... away.... from me. I am not afraid to knock you down a notch. Their is plenty of room on my list for a star player like yourself" Andy stomped past the stunned goat.

Mr. Mustang watched in disbelief at how Andy acted. He wanted the fox to stand up for himself. But this wasn't humility or confidence. This was just anger and malice that the fox was showing. His mouth was slightly agape, what happened to the kind fox he knew?

Andy stared the stallion in the eye at his appearance "What the fuck are you staring at? Stupid horse" Andy stomped out and begin running.

An hour later

Andy was sitting on the sidewalk. His few teardrops that he had allowed himself to shed had dried up below where he had hung his head. He was only a fifteen minute walk away from his house now. He just needed to get his blind anger and, yes, sadness out of his system and so he ran til he was exhausted. Now he was hardening his mind and heart. He had to be strong for what he had to do the terrible two tomorrow and possibly Lars if he kept his shit up.

As Andy thought through how he would run from the cops and disappear from society only to return with a new identity he heard a whistle from someone walking on the sidewalk. The tune sound familiar to him, but he couldn't place it, probably some of that awful hip hop that he had heard briefly on the radio.

The white tiger whistled his particular tune trying to entertain himself. He was wearing a simple black coat which contradicted his white fur but complemented his stripes as he had a very important sling on his back with some vital items. He saw the fox sitting looking kind of lonely and was about to pass him but the tiger got a good look a the fox's eyes and stopped walking.

"Whoa, flashback!" The tiger thought as he debated about moving forward or do what was probably right. His judgment got the better of him and sat down next to the fox.

"Uh hey there, name's Siberia" Siberia said with a paw extended.

"Andy" the fox muttered not taking the paw and making the tiger retract it.

"What are you up to?" Siberia asked.

"It doesn't concern you" Andy replied coldly.

"Most of the time you would be right, but it does at this moment oddly enough"

"No it doesn't so just-"

"You're planning revenge" Siberia said stopping the Andy's retort as he stared open mouthed. "And the cruelest kind. Torture and I guess death. I know this because you have the same eyes I did not too long ago"

Andy stared, oddly knowing someone else to share his pain with did help with the rage burning in his head and the dark clouds looming over his mind now had a beam of light through it. "What happened, if I may ask?"

The tiger sighed, "I won't go into specifics, due to promises and everything I have done to get to my mental status. My life though was robbed from me and I honestly didn't care, but the people who wronged me, wronged someone close to me..... I felt a rage burst from me that would scare Lucifer himself and match the wrath of god...."

Andy stared a longer before he finally spoke, "So what did you? Did you get your revenge?"

"Young one" The tiger spoke as he set his bag down making clinging noises. "Put your paws out in front of you"

Andy stared at the tiger oddly before doing as instructed, "What's in the bag?"

"Tools, no lie either" The tiger chuckled. "When you look at your paws what do you see?

"Uhm my pads, fur, my pads, skin" Andy answered.

"Correct from a physical stand point. But in a more meaningful way what do you see?"

"What does this have to do_"

"Do as I ask and you will be taught a lesson you will not soon forget"

Andy growled as he stared at his hands. "I see where evolution benefited us with the opposable thumb. I see what has crafted the greatest works of art and build the strongest buildings of all. I see what has gotten me far myself"

"Good" The tiger answered, "Your answer is pure to a point. When I look at my paws I see weapons. I can strike twelve points on the body that result in death. I see blood, fire, and screams echoing throughout the night. I see two tools that can cause pain and despair with simple motions"

Andy was quiet. "So you have had it hard?"

The tiger chuckled "Everyone suffers in their own way. But there are actions that not everyone takes and it will change you. I am not sure what you are planning but be warned. You will be a different fur then you were before. You will not see yourself in the mirror but a husk that is manifested by a demon. You will look at your paws and see the blood. You will hear the screams. And the restless sleep will be your only break from the madness pressing in on your mind"

"What are you getting at!?" Andy screamed! The tiger's words were affecting him in ways he did not want to admit.

"I took an action that I regret" The tiger said with a distant look on his muzzle. "I wish I had been warned or never done it" Siberia stood at this motion. "I wish I could stay and talk, it's rare when I meet someone with actual intelligence, but time is of the essence.

Andy just stared at the tiger, he wanted to ask if he could ever go back. But the answer was burned in the back of his mind. There was no going back to his regular life. He had changed, he wants to murder two furs.... The hate was there!

Siberia knew what words the fox needed to hear. Whether the fox chose to heed them or not were his choice. "Just because it's the victory or revenge you want, It isn't the victory or revenge you need" Siberia began whistling and walked away with his "tools"

Andy finally noticed the tune! It was a lullaby that his mother had sang to him when he was younger! How the hell did the tiger know that? He stood to ask him, but the tiger was gone! No trace left.

Andy begin breathing heavily. The rage burned in him, in his veins! What the fuck did that tiger know!? No! He had made up his mind! Luthan and Dexin were dead furs! His last day was tomorrow!

The Next Day

Andy closed his locker room locker. He sighed heavily. He was not looking forward to what he was about to do.... but it had to be done.

Luthan and Dexin were talking amongst themselves and Luthan chuckled.

"Hey faggot" Luthan yelled to Andy. They were the only ones in the locker room. They could all feel the tension in here.

"Shut the fuck up Luthan!" Andy taunted back.

Luthan was really taken back, when did the fox grow a back bone? "Excuse me bitch?"

"You heard me bull! You are truly pathetic, I have been hating you so badly! Now I actually pity you! How sad is that?"

"Pity? Me?"

"Yeah. You have been dumped by nearly every bimbo on the cheer leading squad that no women wants to even touch you now. You are so pissed that all the major victories that our team has had has not included you but the new guy Betan and you take out your anger on everyone else. And Dexin!

The wolf truly looked shocked that a fellow canine was dragging him into this.

"No one knows or cares to know you. No one knows the wolf of Dexin. You are just that shadow that follows Luthan around with no individuality and no future when all of this high school BS ends. You both are just punks whom are going nowhere and you will be a joke of everyone when high school is over by about five years. The only sounds at your funeral will be laughs at what pathetic furs you were! That's truth and that's why you are so stubborn on proving more than your own pathetic selves.

"Fucking cunt!" Luthan yelled and charged the startled fox.

"The bombs!" Andy thought as he tried to get to his locker and to no avail as he was slammed into the lockers behind him and catch his breath as Luthan held him up with one hand and cocked a grin.

"Interesting theories but from where I'm standing you are a loser cum dump!" Luthan laughed heavily echoing throughout the empty locker room. Andy's eyes widen as Luthan groped himself a little. "Hey Dexin, think our bitch needs another lesson in obedience?"

The wolf chcukled behind the massive bull, "Oh yeah, maybe a few loads into this whore and he will sing another tune"

"GET OFF HIM" Andy heard yelled out as a white blur slammed into Dexin knocking him back.

Andy's eyes widen in surprise as Lars pounced on Dexin, after knocking him down with his horns and was wailing his fists into his face with powerful arms backing it up.

Luthan dropped Andy to help Dexin. Andy tried to warn the ram but the choke hold had left his throat sore and hoarse.

Luthan took a swing at the ram's head which he neatly dodged and turned around to punch Luthan in his gut which made him take a few steps back. But Dexin, dazed on his back, fumbly kicked Lars from behind and sent him forward into Luthan's grasp as he swung him around and held him tightly in a grapple. Dexin stumbled up holding his side. His nose was bleeding and one eye was bruised and seemed shut, it was quite the shiner.

"I think the fucker broke of few of my damn ribs" Dexin shouted as he gave a swing to Lars' unprotected gut. The blow had no real force with no weight and a wolf, who needed to be hospitalized, delivering it. Lars still grunted in some pain. Dexin groaned, "He broke my fucking nose I think!"

Lars gasped as Dexin swung two blows across his face. As Dexin pawed at his nose seeing it was bleeding.

"Fucking goat!" Dexin yelled as he threw Lars to the ground as Luthan let go of Lars. Dexin pulled out a switch blade and placed it close to the ram's throat. Lars breathed heavily wide eyed in fear.

"Shit. I didn't even think about if one of them had a weapon" Andy thought to himself. Why was Lars here though?

"So" Luthan begin. "Why are you helping the nerd. Trying to connect some pieces"

Lars merely stared at him. It was a look of pure hatred as he breathed heavily, if Dexin sneezed he was dead. And he didn't owe Luthan the rapist an explanation.

Luthan kept staring; waiting and then his eyes got wide and he begin to laugh like he heard some of the greatest jokes ever told. "Oh wow! Dexin. We have a fag in love with a fag!"

Dexin smiled a cruel smile that sent chills down Andy's spine, "Well we have a pair of sissies among us huh? Lars... who would of thought that?" He cupped his paw around Lar's muzzle beofe he could retort.

Luthan snorted as he let his towel fall revealing his sheath and balls that was swelling with his flared head popping out. "Like I give a shit about what fag is dating what fag" he gave Andy a gut blow and lifted him up by his throat. "I don't care if fags are in love or are just fucking" he gave Andy a harsh slap which made him yip and Lars start to struggle before Dexin added pressure to his knife. "All I know that they are disgusting abominations that are good for only one thing" He rubbed his sheath with a sick smile, "Pleasing real studs like you and me Dexin"

Dexin chuckled as he watched Luthan use Andy like a punching bag, "You are right Luthan I truly enjoyed his muzzle last time". Lars eyes went wide as they watered and he begin sobbing mumbling something into Dexin's paw. Dexin sneered as he punched Lars in the face. "Shut the fuck up fag or I will kill you. And I promise it will be slow and painful"

Luthan laughed at Dexin's actions before turning his sights on Andy, they were glaring daggers that Andy squirmed at. "I'm going to rape you bitch, then Dexin will too" His cock was now half out. "Then I'm going to rape your boyfriend and Dexin will too. And then when we are done both of you disgusting faggots will thank us for showing you your true purpose. How does that sound Vixen?" He chuckled at his own joke as his cock was now full hard. Dexin giggled too.

"How about fuck you and your sad life?" Andy manage to croaked out and spat in Luthan's face"

Luthan merely chuckled, "See I was going to be nice I was going to use lubricant and be nice and slow. Now I'm entering dry and fast. I'm going to split your pussy in half and make it bleed and enjoy every single one of your tears." He gave his cock a stroke. "Ready bitch?"

Andy squirmed and stared back defiantly.

"I'll take that as a yes" Luthan said with a sick chuckle.

"Freeze! Put your hands in the air!" A voice shouted out.

All four furs turned to see a rottweiler in a police uniform with his gun out and cocked. Mr. Mustang was behind the canine with a horrified look on his face.


"Fuck the fucking feline! What the hell did he know!? He had never been what he had been through!" Andy thought angrily as he nearly stomped home.

The fox entered his house finding it empty and not surprised most of his days were spent alone.

"To whom it may concern!" Andy shouted to his house. "I will never be in this house again after today! I am going to be some bad things and run away! But does anyone here care? Of course fucking not!" Andy laughed hysterically out the empty house. "No one is ever here to care about the gay son who is tormented in school! Fuck everyone and every thing!"

He angrily picked up a cup left on the desk that was by the front door and angrily threw it smashing a picture on the nearby table.

Andy threw his arms open as though he was expecting an applause for his recklessness, "Of course, a mess to clean up."

Andy approached the destroyed picture and picked up the picture pushing aside the glass and glancing briefly and stopping. It was so bizarre he had seen the picture thousands of time. He is about eight years old on a grass hill with two older foxes, his parents, sitting on each side of them. They were all smiling brightly. Andy remembered the day, it was probably the last happy day that his family ever had.

It was at a local park. It was a hot summer day and his dad had a cooler of seemingly endless coke for the young fox to drain and burn off the caffine and sugar on the nearby playground. They had their kites which they flew once the wind picked up. His dad played catch with him and his mom brought homemade grilled cheese for him to nibble on for lunch. Then they gave the camera to a wolf who was jogging and all sat on the hill and smiled for the camera.

Andy ran his fingers down the picture. He now saw another picture. He saw himself where his dad was with another male fur and a child. Even though he had no face or species for the other furs in his imaginary picture, he could see a male that he was married too happily and a child that they adopted or got a surrogate for.

For the first time in a long while the angry voice screaming in his head was gone and a calmer voice was now speaking in his head. It sounded strangely like the tiger he had just met.

"Are you really going to give that all up? For something as pitiful as revenge? You know justice is enough, just not enough for you. But you are strong, you know that life won't always be what you would like all the time. Are those two really worth your entire future?

Andy let the picture fall from his paw as he arms fell to his sides like dead weight and for the first time since the whole incident he let tears fall. They were silent tears but it was closure that Andy needed. For ten minutes he merely wept before he dried his tears up and picked up the phone and called a familiar number.

After two rings the operator for the police asked what was his emergency. Andy nearly choked on the words as they left his throat with a foul taste and a raspy tone, "I need to report a rape"

Two Hours Later Of Present Time

Andy sat on the bench in the police station waiting. It was plastic and very uncomfortable against his rump and fur. Lars sat down next to him he seemed to be just as uncomfortable. Neither could look at each other or speak a single word. Lars was not in trouble. The knife pressed against his neck and Andy retelling the story the way Lars.

Andy saw a large pit bull walk out of the office to the right. Andy cringed as he saw him. Believe it or not some police were hired to watch some of the more fucked up shit in the world like two jocks raping a nerd in a locker room. He could barely hear what the pit bull said to the cop who was now in charge of his case.

"That was some fucked up shit. Not the worst I've seen but damn.... That fox has gone through a bit. But he was telling the truth with the rape story"

The officer in charge of his case nodded. He seemed disappointed, he probably wished that all of what Andy had said was a lie and the world was just a little less fucked up, but it wasn't.

"Well" the officer in charge of his case, a lynx who badge read "Hunter", began as he approached Andy and Lars. "Both of your stories check out and the evidence for both of the delinquents is rather heavy, I am confidence that justice will be served" Neither fur spoke after the officer was done explaining which he coughed at. "Both will be charged with rape, mild vandalism, they put some dents in the locker knocking you around, aggravated assault, and the wolf get attempted murder, but since he didn't do any physical harm, his lawyer may be able to wave that.

Lars snorted and was about to reject and Andy raised his paw. "They will both be put away for along time already Lars, they are of legal age, so they will get the full punishment" Andy explained. Lars was still opened mouth and nodded. The officer left them alone again.

Andy looked to his left to an office that was cloaked in glass but in the middle of the station so you could still see into it. Both Dexin and Luthan were in there. They seemed to be yelling at the officer, but the glass was sound proof. They must be trying to prove their innocence but the video caught everything they were doomed. At that exact moment Luthan looked out and matched eyes with the fox. As he made a qucik motion signaling that he would get him. Before this would of scared Andy and send chills up his spine, maybe slouch in submission. This time he just chuckled and flipped him the bird.

After thirty minutes of tedious waiting on the damn bench officer Hunter came back. In the back Andy could see Luthan and Dexin getting escorted away. "They will be held here with a high bail until their court date" he affirmed them, "Both of you check out fine and may go home"

They both sighed a relief, finally the wait and the suffering was done.

"Is it alright if I give him a ride home?" Lars asked. Which got a shocked expression from Andy.

Officer Hunter shrugged "If he is okay with it then yes"

Lars looked at Andy with the question in his eyes as Andy nodded "Yeah" he said "That would be nice"

"Then both of you go get some sleep it's late" Officer Hunter said as he handed them each a card. "That has my number in case something happens or if you remember anything crucial. I have your numbers, so I will contact you if anything changes"

The fox and ram exchanged a few thanks and goodbyes with the lynx before he walked away leaving them. Andy and Luthan exchanged glances once again and Andy smiled. It was a triumphant grin that simply said "I win"

The bull's face turned red as he yelled charging at Andy. He grabbed Dexin's knife off a counter that had yet to be processed into evidence. He yelled with blood in his eyes as he brought the knife to Andy. No one could tackle him in time or stop him. Is this how he was meant to die? The fox thought frantically to himself.

To be concluded

Author's Comments: Hey my fellow furs it has been awhile! I would love to tell my sob story of my breakdown and the many institutions and my journey and struggle to a happier path in life.... but that's boring! But I will start submitting again. This was originally meant to be the last chapter, but it turned into a three parter. So you can look forward to the finale! As always comments and constructive criticism is always appreciated.