The Ancient Mariner Part 2: The Panacea

Story by Dance4Life on SoFurry

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#2 of The Ancint Mariner

Hi back for Part 2!! Well lets me get you all back up to speed. So after the freinds little meeting in the lunch room, they finished the week of school out. Now I will kick the story off at Colton's place where he is now packing and getting ready for the long trip these four furs are about to take.


Colton returned home from school and plopped down on the couch as he normally did at the end of the day. Colton kicked his shoes off and began to channel surf looking for anything interesting on. Mentally he was going through a check list to make sure he wasn't forgetting anything as he glanced over at his large duffel bag he was bringing.

Colton reached to the sky to get a nice deep stretch before he slouched deeper into the sofa. It was only four and his freinds where not going to get to the house until around seven. Colton hated killing time, he wished they could all just leave now. Colton's thoughts ran wild with what they might find out there on the lake. Also the fact that he was going to be staying with Ryan on a house boat for three weeks made him drool. This was going to be one sweet vacation.

Colton felt his eyes begin to get heavy as he struggled to stay awake. Glancing over at the clock again that now read 4:15. "ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!" he yelled as he turned his gaze back to the television. Colton now could not battle any longer as he began to doze off.                              Â

*Ding*Â Â Â Â *Ding*Â Â Â *Ding*Â Â Â Â The room was filled with the annoying noise of his doorbell going off. Colton raised an eye brow and slowly rolled up. After what felt like hours, he made it to the door to see his little wolf mate standing outside. Colton un-did the locks and slowly opened the door, "Hey you ready? I can't wait this is going to be great!" Ryan shouted as he entered the quiet home. "Aww Colton... You look so cute with bed head." Ryan said as he ran his paw through Colton's hair.

Colton let out a nice long yawn as he stretched through his whole body. Ryan walked right in setting his duffel bag down next to Colton's as he entered Colton's room, "So Ryan, who's car are we taking. My car is in the shop so can we take yours?" The young fox said as he walked into his room. Ryan was laying on his bed with his paws above his head and lags crossed. "Ya go ahead and make yourself at home" Colton said as he gently closed his bedroom door.

"Well then don't mind if I do." Ryan started as he popped his shoes off and made himself comfy.

"Hey you don't want me to to get you off my bed now do you? Because I will tare you off right now" Colton said as he got into a small crouch now wide awake looking at his freind.

"Do it! I Dare... NO DOUBLE Dare you." Ryan said as he sat up a little getting ready for whatever was going to come his way. With a small growl Colton jumped forward at Ryan tackling him on his bed. The two locked paws and started to wrestle a little bit with a few playful bites here and there.

Ryan struggled under Colton as he say on his stomach. Ryan then strattled Colton and flipped him over turning the tables. Among the wrestling, they never un-locked their hands as they also started a small game of mercy. Each paw was engaged struggling to see who would come out on top. Finally Colton started run out of steam and gave up on the mercy and the wrestling to find himself underneath Ryan.

They sat there for a moment gazing into one another's eyes as Colton leaned up to receive a kiss from Ryan. Ryan relaxed his body and slowly lowered himself down onto Colton's. The kiss seemed to had lasted a life time. Colton wrapped his arms around Ryan pulling him closer deepening the kiss.

Ryan pulled away to gaze into Colton's eyes. Then he started to kiss down Colton's neck. Colton closed and started to relax letting Ryan take control. He then felt a small tug on his zipper as his pants were being slid off revealing his magnificent cock. Ryan playfully kissed the top of it as Colton moaned in pure joy. Ryan slowly ran his tongue up Colton's cock as he grabbed the sheets of his bed.

Ryan decided to stop torturing him so Ryan slipped Colton's wolfhood into his maw. Ryan explored the organ with his tongue as he started to bob up and down. It was a nice slow pace to let Colton enjoy himself a bit. Colton murred as he slipped his pants off and threw them on the floor. He found himself thrusting forward.

Colton sat up and started to slip Ryan's shirt off. Ryan had disengaged for a moment to help with the task. Ryan's pants had followed. It wasn't long until Ryan was back to sucking his freind off. Colton propped himself back up with his arms to gaze at the little tight ass in front of him. Ryan released the organ and found himself back to Colton's lips. The two kissed as Colton grasped Ryan's cock in his paw as Ryan did the same to his.

They started stroking at about the same pace, never stopping the kiss they where in. Now they were both sitting up and stroking one another approaching their climaxes. Their kiss ended as the two arched back in their wonderful feeling orgasm. Seed flew all over one another's bodies.

Ryan shot a glance at Colton to see his little fox now lying on the bed more exhausted then before. Ryan leaned down to lick the cum from Colton's paw. Making sure not to miss one spot. The two slept their in their seed for a few minutes cuddling. The clock now read 5:45. Colin and Garrett were going to be coming soon so they knew they had to get cleaned up. "Sweetie that was the best. You really know how to use the mouth of yours." Colton said as he sat up. Ryan returned Colton's comment by sticking his long tongue out at him.

Some clothes and one shower later....

Ryan and Colton were playing Halo when, once again, the doorbell rang. Ryan looked out the window to see two huskies patiently waiting at the front door. Colton stood up and made his way to the door and un-did all of the locks on it . He opened the door, "Hey!" the two said in unison.

"Well now that double trouble is here, we can get a move on." Ryan said as he turned off the t.v and started to tie his shoes.

"OK but we still don't know what car we are taking." Colton said as he glanced outside to see what cars where in the drive way. His attention was then drawn to Garret's car which was a nice silver Nissan with lots of room. "Hey Colin can we drive your car up to the lake? Mine is in the shop."

"Sure thing I just filled her up. Just one rule though NO FOOD IN THE CAR!!" Colin said as he flipped his keys out of his pocket. The four gathered their belongings and made their way to Colin's car. It was a nice car too. It had beautiful leather seats with a nice coat of fresh silver chrome paint. The crew hopped in as Colin activated the G.P.S. He typed the location known as Lake Powell not just an ordinary lake but a beautiful stretch of canyons flowing from end to end.

The navigation system took a few calculating seconds as the screen popped up, "Estimated driving time... Eight hours and forty five minutes. The group sighed as they knew it was going to be a very long trip. Colton was the last to enter the car with a nice sized cooler in his paws.

"What you got for us?" Garrett asked as he leaned forward from the back seat.

"Well I brought us some waters and pops for the ride up and a few things of candy."

"Well that should hold us over for eight hours. Come on we have to stop to eat sometime." Ryan whimpered as he sat back in his seat.

"Hey how about this. The candy and pop will hold us over for a few hours and then when we switch drivers we can stop off at a gas station and grab a hot dog OK?" Colin said as he started the car. The crew all looked at one another and decided that this was the best thing to do. Now they don't have to worry about killing time and they can get a few hours into the trip. Colin cranked the radio to the mix station so that there would not be any fights over what to listen to. They headed down the road leaving behind everything they had for about two weeks.

A few hours later...

Ryan and Garrett were asleep in the back of the car. It was the picture perfect moment with the two propped up against one another laying on top of each other. Colin and Colton however were still wide awake driving underneath the stars. The desert climate they were driving in looked so beautiful at night. The two sat in silence for quite some time until, "So if you don't mind me asking, how is it with Ryan?" Colin asked as he tried to glance over at Colton but keeping his eyes on the road. "I mean you are with a hunk! My brother and I have had a crush on him for quite some time. You are so lucky to have him."

"Well ya sure he has a great body and the sex is amazing it is just... I don't feel the romance with him. I would love to just sit and cuddle for a while but he takes it as an invitation to get in my pants." Colton said just above a whisper trying not to wake up the adorable two in the back seat.

"Well then you should talk to him. I am sure he loves you very much and I mean I would not be complaining if he just wanted to have sex with me. I mean talk about a dream come true."

"Your right. I should just sit him down and have a talk with him. Maybe I can get him to come around and show me his little romantic side." Colton said as he softly smiled over at Colin as they softly chuckled.

Colin was done filling the tank as he waited for the other three to get their food from inside the gas station. They came running out with hot dogs and sodas when Colin stopped them in their tracks. "Hey no food in the car hello we went over this." The three stopped sighed as they devoured their food then hopped in the car. Garrett was now driving so Colin could take a rest. He was now in the front with Ryan as the other two were asleep.Â

They stared into the night sky and watched the stars pass over their heads. There was not another car on the road, it was too late at night for anyone to even be up. They were a little more then half way to their destination when Garrett thought it was getting a little too quiet in the car, "So do you think we are going to really find anything out there."

"To tell you the truth I just wanted to get away from home and get my best fiends on the boat. I mean I have had a tough year and quite frankly I need a vacation." Ryan said turning to see Garrett's eyes fixed on him.Â

"Well I think that there might be something out there and I hope we are the first ones to find it. Anyways if we don't find anything, at least we can say that we had fun."

"Well I guess you are right I mean who knows what we might find out there." And with that said the two sat in silence as they watched the night sky ounce again.

Hours flew by and before they knew it, they were at the docking station where all of the house boats were. It was almost four in the morning as the four stepped out of the car and gathered their things. They threw their things into small wheelbarrows as they started to roll their things to the end of the dock where the Panacea was located.

The Panacea was a beautiful three deck house boat that was one of the largest boats in the lot. It stretched to a nice length for all three floors. The main floor had a beautiful interior with nice curtains and an amazing kitchen. The second deck had no walls but about waist high railings and was the party deck with a huge stereo system and some party lights on the top. The very top deck had nothing above it with just a few chairs that could be set up on it. It was the perfect place to sleep if one wanted to gaze at the stars before bed. The best part of the boat however was it's slide. It was one of the biggest slides on the lake. It stretched from the third deck down to the second where it would end so you would fall one whole story to the water below.

Ryan pulled out the keys and unlocked the front door of the boat as they all entered and found their individual rooms. After showing them the entire place, the team made their way to the couch where they turned on the t.v to watch some flicks. Colton looked over at Ryan and knew they had to talk about their relationship. After getting Colin's attention, he motioned him to get him and his brother out of the room. "Hey Garrett! Lets go get ready for bed. You still need to show me where you packed all of our clothes so I can get it all separated." Colin said as he guided Garrett's paw to their room at the back of the boat.

Colton and Ryan waved good night to the two as they glanced back at the t.v. Colton sighed then turned to Ryan and said, "Hun...We need to talk."

Colin and Garrett had mad their way to the back of the boat and were going through their things. "Hey Colin this bag is your stuff. I will get my stuff put away later." Garrett as said as he tried to leave the room.

"No wait I mean you have to get this done now." He said as he grabbed Garrett's paw and pulled him back to the center of the room. Garrett quickly pulled his paw away and shook it.

"Hey I am old enough to know when to put my stuff away so back off mom!" Garrett said as he ounce again tried to make it out of the room. Colin was out of excuses and knew that he had to do the only thing he could to to keep Garrett in the room. He grabbed Garrett's shoulder and turned him to engage into a nice deep kiss. The two melted in the feeling, they had not messed around for a long time.

Garrett pulled his brother in closer as he locked the door behind him and they made their way to the bed. Colin slowly sipped off his shirt as Garrett slid off his shorts. The two were all over one another now. Garrett gently set Colin's fragile body down on the bed as he started to slide Colin's pants off. Colin smiled back up to Garrett as he revealed his large member.

Garrett licked his chops as he slowly went down on Colin. Colin grabbed the back of Garrett's head fur as he forced his full six inches down his throat. Garrett continued on Colin's member as he slid his paws up the sides of Colin. He turned them in to go under Colin's back to find what he was looking for. Colin passed some lotion that was on the night stand of the bed over to Garrett who was now slicking up his fingers.

Colin laid back on the bed and closed his eyes as Garrett slowly entered one of his fingers into his tail hole. Colin murred in ecstasy as Garrett started to go slowly in and out of Colin, then adding a second finger. Colin arched his lower back as he tried to hold back a howl. It was pure pleasure having his brother do this to him.

Garrett pulled his muzzle away from Colin and took his fingers out of his bottom. He stood up and made his way to his bag where he pulled out a thing of lube. Colin knew what was coming and quickly flipped over to his belly as Garrett lubed up. Colin sat up on all fours as he felt a nice cool paw on his shoulder. Colin let out a small moan as he felt Garrett's member playfully touch the very outside of his tail hole. "You ready for this?"

"Be gentle, I still want to be able to walk strait after this." Colin said as he took in a nice long deep breath. Garrett positioned himself in the perfect spot and then ever so slightly started to move in. Colin moaned in pain and pleasure as Garrett stretched out his right paw and grabbed hold of Colin's cock. Garrett sunk himself in a little deeper as he started to pick up a nice quick pace with Colin. Ounce Garrett was all the way in he waited a moment so Colin could get use to the feeling.

He then slowly pulled him member about half way out of Colin only to slowly push it back in. As he started to pick up the pace with his thrusting, he started to go faster with Colin as well. Colin moaned as his arms trembled from the wolf above him. Garrett was now fully pulling out every time quickly thrusting back in. It was getting hard to breathe for the both of them. Their nice hot bodies were rubbing up against one another as their giant orbs smacked in between every thrust. Finally Colin gave way to the pleasure and released his seed all over Garrett's hand and the nice clean sheets on the bed. It wasn't much longer until Garrett reached his climax and came inside of Garrett.

The two collapsed on the bed as Garrett pulled himself out of Colin. They both laid limp next to each other as Colin gave Garret a small kiss on the tip of his nose.

The room smelled of musk and sex as Colin was the first to wake. His fur was sticky from last night and he felt very uncomfortable. He made his way over to his bag were he pulled out a nice pair of swim trunks. He peered outside to see Ryan and Colton sound asleep next to one another cuddling on the couch.

He opened the door to the back swim deck as he gazed out at the ocean. The sun rise was beautiful with the light bouncing off of every calm wave. It was perfect temperature out and it was quiet as can be. No one else was awake and Colin had the lake to himself. He calmly pulled the swim ladder down and set a foot in the water. It was nice and cool just the way he liked it. Colin slipped in to put his head underwater. He came up for a breath only to go back down to get use to the temp again.

Ryan had woken up to see Colton on top of him. Ryan smiled as he slowly moved out as not to wake his special little fox. Ryan looked around to see where the noise was coming from when he saw the back door to the swim deck open. He made his way outside to see Colin splashing around like a little kid having the time of his life. Ryan laughed, "Hey pup! Quiet down or you will wake the neighbors!"

"Oh my God Ryan. Did I wake you? Sorry I was just taking a quick swim. Hey you want to come in?"

"Well... I... Oh what the hell sure I will go grab my trunks." Ryan said as he made his way back inside the house boat. Ryan came back with a nice pair of trunks as he jumped into a cannonball landing next to Colin. The two laughed as they played in water splashing one another.

"So did Colton talk to you last night?"

"Yea we had a good talk about our relationship. I did not know how I was acting and now him and I are closer then ever. Say where did you and Garrett go last night anyways?"

"Oh you know just to our room so we could un-pack our bags. Nothing big really. Anyways when are we going to be leaving. I am ready to go."

"Well let's go make some breakfast first and then ounce the other two are awake we can head off."

"Where do you think we will go first?"

"I say we go down Bullfrog Canyon to Ice Berg Canyon and start our search there. I mean the map really did not help much except tell us that it is on the North side of the lake."

"Well this will be fun. Hey what are those on the third deck under the tarps." Colin said pointing to two very large objects on the third deck wrapped up tight.

"My freind, that is what will make this trip a hell of a lot more fun the normal." Ryan said as he started to swim back to the deck. He grabbed a towel and motioned Colin in.

Colin followed and grabbed his towel as the two dried off and made their way back inside. Colin turned to still see Garrett sound asleep as well as Colton. Ryan smiled at Colin as he as he whispered, "So what do you want to eat?"


Number 2 finished. Hey 3 coming very soon so stay tuned. Hope you like it so far!!