Soul guardians reuploaded (by latiasfan1 not me!) ch 2

Story by Pokemonlatiasfan4ever on SoFurry

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Its not my story! Im have simply reuploaded the story here!

Soul Guardians

Part 2 is here! I've seen the movie, so I know some stuff, but any recommendations or character help would be welcome. Suggestions for plot parts are also welcomed. R&R! Also, forgot in the first part: I do not own Pokémon, characters, locations and other stuff. I do own Ash' little secret, however. Secret? Read on to find out! XD




Poke speech = BOLD

Latias was asleep in the garden, when she woke. Something was troubling her. Frowning, she lifted her head, and gasped. Her brother was gone! Frightened, she levitated and began to search for him. Looking at the sun, she guessed it was about 6 o'clock. She'd slept longer than she thought she had. Then she heard a sound, and went to look. She found Latios at the pool, staring at the Soul Dew.

-_Brother, what's wrong?-_Latias asked. Slowly, her brother turned to her. She would have glomped him, but he was emanating sadness and despair.

-You want to know? When I was in the DMA, it was powered by my aura. Now, I'm weak, and barely able to live. I will turn into a new S_oul Dew, unless I receive aura.-_Latias was shocked. After all that, her brother couldn't die. She didn't want to lose her last family member. Then she had an idea.

- __We're Legendaries, so if someone gave their aura to you, then you'll survive, won't you? Your aura will_ heal over time once reinforced.-_Latios paused. What his sister said was true, but there was a problem.

-While that's true, you can't do it and neither can Bianca or Lorenzo. A pure aura is required, purer than ours is. Only a very rare case will be pure enough.-

'Someone like Ash, for example..._'_Latios thought.

Suddenly, Latias spoke... thought out

- __Ash can do it! He's aura is pure! I know it! Especially as he risked so much for us! That means he _ has __ to have a pure aura!-Latios was surprised. _He knew Latias was prone to aura, it was a psychic apparition of life force, but he didn't know she was so sensitive to it. And, she was right.

- __Despite that, he will be in danger. Aura is a life force; too little, like me and you begin to die. Too much, and you will burn from the energy. It's a very powerful force, and not one to take lightly. However, if what you say is true, then I have no doubt he will do it. Speak to him about it. He can understand us if he holds the Soul Dew, due to the extra power it received from my aura, just don't remove_ it from the pedestal or water.-_Latios informed her.

With a squeal of delight, Latias disappeared, by refracting light with her feathers to turn invisible. Latios sighed, and shook his head. Although not as well as Latias, he could still sense emotions, and his sister was radiating joy and love when thinking of Ash. _"I'll have to speak to her about that." _Latios decided.

Bianca opened the door, which was almost off its hinges after being banged on for 5 minutes nonstop, and saw Brock, Misty and Togepi standing there.

"Hey, you must be Brock and Misty. If you're here for Ash, he's still asleep." Bianca spotted Togepi, and stars appeared in her eyes, as she gushed "Oh my Gosh, look at this little cutie! He's beautiful!" Misty sweatdropped at the attention Togepi was getting, while Togepi just chirped happily away in Misty's arms. Suddenly, a scream and buzzing noise sounded above their heads.

"Seems to me that Pikachu got Ash up fine." Brock remarked.

Misty sighed. "Every morning. You'd have thought Ash would have learnt by now. When Ash sleeps in Pikachu shocks him." Misty clarified, seeing Bianca's mystified look.

Latias smiled as she opened the back door. Psychic powers were awesome! Then, she heard talking. Curious, Latias floated over to see Brock, Misty and Bianca. She saw Togepi and almost teleported him over to herself, he was so cute. Smiling, she went upstairs to Ash' room. Opening the door, Latias saw Ash, sitting in bed and smoking slightly with a smirking Pikachu on the bed.

_-Pikachu, what was that for?-_Latias enquired.

Pikachu jumped, and realised who was there.

Latias, he would sleep in till gone noon if he could. I'm an alarm clock he can't beat with a hammer, throw out a window, or leave at a campsite by 'accident' when packing up. He explained.

"Pikachu, who're you talking to?" Ash asked. Latias giggled, she was still invisible. With a burst of blue light, she revealed herself.

"Latias! What are you doing here?" All he got was a coo in return, and a nuzzle from her. Laughing, Ash stood up and smiled at her.

"Don't worry, Ash will be down soon. He's walking about up there." Bianca told the others.

Suddenly, Latias rocketed past them, pulling Ash by the hand down the stairs and into the garden.

Everyone sweatdropped.

"Already? She's never this active until breakfast." Bianca remarked. "Give her a few hours, then Latios will sort it out.

"Latias, where are you taking me?" Ash asked. All he got was, as usual, a coo in return. Suddenly, Latias stopped and pulled Ash to the fountain, thrusting his hand into the water and touching the Soul Dew.

Cooooooooooooooo-let go! Latias cried.

"Wh-wh-what? Did you SPEAK?" Ash stammered.

Only because you're holding the Soul Dew in your hand. As long as it's here, you can understand us. The Rocket thieves couldn't because they took it out the water. And I said whatever you do, don't let go!

Latias, are you back? A voice called out.

Ash turned, and suddenly had Latios right in front of him, with an arm behind his back.

"Latios! You're awake! How you feeling?" Ash called.

Better. Ash, we need to ask you something. After the DMA, my aura was drained. Without it, I'm dying. Only a very rare person has a pure enough aura to help. That person is you, Ash. However, beware-if you give your aura, you may die. We ask you, Ash: knowing this, will you give your aura? My time is short. Latios told them, bringing out his arm-that was pure crystal.

Brother! Latias cried, choking back a sob.

What is it, Ash? Will you help us? Just remember, you may die from this. Latios asked.

Ash swallowed. "Yes. I will help you to live. How do I do it?"

Simple. You put your hands together and focus. Your aura will manifest. Then, when I sense enough, I will nod. Do not release it in an Aura Sphere. Focus on the triangle on my chest. Push the aura ** _ **gently _ ** into it. When you begin, you will need to release the Soul Dew, so ask questions now. Do you have any?**

"No. Let's start." Latios nodded and backed up. Ash took his hand of the Soul Dew, and put them together. He closed his eyes, and focussed. Slowly, a ball of pure blue energy, tinged with red, formed, and Ash opened his eyes. To his surprise, Latias and Latios were staring at him.

"What's up?" Ash asked.

Latios spoke up._ - Ash, listen to me carefully and don't freak out. A Pokémon will have a certain aura, depending on the species. Each aura is unique to Pokémon. With us, for example, it stays the same, even in our human form. Look at your aura. Then look at me, and I will make m ine and Latias' visible to you.-Before Ash could ask how Latios was talking telepathically to him, a glow surrounded the twins. Latias had a red aura, with a blue tinge to it. And Latios aura was blue with a tinge of red. _Ash stared, shocked. If what Latios said was true, then...

- __Brother, how can Ash' aura be the same_ as yours? He's not a Pokémon.- Latios sighed, and telepathed to both present -_Give me a moment, and I'll explain the aura to you both _-_. After a minute, Latios nodded.

-Alright. Latias, only I know this, as I was told by Lorenzo before you hatched. When our father was bringing us here, as eggs, for safety, there were actually _three _eggs. During his journey, one was stolen from him. This other egg was a Latios egg. Lorenzo learnt from father that the egg was recovered, but too many people knew. He took it, and hid it in another region completely. This egg hatched, but father used his powers to change our brother's form to human, permanently, until he __realized his powers or was found by us. The egg was taken to Kanto, and hidden in Pallet Town. Ash, your aura is the same as mine. This means o_ ne thing. You are our brother.- _Latios finished, and a stunned silence descended.

"I'm a... Latios?" Ash managed to say.

- __Yes. I had my suspicions, but the aura settled it._ -Latios began a countdown to himself.''_Latias hurled herself at Ash and glomped him, almost crushing his ribs in the hug he was getting. '_Brother, how do we turn Ash back to his normal form?' _Latias asked, ignoring a struggling Ash. "Latias... can't...breathe..." Ash gasped, while turning blue.

- __I'll help once you let him breathe, sister. To help, though, I'll ne_ ed to see Ash' consciousne-gah!-_

At the last part, once Ash was breathing again, Latios doubled over, shuddering. Slowly, the colour leeched from him, rendering his left shoulder crystal.

_-Brother! What's happening?-_Latias cried out.

- __I'm dying. Ash, you need to transfer aura, now! As you're a Latios, you're aura will regenerat_ e, so you won't die. But hurry!- _At the last, Latios shuddered again, and the crystal grew up Latios' neck, to his chin.

"Gotcha! Let's go!" Ash immediately began to gather aura, and slowly fed it into Latios' chest. Slowly the crystal receded to colour, until Latios said

- __Enough. That will do. Now, we both need to sleep and_ rest, to speed up the healing.-_

"Alright. But Latios, how do I return to my normal form? And Latias, where's Pikachu?"

Latios sighed, and said -_I'll teach you when we wake up.-_And immediately fell asleep.

Latias giggled, and told Ash -I hit Pikachu with Hypnosis. Sh __e won't wake up for another 5 hours.-

Ash sighed, relieved that his friend wasn't hurt.

"OK. But I really, really feel tired..." As soon as he finished, he fell face first onto Latios' back. Latias sweatdropped, and wondered how she was getting the both to Bianca's house. (Its not my story!')