Chapter 3-The Final Student

Story by Dragon Knight on SoFurry

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Once Jewel and Blaire were selected as the first of Fangs personal apprentices days went by as their training began, the first of their lessons was to be held in the mountain ranges which didn't make Blaire too happy but in time she became use to the wild and rugged terrain and her powers began to show.

"Very good!"

Fang was just teaching them how to control the elements of the earth as Blaire shaped a mere rock into a shortsword while Jewel forged a spear out of noting but air then the two decided to do a little sparing while Fang prepared lunch. He was boiling up his famous stew when Cassandra appeared out of nowhere and next to her a young vixen with cerilian markings, her fur was golden and her eyes were of blue saphire, Fang knew who she was.

"Fang. This is Miranda."

"I know."

Fang allowed the two to take a seat as the pot came to a boil, Blaire and Jewel had just finished washing up as they came to the campsite to see they had two more guests, Blaire then noticed a bright red sword in Mirandas backpack as she sat down grabbing her bowl and helping herself to some of the soup.

"So you decided to come."

"Well I did have to leave my parents."

"I'm sure Mitch will understand."

Fang was sure of himself since Mitch was his best friend but Miranda had her doubts. The next day all five of them began their lessons with Cassandra assisting Fang in training Blaire and Jewel while he instructed Miranda.

"Now then let's see what you've learned."

Fang had taken Miranda to a section of dead forest for her to demonstrate her powers in which she did, She started off with a brust of lightning that blasted a tree into pieces then summoning up a gust of wind to send the debris flying into the horizon.

"Not bad. but not good enough."


She was confused at to what he was talking about then Fang demonstrated his power as he spotted another tree and blasted a hole through it with a straight shot of lightning, Miranda was amazed at what he did as he turned back to her noticing the look in her eyes.

"Your powers are not yet fully developed and without the proper training you wont be able to control them much longer."

"What do you mean?"

"As your powers grow they become stronger and more dangerous as the very elements from which they were forged."

Miranda then understood everything as he continued to instruct her in her powers, slowly Miranda progressed while the others watched thinking she would fail or succeed but Blaire was mostly hoping failure most of the time, then finally her training only had one final step. Summoning her dragon spirit.

"In each of us lives a mighty dragon waiting to be set free, it is with these spirits that your true power shall reveal itself."

The girls began to focus until ther auras materialized around their bodies, for a while nothing happened until at last their spirits flew out of their bodies roaring and spreading their wings to their new found freedom.

"Jewel. you see the beauty in all things in nature and in life, thus you hold the spirit of the Rainbow Dragon."


"Blaire. You are crafty and cunning, silent as the evening mist. Your spirit is the Chameleos."


"And Miranda you posses the mighty Storm Dragon who brings destruction in its wake."

At first Miranda was disappointed but Fang smiled as he finished his speech.

"But as you destroy you make way for new creations balancing the forces of life and death."

Fang then instructed them to kneel as he drew his sword then tapping their shoulders he announced to them.

"It is with great honor that I grant you three the right to become Dragon Rangers."


"NO WAY!!"

"I did it..."

"Arise Jewel guardian of the light, Blaire guardian of the moon and Miranda guardian of the skies."

The girls then felt a sense of pride as they smiled on each other then gathered up for a big group hug which included Fang and Cassandra. A ceremony was held at the temple with Cassandras band providing the music, As the celebration went on Miranda heard a familiar voice call to her.



"Hi sweetheart."


Miranda had heard the voice of her father Streak the son of Chloe and Mitch, it was a happy reunion full of smiles and tears of joy then Streak saw Fang dressed in a sleeveless vest showing the markings on his body as he walked up to thank him.

"Master Fang."

"Please call me Fang. and you are?"

"Streak. you know my mother and father."

"Ah so you're Mitches kid, i've heard much about you and I must say your daughter is a good student but..."


"She has yet to master the power of her sword. something I cannot teach her."

"What do you mean?"

"My blade Fatalis was given its name long before it was even forged but Mirandas sword was already given a name, how she discovers it she'll have to find out on her own."

Streak never really understood what Fang was trying to tell him but did not want to look rude by asking a series of questions as they continued to enjoy the party. The next day Miranda was packing her things ready to leave the temple for home while Jewel and Blaire continued their morning exercises when suddenly a cruiser descended onto the temple grounds and from it came several guards and a messenger.

"Prince Fang!"

"Yes ambassador?"


"Yeah forgot to mention. my dad is next in line for the throne on Mobius."

While Jewel and Blaire continued their conversation the ambassador handed Fang a scroll marked with the royal ceal and as he read it his face became filled with disappointment and Minerva looked worried as he stared at them with a look of regret.

"Fang what is it?"

"Trouble back on Mobius. Jewel, Minerva I need the two of you to stay here."

Without another word Fang left for his room to pack his equipment without noticing the scroll droping out of his pocket, Jewel quickly found a quiet spot in the temple to read the scroll and as she did she suddenly became filled with fright.

"The people of the royal family request that Fang come to a council meeting in the castle at noon tommorow to discuss the upcoming war."

Jewel dropped the scroll and ran for her fathers room where she held him tight dripping with tears.

"Jewel? what's the matter?"

"Daddy don't go please! i'm scared *sob*"

Fang wiped the tears from her face as he placed a strange necklace around her neck.

"Keep this with you and you will always find me..."

"Can we at least come with you?"


"You know we're just gonna follow you."

Minerva had been listening in on them and Fang knew he was outmatched when it came to arguing with his family and a day later the three of them were on Mobius.

The End.